Not my A game, but good enough if we had anything resembling a fifth person.
The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 570
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United States8519 Posts
Not my A game, but good enough if we had anything resembling a fifth person. | ||
Taiwan1571 Posts
On July 04 2014 07:34 Sakray wrote: I stopped ranked 2 weeks ago coz I've been tired of losing after constantly destroying botlane. I start losing LP so I play 1 ranked. Mid Fizz got buttfucked by Mid Zed and Jungle Lee (like he had 44 cs to Zed's 100 at 11min). Bot Morgana/Cait kept giving Enemy Vayne double kills. If Jungle Skarner tries to help, it's triple kill for Vayne. And meanwhile in toplane, I smashed a Vlad with my Ryze. Buut since I was roaming alot to help team and get free kils, and he was afk brain farm yolomode in toplane, he got my 2 turrets. I'm so tired of this right now. Which champs are basically free elo if you're skilled enough ? Tristana. IE-Yomumu rush build. Double dorans gives enough lifesteal and survivability. Get these by 24th minute and you are gooolden.. Max E before 6, then all into Q. Q will max @ lvl10. You can basically start assassinating people once your Q is at least lvl3 and you have an IE early enough. W reset allows you to go in and come out safe. Seriously broken champ when played correctly in soloq IMO. Works on Caitlyn but only if constantly grouping/sieging. I played pre-nerf khazix into diamond so I know how to play dunks with squishy assassins. After IE Ghostblade get phantom dancer then LW if they have tank, if not just get another IE. As tris with AS runes with both AS actives and PD on its basically max attack speed. If Lucian go Botrk-Yomumus and basically do the same thing during mid game, but he cannot hard carry late game if team isnt doing great.. Wouldnt say no to absolute god Elise plays tho..and go hardcore AP involving DFG. Need to do really good dives and good map/objective controls. Bonus points for human form EQW fade away kills. Also when playing as jungler calm the fck down and give good orders to team. Carrying as jungle is a bit like playing zerg. You want FULL map control ASAP while killing left right and center, so you want to make sure kills can translate into tower damage/take downs/dragon etc, then just ward up their jungle with support and choke opponent down. Doesnt work if all three lanes are feeding before you can finish your first buffs -_-. CDR utility tank elise still great but needs good especially well with thresh/morgana mid game. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
Fuck this game. | ||
France2198 Posts
On July 06 2014 06:06 padfoota wrote: Tristana. IE-Yomumu rush build. Double dorans gives enough lifesteal and survivability. Get these by 24th minute and you are gooolden.. Max E before 6, then all into Q. Q will max @ lvl10. You can basically start assassinating people once your Q is at least lvl3 and you have an IE early enough. W reset allows you to go in and come out safe. Seriously broken champ when played correctly in soloq IMO. Works on Caitlyn but only if constantly grouping/sieging. I played pre-nerf khazix into diamond so I know how to play dunks with squishy assassins. After IE Ghostblade get phantom dancer then LW if they have tank, if not just get another IE. As tris with AS runes with both AS actives and PD on its basically max attack speed. If Lucian go Botrk-Yomumus and basically do the same thing during mid game, but he cannot hard carry late game if team isnt doing great.. Wouldnt say no to absolute god Elise plays tho..and go hardcore AP involving DFG. Need to do really good dives and good map/objective controls. Bonus points for human form EQW fade away kills. Also when playing as jungler calm the fck down and give good orders to team. Carrying as jungle is a bit like playing zerg. You want FULL map control ASAP while killing left right and center, so you want to make sure kills can translate into tower damage/take downs/dragon etc, then just ward up their jungle with support and choke opponent down. Doesnt work if all three lanes are feeding before you can finish your first buffs -_-. CDR utility tank elise still great but needs good especially well with thresh/morgana mid game. Isn't Kog the same than Trist in terms or hardcarrying ? | ||
United States8519 Posts
This was arguably my best lane too. Sigh. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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United States35078 Posts
I thought they changed that? | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
So graves goes off to farm wraiths at 50 minutes instead of heading straight back to base and gets killed and we promptly lose. Fun fact for this match: the name of the syndra's name is "zhey will greed". That syndra is officially a prophet and I will worship her forever. | ||
United States20903 Posts
On July 07 2014 07:39 Sakray wrote: Isn't Kog the same than Trist in terms or hardcarrying ? kog does more dps midgame at the cost of not having his own escape (rocket jump) or peel (buster shot) or earlygame burst (e+w allin in laning phase) | ||
Australia2470 Posts
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Taiwan1571 Posts
On July 08 2014 17:49 SpiritoftheTunA wrote: kog does more dps midgame at the cost of not having his own escape (rocket jump) or peel (buster shot) or earlygame burst (e+w allin in laning phase) Yup...Kog does more straight up damage before you get IE too. I lost a straight up 100% fight as trist with double dorans + BF sword vs a kog who had dorans, zerk greaves and a fucking longsword. Seriously considered asking the shopkeep if the sword he sold me was plastic or some shit On July 09 2014 01:18 miicah wrote: Morg cait is fucking literal cancer holy shit that lane is so fucking braindead to play, I bet a bronze duo could beat a plat one. Both Morg and Cait are braindead OP champ if they can harrass without opponent responding, whether bad comp or w/e. But no, no way in fuck bronze duo can beat plat one Morg can easily fuck up her shield and Q/cait walking too close to harrass and unless the plats are retarded they will punish mistakes like that. Plus I doubt bronzies can CS as well I like Trist Leona pick into Cait Morg. Trist E does a lot of unchecked magic damage early on in lane, forcing morg to either let it go or pop her which Leona captilizes heavy on the lack of black shield Trist also outscales cait hard, and can hold her own in lane as long as her CS is up to scratch and she can dodge skillshots interesting thing is that trist W works as long as the order was given already before morgs binding hits, and she can push away morg when morg pops ult. People will pick cait into trist thinking cait shuts trist down in lane - not true. lvl2 E from trist really hurts, and people will pick morg into leona thinking its a decent counter. Obviously misplays will cost trist hard since shes squishy as fck and leona cannot properly respond onto cait if morg just pops shield on her anyways. Very interesting matchup I consider Cait nami more annoying overall than Cait Morg tho... Sivir Morg however............."OH ARE YOU TRYING TO HARRASS BACK THATS CUTE" Can someone tell me how to build Lucian now and why? He doesnt seem to be anywhere close to have the old burst he used to have... Botrk - Ghostblade turns him into an autoattack champ, something that doesnt define lucian at all BT is nowhere even close to the old one, and IE rushes just feels better on...more autoattack trendy champs. I personally hate TF mainly because while building TF you lose out on burst damage compared to a BF sword, would love to hear suggestions etc. | ||
France2198 Posts
Ofc I win 19pts for a win and lose 17 for a loss. EDIT : next game was even funnier, we shat on botlane utterly hard (was 8-1 as Trist), only to lose because : - they had Udyr = unkillable - Ryze left freefarming = unkillable - Yasuo = broken - we had EVE A FUCKING D JUNGLE = useless as fuck - we had Kassadin rush zhonya into lichbane into what seems to be rylai. They made huge mistakes buy my team was too retarded to capitalise on them. "Lucian farming alone top with 4 of us near baron ? Better let Eve go alone and get killed instead of 4v1 him". No wards as well besides me. HOLY FUCKING SHIT IF I GET DEMOTED AGAIN IM GOING TO FIND THESE MOTHERFUCKERS AND KILL THEM | ||
Canada10567 Posts
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Sweden5302 Posts
Wat. Oh, and on a related note, fuck the meta. I shouldn't have to defend myself every time I pick a champ not seen frequently in the LCS. I've played Gangplank top almost exclusively for two seasons and it's good enough for diamond, but every fucking time my team loses, no matter my stats or my plays it's obviously GPs fault, what a shitty pick, damn troll, report. Fucking sheep. | ||
France987 Posts
On July 09 2014 04:03 padfoota wrote: But no, no way in fuck bronze duo can beat plat one Lolwhat. I regularly see bronze players winning lanes against diamond players. A week ago one of my friends and I were silver 5 and we crushed a plat I botlane. I even remember a game where a bronze zed destroyed his diamond opponent so hard that the guy just rage quit. The diamond was in my team and at the time I thought that having a diamond versus a bronze was a free win, it was quite amusing to see how hopeless the diamond player actually was in that game. | ||
Netherlands21232 Posts
Poppy going even in cs against Ryze while Trist is beating caitlynn in lane. Fuck this shit, one bad day and you spend a month trying to recover... | ||
France2198 Posts
On July 09 2014 23:44 Gorsameth wrote: Fuck this shit, one bad day and you spend a month trying to recover... This. | ||
Netherlands21232 Posts
He comes back after 26min. Just in time to avoid getting a leave at the end of the game but the team blames me for not wanting to play out a 4v5... People sure have their priorities right. Next game. Im first pick. Take Tristana. and we end up with a Kassadin top/Katarina mid, Fiddle jungle and Zilian Support.... Why the fuck do I get teams like this... | ||
Croatia40 Posts
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Canada1218 Posts
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