I will get wonderful nice people up until i hit 100 LP, then all of a sudden they'll come out of the woodwork, and I will get a team of 4 ragers, feeders, quitters, and trolls. I have no clue why this phenomenon happens.
The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 484
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United States6894 Posts
I will get wonderful nice people up until i hit 100 LP, then all of a sudden they'll come out of the woodwork, and I will get a team of 4 ragers, feeders, quitters, and trolls. I have no clue why this phenomenon happens. | ||
United States2382 Posts
OUr top rengar and jungler malphite fed so much that their top irelia (got 9 kills in lane) could just dive on me as our Fed AD carry and kill me before the stuns could wear off and their mundo jungle (4 kills on our jungler, our bot was the only lane to ward, so he got ganks off constantly). We lost a game 5/4 after their AD carry goes AFK and I have a 13 min IE. It makes this game just not fun when you try to improve your play and the solution you come up with as to what to fix is "don't get these guys on my team anymore" I wouldn't mind if I got games where we won easily, but in the last going on 40 games I've had to fight really hard to get 6 wins with OP characters that can win the game solo. I'm not saying I'm a perfect player, or even that I never lose; I lost my lane/jungle maybe 5 times in the last 40 or so games; and my team wouldn't group and push, or would give up free kills that led to free objectives. How is this fair? Shouldn't the MM get me in teams where I should be able to win 50-50 (or even more if I'm winning my lane consistently?!) Sometimes the user experience is so bad that I don't really want to play this game anymore even though I love the game | ||
Australia2725 Posts
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318 Posts
Fuck you teammate. Fuck you. | ||
New Zealand414 Posts
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Australia2470 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Spain1114 Posts
Brain pls why you no work? | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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United States35092 Posts
Why is the players that don't even BUILD right end up on my team? | ||
Finland951 Posts
Play as caitlyn, our team stands in a brush even though i ping them frantically that its warded, i move away from the brush, and they get 4 man taunted there. Kassa tries to flank me, but i take like 75% hp out of him, he has to flash + they use Shen ulti on him. Only one i can see is Shen and then i use a 3 AA:s on him. At this point my whole team is dead 3/12 mordekaiser: LOL THAT CAIT FOCUS TOTALLY LOST US THE GAME. SHOOTING AT SHEN AHHAHA. Late edit cause i dont want to have 2 QQ:s in one page ![]() :: Its so frustrating when you play top lane, and you get camped super hard, and still notice that you are the one doing the most work on your team. 4-7min enemy jungle sits at my river bush, or tries to come thru lane. I stay zoned pretty much, and team does nothing, finally i die because i see him going to golems, but he just circles back and i try to 1v2 (got both of them to less then 10% hp, nasus flashed away, and heca finished me under my turret) Come back to lane, Heca still sitting there, i am like NPNP THEY CANT DIVE ME NOW, but then their mid shows up behind me. While all of this is happening, i have accumulated more CS then my mid + jungler put together. Aaaaaaaaargh. | ||
France45622 Posts
Instead they say they don't care about the loss, and proceed to play like shit because the game's already lost in their mind (and obviously once they've suicided thrice in a row, well, they kinda work toward a self-fulfilling prophety, and they drown the team with their self-entitled bullshit and astounding prescience). Just dodge and save us the trouble. | ||
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France45622 Posts
The drama is having Teemo ward all paths to top so they can't get caught by a gank, while our duo doesn't ward and decides that diving Renekton is a good idea, because the opportunity to feed a double kill to their jungler is much superior to taking the turret, right? Obviously since they start flaming the jungler and top it means they're right, so they can feel good. They can also go fuck themselves, would probably make them feel good too. Almost as good as the Renekton with half Darius' farm but 5 kills+assists in a 1v2 before 10 minutes. (Also fuck these guys going Plat V + Silver II or Gold I in promos + Silver III. Three in a row destroying the matchmaking and making for one-sided stompy games because the Silver dude is obviously outclassed and gets destroyed. How's that fun for anyone? Especially as they both dc at the same time. Yeah, Silver III Malph 3 levels and 90 cs behind Plat V Renek, and mid Tryndamere level 4 when Fizz is 6. Add to that the disgusting tryharding from the enemy team, camping Trynd and Malph to try and stomp them as much as possible and other stuff like that. God.) | ||
United States2864 Posts
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France45622 Posts
Us: Ezreal Caitlyn - Lulu Pantheon (jungle) - Nasus Them: Vi - Anivia Janna - Tristana Jayce It's already one of the shittiest drafts I've seen. Their second round shuts down our comp entirely until we snowball the early game hard, simply because we have a double AD, push-dependant comp, and they have the best anti-push champions of the game, including the every-so-braindead Anivia. Then they pick Jayce, trashing our poke instantly on top of what they already have. Tristana's lategame will also be unreachable versus all this. So our last pick takes Nasus, The best hard initiation and poke champion in the game. Having a Gold I - Plat V game destroyed by the presence of the (very bad) Gold IV Nasus isn't enough, the guy proceeds to go against Jayce with gp10 quints and rush philo as his first item. Apparently you can get Gold IV off of that. Meanwhile Cait decides that me warding the tribrush and pinging Vi sitting in it is the best reason ever to keep pushing and try to harass Tristana. Oh look, free gank and our whole exp/farm/health advantage is entirely gone. But she flames me right after that, because I should have somehow teleported Vi top instead of only pinging her, what a scrub uh? He proceeds to then suicide 1v2 when Pantheon gets invaded at our second blue and I ping there, going to help. Flame your map awareness smartass, not the support. Next game has some guy press "accept", then alt tab out, and wait for his turn to ding to come back. He's last pick and only AD is left. He starts raging at us in all caps because he doesn't know how to play AD and has never done it and it's gg and over and... Can't he just shut the fuck up and either dodge or man up? He's the one who didn't say a word until his turn came, he has no right to rage like this. (In the end he didn't even do the worst. They were a collective squad of 4 retards giving kills left and right by chasing even when our wards and pings show people coming to flank them. Turns out when you get zoned in a 1v2 and the other guys don't push nor zone and then the whole enemy team gets fed kills you're short on gold.) Today I met Zuna in soloQ \o/ | ||
Romania622 Posts
Holy fuck this game is tilting. Rengar wannabe also got fb after we invaded and proceeded to go 1/7 in lane. I won't even talk about our "DUAL CARRY" bot lane. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
What is this shit? Too many people on too few server capabilities? EU-NE is probably empty and not even close to lagging because there is no one that voluntarily plays over there. Inb4 next server split is incoming. | ||
United States2300 Posts
"Dude" "I'm dumpstering their whole team" "What are you doing" ... | ||
France1934 Posts
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