No Zilean, I can not out trade a Nunu/MF lane as Ezreal. He has an AS debuff that makes me do no damage, and she has good sustained damage in lane. Stop engaging like a fucking retard and dying, then blaming me.
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United States33802 Posts
No Zilean, I can not out trade a Nunu/MF lane as Ezreal. He has an AS debuff that makes me do no damage, and she has good sustained damage in lane. Stop engaging like a fucking retard and dying, then blaming me. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
Irelia gives FB away to a lvl 2 Noctrune gank. Nothing special so far. Typical solo q start. However, she doesn't get a ward after her first buy, enters lane, immediately gets killed again. Repeats this a second time. Is 0/3 now, 30 CS behind, gets wrecked from minute 8 on. I am the jungler, my gank attempts are fruitless because Rumble properly wards his lane. Irelia in /all chat: "gg noc youre good unlike our fuck noob jungler". The moment she goes 0/4 and starts spamming pings on me I /ignore her. Doesn't change anything, all lanes are lost, 12 minutes 0/14. Whenever I use my ultimate the target dies before I even arrive. But it's okay, I get my satisfaction since Irelia continues to die 3 more times and is probably raging and pinging at me wishing me death and the like. <3 it. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
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United States1024 Posts
Me: ya apparently I can't carry I get triple ganked three times by their duo queue Blitz + Mundo with TF mid, die only once and I manage to get a kill from it, and I'm barely behind TF in cs. Meanwhile top is 1/6, bot Graves+Soraka are getting raped essentially 1v2 by Ashe and are combined 2/10, and our 1/4 jungler stopped ganking because the lanes were apparently too far behind already. I was 4/1 at one point but ended 4/4 at the time of our 20 minute surrender. Me: THIS IS WHY I HAVE THESE AHRI STATS | ||
United States2968 Posts
Graves: E>Q>AAs until they get out of range. Soraka: W+E whenever little Graves gets low. Not to mention the moronic armor buff+Graves passive. Stupid fuck has over 150 armor. Also, how the fuck does Rumble do so much damage? He has 59 AP at levels 6-11 and I have 122 MR on Irelia during those same levels. No worries, he can just literally burn me down to 60% health with 1 Flamespitter. Makes 0 fucking sense. | ||
United States10531 Posts
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United States5211 Posts
guy who is supposed to play support picks wukong. uh. ok. screw him. now i'm supporting. ok, whatever. go team. i'm supporting a trist. on our ally's first gank, trist tower dives. at level 3. with one bar of health. dies and rages. it's all good. we're still winning because the enemy ashe has no idea what she's doing. we get an advantage midgame and we can take baron. trist goes and runs away to clear bot. we barely get baron. i die tanking it. some team rage towards trist. teamfight at their midbase tower. i peel off a nautilus from trist. nautilus runs, i try to peel off our leblanc. turns out trist dove naut and got bursted down. we barely survive, i don't think we took tower. another teamfight at dragon because someone got caught. naut dives trist, i peel him off and we take him out. i go to help our other teammates and trist just runs. now our team is hella raging at her, calling her stupid for getting caught even though this time she had a pretty legit excuse. we gear up for another teamfight, but trist is down at bottom and says "i don't want to teamfight with you idiots anymore." we lose teamfight because someone got caught. trist takes an inhib. team is mad and the chat is filled with crap and all chat with the whole "report blah blah blah." we hold at our base, baron expires. teamfight up top except for trist. trist manages to split push to nexus and gg. i think the overall score was us 34-17 or something. i've never seen people complain this bad though, especially since we won. probably the most frustrating experience i've had to date playing this game, and we won too. | ||
United States2968 Posts
On July 05 2012 15:39 MooMooMugi wrote: You have a lot of early MR but only 1.2-1.5k HP so your HP isn't really effective even though you reduce most of it Yeah, after completing Wit's+mercs, I went right into a belt for FM. Had something like 2.2k health and was starting to beat him in fights. Were still close though. Just don't know if I should be going heavy MR or a combination of health+MR. Feel like if I don't have much MR, he can just burn me down regardless. | ||
Germany1726 Posts
On July 05 2012 16:22 Cloud9157 wrote: Yeah, after completing Wit's+mercs, I went right into a belt for FM. Had something like 2.2k health and was starting to beat him in fights. Were still close though. Just don't know if I should be going heavy MR or a combination of health+MR. Feel like if I don't have much MR, he can just burn me down regardless. mhm, for me its usually as soon as i have wits end with irelia against rumble, were atleast even... you should not be afraid to go aggressive on him as soon as you have wits end. | ||
United States10671 Posts
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United States35091 Posts
Can I get two nontroll teams in a row, please? I don't even have to win any of the games, I just want a chance. | ||
United States9109 Posts
>4 queue dodges in a row >finally get a game, it starts with our AD d/c >50 minute game where i was the only one with less than 5 deaths (i had 3, the rest of the team had 8 to 11) >team reports me for trolling SOLO QUEUE ENRAGE MODE SUCCESSFUL | ||
United States6151 Posts
*sigh* It's games like the ones I played this weekend that make me never want to support without a duo-Q AD Carry. One game I get an Ashe, we're all defending the invade in our Blue.....Ashe goes and facechecks the bush at their Blue and dies "WTF JANNA WHY YOU NOT SUPPORT ME?" So we get back to lane, Janna/Ashe vs Graves/Taric I think it was, every few seconds, Ashe goes in to "harass" the Taric, gets stunned, then E > Q Auto'd by Graves. I do everything in my power, from shielding, to warding the bush, to slowing Graves, to knocking them up but Ashe is still 0/8 with 12 cs at the 20 minute mark. Keeps blaming me the entire time, saying I have no idea how to support.... Next game, I go Janna again, our AD Carry picks Draven after crying about how badly he wanted top lane. Literally the most passive player I've ever seen, I'm assuming he's going AFK to text or Alt+tabbing to IM people or something....because he literally doesn't even bother trying to last hit, he just stands there. Fast forward like 15 minutes and he's down something like 90 cs, with his 10 to Graves' 100. All of a sudden, their Heimerdinger Mid goes MIA, and I throw a ward in our tri-bush knowing we're about to get tower dove. I ping Draven to fall back but he's AFK or something so he doesn't react. Udyr/Heimer/Taric/Graves dive us, Draven must have tabbed back in because he tries to focus down the Taric. I manage to not only make it out alive, but also CC Udyr under tower long enough for him to die to it and make it a 1-1 exchange. "GOOD JOB RUSHING BOOTS2 JANNA THANKS FOR GETTING ME KILLED" Of course, I don't understand what I should have done OTHER than buy boots that could have saved his moronic ass in that situation, so I ask and he responds with "NOOB JANNA BUY HEART OF GOLD L2SUPPORT" Naturally, we lose this one too. Next game I can't really fault the AD Carry, but he was still bad. He was a new player queueing with his friends and he was just really bad overall and naturally we lost lane in every aspect. After that I get another Ashe, creeps get to lane, Ashe goes to facecheck the far bush in order to "get his crit off" and immediately gets bursted down even with my shield on him. Never saved arrow for teamfights, always sent it off across the map trying for what I can only assume in his head was xXxMLG360n0sc0peCROZZMAPlegitUlTiMaTeZ420GGXx every time it was off cooldown. He couldn't kill minions for some reason and was always trying to trade against a Soraka/Graves lane. Why do I even play this game alone? | ||
Germany1008 Posts
![]() nothing to do here. And again, thanks to Xin and Ashe for feeding Kennen with soulstealer 18 Kills in the first 15 Minutes... | ||
Israel701 Posts
On July 06 2012 02:47 Sareth wrote: ![]() nothing to do here. And again, thanks to Xin and Ashe for feeding Kennen with soulstealer 18 Kills in the first 15 Minutes... Dont bother raging about normals, not worth it. | ||
United States2968 Posts
On July 05 2012 22:48 Zergneedsfood wrote: There are plenty of times you can go aggressive on him regardless of if you have Wits End. Just choose your engagements wisely and you can outdamage depending on the circumstances. That is what happened a few times when I faced him the other day. He was a pretty decent Rumble though. Always managed to stay in the minimum danger zone for the enhanced Q damage. When he overcommitted on me into my minions, I stunned him and started doing true damage. Didn't really matter though, since he is pretty good at disengaging. Dat slow+MS shield. Worst is when he harasses you at turret and you miss half the CS because you don't want to lose chunks of your health. | ||
France45622 Posts
Wukong never buy wards, gets ganked, trade kills instead of none (would be better to deny the opponent gold since he's fed). He fucking wastes his ult all the fucking time, dashing to Vlad and ulting when there's nobody else in range and the rupture mark under him. Feeds Nocturne all the time. Goes into the enemy jungle alone, still no wards at all. Fucking moron pisses away all of our lead by doing nothing with all his fucking gold and lending a ton to the enemy carries. Fucking dumb moron, you survive a teamfight, you have 60 HP, WHY do you stay there on their side of the map and wait for their carry to respawn so that he can kill you and end your killing spree and give them a fucking free nashor? GRAB A FUCKING BRAIN AND TURN ITS SWITCH ON YOU DUMBASS, YOU HURT MY HEAD! | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
The team managed to feed karthus and blitz each 10 kills in 10 minutes and eventhough i could easily beat the other bots 1v2 and 1v3, there was no way to carry that team, karthus did so much damage with his defile that i barely managed to kill him 1v1 and everytime he ulted, he got another double or triple kill from my team... ![]() That shame ![]() | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On July 06 2012 11:47 Morfildur wrote: I couldn't sleep so i decided to get back up and play some relaxing bot stomps, play some champion i haven't played for some time... and the first time in half a year (since i reached level 30) i lost one of those. The team managed to feed karthus and blitz each 10 kills in 10 minutes and eventhough i could easily beat the other bots 1v2 and 1v3, there was no way to carry that team, karthus did so much damage with his defile that i barely managed to kill him 1v1 and everytime he ulted, he got another double or triple kill from my team... ![]() That shame ![]() See the problem there is that you have an extreme lack of Snowball items. In the future against bots just start Long sword and rush SotO+many many zeals. Dont matter which chartacter you playing... YI? Gotta go Fast! Twitch? Gotta go fast! Tryndamere? Gotta go fast!Volibear? Gotta go fast! Fiddlesticks? Gotta go fast! Alistar? ... you get the point. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On July 06 2012 11:47 Morfildur wrote: I couldn't sleep so i decided to get back up and play some relaxing bot stomps, play some champion i haven't played for some time... and the first time in half a year (since i reached level 30) i lost one of those. The team managed to feed karthus and blitz each 10 kills in 10 minutes and eventhough i could easily beat the other bots 1v2 and 1v3, there was no way to carry that team, karthus did so much damage with his defile that i barely managed to kill him 1v1 and everytime he ulted, he got another double or triple kill from my team... ![]() That shame ![]() Just hide until the enemy team pushes somewhere, then counterpush them forcing them back. Then hide again and push somewhere else. They will always follow you but never corner you. They'll never kill your base because you can force them back by attacking a turret unless they changed something, I've had no problems 1v5ing before | ||
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