The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 521
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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France2198 Posts
fucking son of a bitch, we spammed ping bot to get help for 10 minutes he never came, then he blames us for getting shat on because of them camping us | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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Canada12016 Posts
alright fuck this shit 2 diamonds on other team a silver 2 and a bronze "I'm a god at this game" 1 on my mine. Fuck this shit | ||
Canada3367 Posts
On December 17 2013 20:30 scrubtastic wrote: Dedicated top laners are the worst fucking league players. Facts about players that main top lane: -None of them know how to watch the fucking map. Having the shittiest map awareness in the game is a prerequisite for being a main top lane player -None of them know when to leave lane. To hide their incompetence they always stay in lane and trash talk anyone who happens to be losing lane while doing nothing to help, bragging about their KDA that got created out of a favorable matchup or jungler babysitting -All top laners think blind splitpushing is [insert deity here]'s gift to League of Legends and if not given explicit, easy to follow instructions written for people age 5 and younger, they will wander off to their lane to splitpush with minimal to zero ward coverage. Doesn't matter if we can't hold towers 4v5 due to being too far behind. Doesn't matter if he is behind some enemy laner and will die in a 1v1 if said laner gets sent back to stop him. I'd take offense to this statement, but man, you just described me perfectly. I'm guilty of all three of these! | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States23745 Posts
I haven't got this mad at a game of League in a long fucking time. I go to help a blue invade and our Graves dies twice before I can even get back to lane. This is apparently my fault and I "don't deserve to win." He precedes to farm the Jungle for the entire 45 minute game. he has items but doesn't fight. I assume he does this to avoid looking like he afk'd. We proceed to still do decent in the 4 v 5 because of my burst on Annie and our fed Garen. Winning is possible if we get a good ult combo off, but no Amumu and Teemo think it's a good idea to grab a blind Dragon 45 minutes into the game. FUCK NO. They die and we lose even though victory was in sight. This was literally the most wasted 45 minutes of my life. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
I just had a "Diamond Border in gold 2" Draven tell me that AD carries need to farm. He had 80 CS. It was 45 minute mark. We got engaged upon by Flash Vi Q + Flash Tibbers. We barely lose the teamfight, their top Rangar gets out with 50 HP after the whole fight as the only one alive, Draven is map away farming Wraiths in other teams jungle for no apparent reason. Draven then lets this Rengar take a tower and inhib for free without backing. He proceeds to wander alone, get caught, and then thbey 5 man pushed bot inhib as Super minions at our nexus and we lost. Apparently its my fault we lost because I picked top Warwick and thats not a legitimate champion even though I facerolled Rengar, did the most damage in the game, and took the most myself. After the 49 minute game, Draven did 14k Damage to champions. Wut. -.- I keep getting these stupid uncarryable Elo Boosters and it is really starting to piss me off. | ||
Germany2073 Posts
Back down to gold 5 again, second time in a week. Streaks of games where my whole team just gets dumpstered and people won't stop making random decisions and dieing for them. I'm getting good at just not being retarded and following them into their doom/trying to help a hopeless case. So there's progress to note. Need help winning lanes harder though. I don't know why, but i'm just bad at getting lasthits on people. Either they run with 10 hp, or somebody else gets the kills, or, botlane, they're zoned and poked down to 20% for minutes and then jungle+midlane happen. I'm pretty decent at walking away after killing the jungler or the enemy lane if it's just 2v3, but that only works if the support is pulling with me. | ||
United States1179 Posts
Score first blood as Vayne with Thresh against a Cait/Annie bot. Meanwhile Shen and jungle Rengar get their asses pounded until they're unrecognizable lumps of flesh up in top lane (Riven/Lee jungle). Also Ahri manages to star in a porn film featuring a certain fat drunk asshole. Outlaning Caitlyn so hard doesn't mean shit when their entire team decides to go scuba diving in my lane. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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France2198 Posts
Gold 3 = WORST FUCKING LEAGUE OF THE WHOLE GAME EVER, its filled with the BIGGEST hugetards I've never seen its fucking insane. I mean at least in normal games blind pick THEY KNOW HOW TO PLAY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK | ||
Germany2073 Posts
Lane goes even, Akali goes roaming after lvl6, nobody reacts to pings. Akali goes 6-1. Game ends 10 minutes late with 24 kills on akali. Thats some efficient time use, my mundo approves. 3 guys with more than 12 deaths, and poor Janna bot got flamed the whole time by the horrible draven we got. edit: WOW demoted to gold 5 again. just got promoted again, 3 games with 2 people on my team feeding at the speed of light later... 2 times riven top going 0/19872 and jungler happily assisting them in their endeavour, 3rd time jungle rengar tries to 1v1 mundo from lvl2... and it doesnt go well. Didn't help that the other team also had shyvana. Does it even matter what the other 3 guys on the team do, when you have shyv and mundo with funfires running at you doing something like 250 aoe magic dmg per second just by being there? Help me | ||
Netherlands1242 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
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Canada5009 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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