The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 129
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Canada3508 Posts
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Japan926 Posts
Facecheck the bush and two are there? Great, you'll be lucky to get away. Facecheck the bush and one is there? Great, they get the jump on you and unless it's a support (which will never be alone in the bush anyway), you'll come out behind. Facecheck the bush and nobody is there? Great, you pretty much came out of the situation the way you entered it. It makes no sense, yet EVERY GAME somebody does it. What blows my mind is people do it when Garen is in the game. Isn't it pretty universally accepted that Garen is in every single bush at all times? Just lost a terrible 4-19 /surrender at 20:00 game against five players who weren't even that good. We had a 0-4, 0-7, and 0-8 on our team. I went 3-0 and my team's Annie went 1-0. I just hate the feeling of doing well, getting a very respectable CS, and then losing in a completely one-sided match because nobody has taken the time to read any guides or watch any streams to learn the fundamentals of the game. A few weeks ago when I started I was impatient with people because they were so rude towards beginners. Now I'm starting to see why they end up that way. | ||
Denmark9110 Posts
On February 02 2012 18:27 starfries wrote: Playing top lane is like going on a business trip and forgetting to lock your door. You come back feeling pretty good, you outplayed the other guy and made tons of money... but what's this? Your mid and bot towers are gone, someone's stolen all your buffs, the dragon's gone missing, and some jerk with an oracle's has gone around and smashed all your wards. That's the most hillarious analogy I read in a while | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
He has been bragging with his solo Q ELO for weeks now since he reached gold but somehow we still play with him because we four (1250-1450 ELO) need a 5th for ranked teams. But since Froggen from accepted his friend request (he was freaking screaming in TS3 for like 2 minutes...) it has gotten worse. And then THIS happens: We play another 5's and because he is so pro he wants to show us his tanky AP Malphite in mid. Kinda like "this should be way enough at your low ELO" (our ranked 5's team is 13XX). Ok, he wins his lane and than doesn't know what to do. Helplessly like a little child that no one told what to do after its first steps, he just fails to use the advantage by ganking other lanes that were even or slightly unfavourable. Even more frustrating: he has no sense for when it is time to appear as a team. So we lose 2 dragons in a row because us 4 group up and he is in the jungle "getting extra farm". We only got the 3rd because I steal it with Graves' ultimate. After this, a streak of 3 (!) 4v5 in the opponent's favour costs us 1 baron, 5 towers and two inhibitors. Guess who was missing? Right, the super duper imba solo queue 1900 platin ELO player whose friend request got accepted by Froggen - hell, this guy MUST be good, right? Nope! When we finally get two 5v5s going we easily crush the opponent with our frontloaded burst (Malphite / Vlad / Sona / Graves AoE clusterfuck just rapes their squishy Malz + AD Kennen leaving them with next to no DPS) but we can't fucking push since enemy super minions almost rape our base. Sounds like the match has a happy end, right? Nope! Too overconfident after two easily won teamfights he is like "Gonna scout where the enemy is I'm indestrucible" and everybody on TS3 is like "wtf?! come back to base, inhibs just respawned, one more fight and we can push through for the win!". Obviously, he "scouts" the enemy in the next brush. "np, I get away, I'm tanky". *uses Flash* "Whoops, enemy still behind me?!" *uses ult to charge further* "fuck enemy Janna gonna keep up and slow me OH NOOOEEEES" *dies*. GG, impressive quadrathrow at 1300 ranked 5's ELO by the solo queue platin player showing a performance not even 900 ELO worthy... kinda satisfying to hear the awkward silence of #1 brag king eu but at the same time so fucking frustrating that people like that scratch platin ELO... Oh, and btw: that guy won 9/10 of his first ranked games this season so he already started at like 1600ish ELO not having to carry his way up from 1200, just saying. | ||
17 Posts
On February 02 2012 21:29 little fancy wrote: So, we have this guy playing with us ranked 5's if he's not solo playing. Except for his school times, he is online the whole day spamming solo Q. From time to time, he even scratches platinum ELO for a game or two before falling back down to 1700 or something. He plays the game for over a year and is - i have to admit - pretty good with his few favourite premium champions. He has been bragging with his solo Q ELO for weeks now since he reached gold but somehow we still play with him because we four (1250-1450 ELO) need a 5th for ranked teams. But since Froggen from accepted his friend request (he was freaking screaming in TS3 for like 2 minutes...) it has gotten worse. And then THIS happens: We play another 5's and because he is so pro he wants to show us his tanky AP Malphite in mid. Kinda like "this should be way enough at your low ELO" (our ranked 5's team is 13XX). Ok, he wins his lane and than doesn't know what to do. Helplessly like a little child that no one told what to do after its first steps, he just fails to use the advantage by ganking other lanes that were even or slightly unfavourable. Even more frustrating: he has no sense for when it is time to appear as a team. So we lose 2 dragons in a row because us 4 group up and he is in the jungle "getting extra farm". We only got the 3rd because I steal it with Graves' ultimate. After this, a streak of 3 (!) 4v5 in the opponent's favour costs us 1 baron, 5 towers and two inhibitors. Guess who was missing? Right, the super duper imba solo queue 1900 platin ELO player whose friend request got accepted by Froggen - hell, this guy MUST be good, right? Nope! When we finally get two 5v5s going we easily crush the opponent with our frontloaded burst (Malphite / Vlad / Sona / Graves AoE clusterfuck just rapes their squishy Malz + AD Kennen leaving them with next to no DPS) but we can't fucking push since enemy super minions almost rape our base. Sounds like the match has a happy end, right? Nope! Too overconfident after two easily won teamfights he is like "Gonna scout where the enemy is I'm indestrucible" and everybody on TS3 is like "wtf?! come back to base, inhibs just respawned, one more fight and we can push through for the win!". Obviously, he "scouts" the enemy in the next brush. "np, I get away, I'm tanky". *uses Flash* "Whoops, enemy still behind me?!" *uses ult to charge further* "fuck enemy Janna gonna keep up and slow me OH NOOOEEEES" *dies*. GG, impressive quadrathrow at 1300 ranked 5's ELO by the solo queue platin player showing a performance not even 900 ELO worthy... kinda satisfying to hear the awkward silence of #1 brag king eu but at the same time so fucking frustrating that people like that scratch platin ELO... Oh, and btw: that guy won 9/10 of his first ranked games this season so he already started at like 1600ish ELO not having to carry his way up from 1200, just saying. Holy.... just started playing LoL like 2 weeks ago, played it a little before that but seriously getting into it now, thought i was getting good at it and knew what i was doing, then i read that. Felt like this, ![]() | ||
Canada752 Posts
Teammate whines and says he'll dodge, doesn't. Complains Twitch players are braindead retards, takes Revive/Promote Tristana Lane with him, set him up for 2 kills, watch Tristana happily run in circles as I strafe Leona and Shyvanna, forcing them to both run at under 100 health, losing a free double kill. Actually enjoy the fighting for CS with the troll lane partner even as he deliberately makes certain no enemy champions are harmed by his shots. 3 Deaths caused by my instinct assuming he'd help me (As in, had he right clicked, there would have been 2v1 trades in our benefit at the worst outcome) Get thoroughly depressed as he explains that he's acting like an adult and just can't tolerate Twitch players who throw games. Worst part was I don't think he felt like he was trolling. He's just too damn good at it now. At 900 wins, what exactly happens to a player to make them so braindead? | ||
United States13684 Posts
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Valhalla18444 Posts
On February 02 2012 09:38 Keniji wrote: So my ingame name is ![]() Now every stupid shithead asks me if I'm named after some dongraegu freak. No i'm not asshole. I should change my name to pusan. But then again there is probably some pusangu guy too. hahahaha Pusangu. Best post I've read all day :D | ||
France8631 Posts
Tabbed. Realized their Jax top was 14/0/1 (FOR REAL). | ||
Singapore959 Posts
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3534 Posts
''This Cho...'' wat. | ||
Finland951 Posts
Won my lane top 6/1 as GP against karthus. But suddenly at 30min they were pushing our inhibs. :D Our vlad got zero kills aside from those that Eve suicided on her, and mid ashe was fed as fuck. Well, in the end we won that, but still. I am so bad at this game, that it takes a suiciding surge+revive Eve for me to win a game, and even then we win it by a small margin. ![]() Oh. a game before that i had a Fizz with 17cs by the time i was at 100. Without disconnects or anything. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
For the last couple weeks I keep getting matched up with people (in normals) whose ranked elo is 100-200 higher than I am, when my W/L ratio hasn't changed... Lost a game where I went like 13-4 as Leblanc because their entire team was tanks and I finally fell off when we didn't push any turrets at all despite their team cosntantly being 4 players since I one-shot somebody before we fought. Barely won a game when I 3-0d a Lee Sin top as Olaf once again because I try to gather people together to push and take objectives but no one friggin listens and I can't take turrets on my own when the enemy actually is coordinated.... Trying so hard to carry and still failing...this never used to happen to me. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
Ended game 11-4-8 with 16k gold earned at 36min but cant 1v5 when all 4 others die in 0.1 seconds in every teamfight. By the way I'm about to queue dodge every single cassiopeia I get. They really should remove free week from ranked. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
On February 04 2012 00:15 WaveofShadow wrote: Does anyone else find they have to tryhard to a ridiculous degree lately to win even a normal game? For the last couple weeks I keep getting matched up with people (in normals) whose ranked elo is 100-200 higher than I am, when my W/L ratio hasn't changed... Yes, same here. I think it is because nowadays even in blind pick normal games you have to run a metacomp or you will get stomped when running an unusual bot lane like we do in normals (we have no dedicated support player (anymore, that mate quit LoL few days ago :[ ) and it's already a pain in the ass to find someone for ranked 5's to do the support job. I have like 1050 / 850 W/L statistic and can't remember the last game we won with a more 'trollish' team. I miss the good old days where funny AoE comps lost to a true damage team thematic in a really close and enjoyable match. ![]() | ||
United States2085 Posts
Morg: "Nice KS bitch" | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
On February 04 2012 03:16 little fancy wrote: Yes, same here. I think it is because nowadays even in blind pick normal games you have to run a metacomp or you will get stomped when running an unusual bot lane like we do in normals (we have no dedicated support player (anymore, that mate quit LoL few days ago :[ ) and it's already a pain in the ass to find someone for ranked 5's to do the support job. I have like 1050 / 850 W/L statistic and can't remember the last game we won with a more 'trollish' team. I miss the good old days where funny AoE comps lost to a true damage team thematic in a really close and enjoyable match. ![]() I think it's because of normal hidden rating. I barely play normals, so my ranking should be relatively low and whenever I feel like not playing for winning but just for having fun I play blind pick and usually it turns out great. My last game was me Galio Top, that new guy mid, katarina solo bot and alistar/blitz duo jungling/roaming. The game was just awesome. Mostly because of the team. Nobody complained a single time about our comp and was just having fun. And we actually won in the end. lol. Anyway my point is, when you play normals regularly and actually are trying/are good, your normal elo would raise to a point where only people are left that play the game decently and/or don't troll. | ||
United States20254 Posts
Probably should have quit like 2 games ago...Knew it was a bad day the one time I have an opportunity to pick my main as first pick.....he gets banned(who the fuck bans Karthus at low elo?) Funny how that was the only game I won today too and I played the worst in it. | ||
France45622 Posts
Nop. Idiot duo takes Volibear and Akali bot, while we already have WW top and LS jungle. We're going to get wrecked. So much rage, for once I had Morg. Fuck. Edit: they fed a Sivir, predictively. Yay. Free loss. Fucking morons. Next game? Solotop shen, ignite/heal, tell us he'll counter GP. Starts regrowth no pots, rushes warmogs without boots nor armor against 2 dblades/phage GP. Feeds. Bot? Feed Sivir, no wards, even after Sion got his moboots. Mid? I'm getting camped by Shyvana. But Skarner doesn't think for a second that since she's right near his red she could attack him when I ping. Dies, I get camped some more. Skarner proceeds to ult-dive to force us into outnumbered fights. We are crushed. | ||
Canada12016 Posts
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