On May 13 2012 13:47 Caphe wrote: Yeah, the life of jungler is hard. I have so many games that some of our lanes are pushed quite hard, they get ganked and blame the jungler for not ganking their lane -_-. Also, when the lane is pushed, jungler come and hide in lane bush, told them to bait or to back off let the enemy go out a bit, and all they do is push harder so you waste alot of time doing nothing -_-.
The ice on the cake is when they call for a gank that's senseless because the enemy solo is so far ahead and would rather get another double kill than being shut down by your presence. This risk is especially high vs Champs like Jax / Shyvana / Riven that rape noobish players so hard that they go "wtf so much damage op noob jungler never gank" in /all chat when they almost get killed at lvl 2...
Bad players often lose lane after 5 minutes of laning already or even earlier and are crying like a little child until laning phase ends (which takes its time if the enemy top laner is smart and doesn't take tower too early to deny your top even more...). I stopped counting the times my top lane already screamed for a gank at 2.45 or so when I didn't even finish my first jungle clear...
To make it even worse, they are first pick because they have 5 ELO more than you and take "irelia top im so pro with her" just to get punished for this by the smart enemy last pick taking Renekton and going rampage on her.
On May 13 2012 12:27 Shiragaku wrote: I have a dysfunctional family. Had to leave my 4 buddies because of how fucked up the situation got.
I am just so pissed at my twin brother who got in a fight with my mother and took his anger out on me then my mother did the same to everyone in the household.
I was kicking ass too. I was 3/0/2 as Jungle Maokai.
Oh, the times when I was living at home with two younger sisters were so similar to that. You've done your work and just played for like 10 minutes when suddenly hell breaks out of nowhere and you already know what's coming at you.
So I ended up scheduling clan wars and "important" matches (those that your friends are gonna rip your head off if you leave) for every game that I played during those years to the later evening when my parents already went so sleep. I wish there was another solution, but time has shown that you just can't prevent these things to happen so I thought it was better to be safe than sorry.
I hate people who refuse to surrender even when game is really unwinnable. Enemy has 3 level 18 champs, we don't have 1 level 3 ult. Combined kills are 9/42 or something. And the worst part wasnt even that our guys refused to surrender, it was that the enemy refused to finish. They just came, aced us easily, went away, came back when we spawned again, and killed us again. Game that was over at 20 went on for like 42 minutes or something. :U ARgh.
On May 13 2012 13:47 Caphe wrote: Yeah, the life of jungler is hard. I have so many games that some of our lanes are pushed quite hard, they get ganked and blame the jungler for not ganking their lane -_-. Also, when the lane is pushed, jungler come and hide in lane bush, told them to bait or to back off let the enemy go out a bit, and all they do is push harder so you waste alot of time doing nothing -_-.
I'm getting better at recognizing bait than I used to be, but it really sucks when a jungler camps my lane. I like having a nice fun game where I lane against someone and see if my Irelia is superior to him.
And then, boom. Olaf comes for three levels. Or, smack! Alistar is here for two. I don't mind if my jungler doesn't come. In fact, I often tell him to manage other lanes because even if I die I can pull a win more often than not. It's just I don't like when enemy junglers camp. It makes me feel so sad.
Pick Teemo before their own top, doesn't say a word.
Apparently it was because we weren't "worth it". Now he talks in game. Because strangely, well, we die in teamfights when our teamcomp is Galio (banshee GA chalice mercs), Blitzcrank (hooking LS in the middle of the team can't end badly guys) picked after my Mao so I have to go in to protect Corki since we only got him as our source of damage. Teemo? Runs as soon as the teamfight starts.
Two games in a row, teammates right off the bat start a fight with each other. Lose both games bc no one wants to work togethers. Seriously fuck this game. Im so fucking of how a majority of players act.
Nothing worse than losing a game that you have clearly won because your jungler can't smite baron. Every single one of my losses today were because my jungler couldn't smite, trufax.
Played a game with my colleagues again... 4 man premade with one random stranger.
Other team sucked, their talon went for a straight up fight against my top lane olaf and lost twice in a row. Their tristana tried to gank me while the talon was on low health... which ended up in both of them dying. Their jungle warwick stood for a minute in the warded brush waiting for an opportunity to gank me. Mid annie went about even with kassadin. Our warwick jungler (aka random stranger) sucked at jungling, never controlled buffs or dragon and in general lagged behind but at least managed some ok ganks... but botlane their tristana and janna totally ripped apart my asha&soraka colleagues anyways. They both went something like 0/5 in the first 10 minutes. Around the 20 minute mark Tristana had a score of 15/3 while i was at 8/1.
I tried to organize a comeback, took dragon multiple times and lead the team to a baron steal that ended in their team getting aced and us getting 2 towers, told the team to get thornmails (which me and 2 others did) since their only AP (Annie) was not very strong... but eventually, after 45 minutes, the 1/13 ashe and 0/15 soraka didn't add enough to the final teamfight and they ended up acing us and killed the nexus 30s later.
At least in the final battle their tristana and i managed to kill each other at the same moment so she didn't have the glory of taking part in killing the nexus.
Two rage quiters and an intentional feeder. Not to mention my friend goes all "hurhur lets go Sion/X kill lane bot."
Can't even surrender because a 2/1 vote isn't "good enough."
gah. so im like yo imma mid lulu because lulu rocks
and then our last pick says nothing whole game, BOOM LOCKS LE BLANC. GG WHERE'S THE JUNGLER? Support Nunu -> Jungle Nunu -> Best jungler
So I'm like its fine, I believe in you LB
But top Wukong goes like "OMG I JUST WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS ELO" -> goes 1-5 by 15 minutes Bot lane: me and ez land a kill on sona. Ez decides "hey me and lulu are both really low, i bet itd be a good idea to dive their varus right now even tho ali is spotted at a ward" -> dies, and i get doven at tower by ali + varus Mid LB: goes to gank top, manages to give opponents double kill
thank fucking god we teamfought well, and despite being down 5 to 12, we manage to level it to 20 kills to 20 kills, eventually taking lead WAY LATER. We barron. Wukong full health backs. Ezrael and Nunu ramapage to their red and get insta gibbed by 5. LB decides to facecheck drag and dies to team. they push down our inhib. We manuver around barron and we prepare to fight. Fucking leblanc gets caught and dies, and then we get raped.
We hold them, we are now even on kills again, and ez decides "hey TIME TO SOLO DRAG" and he dies, respawn timer is like over a minute now, we just lose to their push
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. So basically we lost early game, and threw hard late game... OH AND FUCKING NO ONE HAD 100 farm at 30 min. I SHIT YOU NOT. only their varus who was at 202
but Lulu fucking stronk. assist 3/4 kills, still no effect
Since D3 section doesnt a QQ thread I will just QQ here instead. Come home today to find out that my D3 boxed version would be A WEEK late -_-. Rush to buy an cd-key, since I was buy a boxed version I didn't preload the install file. And now I am eager to play but have to wait for a 15.1 GB installation which take forever on my internet. FML
seeiya picks eve jungle, 4th pick mid says he's gonna afk and follows through, eve afks after, 3v5 from 5min on
After playing today I remember why I hate ranked solo queue so much comparedto 5x5...
Game 1:
We're at champ select, first pick copypastes the same shit into the chat over and over again: "me premade with 'last pick' I'm 1.6k ELO and carry him to bronze". Plays support Nautilus, his to be carried buddy takes Graves.
I have to admit that Nautilus made some pretty good calls here and there... but top Vlad goes 0/7 vs enemy Riven and Graves 0/9 in laning phase.
I could tank the whole enemy team for several seconds and zone / kill enemy fed Varus 1v5 all by myself, but neither Vlad nor Graves could contribute any damage to add to our Annie that did perform half decently.
5/0/2 loss.
Game 2:
We got the usual last pick informing us that he "no support fuck you all". 4th pick seems to be a nice guy, picks support. Last pick locks in Flash / Ignite Mordekaiser when we need a jungler. Everybody is like "wtf dude take smite and go jungle". Nope. He starts arguing that you don't really need Smite to jungle.
From that point on I knew we were doomed. When people don't get why you can jungle without smite but you shouldn't because of missing objective control you can predict that they are pretty fucking bad (after match I checked his stats - unranked after about 1000 ranked games, didn't even win the half of them).
When he dies to red buff two times in a row game was over. Not only is Mordekaiser feared for his disgusting super CC ganks (/sarcasm) but the game was literally a 4v5 while the enemy of course had a hyper active Maokai that scored a triple kill before we surrendered at 20.
Conclusion: solo queue still too hard for me, I have serious problems trusting anybody unknown for my personal rating.
Picks Nidalee, "top", sees Riven "I go sup, please top", I go top as Irelia and win despite getting camped by Xin early, thanks to a gank from our mid (and Riven was bad, really). Nidalee? Feeds bot, tries to take cs for himself, goes AP nid, never buys a ward, Varus is like 8-4 (because our Graves was actually good and managed to get him several times). I'm able to take on Ahri, Riven, Xin in teamfights w/o a problem, but Varus is just too fed, and Nidalee useless makes us engage instead of poking, rambos 1v5, and generally makes us lose. What a fucking prick. If you can't handle some champs, then don't pick that, fucking moron, and when you claim another role play it. What a dork.
Oh great! Next game, the russian premade, one dumb (in that he doesn't talk) that doesn't listen to us, even when we just say "get exhaust please, the carry already has heal" and the other in cyrillic all day, except to say "buehuehue me good jungle u fuckers" or just "buehue you suckers". Nice game coming.
Not so much of a QQ, but if I'm doing badly in a game and I freely admit it, what's the point in bringing it up constantly over the next 20 minutes? The best case scenario is that I play while annoyed and the worst case scenario is I decide to throw the game to spite you. So why bother?
And for what it's worth I was 3-5 or some shit and they were mad that I missed two cross-map Ashe arrows.
On May 16 2012 11:56 Bluebush wrote: Not so much of a QQ, but if I'm doing badly in a game and I freely admit it, what's the point in bringing it up constantly over the next 20 minutes? The best case scenario is that I play while annoyed and the worst case scenario is I decide to throw the game to spite you. So why bother?
And for what it's worth I was 3-5 or some shit and they were mad that I missed two cross-map Ashe arrows. /ignore all and move on.
Also, haven't seen Shikyo post in a while and JackDino sort of refrained from going down his path any further, so it's not like I had a substitute. FML.
I was on a 17 match winning streak.
It was glorious.
It wasn't meant to last.
I was 3/0/5 riven in my 18th game. Suddenly a random guy on my friends list msgs me -'wow, dat match history!'
2seconds later, two of my teammates DC. Defeat.
Have not won a game since.
Fuck u random guy from my friends list. May u only lane vs yoricks and rumbles this week.
Kat is such a dumb character, I dominate in lane against her with gragas, she is 1-4-2 at one point with me 3-0-6. What happens? A couple of bad fights and suddenly she's fed. The icing on the cake was her getting a triple kill and acing our team for the win. I hate life.
OK wtf. I queue up tonight (a little drunk and its like 3am here, so why not I figure) and get a team with a soraka. NP I think, good support, and I'm going mid as AP kog so it should be all good.
Game starts, I move go mid and soraka follows me. "sup soraka?" "2v1 mid, we win EZ"
... well, it is a normal queue game pretty late at night, maybe this person is trolling or a noob. I ask nicely if they'd go bot instead. "No" ok, I think, maybe they want to play AP mid, I've seen it before and apparently it can be ok, so I say I'll go bot instead.
WTF, she follows me down towards bot, so I turn to go back to mid. AND SO DOES SHE WTF.
luckily they have a leaver so it ends up balancing out, Soraka only rarely heals me (like i'm at half health, out of pots, no heal) and almost never uses her mana boost shit (which btw fucking rocks for Kog but NOOOOO that would make sense).
When I b I get tear and 2 wards, she asks "ap?" "ya AP mid" "WOW GG"
wtf? so clearly soraka has never played this game before. the rest of the game is her all caps saying GG occasionally, but we managed to win because two of their people left. was the strangest game ever.
I play with one of my friends a lot who is pretty newb, we play 5s (Both normals and ranked) with him a bit, and whilst he is improving I wish he would stop picking Nasus and Singed when he goes top. Every game he gets zoned at level 3 and has no impact ;( . Tried to tell him to play some tops who aren't so weak early game but he just won't .
Even straight out raging here wouldn't calm me down. That's how furious I am. I know I shouldn't. But I have never been able to deal with repeatd offenses from idiots. The way Lux and Varus, after failing on Trist+Soraka, whining for ganks while pushing and not warding against Noc's ult, manage to always stand in front of the team, eating every Gragas barrel, so they're both low health and we have to give up Nashor. People wasting our timing window while I (as FH Jax) can tank their entire team long enough for us to win teamfight, before Trist gets LW, and suddenly I melt like all others but nobody learnt to be able to cc or bring support during that time.
People are stupid, stubborn, and bad, all at the same time. It's really annoying, infuriating, and... well, whatever. Even writing here won't help. I'm so tired now.
All 3 lanes counterpick themselves. Nobody follows on an engage. Irelia tries to trade with Shen, Vlad tries to, level 1, against Ryze. Morons. Free loss. Trashes.