Dear god I had heard about ap trynd... but that shit is retarded. Just got raped harder in lane than I ever have before. It was embarassing... and once that bastard starts rolling it's over. Probably one of the most frustrating games I've ever played in my life.
On February 18 2013 16:39 Evilmonkey. wrote: Dear god I had heard about ap trynd... but that shit is retarded. Just got raped harder in lane than I ever have before. It was embarassing... and once that bastard starts rolling it's over. Probably one of the most frustrating games I've ever played in my life. outsustain him with top nunu
Bit of QQ from me:
Yesterday I managed to reach the Bo5 Series for entry into gold and lost it 0-3.
First game I'm mid, our jungler is dced for the first 3mins. After that he starts to play normally, thankfully the opponent didn't conuterjungle. However after taking both buffs he ganks mid and just towerdives my opponent giving him double buff and first blood. Afterwards he complains about me lsoing the lane vs a double-buffed opponent. -.-
Second game, we invade their jungle successfully, but our mid dcs. Due to his position he auto-walks back right through the enemy tower giving first blood and is dced for 6 min. He was so far behind he couldn't do anything, at the end he did a grand total of 700 dmg to champions.
Third game was finally a normal game and a deserved loss, we just couldn't get their ad-carry and our Nidalee was far too aggressive. Still losing two games in the promotion thanks to DCs is really annoying -.-
Well, after that I was at 47LP and pretty bummed, palyed two more games this day a win and a loss putting me at 58 LP. So hopefully after two more wins I'll get my next chance.
Ugh.... Losses due to idiots being overly aggressive and not learning from it/listening to advice. Winning my Bot lane almost every game with counter picking as Graves or Sivir. And what is with all the captains afking and missing bans and not communicating? Seriously. Had one Miss two bans, then pick Teemo, expecting top and everyone else has their roles "picked" so to speak and everyone was in agreement. Then we load in to game teemo runs bot "I'm adc". Stupid Troll. He went top anyway then fed their Riven 9 kills and then she just shut the rest of us down, ended up three shotting most people just with auto attacks. Winning my lane as well... again.... -_- Also lost another game due to a Leona who said "I want to support" And did not land a single skillshot in lane. Seriously? Wtf is wrong with people.
My LP is literally in freefall. I feel like I'm playing in the same LoL from a year ago where every single game had an AFK/Disconect. I'm feeling completely defeated right now, 15 straight losses. WHY?!
I think i just met my first ebay account. A diamond border playing on lower plat level, and getting raped so horribly hard it was not even funny. (of course a vayne pick)
I should just start banning Nid, Teemo, and Vayne. Everytime someone on my team picks them they get absolutely shit on and do nothing but feed and complain and blame other lanes and then think they're hot shit when they get carried.
Edit: And honestly, they have to be retarded. Who thinks in any situation Teemo is a good pick mid vs Akali. I need to learn when to dodge.
Edit2: How long does a cait nunu have to sit at tower before the jungler realizes maybe they should pressure slightly because the other lanes are fine?
Edit3: PD BT Jungle Xin...Please riot, I need you to develop a Special Needs League for kids like this.
It might the worst streak of games I have ever had. I don't know why, I can't win a single ranked game for the sake of it. When I play good, my team derps so hard it's beyond imagination. When I'm doing "ok", it's just a ragefest it's a guarantee surrender 20 cause nobody wants to play. And obviously when i play bad (= lose my lane hard), my team is even worse.
Time for some facts:
Bot lane goes janna/mf vs ez/sona. MF missed a kill early on lane and Janna starts to rage. She then proceeds to never buys a ward and goes for bruta first item into vampiric scepter. Obviously she now wants all the farm pretending she will carry better than this mf. I was ryze mid vs leblanc and was doing fine until leblanc understood than she had two guarantee kills bot everytime she wanted. Janna just ignored us and tried to steal everything possible: kills/red/blue/farm. We lost badly.
The very next game, i first pick twisted fate. Got instantly flamed by the last pick cause he wanted mid. He picked Diana flash/ignite as a support and ruined our AD life. They went 2-16 in 20 minutes. Our jungler jax (who was premade with diana) didn't let me a single blue (smited them all while i was doing them) and asked the opponent team to report me cause I picked mid while his buddy asked for it first. Worst part is that the opposite team said he was right and that players like me should get reported. What a wonderful world, get reported for first picking something. No need to say, we lost while i was 8-2-15 as tf with 0 bot lane.
Another, last pick asked "ADC" cause he's supposedly a 2000 elo on a smurf. AS first pick i say ok let's do this then and i picked leona (my best support). He picked cait (i was like meh). He starts the lane by pushing hard (it's ok I got it all warded). Around level 4 ask him to let them push back to make an engage on them on a clear zone. He said ok but kept auto attacking/piltovering the sh it out of everything. When i decide to shop i "tab" and see my cait sitting with a brilliant 30 minions vs the 65 graves. I said ok you're not a smurf, you just made that up to pick adc as last pick GG. He died multiple times for no reason and refused to teamwork the whole game (our mid & top were doing ok). We surrended.
Finally, the last game of the night. We have mid/top/jungler picked and we're waiting for our two last pick to take bot lane. First guy pick Master Yi (AP obviously), second one LuLu. Good we have no adc. Game sarts, lulu doesn't buy any items and feeds. Yi ended up 8-2 on lane, i was 6-0 as kennen and our garen was even. We lost 50 mn later and lulu finished 0-20 without any items.
What a wonderful night, I'm so depressed right now...
On February 19 2013 15:55 oHInsane wrote: It might the worst streak of games I have ever had. I don't know why, I can't win a single ranked game for the sake of it. When I play good, my team derps so hard it's beyond imagination. When I'm doing "ok", it's just a ragefest it's a guarantee surrender 20 cause nobody wants to play. And obviously when i play bad (= lose my lane hard), my team is even worse.
Time for some facts:
Bot lane goes janna/mf vs ez/sona. MF missed a kill early on lane and Janna starts to rage. She then proceeds to never buys a ward and goes for bruta first item into vampiric scepter. Obviously she now wants all the farm pretending she will carry better than this mf. I was ryze mid vs leblanc and was doing fine until leblanc understood than she had two guarantee kills bot everytime she wanted. Janna just ignored us and tried to steal everything possible: kills/red/blue/farm. We lost badly.
The very next game, i first pick twisted fate. Got instantly flamed by the last pick cause he wanted mid. He picked Diana flash/ignite as a support and ruined our AD life. They went 2-16 in 20 minutes. Our jungler jax (who was premade with diana) didn't let me a single blue (smited them all while i was doing them) and asked the opponent team to report me cause I picked mid while his buddy asked for it first. Worst part is that the opposite team said he was right and that players like me should get reported. What a wonderful world, get reported for first picking something. No need to say, we lost while i was 8-2-15 as tf with 0 bot lane.
Another, last pick asked "ADC" cause he's supposedly a 2000 elo on a smurf. AS first pick i say ok let's do this then and i picked leona (my best support). He picked cait (i was like meh). He starts the lane by pushing hard (it's ok I got it all warded). Around level 4 ask him to let them push back to make an engage on them on a clear zone. He said ok but kept auto attacking/piltovering the sh it out of everything. When i decide to shop i "tab" and see my cait sitting with a brilliant 30 minions vs the 65 graves. I said ok you're not a smurf, you just made that up to pick adc as last pick GG. He died multiple times for no reason and refused to teamwork the whole game (our mid & top were doing ok). We surrended.
Finally, the last game of the night. We have mid/top/jungler picked and we're waiting for our two last pick to take bot lane. First guy pick Master Yi (AP obviously), second one LuLu. Good we have no adc. Game sarts, lulu doesn't buy any items and feeds. Yi ended up 8-2 on lane, i was 6-0 as kennen and our garen was even. We lost 50 mn later and lulu finished 0-20 without any items.
What a wonderful night, I'm so depressed right now...
I feel your pain. Since the new devision system went up I went from bronze 3 to 5 by losing 19 of 20 games....
The best part is that I had a positive score in all of them but the support games. The only game we won I carried hard with 12/3/18 jungle vi while my team lost every lane. I just don't get how this is possible. I'm so low now, people pick adc teemo or even better counter pick teemo into garen and end the lane I kid you not 0/7 with like 30 cs at 20.
I'd just like to say I've seen entirely too many Jarvan mids. I don't understand why you would mid him (especially if your top or jungle is not AP), your team has to wreck house so hard the loss of an AP's burst doesn't hurt you. Invariably the enemy mid picks Annie or something, Jarvan loses hard, and we're getting one shot by the enemy AP, while the enemy team has Taric. -.-
I started doing rankeds again. Its going super well. Yes it is.
First i mess up 2 games badly. Then i play 2 very good games, where my team loses everywhere else. I kinda now its just a down swing, but still, should stop playing but cant. :I
man losing a series takes a lot out of me. goes from one game away from next level to needing to win another 4 minimum to get promoted
From one game away from being promoted, to being demoted because of an 8 loss streak, worst part? positive score in all of them apart from like one where I was forced to top (my worst position atm).... I swear some people are just braindead in this game, and this whole oh jungle vi is op, my vi's? Worst you've ever seen and feed non stop, their Vi's? Fucking 2k smurfs who carry hard -_-
I haven't played that much of season 3 after dropping off towards the end of season 2 for school, etc. but holy hell. I feel like I have to call jungle to have any shot at winning because literally every game there will be folks who say they "main" jungle and proceed to open CLOTH 5 on like SHEN or XIN (jesus christ). Then they will actually be surprised at how our top laner died to like a Vi or Jarvan gank that opened Machete into double buffs at 3 minutes while our stalwart jungle mainer is plodding along with his cloth armor at wraiths or wolves.... urgh.
I am at 0 points in Silver 1 after a losing streak, but first time at 0. So, i should be okay. Queue up with a friend, he's nami, i am trist. Mid does not connect. Yeah! So, i go mid, she goes bot, and we try to play as well as we can until mid comes back. 10 minutes later, we are 7-2 but it's still a 4 vs 5. Their Ryze is getting stronger and they have a Vayne of yourse. They also have a Yi jungle. And now 2 of them are only splitpushing, 3 of them with teleport... After 40 minutes we lose after having aced them 3 times, getting 2 barons.
And to top all off, they start to badmouth us. I don't know how many points i lost, but i get instantly demoted. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1one
On February 19 2013 20:26 OmegaKnetus wrote:Show nested quote +On February 19 2013 15:55 oHInsane wrote: It might the worst streak of games I have ever had. I don't know why, I can't win a single ranked game for the sake of it. When I play good, my team derps so hard it's beyond imagination. When I'm doing "ok", it's just a ragefest it's a guarantee surrender 20 cause nobody wants to play. And obviously when i play bad (= lose my lane hard), my team is even worse.
Time for some facts:
Bot lane goes janna/mf vs ez/sona. MF missed a kill early on lane and Janna starts to rage. She then proceeds to never buys a ward and goes for bruta first item into vampiric scepter. Obviously she now wants all the farm pretending she will carry better than this mf. I was ryze mid vs leblanc and was doing fine until leblanc understood than she had two guarantee kills bot everytime she wanted. Janna just ignored us and tried to steal everything possible: kills/red/blue/farm. We lost badly.
The very next game, i first pick twisted fate. Got instantly flamed by the last pick cause he wanted mid. He picked Diana flash/ignite as a support and ruined our AD life. They went 2-16 in 20 minutes. Our jungler jax (who was premade with diana) didn't let me a single blue (smited them all while i was doing them) and asked the opponent team to report me cause I picked mid while his buddy asked for it first. Worst part is that the opposite team said he was right and that players like me should get reported. What a wonderful world, get reported for first picking something. No need to say, we lost while i was 8-2-15 as tf with 0 bot lane.
Another, last pick asked "ADC" cause he's supposedly a 2000 elo on a smurf. AS first pick i say ok let's do this then and i picked leona (my best support). He picked cait (i was like meh). He starts the lane by pushing hard (it's ok I got it all warded). Around level 4 ask him to let them push back to make an engage on them on a clear zone. He said ok but kept auto attacking/piltovering the sh it out of everything. When i decide to shop i "tab" and see my cait sitting with a brilliant 30 minions vs the 65 graves. I said ok you're not a smurf, you just made that up to pick adc as last pick GG. He died multiple times for no reason and refused to teamwork the whole game (our mid & top were doing ok). We surrended.
Finally, the last game of the night. We have mid/top/jungler picked and we're waiting for our two last pick to take bot lane. First guy pick Master Yi (AP obviously), second one LuLu. Good we have no adc. Game sarts, lulu doesn't buy any items and feeds. Yi ended up 8-2 on lane, i was 6-0 as kennen and our garen was even. We lost 50 mn later and lulu finished 0-20 without any items.
What a wonderful night, I'm so depressed right now... I feel your pain. Since the new devision system went up I went from bronze 3 to 5 by losing 19 of 20 games.... The best part is that I had a positive score in all of them but the support games. The only game we won I carried hard with 12/3/18 jungle vi while my team lost every lane. I just don't get how this is possible. I'm so low now, people pick adc teemo or even better counter pick teemo into garen and end the lane I kid you not 0/7 with like 30 cs at 20. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????
I too have gone from bronze 3 to bronze 5 with almost all positive scores and winning lanes. Whats worst about it is I do not think there is anything you can once you are this low. You have to wait for a league reset again. People always say your not good enough you deserve to be there, but they are too ignorant to even think that elo hell actually exists. You could maybe carry yourself out if you had teamates without the downs. But no. They have never had to argue that hecarim is indeed NOT a support. Or had a duo q that pick pantheon/ lee sin and go support/ top and when top dies they trade positions all game. Or had a bot lane with 37 combined deaths at the end of a game. You cant carry yourself out of this mess. GL and I hope the rest of season 3 is as enjoyable for you as it is for a lot of the rest of us down in this pit.
On February 20 2013 00:58 imanoobcs wrote:Show nested quote +On February 19 2013 20:26 OmegaKnetus wrote:On February 19 2013 15:55 oHInsane wrote: It might the worst streak of games I have ever had. I don't know why, I can't win a single ranked game for the sake of it. When I play good, my team derps so hard it's beyond imagination. When I'm doing "ok", it's just a ragefest it's a guarantee surrender 20 cause nobody wants to play. And obviously when i play bad (= lose my lane hard), my team is even worse.
Time for some facts:
Bot lane goes janna/mf vs ez/sona. MF missed a kill early on lane and Janna starts to rage. She then proceeds to never buys a ward and goes for bruta first item into vampiric scepter. Obviously she now wants all the farm pretending she will carry better than this mf. I was ryze mid vs leblanc and was doing fine until leblanc understood than she had two guarantee kills bot everytime she wanted. Janna just ignored us and tried to steal everything possible: kills/red/blue/farm. We lost badly.
The very next game, i first pick twisted fate. Got instantly flamed by the last pick cause he wanted mid. He picked Diana flash/ignite as a support and ruined our AD life. They went 2-16 in 20 minutes. Our jungler jax (who was premade with diana) didn't let me a single blue (smited them all while i was doing them) and asked the opponent team to report me cause I picked mid while his buddy asked for it first. Worst part is that the opposite team said he was right and that players like me should get reported. What a wonderful world, get reported for first picking something. No need to say, we lost while i was 8-2-15 as tf with 0 bot lane.
Another, last pick asked "ADC" cause he's supposedly a 2000 elo on a smurf. AS first pick i say ok let's do this then and i picked leona (my best support). He picked cait (i was like meh). He starts the lane by pushing hard (it's ok I got it all warded). Around level 4 ask him to let them push back to make an engage on them on a clear zone. He said ok but kept auto attacking/piltovering the sh it out of everything. When i decide to shop i "tab" and see my cait sitting with a brilliant 30 minions vs the 65 graves. I said ok you're not a smurf, you just made that up to pick adc as last pick GG. He died multiple times for no reason and refused to teamwork the whole game (our mid & top were doing ok). We surrended.
Finally, the last game of the night. We have mid/top/jungler picked and we're waiting for our two last pick to take bot lane. First guy pick Master Yi (AP obviously), second one LuLu. Good we have no adc. Game sarts, lulu doesn't buy any items and feeds. Yi ended up 8-2 on lane, i was 6-0 as kennen and our garen was even. We lost 50 mn later and lulu finished 0-20 without any items.
What a wonderful night, I'm so depressed right now... I feel your pain. Since the new devision system went up I went from bronze 3 to 5 by losing 19 of 20 games.... The best part is that I had a positive score in all of them but the support games. The only game we won I carried hard with 12/3/18 jungle vi while my team lost every lane. I just don't get how this is possible. I'm so low now, people pick adc teemo or even better counter pick teemo into garen and end the lane I kid you not 0/7 with like 30 cs at 20. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????? I too have gone from bronze 3 to bronze 5 with almost all positive scores and winning lanes. Whats worst about it is I do not think there is anything you can once you are this low. You have to wait for a league reset again. People always say your not good enough you deserve to be there, but they are too ignorant to even think that elo hell actually exists. You could maybe carry yourself out if you had teamates without the downs. But no. They have never had to argue that hecarim is indeed NOT a support. Or had a duo q that pick pantheon/ lee sin and go support/ top and when top dies they trade positions all game. Or had a bot lane with 37 combined deaths at the end of a game. You cant carry yourself out of this mess. GL and I hope the rest of season 3 is as enjoyable for you as it is for a lot of the rest of us down in this pit.
Well, statistically speaking there is a 5/9 (or about 56%) chance of those guys being on the enemy team. So if every game is decided by who gets the absolute retard, and you yourself are never it, you should slowly rise in rank. You don't have to win every game to carry yourself up, just more then 50%. And if you are not only neutral, but actually have a positive effect, your stats should be even better. And even better, if that was indeed so common to get stuck down there and never get out again, you should just find another competent person with the same problem and duoqueue. That reduces the chance of the gameruining retard being on your team to 3/8, meaning you have a more then 62% chance to win just by not being the retard and duoing with someone else who is also not the retard. And a 62% winquote is really not bad, you rise rather quickly with that.
On February 19 2013 21:43 zer0das wrote: I'd just like to say I've seen entirely too many Jarvan mids. I don't understand why you would mid him (especially if your top or jungle is not AP), your team has to wreck house so hard the loss of an AP's burst doesn't hurt you. Invariably the enemy mid picks Annie or something, Jarvan loses hard, and we're getting one shot by the enemy AP, while the enemy team has Taric. -.-
Well recently people have been running all Ad teams without losing out toooooo much. Jarvan has great burst on squishies, good roaming potential, does very well with buffs, and a nice gap closer even pre 6 is why I imagine you see him mid.
On February 20 2013 01:22 Simberto wrote:Show nested quote +On February 20 2013 00:58 imanoobcs wrote:On February 19 2013 20:26 OmegaKnetus wrote:On February 19 2013 15:55 oHInsane wrote: It might the worst streak of games I have ever had. I don't know why, I can't win a single ranked game for the sake of it. When I play good, my team derps so hard it's beyond imagination. When I'm doing "ok", it's just a ragefest it's a guarantee surrender 20 cause nobody wants to play. And obviously when i play bad (= lose my lane hard), my team is even worse.
Time for some facts:
Bot lane goes janna/mf vs ez/sona. MF missed a kill early on lane and Janna starts to rage. She then proceeds to never buys a ward and goes for bruta first item into vampiric scepter. Obviously she now wants all the farm pretending she will carry better than this mf. I was ryze mid vs leblanc and was doing fine until leblanc understood than she had two guarantee kills bot everytime she wanted. Janna just ignored us and tried to steal everything possible: kills/red/blue/farm. We lost badly.
The very next game, i first pick twisted fate. Got instantly flamed by the last pick cause he wanted mid. He picked Diana flash/ignite as a support and ruined our AD life. They went 2-16 in 20 minutes. Our jungler jax (who was premade with diana) didn't let me a single blue (smited them all while i was doing them) and asked the opponent team to report me cause I picked mid while his buddy asked for it first. Worst part is that the opposite team said he was right and that players like me should get reported. What a wonderful world, get reported for first picking something. No need to say, we lost while i was 8-2-15 as tf with 0 bot lane.
Another, last pick asked "ADC" cause he's supposedly a 2000 elo on a smurf. AS first pick i say ok let's do this then and i picked leona (my best support). He picked cait (i was like meh). He starts the lane by pushing hard (it's ok I got it all warded). Around level 4 ask him to let them push back to make an engage on them on a clear zone. He said ok but kept auto attacking/piltovering the sh it out of everything. When i decide to shop i "tab" and see my cait sitting with a brilliant 30 minions vs the 65 graves. I said ok you're not a smurf, you just made that up to pick adc as last pick GG. He died multiple times for no reason and refused to teamwork the whole game (our mid & top were doing ok). We surrended.
Finally, the last game of the night. We have mid/top/jungler picked and we're waiting for our two last pick to take bot lane. First guy pick Master Yi (AP obviously), second one LuLu. Good we have no adc. Game sarts, lulu doesn't buy any items and feeds. Yi ended up 8-2 on lane, i was 6-0 as kennen and our garen was even. We lost 50 mn later and lulu finished 0-20 without any items.
What a wonderful night, I'm so depressed right now... I feel your pain. Since the new devision system went up I went from bronze 3 to 5 by losing 19 of 20 games.... The best part is that I had a positive score in all of them but the support games. The only game we won I carried hard with 12/3/18 jungle vi while my team lost every lane. I just don't get how this is possible. I'm so low now, people pick adc teemo or even better counter pick teemo into garen and end the lane I kid you not 0/7 with like 30 cs at 20. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????? I too have gone from bronze 3 to bronze 5 with almost all positive scores and winning lanes. Whats worst about it is I do not think there is anything you can once you are this low. You have to wait for a league reset again. People always say your not good enough you deserve to be there, but they are too ignorant to even think that elo hell actually exists. You could maybe carry yourself out if you had teamates without the downs. But no. They have never had to argue that hecarim is indeed NOT a support. Or had a duo q that pick pantheon/ lee sin and go support/ top and when top dies they trade positions all game. Or had a bot lane with 37 combined deaths at the end of a game. You cant carry yourself out of this mess. GL and I hope the rest of season 3 is as enjoyable for you as it is for a lot of the rest of us down in this pit. Well, statistically speaking there is a 5/9 (or about 56%) chance of those guys being on the enemy team. So if every game is decided by who gets the absolute retard, and you yourself are never it, you should slowly rise in rank. You don't have to win every game to carry yourself up, just more then 50%. And if you are not only neutral, but actually have a positive effect, your stats should be even better. And even better, if that was indeed so common to get stuck down there and never get out again, you should just find another competent person with the same problem and duoqueue. That reduces the chance of the gameruining retard being on your team to 3/8, meaning you have a more then 62% chance to win just by not being the retard and duoing with someone else who is also not the retard. And a 62% winquote is really not bad, you rise rather quickly with that.
The math is correct, but it assumes your not forced into support or a role your not good with. I can play all the roles, But I will admit, I suck at Mid. I dont feed, but I know im not very good so I play very passive and miss out on a lot of farm. Also about 30% of the time I get stuck supporting and its hard to make a difference as a support. I have tried morgana and lux and more carry oriented supports but almost every time you get a kill they get upset and afk.
On February 20 2013 03:54 imanoobcs wrote:Show nested quote +On February 20 2013 01:22 Simberto wrote:On February 20 2013 00:58 imanoobcs wrote:On February 19 2013 20:26 OmegaKnetus wrote:On February 19 2013 15:55 oHInsane wrote: It might the worst streak of games I have ever had. I don't know why, I can't win a single ranked game for the sake of it. When I play good, my team derps so hard it's beyond imagination. When I'm doing "ok", it's just a ragefest it's a guarantee surrender 20 cause nobody wants to play. And obviously when i play bad (= lose my lane hard), my team is even worse.
Time for some facts:
Bot lane goes janna/mf vs ez/sona. MF missed a kill early on lane and Janna starts to rage. She then proceeds to never buys a ward and goes for bruta first item into vampiric scepter. Obviously she now wants all the farm pretending she will carry better than this mf. I was ryze mid vs leblanc and was doing fine until leblanc understood than she had two guarantee kills bot everytime she wanted. Janna just ignored us and tried to steal everything possible: kills/red/blue/farm. We lost badly.
The very next game, i first pick twisted fate. Got instantly flamed by the last pick cause he wanted mid. He picked Diana flash/ignite as a support and ruined our AD life. They went 2-16 in 20 minutes. Our jungler jax (who was premade with diana) didn't let me a single blue (smited them all while i was doing them) and asked the opponent team to report me cause I picked mid while his buddy asked for it first. Worst part is that the opposite team said he was right and that players like me should get reported. What a wonderful world, get reported for first picking something. No need to say, we lost while i was 8-2-15 as tf with 0 bot lane.
Another, last pick asked "ADC" cause he's supposedly a 2000 elo on a smurf. AS first pick i say ok let's do this then and i picked leona (my best support). He picked cait (i was like meh). He starts the lane by pushing hard (it's ok I got it all warded). Around level 4 ask him to let them push back to make an engage on them on a clear zone. He said ok but kept auto attacking/piltovering the sh it out of everything. When i decide to shop i "tab" and see my cait sitting with a brilliant 30 minions vs the 65 graves. I said ok you're not a smurf, you just made that up to pick adc as last pick GG. He died multiple times for no reason and refused to teamwork the whole game (our mid & top were doing ok). We surrended.
Finally, the last game of the night. We have mid/top/jungler picked and we're waiting for our two last pick to take bot lane. First guy pick Master Yi (AP obviously), second one LuLu. Good we have no adc. Game sarts, lulu doesn't buy any items and feeds. Yi ended up 8-2 on lane, i was 6-0 as kennen and our garen was even. We lost 50 mn later and lulu finished 0-20 without any items.
What a wonderful night, I'm so depressed right now... I feel your pain. Since the new devision system went up I went from bronze 3 to 5 by losing 19 of 20 games.... The best part is that I had a positive score in all of them but the support games. The only game we won I carried hard with 12/3/18 jungle vi while my team lost every lane. I just don't get how this is possible. I'm so low now, people pick adc teemo or even better counter pick teemo into garen and end the lane I kid you not 0/7 with like 30 cs at 20. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????? I too have gone from bronze 3 to bronze 5 with almost all positive scores and winning lanes. Whats worst about it is I do not think there is anything you can once you are this low. You have to wait for a league reset again. People always say your not good enough you deserve to be there, but they are too ignorant to even think that elo hell actually exists. You could maybe carry yourself out if you had teamates without the downs. But no. They have never had to argue that hecarim is indeed NOT a support. Or had a duo q that pick pantheon/ lee sin and go support/ top and when top dies they trade positions all game. Or had a bot lane with 37 combined deaths at the end of a game. You cant carry yourself out of this mess. GL and I hope the rest of season 3 is as enjoyable for you as it is for a lot of the rest of us down in this pit. Well, statistically speaking there is a 5/9 (or about 56%) chance of those guys being on the enemy team. So if every game is decided by who gets the absolute retard, and you yourself are never it, you should slowly rise in rank. You don't have to win every game to carry yourself up, just more then 50%. And if you are not only neutral, but actually have a positive effect, your stats should be even better. And even better, if that was indeed so common to get stuck down there and never get out again, you should just find another competent person with the same problem and duoqueue. That reduces the chance of the gameruining retard being on your team to 3/8, meaning you have a more then 62% chance to win just by not being the retard and duoing with someone else who is also not the retard. And a 62% winquote is really not bad, you rise rather quickly with that. The math is correct, but it assumes your not forced into support or a role your not good with. I can play all the roles, But I will admit, I suck at Mid. I dont feed, but I know im not very good so I play very passive and miss out on a lot of farm. Also about 30% of the time I get stuck supporting and its hard to make a difference as a support. I have tried morgana and lux and more carry oriented supports but almost every time you get a kill they get upset and afk.
Can you explain how the math makes that assumption?
Also the fact that you think you "can play all the roles" is not good, you're most likely being unrealistic. Most people cannot play more than 1-2 roles well. You should pick one champ and one role (Hecarim jungle is a good carry atm) to pull yourself up.
Honestly, 90% of this game is being honest w/ yourself, like I strictly play support from 1100-1900. I just started trying out tops this weekend and I realized how shitty I am at it. So I pick 1-2 champs and practice over and over.
This has been repeated many many times, but I'll reiterate if you're <1500:
1. Pick 1 good champ and a role 2. Don't rage 3. Stick with it for 100+ games 4. Now you're out of 1500