Well, Get full win from S2=>S1 serie to Gold promo, and the first 2 games were...shitfest. The first we had 3 french with us, and they lived to the expectation people have. 15min in no signof our jungler, so I ask what he's doing, I get a full caps instant flame reaction. Our adc was fucking retarded and had no idea how to play his champ nor to play him, so my duo (supp) tells him GENTLY to be careful, instant full flame full caps. They were racists as well, fucking little cunts.
And next game was lost 5min in, so we gave up after 10min (gg rito matchmaking puting silvers against full platinium team that completely destroyed us for 5min straight so we were underleveled and underfarmed to hell).
Series is going to be fun, last one I went from getting into promo, into losing it 0-3, and chainlosing down to S2 0 lp.
Decided yesterday to spam some pantheon games (he is my main anyway) to gain some free elo before the nerfs tomorrow that we kick him out of the game - 8 loses in a row with all my stats being positive (11/2, 8/1 etc). I guess the fortune does not always favor the brave xD
Garen support thunderlords/ignite
first engage wastes ignite second engage flash all in ezreal, alistar makes him untouchable, garen has no way of making damage garen afks
me being banner zzrot tank nautilus doing 2nd most damage in 35 minute game solo kill enemy ekko 3 times ( don't even ask me how its possible I don't know either)
all lanes lose so hard zz
just topping a night off of every game with a random solo player that constantly whines/flames/feeds
I remember people were worried about 4 man squads bullying soloqueuers or what not but from my experience its the complete opposite. as solo I only had 1 bad experience where a 4man were utter dicks to me but multiple games where a solo player goes full retard. so stupid.
probably because premade 4 can just talk shit in voice chat about the solo player if they wanted to without having to shit up the chat/spam ping abuse. while solo players are more likely to throw tantrums and bait arguments
like its fine if it was muting them and that'd be the end of it, but nope they always do stupid shit in game on top from either pettiness or too busy typing in chat.
I took a break for a while and I come back and I get these teams who can't control objectives for no reason at all. It's like, maybe don't dive 3v2 and lose horribly and spend like 5 minutes doing it while I'm having defend two split pushers at the same time? What planet is going 2-2 on kills in a 3v2 while you slowly lose 2 towers worth it? Then they wonder why I'm not tping in... it's like, 2 kills is not frakking worth it when you're going to lose at least two towers and maybe an inhib tower on top of it. I hate teams that don't even give you the opportunity to make a good tp play.
On March 11 2016 05:15 DarkCore wrote:
not a word said and yet i still somehow understand completely
so this is what gamsu felt like
doing most dmg as rammus,
kass going 2-0 vs annie pre 6
their blitz is 9-1-9 with a FQC rylais GA when our jhin has 2 items. their lucian 3.5 items.
such shit teams today. cait getting hooked every fight despite having a massive frontline and our team feeding evelynn despite me pinking/warding her entire topside jg and spam pinging that she was botside.
can lead a horse to water but can't force it to drink it. like holy shit we knew where she was 24/7 yet allowed her to get 13 kills.
rofl the irony
next game I see a similar match up. kassadin vs annie. this time the kassadin is on our team and goes 1/6/1 vs the annie. why do I get the losers of the matchup both times?
and our botlane apparently were arguing from a previous game and both just fed/afk'd.
find the kassadin and botlane
I should just play adc for the climb. most of my wins have been adc lately despite it being my shittiest role since 3/4 of the adc players here are brainless.
edit2: -enemy picks renekton- last pick top: "gg impossible to win vs renekton" -locks in twisted fate top-
why the fuck am I running into so many of these kinds of people today.
tfw my only wins today are marksman and i carried the shit out of those. carrying on my worst role and only winning with my shittiest role that i dislike playing. yay.
So I played Rammus top for the first time in a long time. I kept getting 5 man knock ups and the enemy team would blow literally everything on me, and the Kayle is like "nope, not gonna ult anyone til everyone on our team but me is dead." It's like WTF if you ult me while I'm sitting in their entire team when my ult is going, you're never going to need to ult yourself because you just saved like 5k of raw damage on a team that blew literally everything on an armadillo, while eating a full level 3 rammus ult. It's like I'm eating Alistar cc, Malzhar ult and full combo, Jax, Graves, and Jinx. They're sitting in the small bush by baron with no vision just frakking kill them. Jax already wasted his leap and stun.
Even if you don't ult me, you still have a Draven and a Rengar to ult. Like hooooly shit, ult someone before everyone else is dead (you're 1/4/2 or something like that). She even had cleanse for Jax stun, so there's literally no cc that can touch her for like 10 seconds.
you know, i think it would be best for this game and also the welfare of humanity if we just removed lux from the game
now that i think about it some more most of my problems with lux would be solved if my mid lane and jungler didn't force feed her as many kills as possible during lane hase
United Kingdom50293 Posts
Holy shit I want to do awful things every single ahri player in plat league. Unreal bunch of fucking subhuman animals, can't hit a charm. Always ulting into their deaths and eating every skillshot. How are these boosted fucking ahris anywhere beyond bronze 5 unreal shit
On March 15 2016 03:19 Fusilero wrote: Holy shit I want to do awful things every single ahri player in plat league. Unreal bunch of fucking subhuman animals, can't hit a charm. Always ulting into their deaths and eating every skillshot. How are these boosted fucking ahris anywhere beyond bronze 5 unreal shit
Ah, I see you've met the carrilord, a guy with no concept of playing from behind. He constantly plays like he's ahead, so when he's not he dies because he didn't have the damage/ survivability he would have had if ahead. It's feast or famine, either they snowball from the start, or they constantly die in new and creative ways.
Literally just had an ahri who died 4 times to lulu 1v1 in 10 minutes and lost his tower and when I went mid for a gank he just didn't use any abilities. Still won cuz rumble op and I am smurfing doe. Tfw 5 levels up on enemy adc.
God, I hate dynamic match making. I get stuck with support 100% of the games I have it as my secondary. Every... single... game. If I have fill, I get support every game. If I pick anything else, I get 9 minute ques and like 4-5 dodges. I'm probably just gonna stop playing ranked at this point, because it's annoying and I'm super out of practice on every role because I get stuck with support every game, and these specialists who have no clue how to do anything.
On March 16 2016 07:35 zer0das wrote: God, I hate dynamic match making. I get stuck with support 100% of the games I have it as my secondary. Every... single... game. If I have fill, I get support every game. If I pick anything else, I get 9 minute ques and like 4-5 dodges. I'm probably just gonna stop playing ranked at this point, because it's annoying and I'm super out of practice on every role because I get stuck with support every game, and these specialists who have no clue how to do anything.
Pro Tip:
Pick Mid as your secondary, get Primary 90% of the time.
Fucking hate this dynamic queue bullshit. 1/1/1/1/1 v 4/1? Sounds pretty balanced.
Also, fucking love the idiot who first picks Aatrox and then feeds two kills before I'm even able to hit 6(playing Diana). Then later in the game when he's been dead weight all fucking game he starts spouting passive aggressive shit about not getting jungle.
Dude, nut the fuck up or don't pick top as your second option.
dynamic queue has made the balance of ranked trash I win 3 or 4 games in a row as stomps then lose 4 in a row as stomps and my play has been the best or second best on my team every game but since I'm playing solo I have less of an impact because a trio qued together wont listen and just gonna make there own calls no matter how trash they are
lmfao doing 3 man dynamic queue
means 2 games, 4 randoms
those 4 randoms combined KDA?
3/20/9 jesus fucking christ
winner goes to the nautilus that went 0/4 pre6 vs a fucking JAX as nautilus and was behind 80 cs by like 12 minutes or so
120 cs to 40 cs holy shit
he didn't even get ganked. not even once.
runner up goes to the vlad mid who went 1/7 vs the zed and said "i dont know what the fuck counters zed, i main zed so i just picked vlad"
10/10 playing a champ you barely know how to play and not knowing what's good vs the champion you main nor how to play against it
never had such shit luck with teammates
all games ff 20, 2nd one lost top inhib @ 12 minutes since naut just got his shit kicked in and jax was up like 4-5 levels on everyone
I always see french people complaining that they have a bad reputation, etc...but in the meantime, every french I have in my team is a fucking piece of shit.
This Shaco blamed me the entire game for not joining the 3v3 taking place in our jungle (I was Ez and under a fuckton of pressure by their adc). Said that the game was lost because of it. Then he just played his sologame, never joining teamfights, always alone getting caught and feeding them to death, to the point where we couldn't win anymore.
Still blames me in the end, how funny.