God I hate ranked. Glad I only play my one game a month.
Team is struggling to win, I get a good flash ult as Amumu (enemy team was posturing in a really dumb place really far foward), the enemy team is 100% dead with 30 second timers, we're all nearly full health. Instead of doing baron to pull even, two recall, everyone else scatters into the winds. Would have been an easy 35 minute game, it takes nearly 50 minutes and we probably should have lost 10 times over.
Oh, and after one team fight it's 3 on 3 but we are all low against a healthy Veigar/Sion. Instead of letting me bandage toss to a minion, Riven kills it getting me killed. She got an S- even though she was spliting and dragging the game out unnecessarily by forcing us to fight 4v5s while trading objectives (and losing said trades) instead of just grouping and shoving towers down and baron when we had the advantage.
Worst part is losing a million mid-game fights because no one on my team can farm worth a fig, so everyone is super weak except me.
Queue up for my first game in a few days after a losing streak.
"Don't ban Zed" Enemy team bans Zed first ban. "idc I'm trolling now"
I let the ban timer run out, Alt-F4 the game. Wonder why I even have it installed.
is there some kind of meme i'm missing here?
this viktor was flaming me all game (while i was literally triple? his kda and carrying his sorry ass) and he keeps talking about how good his stats are and to look him up
so after game i just look at his match history
someone please tell me if there is some meme or joke i am not aware of where you go around saying your stats are amazing but actually have the shittiest stats
On October 02 2016 01:29 dsyxelic wrote:is there some kind of meme i'm missing here? this viktor was flaming me all game (while i was literally triple? his kda and carrying his sorry ass) and he keeps talking about how good his stats are and to look him up so after game i just look at his match history ???? someone please tell me if there is some meme or joke i am not aware of where you go around saying your stats are amazing but actually have the shittiest stats I don't know about any memes, but it's pretty common for people to lie about these things, right?
Short term in game coolness > truth
On October 02 2016 01:44 Yorbon wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2016 01:29 dsyxelic wrote:is there some kind of meme i'm missing here? this viktor was flaming me all game (while i was literally triple? his kda and carrying his sorry ass) and he keeps talking about how good his stats are and to look him up so after game i just look at his match history ???? someone please tell me if there is some meme or joke i am not aware of where you go around saying your stats are amazing but actually have the shittiest stats I don't know about any memes, but it's pretty common for people to lie about these things, right? Short term in game coolness > truth
i mean, i'd rather lie and say im a master tier smurf or something than something so blatant and verifiable
that was probably his objective
to tilt me after game with something so stupid
who cares about tilting someone with your stupidity during game, you want to win the game right? (we did) so just aim to tilt them after the game. genius
Common trolling. You get a lot of Tyler1 fans doing shit like that. Intentionally playing ham then bitching out their team.
Today I had the funniest draven in a while. I was support kench and my lane partner was draven,
Enemy soraka and ashe try to poke a bit during the csing, and I try to force them back somewhat, by threatening (and using) my q. Then all of a sudden draven goes all in when i hit a q on soraka. Problem was he takes damage from an ashe with q active. So he nearly dies, and i save him with my w. Then he proceeds to get killed by a soraka q (lol), and dies again in a 1v2 while calling me 'wood 5'. After I laughed at him for it in chat he rq'd immediately. It was only a normal, but its actually sad that people are that bad, and still dont see it.
First I have a game with an inting support, then followed up with a Yasuo that decides to go afk at ~25m (I'm massive on Jhin and Alistar is by now immortal) and finally an inting support again (went all out with last second swap to TP, mobos and zeal). RIP in pieces in peace my promos.
I love League of Legends.
just had my top lane feed riven back to back games now I have riven on my team guess its time for her to cure world hunger because theres no way I am lucky enough to get carried by that champ. stay tuned
both top and mid gave their laners first kill within first 3 minutes of the game before I finished a clear. no ganks, just solokill.
a morg got fucking fb'd by an annie at level 2. what the fuck
then comes back to donate more kills while their khazix is 0/0/0 and a level behind me. their pantheon is 4/1 while their annie is 2/0 at 7 minutes. then they have the fucking audacity to blame me for 'not having enough impact' as a fucking NUNU when I did my job by counter jungling, giving vision on khazix, and being an overal ass to their jg. I even ganked top once and got the kill on an overextension by panth.
what more do you fucking want from an early game nunu jesus christ
im level 6
no wonder, i've finally reached the d5 elo where boosted shitters cant demote
^2k gold lead cut off
tell me this is my fucking fault when im 0/0/1 with CS and level advantage on khazix while rushing sightstone before jg item. khazix is 0/0/0
mind the 2 minute first blood solokill by annie on morg for 400g lead :D
pls uninstall you two
Lost 4 games in a row, 3 of which weren't even close to my fault.
First game enemy AP ez mid just steamrolls our fizz who ended up doing less damage than the support. I was playing renekton top, got into discord with the 4 stack and literally got hard camped by enemy lee. Like literally did not leave top lane hard camped, without dying to a single gank. And the rest of the map still lost. Second game I do more damage than everybody else on on the team by a mile. Simply can't carry 2/8 jungle and 4/11 bot lane. Third game. 1/13 jungle voli. Fourth game. mid and bot all die before the 4 minute mark. I also have the misfortune of running into a OTP smite teemo top who smites gromp for fast 2 and being very hard to allin due to having gromp buff.
I guess diamond this season isn't going to be easy.
my fault when the jax does less damage than support and has less gold and did jack while all lanes got their shit shoved in and dove by elise (still managed only to die once in first 15 minutes, we just had to give up towers)
my fault when the vayne goes shiv ie hurricane botrk vs elise nasus twisted fate maokai
geez I wonder if qss would be good vs that team when you complain about getting cc'd.
my fault when you all picked into the comp, I was fp. dont cry about losing lane when you picked vayne into cait. don't cry about not being able to control your jungle when you pick jax into elise with a caitlyn perma shoving bot vs vayne and tf mid. of course you have no control of your jungle.
tfw when support is 3rd highest gold and dmg and he is at fault for losing D:
also more pinks bought than entire team combined. ofc we lose our jungle. every member of their team out pinked ours except their support
So close to beating level 100.
New York City13113 Posts
Climbing to Diamond is so painful. I'm so damn close but every other game has a booster on the other team, like a 26-4-11 Evelynn full AP 25 stack Mejais that had never played Eve before and had never put Flash on D before. What the hell can I do about that?
On October 25 2016 14:38 GrandInquisitor wrote: Climbing to Diamond is so painful. I'm so damn close but every other game has a booster on the other team, like a 26-4-11 Evelynn full AP 25 stack Mejais that had never played Eve before and had never put Flash on D before. What the hell can I do about that? Yeah playing in plat 1-2 Elo right now sucks I have been getting so many games with boosters that just shit on everyone. Seeing guys who have 500 games on top lane and all of a sudden have 9 out of 10 on adc with kda's of 6 and 7 it's like yeah sure your not boosting. you have to play solo q so at least u have an equal chance for them to be on your team cuz if you are in a group they are gonna be on the other side and shit on you
United States37500 Posts
Tried to rush D5 with less than a month left in the season last year. Never again. l0l It's far easier/reasonable to hit Diamond earlier in the season then just play a few games to avoid decay/create a LP buffer for yourself.
idk its always easier for me later on in the season
earlier on I feel there is more variance because people havent had enough games in yet for their 'true' rank also meta is settled so its much easier for myself to play consistently imo because I can read the game better and not be surprised by too many things
if anything I had more people who were d5 0lp who didn't give a damn about winning than actual boosters. Don't think I ran into any in my last week run to dia
I never play ranked in the start of a season, there's way too many who have gotten boosted by someone for the border. :/
another please kill me qq
pls kill me, a diamond elo janna main thinks the best build is FQC -> aetherwisp -> boots -> THEN sightstone -> DEAD MANS PLATE
starting 9/1/5 on olaf means jack cause my late game sucks ass and I went a utility build. turns out this janna wants to scold me for 'not peeling' when we have a fucking orianna janna ezreal backline and the amumu is ulting me, not them.
I can't peel a fucking flash riven ulti that the janna is responsible for, what can I do vs that? throw an axe? all I can do is randuins aegis
god this botlane was so bad
even worse that we were ahead enough that the game dragged 50 minutes only to lose cause we have a mostly protect the carry comp with a shit adc and a dumbass janna
tfw an ez gets outdamaged by an ori when he has a shen janna shielding him in a 50 minute game
the fact that that was a 300 game janna main is the most tilting though
its not a hard champion to understand.
oh and I actually had to look her up on op.gg because I suspected she was actually boosted. she was doing those dumbass full charge q spams during sieges vs an amumu riven karma jhin. you might think you want to save that for some form of peel/disengage during a siege instead of the potential 50 dmg harass/waveclear.
New York City13113 Posts
On October 27 2016 12:39 dsyxelic wrote: the fact that that was a 300 game janna main is the most tilting though
its not a hard champion to understand. You think that's bad, I had to deal with a Sona main who had 1300 ranked games on Sona this season. 1300! You'd think that after 1300 games you'd know not to get in melee range of Braum.