Also, we got an easy kill on Janna and coulda just taken tower, instead Kha'zix and Udyr Dora into their jungle 2v4. Which later leads to Darius dying like a dummy killing a tower when he's already in a massive hole. If we had an extra body, we could have potentially taken an outer or inhib tower. Sigh.
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United States8519 Posts
Also, we got an easy kill on Janna and coulda just taken tower, instead Kha'zix and Udyr Dora into their jungle 2v4. Which later leads to Darius dying like a dummy killing a tower when he's already in a massive hole. If we had an extra body, we could have potentially taken an outer or inhib tower. Sigh. | ||
Netherlands4272 Posts
Also, I just want to do as much damage as possible, even as a support, to win trades in lane, so i have thunderlords. I have to admit, sometimes i take kills because i incorrectly think i needed to secure them. But when I hook someone, I want to act as fast as possible, meaning I Q+E+AA asap. Sometimes that gets me a kill. But instead of being glad I made a play and got us an advantage, I get the comment 'keep stealing my kills'. 'My' kills? Wtf is that supposed to mean? It is indeed bad play to take unnecessary kills, but I don't fucking steal, and they're not his kills. He'd be less cross if i didn't land the hook... | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
How subhuman animals like this lux have developed the brain capacity to use computers is a miracle which scientists should study Their comp was Gangplank/Rengar/Annie/Kennen/Thresh. So Fizz builds liandries while Tristana builds essence reaver, last whisper and botrk. Clicking the right button in the shop is hard as it turns out | ||
Germany4194 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
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Ivory Coast3016 Posts
i literally don't have any reason to play this game anymore i uninstalled it im free | ||
United States1898 Posts
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United States1417 Posts
nice. also this top nid seemed pretty good with 5-0 top nid stats and carrying his past 5 games. but in our game he goes 0-4 vs the top naut with 0 ganks and we get rekt by zzrot portal nautilus out splitpushing an AD nid as we lose all towers from splitpush + jhin/cait/soraka siege. why does he have to be shit in my game legit just farmed to 100 vs jhin as zilean midlane then next thing you know we just lose towers vs the siege and having to defend side lane from zzrot naut cause nid was getting demolished. tfw zzrot naut highest damage in entire game | ||
United States8519 Posts
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United States1186 Posts
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United States1417 Posts
fiora with A) most deaths B) least assists C) least damage out of all non supports D) overall shitty play was adamant in game that our team was shit, that we were holding him back from climbing, etc. almost as if he was parodying vortic but serious. asked enemy team to report our team and they just laughed at him. rofl and shout out to the leblanc in the previous game that had 60 CS at 20 minutes and was blaming team for her poor farming skills, getting caught out, and doing again the least damage in the game besides support and only 2k more damage than our thresh in a 35 minute game. plat is an interesting place for sure. edit: also 2nd shout out to the teammate who flamed me for getting 'carried' and being 'useless' because I died 3 times vs a zed on ganks. he didn't think A) me being 50 cs up B) me getting my 3 towers before the other 2 lanes even got 2 towers. C) him starting off with first blood off their retarded invade D) me doing most damage in the entire game by far E) me with most gold differential in a lane despite said deaths was important at all. yeah guys, I will take the 3/0 zed who just gets shoved in all game, draws jungle help for 2v1, and still loses 3 towers while doing less than 1/3 of his opponent's damage in the game! because clearly KDA is a great indicator of who is useless or not I may have given 3 kills worth of gold but my opponent probably gave up at least 10 kills worth of gold in terms of objectives+farm not to mention the lack of teamfighting+pressure he drew. I mean we still won ofc but the brains on these plat kids or the lack thereof is amazing. | ||
United States8519 Posts
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France2198 Posts
Because I'm fucking pissed of losing to unskilled motherfuckers than somehow still have a single braincell to make them right click | ||
United States1417 Posts
thought my MMR was low enough to play some top graves (only got like 4 games on it) im d5 with like 40% win rate vs full team of d2s and we are mostly d4-d2s with me only d5 i get counterpicked by tryndamere and my team picks 0 cc (velkoz rengar zed corki) vs diana yasuo tryndamere ezreal janna lmao and the other team yasuo was voyboy FUN sad that I can only 1 trick on my main if I don't want to kill MMR ??? | ||
United States15977 Posts
On March 03 2016 14:28 dsyxelic wrote: + Show Spoiler + sad days thought my MMR was low enough to play some top graves (only got like 4 games on it) im d5 with like 40% win rate vs full team of d2s and we are mostly d4-d2s with me only d5 i get counterpicked by tryndamere and my team picks 0 cc (velkoz rengar zed corki) vs diana yasuo tryndamere ezreal janna lmao and the other team yasuo was voyboy FUN sad that I can only 1 trick on my main if I don't want to kill MMR ?? oh i saw that game trynd pushed your shit in (ouch) and voy was trolling after FB your bot lane randomly collapsed rengo did work though | ||
United States1417 Posts
On March 04 2016 00:27 ticklishmusic wrote: oh i saw that game trynd pushed your shit in (ouch) and voy was trolling after FB your bot lane randomly collapsed rengo did work though Yeah i was like uhh what do i do at lvl 6 vs trynd w ult under tower and diana just clicking r on me for the finish. I mean theres probably a better way to do it/ward for dive or just get gud at turning around vs w but i dont have any experience withthat mu. I got lvl 2 solokill on him too T.T Rengo got kills but our comp was shit. Our only hard cc is velkoz knockup vs a yasuo/trynd/diana/ez/janna lmao. We lose splitpush vs trynd (zed reng or me) and gl to our backline ever surviving vs diana yasuo trynd with a vel knockup. Wall alone blocks all our dmg too. sadlife | ||
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Flamed one guy who trolled and fed on purpose and then went afk (we still won) Got 14 day ban. GG, best transfer in my life. | ||
United States15977 Posts
On March 04 2016 02:14 dsyxelic wrote: Yeah i was like uhh what do i do at lvl 6 vs trynd w ult under tower and diana just clicking r on me for the finish. I mean theres probably a better way to do it/ward for dive or just get gud at turning around vs w but i dont have any experience withthat mu. I got lvl 2 solokill on him too T.T Rengo got kills but our comp was shit. Our only hard cc is velkoz knockup vs a yasuo/trynd/diana/ez/janna lmao. We lose splitpush vs trynd (zed reng or me) and gl to our backline ever surviving vs diana yasuo trynd with a vel knockup. Wall alone blocks all our dmg too. sadlife I guess for Graves you try to abuse blind/dashes since Trynd is melee? Dunno the MU at all either. Sucks because you can't burst him down and Trynd is a weird guy who doesn't quite burst you but kills you in a few autos. Also all AD, so zero damage b/c Voy rushed Randuin's, Ez builds IBG, etc. I don't think playing better alone would have won the game, you would have needed some serious outplays. Zero CC against all that dive, eek. | ||
United States1417 Posts
not playing a champ I know too well, getting counterpicked, team picking all AD after, and last pick support deciding that we need a velkoz to round out our comp (hey we have poke, waveclear, and tons of damage but lacking tankiness and cc, LETS PICK VELKOZ!) im honestly surprised my MMR was that high. caught me off guard cause I was like l0l lets just play new build graves in d5 <50% winrate and still d2 mmr its as if ranked reset never happened. | ||
Ivory Coast3016 Posts
On February 23 2016 12:28 suicideyear wrote: actually you know what i've had an epiphany i literally don't have any reason to play this game anymore i uninstalled it im free as you can imagine by me posting in this thread again i reinstalled league because i'm a masochist, or retarded, or even both likely both: + Show Spoiler + but i'm playing adc, ezreal even, maybe emboldened by being on a win streak with ez. i'm playing him in a botlane with blitz vs vayne and braum. i'm like this is gonna be rough lane but blitz can at least get a decent hook or threaten to zone them out maybe, i'm not too worried about our ability to trade. but then ancient coin start ipod skin blitz stands behind me for most of lane phase, attempts a grand total of like 5 hooks in lane phase all game (2 of them getting people killed). i'm like whatever this is salvageable still, i'm still thinking to myself this is salvageable when i get killed in lane for being retarded and trying to go aggro on blitz hooking braum (i was desperate at this point it was like the first time blitz did anything) and xin zhao is apparently getting ddosed to 1200 ping and velkoz and lissandra are both getting solokilled, it's low elo everyone throws games down i mean then vayne gets a triple kill in river while i'm at base waiting 10 seconds to finish buying caulfield's warhammer because i was about 15g short of completing the item by the time i get back to lane and vayne gets back to lane she is 4/0/1 and it has not even so much been 12 mins into the game and at this point i'm basically debating whether or not to uninstall the game again and then filter in my router so i don't try and redownload it | ||
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