For two days now I have played nothing but AP trynda. Very succesful, about 70% winratio.
But holy shit, people are retarded. The second they realize I'm AP, no matter how well I'm doing, they start yelling about report and noob and troll. In one game they all decided it was lost from lvl1 when they saw I was AP, so Trist went tank and nunu went adc, etc, and they threw the game and blamed me.
People are fucking dumb.
I'm playing Nunu, my Cait gets hit by every single Leona E (except for one) and says "Don't worry, we win trades anyways" as if that's sustainable. LOL
Meh. We threw. I prefer BotRK on Jax to triforce. Makes me much more unkillable as long as I'm not cc'd, and that's what I needed. But I started bad fights too often (and turned out when I switched mercs to Tabi that the passive was actually a big plus to my survivability) and then Taric got caught 3 times in a row and we couldn't exactly win the 4v5s. Plus the enemy team was bad (especially their Jayce, guy rushes Tear then lets me get to 6 unhindered and bully and kill him despite Amumu camping after the 2nd kill and Wukong holding him by the end), but press R Wukong+Amumu+MF too strong I guess. That's pretty frustrating in retrospect. Both to lose to people going for such an easy/boring way, and to have lost an opportunity to train positioning and initiating against this kind of comp.
How to go from 1-0 in Promotion series to Silver 1 to the brink of demotion to Silver 3 in one day. Only in Solo Queue. Where you carry and lose or you don't carry and you lose.
Duo queue with a friend, hes second pick, i am last. first pick says nothing, locks in kayle, my friend picks lulu and asks for duo bot lane. third pick says nothing. picks ez after him. fourth pick asks which lane kayle wants, no reaction. he picks cho. i get jungle vi.
Fast forward, we are 1-8 in kills, top is behind 40 cs, mid ist behind 40 cs, bot is behind 40 cs. I finish with a score of 2/3/2, with 4,8k gold, more then the rest of the team, except for Lulu, she has 4,9 and 2 lvl on ez.
next game, we ask for duo bot again, first pick takes vayne. They pick cait taric... so she asks whether we still want bot. i accept, but now she is afk and doesn't answer which champ she wants. Ok, we actually win that quite convincingly, as noone runs from vayne/janna. Still. Argh.
I denied our Twitch a penta by accidentally starcalling the last enemy If you're reading this Twitch, I am really sorry and I love you very much.
Felt really good about ranked today, was pretty close to promo series to plat.
Game 1, team refuses to listen. I press a wrong keybind at the game and use Zhonyas instead of ward, their team flashes over wall and rapes me. GG.
Queue up for another, game client pops up during pick screen and says "Maestro is closing client now. Please reopen" or something. Kicks me from pick screen, forces dodge and more lost points.
Game 2, pick Vayne. Farming well, taking objectives, we're winning by a mile. Team starts getting caught one or two at a time, lets them come back and eventually destroy us.
God I'm so salty right now.
Ok wow... I just won my first game after the 20 loss streak in the most reddiculous troll game ever. I bought malzahar and wanted to try him so I load up a game. After three attempts some scumbag always took mid from me so I just say fuck this and lock in anyways, expecting to lose.
The enemy is pretty dumbfound by our duo mid and I decide to go for maximal trolling by building ad (voidlings op). You'd think we would lose but the game goes on for over an hour. We actually raped mid lane with pro veigar support, I got 3 double kills as their maokai jungle is aweful. Only problem is the fed as hell garen with a score of 7/0. The game ends with a total of 52 kills to 32 in the end and we win.
But seriously, why can't I win in ranked queue when I really try and play strong champs (Hecarim 8/3/9 lose anyways) and win with absolute troll strats. This game makes me so sad.
Playing support is like torture, I had maybe1 or 2 adcs that aren't totally awful at csing or don't try to hard engage the fed enemy adc when behind and then they blame either the jungler or support when they just suck in decision making. also you literally can't do anything if your team is losing.
cant win with lee
Why does riot always save the worst teams for promotion series?
Edit: Wards are the hardest items to buy, so much gold. If only they made an item that held wards and refreshed when you went back to base.
My favorite jungle games are those where I haven't even reached Wraiths after Blue before everyone on my team has already died in their lanes.
Hate being ADC now. It's beyond dumb how hard it is to actually carry when everyone builds HP only.
Not only that, but Riot seems to love the idea of making ADC that have no escapes, yet make EVERY new champion have some form of Jump, flash, stealth, unblockable ult, pointclick instagib ult. Pretty fucking retarded.
To give an idea, if you pick any AD, and the enemy has one of : Zed, Poppy, Rengar, Akali, Jax, Diana etc etc etc (fucking massive list is what i'm getting at) then all they have to do, is press the ult, and run at you in which case good luck Or Point-Click the ult and they will fly past any team members and gib you anyway.
Someone tell me WHY they made a champion with an ultimate that means for 10 seconds or so, they cannot be stopped or damaged or anything apart from the support? AP poppy has to be the most blindly retarded shit i've ever seen, DW GUIS CANT TOUCH ME AS I DESTROY YOUR ADC IN 2 HITS EVEN IF HE HAS WARMOGS.... Not only that, but because of the quite insane duration of the ult, you can kill an ADC again after the GA has popped.
However, the best part of it all bar none, is the blame you get for getting blown to bits and sent back to the shadow realm itself. Sure, there are options. Don't fight, stay two screens away, build only defensive items, or try and kill one person before you die (if you can manage it). In the past 3 games, myself and the enemy ADC have had so much time both dead after team fights that i've got to know their fucking life story. Cats, Children, Work, you name it.
League of Warmogs...... fucking amazing.
On February 20 2013 19:08 Rixxe wrote: Hate being ADC now. It's beyond dumb how hard it is to actually carry when everyone builds HP only.
Not only that, but Riot seems to love the idea of making ADC that have no escapes, yet make EVERY new champion have some form of Jump, flash, stealth, unblockable ult, pointclick instagib ult. Pretty fucking retarded.
To give an idea, if you pick any AD, and the enemy has one of : Zed, Poppy, Rengar, Akali, Jax, Diana etc etc etc (fucking massive list is what i'm getting at) then all they have to do, is press the ult, and run at you in which case good luck Or Point-Click the ult and they will fly past any team members and gib you anyway.
Someone tell me WHY they made a champion with an ultimate that means for 10 seconds or so, they cannot be stopped or damaged or anything apart from the support? AP poppy has to be the most blindly retarded shit i've ever seen, DW GUIS CANT TOUCH ME AS I DESTROY YOUR ADC IN 2 HITS EVEN IF HE HAS WARMOGS.... Not only that, but because of the quite insane duration of the ult, you can kill an ADC again after the GA has popped.
However, the best part of it all bar none, is the blame you get for getting blown to bits and sent back to the shadow realm itself. Sure, there are options. Don't fight, stay two screens away, build only defensive items, or try and kill one person before you die (if you can manage it). In the past 3 games, myself and the enemy ADC have had so much time both dead after team fights that i've got to know their fucking life story. Cats, Children, Work, you name it.
League of Warmogs...... fucking amazing.
Play vayne, Outplay everyone. Give no fucks about Warmogs or stacking HP.
Playing Vayne in Solo Queue is like going in shark infested water with a flesh wound. It might not be dangerous at all, but the risk is just too big. Most supports instapick Nunu as a support and think they are doing you a favour. Then they initiate. There are so little supports that understand what it means to play with a vayne. And have fun playing Vayne with the amount of peel you usually get in teamfights in solo queue.
On February 20 2013 20:00 Broetchenholer wrote: Playing Vayne in Solo Queue is like going in shark infested water with a flesh wound. It might not be dangerous at all, but the risk is just too big. Most supports instapick Nunu as a support and think they are doing you a favour. Then they initiate. There are so little supports that understand what it means to play with a vayne. And have fun playing Vayne with the amount of peel you usually get in teamfights in solo queue.
I would be quite happy if noone would play vayne in soloqueue. As a support, playing with a vayne is pure horror. They usually manage to get outtraded hard, or just poked to death ending with them having no more pots and being at 20% at level 2-3. From there on on, they miss about half the cs because they are too scared of dying. There is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent that, since if you start a fight, you lose it anyways because you have a vayne and they have a useful AD, and even if you would not lose, they still run away because they are so used to losing fights as vayne that they don't ever dare to fight. Most of them ASK for a nunu, then exactly what i described above happens, and then they call you a worthless support. And if you dare not to pick nunu, they shout at you for not picking nunu and say that that is the reason they lost lane. (All of the above has happened to me)
The most annoying thing like that that happened to me was when i picked Leona, afterwards my ad picks vayne, and then as soon as the game starts he tells me to play passive and NEVER start a fight unless it is 2v1. That obviously did not work very well since the enemy realized very fast that all my threats were empty, and thus just ignored me and poked vayne to death.
I just dont understand this. People rage at a game we are winning. Then one guy quits because he wants to teach the other ragers a lesson. 10 minutes later the game is a sure loss, but the other ragers refuse to surrender. The first rager comes back and just continues crying, and they continue feeding, and the enemy continues not finishing.
Like that game should of ended @ 20 minutes, but i had to play it for over 40 because some kids wanted to argue with each other. :#
scumbag soraka runs away for long enough to turn my penta into a quadra with a delayed kill. GAH!
edit: oh yeah, and we lost that game
3-0-5 Jungle Darius. I'm literally force-feeding kills to my laners, and we're up nearly 10 kills and a dragon. Then shit just starts going down.
I ward their blue, pull it over the wall, and Lux kills it for the steal. Great! She stands under their tower after I leave and Xin just walks up and kills her because she has no wards. Not so great!
We kill Garen top. Great! That should give Jarvan a chance to snowball (not that J4 vs Garen should be a hard matchup), and yet once I go bot to shut down Vayne, Garen is suddenly 4-1. Not so great!
Teamfighting stages. Alright, with Jarvan, Darius, Lux, Graves, and Leona, this should be AoE fucktown and easy. Jarvan starts ulting Garen (no one else, just Garen), Lux only ever uses her ult for sniping runners and not, you know, when people are stunned, pulled, or blocked off by Jarvan's ult. Leona is doing well, but she can't peel the Garen that literally walks in 1v4, kills Graves, and leaves. Their support Fiddle somehow has 7 kills (?!?!?!?!?!) and a Zhonya's. And then they just stall out for 6 item Vayne because every time we try to engage, Jarvan just fucks up his ult and they all walk away.
You literally cannot carry some people.