Holy shit. HOLY SHIT So game starts, and I've noticed that people are dcing a lot from my games today. Like one per game on either team. Our Darius runs to lane and dcs about 10 times, dying 4 times in the process over 15 minutes. We yell at him just to stay in the base but he refuses. Eventually he leaves altogether. We're way down and I'm about to click 'yes' on the surrender button when Darius screams out 'Wait, I fixed my net!' I figure why the hell not, we may as well try.
A few crazy teamfights, amazing Karthus plays and Barons later, we win the game, carrying the shit out of our 3/10 Darius, but not before I manage somehow to get a Triple kill 1v3 against Olaf/Trist/Blitz juking and smokescreening all day like a boss.
2nd 4v5 I have ever managed to come back from and it feels SO GOOD.
Enemy team starts doing Baron... I have complete vision (warded+blood scent as WW), walk right up to them... they sort of lose focus but don't really attack me, smite it for the steal and walk away with the speed buff of blood scent like a boss. Ace them no problem immediately afterwards. Whooo.
Last night, I was playing with two of my close friends, me on noc jungle, and my friends on irelia top and Ap ezreal mid. So lets just say when I play noc I feel invicable and I honestly just flew at every thing I saw. So the game starts with enemy shyvanna counter jungling the shit out of me and I lost my first three reds and a blue. But np I just go gank. So I started feeding like a BOSS eventually going up to like 2-12. But I was having a great time ulting in and dying and stuff and the game was alot of fun. Eventually late game we managed to push their towers and my two friends are somehow doing really good despite me feeding everylane. Then I found a shyvanna stealing my red with the entire enemy team behind her, so I started melee auto attacking her. I proceeded to get gangbanged by four ultimates and just die. Then amazingly my team went ape shit and raped everyone with my friend tossing the big ez ult for quadra kill, into push mid and immediete victory.
It was just such a shocking win that I didnt deserve so I had to share my story.
On July 26 2012 03:23 MeteorRise wrote: Last night, I was playing with two of my close friends, me on noc jungle, and my friends on irelia top and Ap ezreal mid. So lets just say when I play noc I feel invicable and I honestly just flew at every thing I saw. So the game starts with enemy shyvanna counter jungling the shit out of me and I lost my first three reds and a blue. But np I just go gank. So I started feeding like a BOSS eventually going up to like 2-12. But I was having a great time ulting in and dying and stuff and the game was alot of fun. Eventually late game we managed to push their towers and my two friends are somehow doing really good despite me feeding everylane. Then I found a shyvanna stealing my red with the entire enemy team behind her, so I started melee auto attacking her. I proceeded to get gangbanged by four ultimates and just die. Then amazingly my team went ape shit and raped everyone with my friend tossing the big ez ult for quadra kill, into push mid and immediete victory.
It was just such a shocking win that I didnt deserve so I had to share my story.
A bit OT, but my very best game of dota ever was a vengeful spirit game where I had 23 deaths, and everyone else on my team had 0. I just kept swapping myself in when my team would be out of position. From that game, many eons ago, I have learned the value of suicidal support.
On that line, mundo/signed are quality in that role as well. The other day in a 1600 elo ranked, I played support/suicide mundo, and my team instantly QQ'd because it didnt fit the meta. I proceed to go 0-5-8 early game while our AD mf goes 6-0-2. Team continues to QQ and call me a feeder, except for MF who caught onto my shenanigans of constantly trading my worthless mundo life for their ez and janna's. Eventually mf just facerolled their team, meanwhile my team probably reported me for feeding.
On July 26 2012 03:23 MeteorRise wrote: Last night, I was playing with two of my close friends, me on noc jungle, and my friends on irelia top and Ap ezreal mid. So lets just say when I play noc I feel invicable and I honestly just flew at every thing I saw. So the game starts with enemy shyvanna counter jungling the shit out of me and I lost my first three reds and a blue. But np I just go gank. So I started feeding like a BOSS eventually going up to like 2-12. But I was having a great time ulting in and dying and stuff and the game was alot of fun. Eventually late game we managed to push their towers and my two friends are somehow doing really good despite me feeding everylane. Then I found a shyvanna stealing my red with the entire enemy team behind her, so I started melee auto attacking her. I proceeded to get gangbanged by four ultimates and just die. Then amazingly my team went ape shit and raped everyone with my friend tossing the big ez ult for quadra kill, into push mid and immediete victory.
It was just such a shocking win that I didnt deserve so I had to share my story.
yea i love it when you feed but then people still use their ults and summoners on you so your team wins teamfights its like lol wut
On July 19 2012 00:27 gtrsrs wrote: hahaha oh my god i just abused the dodge system so hard
got in a game, wanted to play wukong, so i ask for top ally picks wukong and calls top. no problem, i say "okay i'm gonna go GP top" like your typical moronic solo queuer he starts cussing me out, i play it cool "can you please stop harassing me you can't tell me to pick a jungler" last second someone on our team dodges insta-re-queue, same wukong player on my team, same thing happens. another dodge, another insta-re-queue repeat this like 4 times finally the wukong guy gets to be captain, i'm 4th pick. i say i want GP top, yada yada yada he picks GP i go "wukong top." he rages, rages rages, finally takes smite, jungles GP while i get wukong top
You are everything bad about solo queue...
Pretty much being a general chode then calling it awesome.
Had grabbed the Coral Reef Malphite skin as it had finally gone on sale, then decided I wouldn't crash out until I'd won a game with it. Four losses later, I'm feeling a bit bummed out (turns out spamming Nunu Bot games top has completely atrophied my skills with any champ that needs to worry about mana/sustain/etc), and in my next game we get a duo-queue Xin/Darius dunking lane bot, what turns out to be AD Tristana mid, and a jungle Alistar, so we're a little light on AP. Oh well, I've always wanted to muck around with building Chalice/Haunting Guise after Philo on Malph up top ...
Man, I thought Malph burst pretty hard normally, but jaysus, their team completely refused to build MR and my Q would chunk people for a third of their health, while I managed to one-shot their bot lane with my R. I just wish I'd upgraded Chalice to Grail prior to getting Abyssal, as the only blue buffs I got were from the enemy team.