On February 20 2013 20:00 Broetchenholer wrote: Playing Vayne in Solo Queue is like going in shark infested water with a flesh wound. It might not be dangerous at all, but the risk is just too big. Most supports instapick Nunu as a support and think they are doing you a favour. Then they initiate. There are so little supports that understand what it means to play with a vayne. And have fun playing Vayne with the amount of peel you usually get in teamfights in solo queue.
When I've spammed solo queue games as Vayne for so long, I got used to it.
Go against Nunu/Draven lane? No problem. J4/[insert assassin here]/[insert assassin here]? No problem.
Keep spamming that tumble and condemn any one of the fuckers that want your d. After that, pray to some higher deity you have flash/cleanse up.
We were extremely ahead and able to wreck the enemy team in fights... until Vayne went near the Nashor pit and got engaged on by Leona three times in a row, 1v5 right after we signaled that we shouldn't solo anymore with the lack of wards. So we ask her not to do it anymore... well, I didn't write "three times in a row" just to add some wards to the rant. Then Elise engages them 4v5 at the next Nashor, instead of waiting for Lux to get there, and me and Vayne to flank. We only needed to stall, after all, not to fight. But Elise engages and gets blown up.
Those throws made me really annoyed, and a bit sad. It's frustrating to have such a won game only for teammates to forget the "team" aspect of the game and throw it just because they think they're fed enough to get away with stunts. Vayne wasn't bad mechanically, just horrendous decision-making and chases. Also going from 1-0 to 1-1 in a promotion series doesn't help. Now I have a guy asking for top and picking Riven into Kennen. I could have locked before him but eh, I'm ready to bet it'll go wrong and I'll pay being nice dearly. See you for my looking right or utterly ridiculous in 40 minutes.
Results: Riven actually destroyed Kennen utterly, the guy bought a philostone so I guess he wasn't really good (12 wins so probably still accelerated Elo and stuff), or a troll, but it didn't matter int he end, Riven rolled him. And a strong Ryze mashed Akali at the beginning then got the bounty off of a fed MF and a triple kill from an excellent TP bot, then proceeded to carry us on broad, strong shoulders, a RoA in each hand. You can mock me. Twice, just to make sure.
On February 20 2013 20:00 Broetchenholer wrote: Playing Vayne in Solo Queue is like going in shark infested water with a flesh wound. It might not be dangerous at all, but the risk is just too big. Most supports instapick Nunu as a support and think they are doing you a favour. Then they initiate. There are so little supports that understand what it means to play with a vayne. And have fun playing Vayne with the amount of peel you usually get in teamfights in solo queue.
If you know how to kite and can keep your BT stacked, you should be able to win by yourself essentially. I have found she is one of the hardest carrying adcs after Draven and MF in Solo queue. Also you have to build differently than you would in a 5s or on a normal ADC. BT/PD/Shiv is a lot better than going IE or LW next because of the MS and the attack speed. I also love frozen mallet on her instead of warmogs. All personal preference but I've gone from SIlver 3 to Silver 1 the passed like 3 days from playing almost Vayne/Hecarim Exclusively.
So soloQ story:
Go in, get Leona supporting a Twitch. He's all like PLAY TARIC PLZ PLAY PASSIVE, and I'm like naw dude, we're Leona/Twitch vs Vayne/Lulu.
Twitch runs into the sidebush at lvl 1, gets condemned into a wall and gives FB. Bitches about me not being aggressive enough.
Later on, "what I can't see Vayne, she keeps going invisible".
I just lost a ranked game, in which i bought a 15 minutes infinity edge on tristana with a record of 8/2. in 30 minutes. At the same time, ap tryn top is godlike.
Nerxt game in prechat, this happens:
Wolfric joined the room. Zacosekk joined the room. WQK joined the room. ChupaCabraa joined the room. Broetchenholer joined the room. ChupaCabraa: hi WQK: hello WQK: mid for me plz ChupaCabraa: does anyone mind going support? Broetchenholer: prefer ad WQK: im mid WQK: just as i called mid Zacosekk: top WQK: keke WQK: IM WQK: MID WQK: I AM MID Wolfric: im mid WQK: called it WQK: you didnt say anything Wolfric: and ? WQK: so **** YOU Wolfric: ur 3rd pick WQK: no Zacosekk: take something else WQK: where both WQK: second Zacosekk: dude WQK: and you didn call anything WQK: you didnt communicate Zacosekk: go jungle WQK: no WQK: i wont Zacosekk: or something WQK: im going mid WQK: gg wolfric Zacosekk: ryze? WQK: reported Zacosekk: -.- WQK: enjoy youre ban Wolfric: im 2nd pick WQK: im refusing to cgo jungler btw Wolfric: respect pick order Zacosekk: but he is 2nd pick WQK: NO WHERE BOTH SECOND PICK WQK: AND YOU DIDNT ******* CALL WQK: ANYTHING Zacosekk: u cant just call mid Wolfric: my main is top WQK: SO RESPECT THE ONE WHO ******* COMMUNICATED Wolfric: akali went top Wolfric: so i pick 2nd WQK: INSTRAD OF BLINDLY SAYING SECOND PICK IS SECOND PICK WQK: IDIOT WQK: YOU ******* NOOB WQK: YOURE NOT EWVEN WQK: A GOOD RYZE Wolfric: and ? WQK: 2 MID Zacosekk: go jungle WQK: I DOTN ******* CARE WQK: NO Zacosekk: yes Wolfric: kha sux anyways Broetchenholer: go duo bot lane Wolfric: easy 2 beat Wolfric: bad pick Zacosekk: ok go top i go jungle Zacosekk: jeez Broetchenholer: duo mid i mean ChupaCabraa: WQK, you are like the biggest noob ever. If you call mid and someone with higher ELO pick mid before you, you have no say in it Zacosekk: go top WQK: higher leo?? Zacosekk: GO TOP WQK: AND HIGHER ELO? WQK: equals?? what? Zacosekk: i go jungle WQK: skills? WQK: fuycking idiot ryze WQK: i calle dmid Zacosekk: TOP KHAZIX WQK: he didnt WQK: SATY WQK: ANYTHING WQK: NO IM GOING MID WQK: I DONT ******* CARE ANYWAY ABOUT THIS SHITTY LOW ELO SCRUB Wolfric: elo means nothing but u respect pick order thats easiest way 2 gain leuage ranks
I don't mind playing with some people. Or friends of these people. He values skins a lot (of course, since they're costing him money) and wants to play them, but is utterly bad at those champions he buys skins for (no, Corki doesn't try to 1v1 Twitch at level 2. Nope, he doesn't try again when Twitch is fed and has a BF Sword. Nope, he shouldn't criticise Trynda who dc'd and saying "mid does well" when his friend plays AP Fiora, and mid LB rushed Tear.). I guess that's fine, I'm used to losing almost every game and have him being bad, since the difference in skill between us seems to have increased since we met in a ranked game around 1200-1300. But it gets annoying when his friend decides to play AP Xin, and thus builds Nashor, Malady, then SV when against a Renekton top, and after feeding resort to backdooring... even after I suggested armour if he wants to tank Renekton or towers.
Those games are just annoying and I feel like I waste my time. And then his friend harps on the enemy team for tryharding, while the bad Renekton he's against insults us and talks about ignoring whenever I try to banter, while showing off and trying to make himself feel good every time he gets a kill on one of our underfarmed champs. Just tell me that it's going to be a light-hearted game with troll and fails, but tell me so beforehand, so I don't have to deal with it when it's already 5 minutes into the game, damn it. And don't call tryhard anyone who doesn't let you get away with it. You're as annoying as them.
Idk why I tell junglers things like flash down or they're going to dive us when they just sit at wolves or golems and wait for it to happen then blame us for not backing
Edit: Why do people want to lane swap after they get counter picked when I already have runes and masteries to play Cho vs their AD top, because Fizz doesnt want to play vs Ryze mid. So I get shit on and he gets shit on, yet it's somehow my fault. Idk man, solo queue players make me rage so hard.
Is it just the new system, or why in blue hell has there been crying in last of my 12~ games. Like i could understand it if i was somehow toxic, and fueled it. But i stay quiet, and just follow the drama unfold from my lonely support position.
Last one was mid swain blaming our "COCK WHORE MOTHERFUCKER FUCKING CUNTFUCKER" jungle for losing his lane when he did not gank him for the first 6 minutes. Our jungle followed this by blaming it was all top lanes fault because Garen was losing so heavily in cs to AD trynd (granted the end score was something like 115 vs 260 ) and top garen saying how he cant farm when noob jungle only gank mid.
And again, like always they refused to surrender, so they could continue their competition for the biggest douche of one ranked 5v5.
I know this is only a down swing, and my play is slowly getting where it was before my break, but winning bot 8 times* in a row, and then losing 7 of those games is kinda irritating. :#
(Ok, maybe 2-3 clear wins, and mostly just draws where we outfarm/outscale a bit but still. I dont mind losing, but when these guys just stop playing so they can argue... argh)
Played with the same group of people for pretty much a year. I've always been mid and I can play that. Then suddenly out of nowhere someone of our group decides he wants to play mid and takes it every chance he gets. I'd be fine with that, if he weren't such a douche about it.
I tell them that I suck at AD, because I never play it, and they should know that. What do I end up playing? AD carry. I could learn it, but I would need practice. The guy who took mid then has the audacity to complain that bot lane ends up losing hard. I told you that before the game, but you wouldn't listen.
Playing with my friends, I got grabbed at level 1 from an invading blitzcrank because I didn't start trap as nidalee. Could not stay in lane vs. Akali to save my life - by the time I got to 6, she had enough spellvamp to completely ignore any harass and could just allin me whenever she wanted to and force a recall. (Bot lane had a pretty bad game too, as it was the ADC that got first blood.)
Felt pretty miserable.
Lost 2 soloqueue games after that, too. One of which I was shen and the enemy team got malphite. I won my lane but our tristana whined all game that it was literally impossible to dodge malphite ult, impossible to win vs. malphite, etc etc. Eventually we got caught in a 4 man malphite ult because we were positioning to keep malph off trist when she overextended retreating from a baron fight, then blames us for getting caught.
And her build was BT + BOTRK and she did shit for damage.
On February 21 2013 22:53 Gaslo wrote: Is it just the new system, or why in blue hell has there been crying in last of my 12~ games. Like i could understand it if i was somehow toxic, and fueled it. But i stay quiet, and just follow the drama unfold from my lonely support position.
As a bronze(god damn those 2 failed attemps to promote to silver! *shake fist*) I feel with you brother support... it's so annoying to see all the shit unfold quile you are quietly trying to make your support fed enough to actually win the game because you cant rely anything on the other lanes xD
Drop Sona to 50HP at level 2 when she facechecks my Lulu. Ezreal immediatly Es into a wall and gets stunned and killed by Vayne who kills me after that. Then Ezreal proceeds to get smashed because he can't even farm with Q and always lets all the farm die at our tower.
And during ganks he focuses Sona. Because Sona will do much more damage than BT Vayne right?
(On the other hand Sejuani deals so much damage with lane farm wtf.)
Newsflash: Volibear is still not a support.
On February 22 2013 00:13 h3r1n6 wrote: Played with the same group of people for pretty much a year. I've always been mid and I can play that. Then suddenly out of nowhere someone of our group decides he wants to play mid and takes it every chance he gets. I'd be fine with that, if he weren't such a douche about it.
I tell them that I suck at AD, because I never play it, and they should know that. What do I end up playing? AD carry. I could learn it, but I would need practice. The guy who took mid then has the audacity to complain that bot lane ends up losing hard. I told you that before the game, but you wouldn't listen.
I know the feel, although in a different constellation. Just dump the douche and - if necessary - the whole group. If you want to fuck around in normals, maybe keep playing with them. But stop hoping for people to change.
I have had enough of the hatred that sums up sooner or later. The time I spent playing LoL (which is unfortunately not a lot since I started work) I want to have fun and have good games. Your free time is there to relax and not to get annoyed to hell by some random fucker. Since I realized that, I simply stopped playing with people I don't like to play with. Even if this means there is a lot of talking or awkward silence in voice chat because you silently invited a group and queue'd up.
My games >>> regard for people I hate just for peace's sake.
Heck, I even prefer random scrubs over those kind of fucktards you described.
I just had an ap tryndamere on my team that started pure ad with boots 3.
Whats with all the idiots that start the game telling you what to do, then raging all game when you dont listen to them. My guess is 14 year olds not getting what they want. Internets should be off limits for teens.
oh gosh, getting invaded, having a teammate give first blood and jungling without blue b/c your team won't help you take the other sides. its disgustingly painful.
played a couple games with a group of friends, they invited this one guy that i didn't know.
in our first match, as noted in the "general awesomeness" thread we get matched up against semi-pros, and we do beat them.
however this one guy who i didn't know, i thought he was just joking around a lot but he was actually bitching towards me. i was jungler, we're all on voice chat.
him: "why didn't you gank for me." me: "because i don't like you, ahhaha."
but it kept going on
him: "i was waiting all game long for a gank and it never came, that's why i lost lane." me: "did you feed me information? did you tell me where the wards are, whether your lane is pushing? did you even call for one? where are your wards?" him: "so it's my responsibility now to do shit that you should be doing?" me: "ok whatever, enjoy no ganks because i don't want to waste my time guessing what's there."
constant constant bitching. AND WE WON THE GAME ALREADY.
also "my elo is higher than yours"-type bragging. and we're playing normals.
like what the fuck man. you don't even know me. who the hell are you to talk down to me?
after, my friend was like "dude, how do you do it? i need to take lessons on how to not take his shit."
i'd get if it was solo q and getting flamed in chat, but seriously, when we're all buddies? fuck you man
I love the players who are smurfs, then feed. It's like shit dude. Your main needs to be higher than your alt for you to be considered a smurf
On February 22 2013 10:49 kainzero wrote: played a couple games with a group of friends, they invited this one guy that i didn't know.
in our first match, as noted in the "general awesomeness" thread we get matched up against semi-pros, and we do beat them.
however this one guy who i didn't know, i thought he was just joking around a lot but he was actually bitching towards me. i was jungler, we're all on voice chat.
him: "why didn't you gank for me." me: "because i don't like you, ahhaha."
but it kept going on
him: "i was waiting all game long for a gank and it never came, that's why i lost lane." me: "did you feed me information? did you tell me where the wards are, whether your lane is pushing? did you even call for one? where are your wards?" him: "so it's my responsibility now to do shit that you should be doing?" me: "ok whatever, enjoy no ganks because i don't want to waste my time guessing what's there."
constant constant bitching. AND WE WON THE GAME ALREADY.
also "my elo is higher than yours"-type bragging. and we're playing normals.
like what the fuck man. you don't even know me. who the hell are you to talk down to me?
after, my friend was like "dude, how do you do it? i need to take lessons on how to not take his shit."
i'd get if it was solo q and getting flamed in chat, but seriously, when we're all buddies? fuck you man
People like this are retarded. There was a friend of a friend I used to play with who was horrible when it came to raging (He was also horrible at the game, like 900 ELO, however he was lvl 30 when I started so he was better than me for a while).
Anyway hadn't played with him for a while, he is versing Fiddle mid as Lux. I gank for him, he dies because he engages too early and I clean up. Game goes on for a while longer, he ends up losing mid badly and we lose the game. He starts qqing about losing the lane and I say something along the lines of (Zero malice intended btw) 'dw man hes probably just better than you, they are just outplaying us'. He then loses his shit at me 'oh you fed the fiddle two kills at least it isn't my fault I'm losing' (I'm on 0 deaths wtf) so I just left skype, removed him and haven't spoken to him again.
If people are that much of a prick in normals then don't even bother playing with them and tell them to fuck off.