On May 12 2012 15:51 Mallidon wrote: I am actually starting to hate the LoL community (lol, is there even one?) if this is what they are... I've not even hit level 30 and I've bought a few RP bundles and would love to continue playing the game etc, but shit.... Apart from playing with the 2-3 people I know who play at 30, is this what it is like?
It really depends. I think people take normals seriously until level 30, but once you are able to play ranked you start to care less about normals.
However, there is a LOT more rage in ranked. Every game I have at least one person rage at some point in every ranked game. The key to dealing with this, though, is to realize that there's at least one other person like this on the enemy team in ranked. If you can figure out who their rager is, then doing things like ganking/killing them constantly will cause them to rage at their team hardcore which can really lower the enemy team's morale. It's a good META GAME (I think this is proper use of the word ).
Where I am now people are pretty lenient with normals. I played a game as TF and did absolutely horribly as it was my first time. I apologized profusely for my poor play and people were like "It's ok, no big deal." I've found people to be more laid back in normals, both in attitude and in effort.
LOL fk I thought I was picking janna but I clicked on Riven. They look too similar. Support riven here we go.
Team real mad at me. For good reason LOL
On May 12 2012 07:09 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On May 12 2012 05:31 RageOverdose wrote: Bah...
Went support as Soraka. Didn't do great, no one on our team did but I get bitched at for not warding when their Sona had oracles and destroyed every ward I put down (no one ever tried to kill her at any time). I warded bot and dragon and baron multiple times throughout the game, all of them just got smashed and they wonder why. Mundo jungle who stole their blue with a level 1 invade then dies to their jungle at his blue.
Worse yet, the Sivir I was supporting was an idiot. Sivir/Soraka vs Sona/Varus. Can't last hit, gets her Spell Shield at like, level 7 and never activates it to suck up an arrow after that point. No ganks either but being a jungle myself I understand.
Ugh...I'm constantly CVing them and warding when I can but nope, not enough for them. Mundo effectively never is in a team fight, Sivir ends up doing no damage, Talon dc'ed and Vlad was okay but got focused. Is this blind-pick?
Yeah, got a random invite from someone on my friend list. I don't know why I accepted, every time I game with them I just get frustrated.
So their lee sin is trolling and they have a duo-top with nasus. I've been forced to play my lulu top instead of support since last pick suddenly decides he doesn't want top. Anyway I stay even on farm despite the 1v2 lane when lee starts roaming about 6-7 mins. Then the weirdest thing happens.
This nasus has a heart of gold, a philos stone, boots 1 and cloth armour. I have ninja tabi, 3 dorans and a dagger (not great I know, 1v2 does weird things to a lane). He has 394 move speed, 20 more than me despite my having upgraded boots and not him, didn't realise MS quints were so awesome but w/e.
Anyway he decides to troll me and just stands in lane. I stand there hitting him non-stop. All he does is q the occasional minion, not moving at all. After literally 2 minutes of attacking I haven't hurt him yet. He outsustains my 150 odd damage with nothing but cloth and Move Speed runes. Then he roams mid gets a quadra kill on everyone else and we /ff. How do you hurt a nasus? all he had was cloth...
And very next game now bot lane goes 0-6 and afk's at 15 mins whilst abusing the jungler.
Lulu's mid-lategame damage is pretty low, from my experience. Nasus is not amazingly tankier than anyone else, he just has the ability to do crazy damage while building purely tank items. He also gets lifesteal with his passive (and his Q gets it too) so if his Q gets high enough you won't be able to kill him by yourself unless you kite him away from everything lifesteal-able.
Sometimes people baffle me.
Playing ryze, and top is feeding pretty hard. Team is bitching constantly at top arguing among each other, etc. etc.
We have a really strong late game team, with tons of chain CC ultimates (ashe, malphite, sona). Did I mention that one of their players left?
So we're down 5-12 in kills, but we have all but 2 towers up, have 5 players to their 4, and a better late game team comp. 20 minutes comes around, and someone starts a surrender vote (wtf?) It passes 4 - 1.
Entire enemy team in all chat is laughing at us, saying they don't understand why we surrendered a won game.
Seriously, some people don't want to win... I don't understand...
I don't understand how an Ahri can lose to riven mid. Somehow this ahri manages to die 6 times to this riven, and then she roams bot and top and gets more kills.
Ends the game 9/1 with 3 Dblades, BT, wriggles and mercs. No one tried to kill her, everyone focused on the Sivir that wasn't doing much damage. Oh, and they took baron unconstested because no one warded it (I should have as top, i did wrong there)
Ahri can lose to a good Riven if she gets outplayed, that means dodging her Q and E while comboing her in the face
mmm so im raping a talon top as vlad, get first blood, kill him again, outfarm him 80 to 46 at 10 min...
bot graves goes 1/4 and bot blitz goes 0-3 at 10 min mid karma is at 36 farm at 10 min jungle ww hits 6 and doesnt gank anyone
we teamfight at around 16 min and ashe already has IE and now has a dozen kills and obscene farm
ww ults in and gets bursted, graves q-ult-hit in face by arrow and dies, i kill their jungle olaf with karma's help, but our blitz decides to be kind and pull their karthus into us remaining 3 and he gets triple...
they barron and race our 20 min surrender
If you know Shaco "is coming bot", then why are you pushed under their turret 3 minutes in when he comes? Sigh.
"Hey, Graves wailing on our nexus turret, imma try to kill ult-less amumu instead" "Hey, I'm first pick, time to try that free week Talon in ranked... what do you mean counterpick?" "Oh snap, they got WW, imma play Vlad top then, can't end badly."
(Talon dove 1v5 everyfight and exploded. Vlad never bought a single ward and complained all game long about ganks.)
I just played the stupidest fucking game.
We had a real sexy invade comp (Blitz, Mundo, Chogath, Annie, and Trist... like best possible o.o) so we ofcourse invade. Everthing is going well, blitz hooks their ahri, but Annie fucks up and misses her stun (shot her W randomly the other fucking way) and Ahri flashes out to magically live, Alright, whatever cool...
Nope. My fucking team chases her under her tower where their Graves gets giftwrapped a Quadra kill. No joke, my whole team towerdove at level 1 and fed their AD carry. Not only did they do that, but they spent the rest of the game hassling me:
"Dude wtf Trist, why didn't you dive with us? We had her..."
"Wow Trist, you are such a baddie, Graves has more than twice your farm. I can't even gank him you are so far behind! Come on trist, you lost us the game learn to last hit you fucking noob."
"Come on Trist, how do you lose your lane that hard?"
Yeah, I mad... Worst part is I didn't even do that poorly all things considered, I actually led my team in farm with 111 in 20 minutes. Granted Graves had about 80 more than me and I didn't die once in lane. I bet if he wasn't fed level I would have rolled him too.
Incentive. I will remember this name forever. What kind of faggot randoms in champion select, says it will be fine(like he's going to take responsibility) then goes into game, goes afk, goes afk so team can't raid, feeds, loses lane hard, goes ap leona not even tanky leona, when I tell him not to, and singlehandedly loses the game. #1 trash behavior. As a person, at least have the courtesy to not afk in a game where 9 other people are playing.
With allies that are named "xXAznXBluntzX420" and "noobkiller666", I am not surprised my team fed.
Fucking graves' smoke most bullshit spell in the game.
I have a dysfunctional family. Had to leave my 4 buddies because of how fucked up the situation got. So I made sonet with broken rules
Two crazies alike in dignity In fair Pennsylvania where we lay our scene From ancient grudge break new insanity Where civil face makes voice unclean From forth the flawed genes from these two kins Shows the dysfunctional of the little teen. With the progress of the current game Do death with the parents strife Causes the situation to go lame And make the Maokai lose life
Sorry for the lame poem, I am just so pissed at my twin brother who got in a fight with my mother and took his anger out on me then my mother did the same to everyone in the household.
I was kicking ass too. I was 3/0/2 as Jungle Maokai.
Ashe/Nunu fed Teemo hard first ten minutes while I had to try and keep top and mid together jungling Riven while having forgotten to change from my Leona runes/masteries. Then it's my fault because I didn't gank on the warded/shroomed lane that didn't communicate with me and pushed hard whenever I got anywhere close to dragon's front porch.
I was doing all I could to keep us afloat. I'd like to think that I could have played better because I know I didn't play perfectly, just don't know what I could have done differently. =\
On May 13 2012 12:37 Gahlo wrote: Ashe/Nunu fed Teemo hard first ten minutes while I had to try and keep top and mid together jungling Riven while having forgotten to change from my Leona runes/masteries. Then it's my fault because I didn't gank on the warded/shroomed lane that didn't communicate with me and pushed hard whenever I got anywhere close to dragon's front porch.
I was doing all I could to keep us afloat. I'd like to think that I could have played better because I know I didn't play perfectly, just don't know what I could have done differently. =\
Thats the junglers life. If you are not at their lane, you are a bad jungler. I have just been called a bad jungler literally 10 seconds after giving a doublekill to our top in a countergank, while completely denying the enemy jungler any red for the whole game, keeping him 3 levels below me, and also feeding our mid some kills while grabbing some for myself, because i only was at bot once.
Yeah, the life of jungler is hard. I have so many games that some of our lanes are pushed quite hard, they get ganked and blame the jungler for not ganking their lane -_-. Also, when the lane is pushed, jungler come and hide in lane bush, told them to bait or to back off let the enemy go out a bit, and all they do is push harder so you waste alot of time doing nothing -_-.
this game, makes me go insane sometimes. guess i'll just take a breather and go at ranked another time, gotta break that 1300 elo wall!
I have lost 10 games in a row in 3 different sessions.