The LoCicero Memorial for General Awesomeness - Page 51
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United States9908 Posts
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Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
My team starts as purple, so i move to the top bush while the premade goes into the bush near the blue and Ahri is sitting in the bush near the wolves. Ahri manages to get a glimpse of a Blitzcrank coming from the bush south of her so she tries to run but gets slowed by exhaust. She still manages to reach the safety of mid while i finally join up with her. My team is split with 3 in mid, 2 bot. The Gangplank Jungler starts to run in so i follow him. A grab from the bush near blue pulls him in, so i follow it up and start to attack the best targets i can reach. My first victim is Ashe, who i finished with a well timed Bladesurge. I stand now right on top of where the golem will appear in just a few seconds and pause for a second to evaluate the situation. I see their TF taking damage, he has to move past me to escape so i cut his escape and start auto-attacking him which leads to his unlucky death. After that i see Blitz trying to run away between wolves and the blue golem, so i Bladesurge over the wall and start hammering on him, Gangplank helping me and with our combined power even his passive can't help him. I hear "Triple Kill" over the tunes of "Yesterday" which brings a smile to my face that doesn't exactly fit the music. While quickly checking the situation to see if someone needed help I see Shyvana escaping after taking down Miss Fortune but Poppy goes down to Ahri at the same moment, so the fighting is over almost as fast as it began. After checking my gold i briefly considered just going back to base but then i calculate a little and decide otherwise. I quickly teleport top and clear a wave, my gold counter is now at 1300, so i move to the bush and teleport back while Poppy finally arrives in the lane. I arrive just in time in the base for the gold counter to hit 1315, exactly the cost of a Phage which gave me the damage and survivability to easily deny Poppy any CS and keep her trapped under tower for the whole laning phase. TL;DR: Starting the game with a triple kill is so much fun. | ||
King of Blades
United States94 Posts
Won my first ranked game, been playing normals for a loooooooong time, steady around 1700 elo in normals, first ranked game, two people on my team quit at level 1. Me as morg, my duo q as lulu, and a jungling random as xin, proceed to, to put it how I felt at the time, assfuck, the other team and win a 3v5 match by taking the nexus against an ashe with support nid, zyra mid, akali top, and nunu jungle. A hyperfed xin with lulu ult and morg shield is a very very very scary motherfucker. Combine him with a morg ult hitting your whole team, and stuff happens. Good stuff. tl;dr won ranked game 3v5. Fed xin with morg E and lulu ult is fucking retardedly powerful. | ||
United States2968 Posts
Get 2 birds, a horse, dark angel, and a hardass prince/king and proceed to kill everything with your ridiculous amounts of cc. | ||
United States8519 Posts
Game 1: Corki disconnects leaving me alone as Sona. I hold the lane until Corki gets back and he promptly dies after getting stunned by Taric at level 2. Still manage to drag the game out and arguably have a stronger position at bottom... except TF fed Fizz like nuts and he can dive us with impunity (I did get a kill on Fizz though), so it didn't matter. Game 2: Carried pretty hard as Hecarim, lanes started off poorly but I kept the jungle Olaf in check and fed my guys enough kills so that we had a lead. Lost baron after a particularly aggressive push mid, but we ended up wearing them down then decisively beating them on their turf (because Hecarim loses 2/3rds his health then gets it all back pretty much instantly if your AD carry is fed x_X). Game 3: Hyper aggressive team that was yelling at each other all day long. I just ignored them all and beat Malphite top as Cho, saved my teammates like 20 times and the last time we got an ace out of it. Other team surrenders after that. Game 4: I finally get to play Karthus since no one called mid! Maokai flips out when Taric steals his big wraith inadvertently, but continues to jungle very effectively. Taric has a very aggressive rune page and kills the enemy Varus a million times with Corki. I beat Diana mid pretty decisively by outfarming her and being more useful in team fights. We get wiped at their Nexus twice, but we were so far ahead it didn't even matter... | ||
United States5211 Posts
i was lulu support and we won bot lane against an ez/leona decisively, mid was tied, and top lane was down 0/4. they snuck a baron because i forgot to ward, but they make a positioning error and we wipe them. couple of our guys get caught in another battle and we lose. for the next baron, they get control and we're out of position, but malph hits an ulti and smite steals, brand follows with his ulti, and we all charge to get it. we take two towers but they took our inhib earlier so our offense is stalled. we push down middle, but some positioning errors lead to a 4-1 in the opponent's favor. after some back and forth we take the next baron and go for their tier 2 top tower. malph lands a perfect ult, and i follow it up with R, brand ultis... but they all had GAs or something, akali assassinates our AD carry quickly and we get 5-1 aced. they take bot inhib again and one of the nexus towers. we push back and we're getting ready to fight at our inhib. "protect cait" was the order... but riven and akali dive and blow her up in a second... yet somehow we hold them off in a teamfight. we take baron again, but we can't move because we're getting overrun by minions. finally it comes down to a 5v5 at our tier 3 mid tower. the opponent warwick tries to make a play and ulti's our cait within our tower range. we peel him off, malph ulti for the initiate followed by my R, brand ulti... everything goes off and we win 5-1 and proceed to knock down their nexus. at the end of the game in post game chat: cait: i dominated ez in lane me: no, WE dominated ez in lane cait: oh yeah. my bad | ||
Canada10567 Posts
Their teemo(very, very strong, could 1v1 almost everybody) decides to split push mid inhib while the rest of the team pushes bottom turret. I malph ult everybody at bot and we clean all but their noct, and while our taric is cleaning up the superminions in top lane, we push to end the game. We arrive at their base with 25 seconds left, nuke the inhib and start cleaning up the base turrets. Noct is there but I ignore him, 550 armor malphite does not worry about such trivial things as nocturne and nexus turrets. As we finish the second nexus turret, they begin to spawn. Madly spamming pings on the nexus, we rush it down. Our ezreal has other plans though, and shoots people rather than nexus. End result, they lose nocturne and zyra, but their 6 item ashe, teemo and janna are up with only our taric to defend valiantly at our doubles. At this point ALL chat is going absolutely nuts as we reflect on our impending doom and the enemy nexus at 300 HP. Our Taric however has other plans. Stun them under turret, shatter, and watch as the turret shreds them. Though we may have lost a nexus turret and half the HP on another, we survive because a GA is not enough armor to be tanking turrets through taric armor shred. Taric mans up and 1v1's the Teemo at 300HP, who doesn't have a single iota of lifesteal, and wins. Finally we counter for the win, at 56 minutes. Honestly the most fun I've had playing LoL in a while, and both teams get to joke about it afterwards. | ||
Hungary1011 Posts
Her passive is so damn strong. ![]() | ||
United States405 Posts
![]() 2 Quadras XDDDDD | ||
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United States8519 Posts
Ended up getting a Triforce in one recall round, and then had 4k gold when the game ended. :> | ||
9871 Posts
yes, that really is my brag | ||
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Custos Luna
United States96 Posts
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United States5211 Posts
oh man it was so fun rolling people. -10/5/20 jungle zyra. had no idea the nerf affected her clear speed since this was only the second time i was doing this. still fun times. ulti seems a lot weaker too but ganking with E was fun. -13/4/12 vayne. i had bt+ie+3 phantom dancers and i would just run up to people and melt them. so fun. | ||
United States27922 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
On August 15 2012 13:06 Custos Luna wrote: ~_~ Grats Monte I am offended that you retracted your congratulations. On August 15 2012 20:02 jcarlsoniv wrote: That was a birthday gift Monte Reported for rage quitting. | ||
United States1471 Posts
i hadnt played him in a while. went 7-1-1 in a 25 min surrender just walking around not giving a fuck and killing anything that got in my way. my one death was to a 3 man, lvl 1 gank and my 1 assist was when i had ult and ignite ticking and my jungler dived a turret to get the kill anyway. | ||
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United States1966 Posts
You guys sold all your items to buy deathcaps. I actually legitimately built only bloodthirsters from the start. > > | ||
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