hahaha oh my god i just abused the dodge system so hard
got in a game, wanted to play wukong, so i ask for top ally picks wukong and calls top. no problem, i say "okay i'm gonna go GP top" like your typical moronic solo queuer he starts cussing me out, i play it cool "can you please stop harassing me you can't tell me to pick a jungler" last second someone on our team dodges insta-re-queue, same wukong player on my team, same thing happens. another dodge, another insta-re-queue repeat this like 4 times finally the wukong guy gets to be captain, i'm 4th pick. i say i want GP top, yada yada yada he picks GP i go "wukong top." he rages, rages rages, finally takes smite, jungles GP while i get wukong top
On July 19 2012 00:27 gtrsrs wrote: hahaha oh my god i just abused the dodge system so hard
got in a game, wanted to play wukong, so i ask for top ally picks wukong and calls top. no problem, i say "okay i'm gonna go GP top" like your typical moronic solo queuer he starts cussing me out, i play it cool "can you please stop harassing me you can't tell me to pick a jungler" last second someone on our team dodges insta-re-queue, same wukong player on my team, same thing happens. another dodge, another insta-re-queue repeat this like 4 times finally the wukong guy gets to be captain, i'm 4th pick. i say i want GP top, yada yada yada he picks GP i go "wukong top." he rages, rages rages, finally takes smite, jungles GP while i get wukong top
You are everything bad about solo queue...
game isn't going too well for the team overall, but my lulu support has been completely bosslike. our adc tristana is fed like 7-0, and i have 2 kills myself somehow (we're a combined 10-0, yordle power lane). up top is like 0-4, mid is 2-4 from heavy ganking, and our eve jungle is pretty shit given patch day, not surprising). their udyr jungle is pretty fed.
score is like 14-20, and our eve jungle wants to surrender@25. she says she has to leave for work or something. we're like "dude, why start playing when you know its going to take long." and "okay its cool we'll just report you for leaving." she says "this is a waste of time we're gonna lose". i'm all like "nah bro, adc is fed, we took dragon, we got this." she stays and groans some more.
it's a bit posturey. we lose a big fight mid, mid gets pushed to inhib. we push back, and its alright b/c their pushed to inhib turrets and we still have our top and bot mids (teemo backdoors outside bot, i sadface).
after that, we do the everyone mia/ afk farm thing, then end up having a mexican standoff at baron. teemo tries to plant a mushroom, and our ahri charms him and all of a sudden BLAM. the fact their adc teemo is 2-7/180cs vs our now 8-0/300cs tristana comes into play, and we just absolutely rape them. i take a nid spear thrown at tris like a bamf and save my little yordle buddy, and she quadra kills the team before picking off fid ~15 sec for an "unofficial" pentakill.
game isnt even close after that as we take baron and just steamroll all 3 lanes.
tl;dr doesnt matter too much if score looks bad, if your adc is fed as fuck, you're probably okay.
There are not many better feelings than surviving 4 ults as Dr Mundo and then ulting to get 2500 hp regen per 5 seconds and killing/assisting in killing the entire enemy team.
I think something just happened that's probably never happened in the history of League of Legends. My team died horribly in a teamfight because Annie initiated when its 4v5. I'm the only one to get away. They go baron. I'm Ashe, so I hawkshot it. I see I have a chance to volley steal.
Darius pulls me into Baron pit with apprehend (I was behind it near red buff), and then before they can dunk me... I STEAL IT WITH VOLLEY HAHAHAHA. They had two smites between Xin and Darius, and neither of them got it. To make the pot even sweeter, my entire team respawned right before I stole it.
I hope someone had this on LOL recorder, because I didn't record the replay. :/
On July 21 2012 11:55 zer0das wrote: I think something just happened that's probably never happened in the history of League of Legends. My team died horribly in a teamfight because Annie initiated when its 4v5. I'm the only one to get away. They go baron. I'm Ashe, so I hawkshot it. I see I have a chance to volley steal.
Darius pulls me into Baron pit with apprehend (I was behind it near red buff), and then before they can dunk me... I STEAL IT WITH VOLLEY HAHAHAHA. They had two smites between Xin and Darius, and neither of them got it. To make the pot even sweeter, my entire team respawned right before I stole it.
I hope someone had this on LOL recorder, because I didn't record the replay. :/
double smite whaaaaaat?
the nice thing about stealing baron is that the 300 gold for everyone almost sorta makes up for losing that 4v5.
It was one of those trolly double jungle games, where you kind of pray your team isn't bad enough to lose the game before you get farmed as the AD carry (we won... barely).
Today I had a 15 minute 2 man baron with a Nunu on stream :3. Pretty baller.
I AM NOW GOLD LEVEL PLAYER + Show Spoiler + I'm away at a camp and can't play LoL, but my friends went 7-0 in TT ranked and hit gold. I'm also on that team
Made a Rioter afk because I was crushing so hard np.
I bought Alistar because he's broken. I'm 8-4-63 with 3 wins and 0 losses.
Always nice to play and win a 4v5. Granted though their blitz gave up so it was more like a 4v4, but when our teemo AD just left the game for no reason, I thought that even though I'd finally gotten a good team, and that we'd done so well by countering their level 1 invade and getting 2 kills (2 assists for me of like 50 gold), that we'd still lose. Nope, even without our malady ad carry to help us, support voli tanks like a boss, lee singa is lee singa, and I kayle, and AP yi manage to build up a sizeable gold lead and still win the game.
Dafuq game did I just play? 0_o AP yi? Support voli? Onhit teemo bot lane? I'm so low level I get troll teams, and even my troll team can beat a standard comp (T_T). I saw two AP yi's in like 4 games.
So, I think the only one of the three champions the Riot got right with the remake is Twitch. Granted they completely gave him a new role, but I think he does real well as a standard AD carry now. This may or may not be influenced by the fact that I got an unofficial Penta in my first game with him.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Just witnessed the most amazing throw ever. Fed Corki, 18K gold at 40 minutes (21/6/18) is rapping is all pretty bad. Baron respawns, the 3rd they were supposed to get. We rush there for last stand. I flash in the pit, try to smite steal it, but it stays alive at about 1K hp. EPIC. FAIL. But then no one kills Baron. Because Corki just arrived and its 3v5 in our favour. And we kill all of them but Vlad and lose no one. We get 2 turrets in middle, inhib and then nexus from this one almost-ace. Pretty sure more than 1 guy flipped his table right there.
First game as Kass in months, go 15/0 and get my highest ELO so far of 1447 .
1- Pick Nocturne 2- Get level 6+. 3- Ward enemy red 4- Know it's going to be taken soon because you sat 10s here to make sure Olaf wasn't coming and he did then went to gols when you showed yourself. 5- Run Float like a madman to be in range when you see him try to finish off his red with 200 HP. 6- ??? 7 - prof- DAAAAAARKNESS
Popping from nowhere and scaring all the lanes to snipe the jungler and get out before anybody finds me felt truly badass.
Just trying for win of the day, past few games before have just had some baddie teammates, get into this game, we invade and take first blood on darius who never saw us coming whatsoever, proceed to roll through their team, being up 20kills to none at about 15mins in.. fun game.
Just won a game where their team was significantly better than our team. Their support sona has randuins and shureleyas. Lands great ults. Their hecarim has 75% more farm than me, their Darius pulls and kills me 3 times (but doesn't join all the team fights on time), their ahri is pretty normal for ahris. But the enemy AD cait was worse than I was. So much so that mid constantly went down to camp us. Jungle constantly went down to camp us. It gave the rest of my team a chance.
Mundo didn't really ward ever in lane so we died to a gank once and lost tower. It was fine, cait was well denied. I think I was the main reason we won that game. Just stayed in the back, and was OP as end game tristana.
The only bad player on the enemy team was their caitlyn. I mean my team wasn't bad. But they were losing their lanes bad and I felt each of the enemy players was at least as skilled as I was and they were all better csers than my team. In the end they lost because madreds caitlyn had 400 more gold than a support sona.
I'm going Lux and naturally take mid, but, of course, I'm shut down by Ahri, since I was lagging a bit and can't aim for crap. This goes on for about 30 minutes across our team, being shut down to the point of 3-10 and about to surrender, but something wonderful happened. They all got cocky and started soloing in lanes, which allowed us to kill them and get back in the game, then even up the score at 22-22. After a really lucky engagement that killed their Ahri and left us all alive, we pushed mid and were finally able to take down their outer and inner turrets. The last engagement was somehow complete domination by us. Taric froze Ahri, Graves did his business, and my laser somehow managed to kill three of them at once, and then we won. After getting shut down by Ahris in previous games, it felt good to finally win one.