Losing this game made me incredibly angry. When you are up like 10 kills, 3 dragons and 3 turrets, why do you have to fuck around, and never team up. Literally the moment the last guy arrived, the first already ported back. It is like herding rabbits or something. The game was one. The only thing we had to do was push one lane, protect trist when they engage, and take down inhib. Then go to the next lane. But no. We can't do that, that would not be fair, would it? We need to run around like brainless chickens, each on his own, and NEVER be more then 3 people at the same spot. Because people get distracted by shinies.
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Germany11313 Posts
Losing this game made me incredibly angry. When you are up like 10 kills, 3 dragons and 3 turrets, why do you have to fuck around, and never team up. Literally the moment the last guy arrived, the first already ported back. It is like herding rabbits or something. The game was one. The only thing we had to do was push one lane, protect trist when they engage, and take down inhib. Then go to the next lane. But no. We can't do that, that would not be fair, would it? We need to run around like brainless chickens, each on his own, and NEVER be more then 3 people at the same spot. Because people get distracted by shinies. | ||
France343 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
On that same not there's nothing better than level 2 ganking top, having zed blow flash and ignite vs darius as well as his 3 pots and darius still giving up FB without jungler help. | ||
Netherlands4119 Posts
First game: I am jungle Xin. I get Jayce mid fed (4/1), Garen top wins on its own and our bot lane of cait ali stays even. But then ofcourse nobody except cait shows any map awareness at all, Garen thinks it is a good idea to solo Baron etc etc... Ends up with us losing a little bit, and immediately Jayce starts to intentionally feed. He even admitted it in chat lol... BUT WHY WOULD YOU EVER GO AND INTENTIONALLY FEED IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL AAAAAA And yes I typed that with shift pressed down the whole time. Second game champ select: I'm second pick and I want to go adc. Unfortunately 1st and 5th pick are a duoq and want to go bot so I say I'd like to jungle except when they pick mid first (which they didn't. Also I hate top). Then 3rd pick instalocks jungle Rammus (WHY RAMMUS) and choose eve mid. Then the whole team starts flaming me for picking mid first, then they say I should pick blitz for 5th pick so he could counter, THEN the whole team starts flaming me for picking Blitz??????????? And then they don't even pick a fucking mid for me ????????????????????????? I just dodged that game cuz I was tired of playing with retards. And this is just the beginning... | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
Yeah I need to take a break | ||
Germany3605 Posts
On January 25 2013 15:42 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote: HOW HOW HOW do I lose a game where I jungle malphite and start 5/0/5 in the first 15 min? how does my vayne manage to go 1/10/3 when i ganked her lane SUCCESSFULLY 3 times and why can't my lux land an ult??? I swear every time I get close to 1400 this shit hapens. not even my fed olaf top could help me carry something that heavy. I understand your pain my crazy peruano friend, in fact I'm so amazed by the LoL players. LoL players are capable of throwing literally anything. Jungle Skarner, first time in season 3, shit starts out pretty well, 6 kills in 4 ganks (2 ganks to mid, 2 ganks to bot). Ashe-Nunu lane starts rolling as well as AP Cho'Gath. But no, top lane Wukong loses lane to a tank Nidalee (no ganks from either side), feeds her, she starts split pushing, opens are for her team to farm, enemy team farms up, wins the game. And the worst part? Wukong blames me. He fucking blames me for losing his lane straight up. The retardation level just amazes me. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
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Germany1716 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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Germany3605 Posts
![]() The same story as all of my other Skarner games: I give my carries lotsnlots of opportunities to get ahead of other carries, then they throw the game. This time I literally had 4 teammates sharing 20 iq. At least my team had mottos: "3 enemies in the mid -> let's go die to them one by one" "Let me split push the hell out of my lane so that I could easily get picked off" | ||
United States540 Posts
Why? What's with this plague of Zeal first Graves? I had one in my last game, and unsurprisingly, we started losing trades and getting zoned by Ezreal Taric because every time we engaged them, they'd hardly take any damage, and Taric would heal whatever damage they did take. Especially on Graves, who has amazing burst and scales so well with AD early on. Why? Do these guys not understand why Graves is a good champion? | ||
Canada1600 Posts
On January 26 2013 10:57 Cheap0 wrote: Has there been some notable pro game where an ADC went Zeal first on Graves? For some reason, I seem to run into Zeal first Graves all the time, and I don't understand why. It's ALWAYS a Graves too, never any other carry, just Graves (except I'll see it on Vayne and Kog sometimes, but I'd consider that more acceptable). Why would anybody go Zeal first on Graves? Every Graves I ever see do this loses lane. Why? What's with this plague of Zeal first Graves? I had one in my last game, and unsurprisingly, we started losing trades and getting zoned by Ezreal Taric because every time we engaged them, they'd hardly take any damage, and Taric would heal whatever damage they did take. Especially on Graves, who has amazing burst and scales so well with AD early on. Why? Do these guys not understand why Graves is a good champion? Cant afford bf and want to buy something - if already have vamp then the only thing that they can buy is zeal. Doesn't mean its good, just their thought process. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
Playing lux mid, he comes at level 4 to gank anivia, and W's anivia while she's UNDER the tower. Didn't even have to blow flash to survive and collect double buffs. Dude was so fucking terrible.... | ||
United States15977 Posts
Ok, pretty bad right? I've never played Shyvana before. However, her E has armor shred, which goes moderately well with Corki/ Nasus (I'm grasping at straws a bit, yeah). We don't do terrible against Graves Thresh-- actually pick up FB on Thresh after we discover that if you get hooked you can Valkryie and DRAG Thresh with you. Same thing applies to Shyvana's Ult-- it's a cool little trick, and we ended up 3/3 in lane phase and behind a little in CS-- not too bad IMO. So Nasus gets shit on top by Olaf, and we have a jungle AD Yi. Sure, ganks are impossible bottom b/c no real CC except my ult. Still, we did alright in lane. Teamfights go pretty shitty. Graves gets to 11/0. I get more or less scapegoated for it. Yeah, I derped and hard randomed. I derped and facechecked a bush too. Still, you can't blame me 100% for shitting the game. I kind of feel like it's like they expected bot lane to carry when other people just did shitty. Next game I just go Nunu. We do good, I DC at one point and get shit for it. They pretty much shit on me all game-- not personal attacks really, but basically saying I'm bad, my map awareness is shit, etc. I'm actually getting a bit annoyed at it, I mean, they're seriously going a little too far. I'm a little upset and getting worried I'll start tiliting a bit, but hey, I man up and end up 6/6/26. Our AD ends up 3/7, for the note. Yeti paws too stronk. Final game and they're still shitting on me. I've already apologized several times, but apparently unless I say that losing the game was entirely my fault, its not good enough. I jungle Cho. Our AP guy is playing pretty well, but he's kind of raging a bit-- I try and stay nice, tell him when I'm ganking, asking if its warded, giving him blue... the usual jungle thing. I gank for Olaf-- two kills on his lane, he's good. Mid is doing alright, I get him a gank too. I think I gank bot a couple times. Bot is complaining about Ez/Sona the entire time and it gets a little annoying. I've played on both sides of Ez/Sona A LOT, and while its annoying, its not that bad at my elo level. Their Rengar jungle is def better than me, and (I think) Rengar is just a much more effective jungler than Cho. I don't think my team warded much, or Rengar just straight out ran in and killed people. He gets fed as heck, and we lose. Sigh. My ganks aren't good enough, we lose they say-- okay fair, but they do it in a "its all your fault way". Sigh. Everyone pretty much ragequits and goes to dinner. Idk, I make one mistake in picking and get shat on for three games in a row and blamed when we lose them. | ||
Germany3605 Posts
Shen vs Darius top lane Skarner vs Gankplank jungle Karthus vs Lux mid Ashe+Sona vs MF+Taric bot I gank top at level 3 to kill Darius, we fail because Shen has just used his taunt, we both were low, later on Shen dies to a Gankplank gank: "OMG I died because of you and your noob gank" Shen Then I gank top and we kill Darius, kill goes to me: "OMG I needed that kill but Skarner noob KS'd it" Shen I gank mid, we score a kill on Lux, again goes to me: "This Skarner only knows how to KS" Shen Seeing my Boots of Mobility: "Nice boots brah" Ashe Seeing my CS: "94 cs Skarner" //GP had more CS than me but he barely ganked any lane. If I did what GP did, I'd be flamed for some other reason Later on seeing my boots, shurelyas, frozen heart and another warden's mail: "L2Build your Skarner" Needless to say, we lost. Despite getting like 6-7 kills from botlane before 15 minute mark, MF rolled us. Toplane snowballed because Shen has no skills whatsoever, midlane snowballed despite I got more kills for Karthus than GP got for Lux. But Karthus is a noob anyway, he doesn't need GP to help Lux in order to get killed by her. WTF is with people and throwing games in LoL? And blaming flaming junglers? I mean WTF EDIT: Stupidity of LoL players peaked with a Sona giving a first blood to an Ashe-Wukong dunk lane before 2 minute mark. Sucks to play ad carry alongside this shitty support. | ||
Bulgaria4096 Posts
On January 26 2013 20:06 Djagulingu wrote: WTF is with people and throwing games in LoL? And blaming flaming junglers? I mean WTF Do you really need an explanation for that? You cannot imagine what goes through their heads? Something like: I got beaten pretty good in my lane and what can it be the reason? what? what? Surely, it cannot be that I am lousy at this game, because I am pro, so its something else. It cannot be that my opponent is just plain outplaying me, since, as I said I am pro, cannot be outplayed, however I am not playing the game solo, so the reason should be somewhere within my allies. 3 of them are kind of keeping their lanes, so perhaps their fault is just secondary, thus, who is the one that I have or may have direct contact during the laning phase? - The jungler, yes, this should be the one guilty of all bad happening to me. So logical, so self-explainable:-)) | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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14536 Posts
im really angry right now. | ||
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United States8519 Posts
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