On April 20 2013 23:09 oGsTrueSmug wrote: Silver II on NA, been playing on and off (only around 800 games total) since the beta on NA with 170 ping. Which means I was eligible for a free transfer, yay! Play one ranked game to get reassigned my league, absolutely stomp with Malzahar... and now I'm Bronze II instead of Silver II. Thanks, Riot.
Silver on NA = Bronze on EU? Who would have thought.....
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I need to stop getting temp banned, honestly playing normals is exponentially worse than getting flamed in ranked games.
On April 21 2013 03:40 cascades wrote:Show nested quote +On April 20 2013 23:09 oGsTrueSmug wrote: Silver II on NA, been playing on and off (only around 800 games total) since the beta on NA with 170 ping. Which means I was eligible for a free transfer, yay! Play one ranked game to get reassigned my league, absolutely stomp with Malzahar... and now I'm Bronze II instead of Silver II. Thanks, Riot. Silver on NA = Bronze on EU? Who would have thought..... Thanks for that valuable, completely not-racist input, asshole.
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My last game so terror. Played nocturne jungle, we had a Kass mid to "counter" their Annie. Kk, whatever.
We get first two kills of game top, I counter gank their Udyr and Cho, pick up first blood and crocodile gets a kill too. Game goes well, get two more kills bottom, and free dragon. Then blue spawns again, and Kass doesn't come get it despite wave being at event tower and me telling him in advanced and pinging it. Eventually blue dies to that true damage jungle mastery, and dude has a fit because apparently its my fault that he had to get those last three cs from the wave, and then the entire next wave while I wasted a whole minute tanking blue.
From that point on, dude spends rest of game flaming me instead of actually playing the game. I was super big, so at thirty minutes I had razer, hydra, Randuins, locket, and a static shiv. Tells me I'm bad for not going full tank, when renekton did. Was clearing out massive wave top, told team to engage in the four vs four mid, and I'd ult in and kill them. They didn't engage, so I pushed in two free towers top. Kass then rages and afk's because apparently nocturne only one on team that could engage. We eventually lose game cuz despite huge lead Kass gone, so at end of game dude bitches in champ select to report me because I apparently didn't even want to win?
I hate some of the people that play this game. All the bad jungles get most good in the game. All the bad junglers ward. All the bad jungles snow ball game and secure all drags/barons. Ugh, that game was easiest win...
Matchmaking puts me with 2 duos, so the enemy team has a duo, and a triple that consists of 2 plats and a bronze. Fuck you matchmaking, I'm jungling Eve against a Plat LS.
Also my duos are terribly bad at teamwork and can't seem to be able to coordinate, even when we have Leona, Zed and TF (and Eve) in a dive comp. Meh. I catch Cait in my ult every single time, and not one of them to hit her from less than half a screen, which is more than enough for Zed or Leona to hit, not even talking about TF's ult... which he uses to initiate 1v4. >_> What a joke. Add Ezreal rushing IBG on top of that. When he's in a dive comp. And in lane with a Leona. Who happens to be his premade buddy.
On April 20 2013 15:57 Infundibulum wrote: Its so frustrating queuing with friends who are worse/lower level and just not being able to carry. I like to let them play mid top cause thats what they like, but its so hard to snowball correctly and we just lose. Maybe we keep running into smurfs or something but its so difficult to keep a positive attitude and have fun with these guys when they just keep getting shit on and im not good enough/smart enough/its 2am to carry. I just want a fun game.
Just figured out what this feels like firsthand. Basically a 5-man premade with 2 newbies (understandable), 1 decent support and another guy who is same level as me but has a serious scrub mentality. I can carry most games if I can get an adc pick or a low-elo monster like Lux/Ryze mid but when I have to go jungle because noone is comfortable with anything else but all of the most impactful roles.. It's funny how I was having loads of fun smurfing with my newbie friends but the minute the bronze, self-proclaimed "adc god" logs in the game I immediately stop wanting to play.
Quote from ally riven: "You don't build LW on riven" #1 quote 2013
(was in the same game as BP) That riven was so ragetastic.
BP thats not entirely false, full AD scales better on Riven
just got trolled hard by a duo queue in normals. top lee sin and adc twitch both take smite. when i ask why, they're both like 'oh fuck our bad' they proceed to follow me around the jungle stealing buffs and farm from me. then after about 7 minutes of that, they both go bot, with sona. so their kayle gets freefarm and a free turret top, while the two trolls feed their ezreal like crazy. i can't do anything, being underfarmed and underleveled from the trolls, when we all start calling them out on being dickbags, they claim to both be level 5 and don't know what trolling means.reported both of them, and i hope they get permed, cause they claimed to do this 'a lot'
Playing ranked as ezreal with leona in lane against enemy tristana/janna. Trist constantly out of position and failing jumps against leona, janna has to die to save her horrible ass quite few times. Tristana flames janna for like 20 minutes straight, saying that she suicides and feeds intentionally, first time in a long while felt like punching someone in their face so much >.< Oh yeah, and god bless late game lee sins that dont gank once for 15 mins and build no auras.
Fuck Thresh. Seriously. He's amazing in terms of champion design and gameplay, but I have absolutely no clue how Riot could release that champion and think that it would actually be balanced. From what it looks like, they still seem to think he's balanced!
Yea, let's put tons of damage, enormous CC, and a completely unique and extremely powerful utility move on the same champion. Also, let's make him ranged, AND innately tanky, To cap it off, we'll give him completely negligible mana costs.
Seriously, what the hell are they thinking? It's going to take Ezreal/Janna tier nerfs to bring that fucker into line.
On April 21 2013 13:18 MooMooMugi wrote: BP thats not entirely false, full AD scales better on Riven Riven already had 300 AD, and every member of the other team had an item that built out of chainmail (or similar armor)
On April 21 2013 19:50 Cheap0 wrote: Fuck Thresh. Seriously. He's amazing in terms of champion design and gameplay, but I have absolutely no clue how Riot could release that champion and think that it would actually be balanced. From what it looks like, they still seem to think he's balanced!
Yea, let's put tons of damage, enormous CC, and a completely unique and extremely powerful utility move on the same champion. Also, let's make him ranged, AND innately tanky, To cap it off, we'll give him completely negligible mana costs.
Seriously, what the hell are they thinking? It's going to take Ezreal/Janna tier nerfs to bring that fucker into line. I like it.
All his moves are decent in the early game because they have numbers if maxed (damage, or shield) and useful later on since they have utility (hook, grab, push, slow). As a support he obviously doesn't have much damage.
Now contrast that to shit like Soraka or Janna or Blitz: Soraka's W only gives armor over 3 seconds, and Q is only a small amount of mpen. E is still a decent silence. Her ult fades in strength until the enemy Karthus is easily doing 2x the damage that Soraka heals. Janna's Q is still an AoE knockup. Her W is just a weak slow. Her E is a weak shield that when broken no longer provides AD. Her ult is still fine. Blitz's W is just a movement speed buff. His ult is a short ass AoE silence, good, but nowhere near as good as any other AoE CC move.
When you think of a support you need someone who will be useful without gold. All of Thresh's abilities do well without gold. Because even when you take away all of the numbers on his abilities, you still get a decent kit. You can't say that about many other supports because they've been nerfed to oblivion or weren't designed so that each ability made them better at their role.
I mean if you give an AD carry no abilities that synergize with what an AD needs, eg. Varus, he can still do tons of damage because he has gold. The only way to make a support with a bad kit balanced is to make his numbers really strong early on so that it doesn't matter if he doesn't offer enough utility late game, or to give them only one extremely good ability like Janna's ult or Blitz's Q such that it doesn't matter that their other skills suck.
On April 22 2013 01:04 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 21 2013 19:50 Cheap0 wrote: Fuck Thresh. Seriously. He's amazing in terms of champion design and gameplay, but I have absolutely no clue how Riot could release that champion and think that it would actually be balanced. From what it looks like, they still seem to think he's balanced!
Yea, let's put tons of damage, enormous CC, and a completely unique and extremely powerful utility move on the same champion. Also, let's make him ranged, AND innately tanky, To cap it off, we'll give him completely negligible mana costs.
Seriously, what the hell are they thinking? It's going to take Ezreal/Janna tier nerfs to bring that fucker into line. I like it. All his moves are decent in the early game because they have numbers if maxed (damage, or shield) and useful later on since they have utility (hook, grab, push, slow). As a support he obviously doesn't have much damage. Now contrast that to shit like Soraka or Janna or Blitz: Soraka's W only gives armor over 3 seconds, and Q is only a small amount of mpen. E is still a decent silence. Her ult fades in strength until the enemy Karthus is easily doing 2x the damage that Soraka heals. Janna's Q is still an AoE knockup. Her W is just a weak slow. Her E is a weak shield that when broken no longer provides AD. Her ult is still fine. Blitz's W is just a movement speed buff. His ult is a short ass AoE silence, good, but nowhere near as good as any other AoE CC move. When you think of a support you need someone who will be useful without gold. All of Thresh's abilities do well without gold. Because even when you take away all of the numbers on his abilities, you still get a decent kit. You can't say that about many other supports because they've been nerfed to oblivion or weren't designed so that each ability made them better at their role. I mean if you give an AD carry no abilities that synergize with what an AD needs, eg. Varus, he can still do tons of damage because he has gold. The only way to make a support with a bad kit balanced is to make his numbers really strong early on so that it doesn't matter if he doesn't offer enough utility late game, or to give them only one extremely good ability like Janna's ult or Blitz's Q such that it doesn't matter that their other skills suck.
but the thing is that it goes against how the entire rest of the roster is.
It would be one thing if all those other supports were like that, but the fact that none of them are just straight up means Thresh is imbalanced. He is the best support.
Aside from maybe Elise, but that's just because Elise is ridiculous too.
On April 21 2013 13:18 MooMooMugi wrote: BP thats not entirely false, full AD scales better on Riven
Our 5s ranked team got some really funny games today. Last one was vs 2 diamond IIs, one diamond IV, one platin II and a gold 2... So much fun. We have one platin player, 2 golds, one silver and one bronze. GG riot!
On April 22 2013 02:16 Broetchenholer wrote: Our 5s ranked team got some really funny games today. Last one was vs 4 people of about 2400 elo in their ülacement matches... So much fun. We have one platin player, 2 golds, one silver and one gold. GG riot!
I was in a bronze ranked team with friends and we matched versus Diamonds. xD
ugh get 3 ranked win in a row, 9 LP won in total. Lose 1 game, lp goes down by 20. Makes sense riot, makes fucking sense
On April 22 2013 01:19 iCanada wrote:Show nested quote +On April 22 2013 01:04 obesechicken13 wrote:On April 21 2013 19:50 Cheap0 wrote: Fuck Thresh. Seriously. He's amazing in terms of champion design and gameplay, but I have absolutely no clue how Riot could release that champion and think that it would actually be balanced. From what it looks like, they still seem to think he's balanced!
Yea, let's put tons of damage, enormous CC, and a completely unique and extremely powerful utility move on the same champion. Also, let's make him ranged, AND innately tanky, To cap it off, we'll give him completely negligible mana costs.
Seriously, what the hell are they thinking? It's going to take Ezreal/Janna tier nerfs to bring that fucker into line. I like it. All his moves are decent in the early game because they have numbers if maxed (damage, or shield) and useful later on since they have utility (hook, grab, push, slow). As a support he obviously doesn't have much damage. Now contrast that to shit like Soraka or Janna or Blitz: Soraka's W only gives armor over 3 seconds, and Q is only a small amount of mpen. E is still a decent silence. Her ult fades in strength until the enemy Karthus is easily doing 2x the damage that Soraka heals. Janna's Q is still an AoE knockup. Her W is just a weak slow. Her E is a weak shield that when broken no longer provides AD. Her ult is still fine. Blitz's W is just a movement speed buff. His ult is a short ass AoE silence, good, but nowhere near as good as any other AoE CC move. When you think of a support you need someone who will be useful without gold. All of Thresh's abilities do well without gold. Because even when you take away all of the numbers on his abilities, you still get a decent kit. You can't say that about many other supports because they've been nerfed to oblivion or weren't designed so that each ability made them better at their role. I mean if you give an AD carry no abilities that synergize with what an AD needs, eg. Varus, he can still do tons of damage because he has gold. The only way to make a support with a bad kit balanced is to make his numbers really strong early on so that it doesn't matter if he doesn't offer enough utility late game, or to give them only one extremely good ability like Janna's ult or Blitz's Q such that it doesn't matter that their other skills suck. but the thing is that it goes against how the entire rest of the roster is. It would be one thing if all those other supports were like that, but the fact that none of them are just straight up means Thresh is imbalanced. He is the best support. Aside from maybe Elise, but that's just because Elise is ridiculous too. I dunno. Is Elise that great of a support? She seems to only have strong base damage and a stun as far as utility goes. That's not something I'd expect to be good on supports.
Pro games are so weird these days.