The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 522
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Bulgaria4097 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
Riven: and the fact that he's melee is horseshit Riven: fuck that champ On December 24 2013 02:37 M2 wrote: I have one particular question that bothers me for some time now. In 21st century the era of the information technologies, powerful computers, satellite systems and automation. In the era when people stepped on the moon and reach out for mars, in the era where some ingenious guys gathered and made this complex and beautiful game league of legends, the most played game in the world. In that era WHY THE FUCK I NEED TO REPORT PEOPLE WHO GO AFK OR FEED? how come the server cannot track these activities automatically and take measures accordingly? I mean wtf these are few lines of code to track it ... few.. There's already a system in place for AFK players. If you can program in a way to distinguish between feeding and intentional feeding that has negligible fail rate, then by all means go ahead. Programming behavior recognition is not easy even in this 21st century the era of the information technologies, powerful computers, satellite systems and automation. | ||
Germany11339 Posts
Identifying the gender of LoL characters isn't that hard. If the character has orbs the size of melons in front of her chest, she is female. If not, probably male. I know a few people who constantly refer to kassadin as "she", and that drives me mad. I have no idea how you would get that idea. | ||
Bulgaria4097 Posts
On December 24 2013 02:42 BlasiuS wrote: Riven: His mobility is retarded though Riven: and the fact that he's melee is horseshit Riven: fuck that champ There's already a system in place for AFK players. If you can program in a way to distinguish between feeding and intentional feeding that has negligible fail rate, then by all means go ahead. Programming behavior recognition is not easy even in this 21st century the era of the information technologies, powerful computers, satellite systems and automation. If this is true regarding AFK - why do I need to report it, why there is such report? and regarding feeding, intentional or not the system should be able to detect if it goes on regular basis and take measures: blocking the person from rank games for example until he/she passes through some normal games and given a second chance. for example | ||
Finland366 Posts
On December 24 2013 02:37 M2 wrote: I have one particular question that bothers me for some time now. In 21st century the era of the information technologies, powerful computers, satellite systems and automation. In the era when people stepped on the moon and reach out for mars, in the era where some ingenious guys gathered and made this complex and beautiful game league of legends, the most played game in the world. In that era WHY THE FUCK I NEED TO REPORT PEOPLE WHO GO AFK OR FEED? how come the server cannot track these activities automatically and take measures accordingly? I mean wtf these are few lines of code to track it ... few.. Does the report system even work? I dunno if it's just me but it seems like over 75% of EUNE players are there to throw insults instead of playing the game. I know I'm a new player and shit at the game but holy crap people sometimes go ballistic over that (Thank some higher power it's not that often). Chances are I don't need you to tell me how bad I am. Can't really focus on playing the game when somebody uses the LoL client as a platform to throw insults at people. The stupidest thing is that I usually tri-que and it still happens really often. Dunno, guess I have to learn to suck it up before I start playing ranked. That or learn to play like a god before Bronze V (which I'm definitely not against as long as it's possible). | ||
Germany11339 Posts
On December 24 2013 02:54 M2 wrote: If this is true regarding AFK - why do I need to report it, why there is such report? and regarding feeding, intentional or not the system should be able to detect if it goes on regular basis and take measures: blocking the person from rank games for example until he/she passes through some normal games and given a second chance. for example Probably because people feel better if they report something. Like the whole "unskilled player" placebo report that doesn't actually do anything, but makes people feel better because they reported someone after losing the game. Also, don't say "it should be easy to do" regarding the feeding. Post one way to do it that wouldn't either be possible to exploit or influence play in a negative way. Link it to KDA? Fuck this i'm not going to sacrifice myself so my whole team can live, don't want to get banned. Also not gonna play anything that easily dies while being useful to the team, like leona for example. Always play Janna and run away, never get involved in anything, don't want to get banned. | ||
United States735 Posts
Jungle glass cannon garen. Combined 4-20-0. Gold I 90LP --> Gold III 48 LP in three weeks. Pls. -.- | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Netherlands21369 Posts
Every other game someone is afk or picks double top/mid because they cant stand the thought of someone else going there. | ||
United States2906 Posts
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United States3529 Posts
On December 24 2013 03:23 Airact wrote: Does the report system even work? I dunno if it's just me but it seems like over 75% of EUNE players are there to throw insults instead of playing the game. I know I'm a new player and shit at the game but holy crap people sometimes go ballistic over that (Thank some higher power it's not that often). Chances are I don't need you to tell me how bad I am. Can't really focus on playing the game when somebody uses the LoL client as a platform to throw insults at people. The stupidest thing is that I usually tri-que and it still happens really often. Dunno, guess I have to learn to suck it up before I start playing ranked. That or learn to play like a god before Bronze V (which I'm definitely not against as long as it's possible). The report system works it just has two big things going against it. 1) time. It needs time to work. Additionally since making accounts is free toxic players who get banned have a relatively easy time starting over and being toxic to new players. If you are a new player it's probably that issue. 2) psychology. Our brains have an easy time picking out the things which stand out and over emphasizing them. This means you're probably seeing more toxicity than really exists In general on NA I find that ranked tends to be a bit better than normals. Everyone is tryharding and so everyone tends to know that positivity helps and also that no one really is trolling | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Finland366 Posts
On December 25 2013 05:15 Goumindong wrote: The report system works it just has two big things going against it. 1) time. It needs time to work. Additionally since making accounts is free toxic players who get banned have a relatively easy time starting over and being toxic to new players. If you are a new player it's probably that issue. 2) psychology. Our brains have an easy time picking out the things which stand out and over emphasizing them. This means you're probably seeing more toxicity than really exists In general on NA I find that ranked tends to be a bit better than normals. Everyone is tryharding and so everyone tends to know that positivity helps and also that no one really is trolling It's definitely psychology. There's usually (it's actually fairly common) somebody being an asshole in a game but 1 out of 10 people does not total 75%. Kinda wish I could just brush off all the flame. Like, I don't take flame that seriously but it kinda makes me give even less fucks about the game. Even if I don't care about winning that much (ranked probably won't change this), I at least try to play well. | ||
Bulgaria4097 Posts
On December 25 2013 04:59 Gorsameth wrote: WTF has happend to mid level gold. Worked my way up from gold 5 to gold 1 since just before season 3 ended and now i'm falling back to gold 4 off of uncarryable games because there are nothing but trolls. Every other game someone is afk or picks double top/mid because they cant stand the thought of someone else going there. This. When I get to gold several months ago I only had games with few lines in the champion selection, people stating their preferences and then follow pick order, no arguments for roles, not comments on bans/champ selection, in game even if it is not going well people were usually supportive and tried to encourage you to get back and win, in game they go for objectives - 1 ping on drake and all gather, they apologize if they sometimes get greedy and chase. So I reasonably thought finally I can enjoy the game..never have I been so wrong. For the last few months every game is pain regardless of win or lose: people argue for roles, double top, double mid, trolls, kill chasing when there are open objectives, people finishing 0/14, every 2nd word I read is "report this, report that". Some examples from recent games: 1. Leona (support): report Lux (mid) for ks... 2. 55 minute of the game we have baron and they have 2 open inhibitors, Morgana (mid): i am afk until blue is up coz Sivir stole my previous one...and she went afk, when blue came up baron expired.. 3. in lobby: Gary Payton: respect pick order Gary Payton: and stfu 6a6OK: pick order? 6a6OK: what pick order? 6a6OK: I WANT MID AND I GO MID DjLonerin: daniok wtf?! Daniok: i want mid and i go mid DjLonerin: ok 6a6OK: and i 2 DjLonerin: i go adc than DjLonerin: and fck premade Daniok: And i go afk after 1 minute There is more, but this is overall the intellectual level of the games I play in GOLD for the last couple of months and I have no idea what happened | ||
Korea (South)2625 Posts
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Ireland4123 Posts
At one stage I was 17 - 0 - 8 or something ;;; Towards the end I started buying random surviability items but the feed was too strong. I'm kinda insulted that Riot think I'm this bad ![]() ![]() | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States888 Posts
On December 24 2013 02:47 Simberto wrote: Riven is female. Identifying the gender of LoL characters isn't that hard. If the character has orbs the size of melons in front of her chest, she is female. If not, probably male. I know a few people who constantly refer to kassadin as "she", and that drives me mad. I have no idea how you would get that idea. Annie: Male Gragas: Female | ||
United States9908 Posts
I vow to not stop playing until I understand his kit to his fullest potential. But so far my records have been: 4-21 5-16 I'm making progress. | ||
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