The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 494
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Germany3605 Posts
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United States3921 Posts
On September 29 2013 03:58 imanoobcs wrote: ![]() Silver Elo is Worst Elo, nothing you can do and elo hell truly exists. Nah elo hell doesnt exist. I would you suggest focusing on objectives like Edit:Meant dragon and pushing turrets. | ||
Bulgaria4097 Posts
On September 29 2013 07:58 jaybrundage wrote: Nah elo hell doesnt exist,I would you suggest focusing on objectives like Edit:Meant dragon and pushing turrets. Let me tell you how I understood that Elo Hell does not really exists, at least in the way people perceive it. I am also a silver player and for a very long period believed in elo hell, I was complaining about the retards chasing kills or going 0-10 (how the fuck do you even go 0-10? i never had such a score, including with a support, anyway) I thought I am in elo hell coz I was mostly wining my lanes and very rarely I was dying more than 6-7 times in a game, usually around 4-5. The "retards" were "dragging" me down and life was hell until the day I decided to use my friend's bronze 5 account to practice some champs, I preferred to practice on ranked than on normal where people more or less don't give a shit. So I went playing bronze players with new champs and in two weeks time, playing around 2 to 4 games per day the most, I have moved this account on promotions for silver. Then I understood that I am just not good enough to reach gold with my main, yes maybe I have generally better game understanding than my other silver comrades, maybe I never go 0-10 and I never do utterly retarded shit, but I am just not good enough yet to stomp my silver elo and move to gold, maybe my mechanics maybe something else but its just not enough. So yes, elo hell exist to some extend where you are one idea better than the surroundings and watching the retardness around you is really disheartening, but there is no elo hell where if you improve you skills to the next league level you won't be able to come out of. | ||
Sweden5302 Posts
Though... You see often in sports that when a good team play against a good team, they both play better, and if they play against a bad team, they usually become sloppy. How do you improve when you're playing with/against bronze people? I just hit plat on my main. I've come to feel like the LoL league system is alot like, say, Megaman. You can't advance past a certain point unless you learn a certain move, like wall-jumping or sliding. I left silver when I learned to trade in lane whilst still keeping up in farm. I started hovering around gold 1 when I learned to stop dying. To advance into plat, I had to learn to work with my team. Order matters. To work with your team in bronze when they don't know wtf they're doing is suicide. | ||
Canada747 Posts
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United States3858 Posts
On September 30 2013 08:24 SoraLimit wrote: You know what? I'm never going to trade with someone. I have third pick, first pick picks sona to trade with me, which is fine. The problem is that you don't fucking say anything about what you wanted, and now I get the penalty for leaving... even worse is when they say to first pick a support and then they're like lol i don't want to support sucks to be you | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
On September 30 2013 11:58 zer0das wrote: A plat Caitlyn built BotRK into Frozen Mallet/Last Whisper. Someone shoot me. Well Cait could but I don't think it would do much. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
Last three games have had an AFK on my team each time, and then the game before that I had a Shaco that purposely just towerdove and fed because our last pick told him he couldn't play Shaco top. Gold 4, I despise you so. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Germany11340 Posts
And Ez, if i get you ahead in lane, DONT WASTE THAT AND BUY A FUCKING TEAR. Buy a real item, that helps you snowball. Especially against a silly cait soraka lane that you can easily kill IF YOU DO DAMAGE. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Germany11340 Posts
Also, it is so horrible if the enemy mid comes bot nonstop, and yours doesn't react in any way. Doesn't take turret, doesn't start warding, doesn't even START moving from mid. There is nothing you can do. You see ahri coming, and you got the choice of either running back to your t2 tower if she is at drake, or dying because you get dived 4v2. And good luck convincing your ad to just give up that turret. | ||
France2198 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada71 Posts
We take baron and push their min inhib (tower is down already) but j4 initiates waay too early and we get aced. They push our mid turrets down - even take down our nexus turrets before we respawn and kill 3 of them. We push up mid as fast as we can and kill thier nexus towers - take nexus down to 10% before we get aced taking 4 of them with us. Their Kassadin pushes our nexus alone and takes it down to 30%, Olaf respawns and tries to stop him but enemy Shen ults Kass. We are saved by more people respawning and killing them both. Then we finally end the game. Not awesome enough for the Loci thread nor QQ enough for Shikyo's just wanted to share lol. | ||
France2198 Posts
On October 01 2013 08:00 krndandaman wrote: really? I find it so hard to carry with zed. He provides basically no utility to the team and is so squishy in team fights that he can usually only do his job if he does it right (kill 1 person) regardless of how fed. Zed doesn't scale that well into late game imo. Sure you can use him to split I guess but there are so many other carry split pushers like trynd for example. I'd rather have Fizz/Kassadin since they have similar assassination potential but better escapes than zed (with zhonyas). It's easy to farm with him, so you're almost 100% sure you'll outfarm them, which is kinda good. Once you can combokill your lane if you take movility boots you can roam and make plays/give kills/secure objectives everywhere. If their mid follows you, it's up to you to find the good timing so you can trap and kill him 1v1. With his passive and Z's passive you're guaranted to murder everyone in TF, especially with botrk (huge base AD + botrk pssive + botrk attack speed), you just need to abuse your mobility to stay alive. And don't jump blindly in TF :p Imo Zed is better at splitpushing than Trynda because when you 1v1 someone, most of the time you'll be able to keep pushing while Trynda has higher chance to end up with almost no hp. I like using my ult + combo on someone, then I keep pushing the lane while the mark is on because I would waste time and hp keeping attacking him. Usually the mark will kill him, if not, a simple AA will do the job. Anyway, I hate Ahri, broken champ. | ||
Germany11340 Posts
89. +5 94 +3 97 +1 98 -3 95 qualified for series How does that make any sense? This must be the most infuriating system that you can think of. Also, can someone explain why the enemy get a team with zed, zac, corki, while i get random shit like talon mid making the team 100% AD? Why would anyone play talon mid, ever? He is like zed, only a lot worse in every respect with 0 upsides. | ||
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