The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 127
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France45622 Posts
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Australia966 Posts
''try to avoid those boomerangs if u can'' ''it doesn't matter taric has a heal noob'' then later ''stop hitting the minions your a support'' (taric's passive is lifesteal but mana is restored and I didn't take any cs) Then again I love AD's who make/follow up plays that get kills and don't take unnecessary damage and can fucking kill creeps. You know what winning lane means? Not dying and having a higher cs so many times I think IT"S A FUCKING CREEP FUCKING SHOOT IT DAMMIT KILL IT AND GET GOLD boggles the mind | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
However, it's even worse in split farm lanes. I absolutely hate it when someone makes a premature shot at a creep in an attempt to get the farm and leaves the creep with like 5 hp for it to die to minions within a split second, so I don't get it as well. I actually rage IRL whenever this happens. | ||
Germany1849 Posts
But doesn't matter, ahri destroyed mid, rumble destroyed top yi and we win despite the 2/5/2 graves. I had 3/012 at the end. Bastard. | ||
Finland951 Posts
Second game i am second pick, i go jungle udyr. Our fifth pick says he will jungle, and i should go top. I am like wtf, because our first pick is GP. Well he takes Fiddle, and comes to jungle with me, following me everywhere, trying to take cs. Third game starts, i think that this HAS to be the game where there are no trolls. I am second pick, take sion. Say mid. We chat with some stranger about the game, and then suddenly, fifth pick takes Vlad and calls mid. We are missing a jungle, so on the spot i decide to go jungle Sion. I had never played, nor even seen jungle sion on a stream, so i am totally clueless. Go 2/1/7 in like 15minutes, but still lose the game, because our mid vlad just does not want to win. Seriously, i am afraid to think what will happen in my next game... I don't really care if we loose, i just want to a normal game ffs... edit: fourth game as bad as the others. I get GP vs nasus lane, and i am pretty happy about the fact that the nasus player is very bad. I get FB on him, get the second kill a bit later. zone him pretty hard until laning ends. After first team fight our Vayne is complaining that nasus slow really gets to him. I suggest a QSS, as the enemy team is nasus, skarner, malzahar, but he laugs at me. "thats a terrible idea". Oh, and our jungle is AP shaco. Fast forward until the end. Our Sona is AP sona, with zero utility + zero damage. Our vayne has Executioner calling + Phage. Enemy Graves has IE+PD. WTF is happening here. :I Fifth game: Our team is Top amumu, Mid TF, AD sivir, top Garen, top Jax. Notice anything | ||
Canada5009 Posts
On January 31 2012 14:23 Zooper31 wrote: Triple Doran's + DFG is a standard build on Sion. But yes he should've calmed down as he realized he was playing with people worse than him and they were friends. Oh, I meant that with triple Doran's and DFG he isn't dependent on blue. That's like 35 mp5, and Sion's mana costs are low and he only uses one spell to clear waves. There's CDR to take into account too, but really... | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
Second game i am second pick, i go jungle udyr. Our fifth pick says he will jungle, and i should go top. I am like wtf, because our first pick is GP. Well he takes Fiddle, and comes to jungle with me, following me everywhere, trying to take cs. Exactly! You have those super silent 4th / 5th picks that don't say a word. In my ELO, no one voluntarily plays support, so if they don't even mention something like "if I have to support i troll" (original quote!) you expect them to play it. Communication in pre-game chat is usually next to impossible, too. No one listens to his mates. The 5th pick is frustrated because he sees the game gone already since the chance that the AD isn't very good is high (everytime 4/5 people ask for a solo lane as these are the most liked ones). After this, I see Jungle / AD > support in popularity, even if people know they suck at Jungle / AD or are even doing it for the first time... | ||
Hungary1011 Posts
He built boots of speed, warmog, leviathan, hog, sunfire... He said he needs because he's a tank. | ||
France45622 Posts
What an idiot, running at the front of the team into their LS+Malz, ulting the first dude he sees, then getting instagibbed and making us all lose. Never said a word of the game. Pft. | ||
6170 Posts
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Ghana1743 Posts
My last game as lux mid, i'm vsing this cassi, dominate him in lane 3 0 2. Outfarm him, the only problem being that my opponents have rammus jungle. What do you do against rammus jungle? Why make sure that you dont buy a single fucking ward, coz rammus has some of the worst ganks in the game. Late game fed rammus flash taunts me everysingle time and my team is too stupid to do anything. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States3216 Posts
GGGGGGG How is this possible when I win lane. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States3216 Posts
On February 01 2012 11:31 zulu_nation8 wrote: not duoing with me obv I win a game QQQQQQ | ||
9871 Posts
On February 01 2012 11:17 zulu_nation8 wrote: pretty sure i hold the TL record for most elo lost in a single day and over 2-3 day spans post placement matches. 200+ in a single day, about the same in 2-3 day span, and i've done it at least 4-5 times. #1 ragequeuer and tilting over losses. hurm, I think I've lost 120, 130 in a day. I'm pretty sure I'd have to be well above my true elo to actually drop 200 though, that's crazy bad luck or legendary life tilt otherwise. | ||
United States3216 Posts
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United States1817 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
Game ends when Tryn goes in 1v5 in mid after they had grabbed baron, and Galio and Brand follow him in to their deaths shortly after (why, I'm not sure- they were all at full health). Tryn still doesn't have a wriggles, just a phantom dancer and a last whisper. Oi. Oh, also forgot Galio would run up to Kog and take like 400 unanswered damage, making a hard lane even harder. -_- | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
3 games in a row firstpick, 3 games that fail miserably. ![]() | ||
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