On January 29 2012 21:56 Attakijing wrote: The other day i was at a bar with my two roommates and one of them gets a text, says we have to go home. He is interviewing people to be in our apartment and they came earlier than he thought. It takes an hour to get back home and when we are finally there the person has already left.
It's partially one of my roommates' fault and partially the other's. Basically there was a miscommunication. But as things are getting worse they start acting exactly like people losing a game of LoL. They blame each other and get angrier and angrier. They argue about how to call the interviewed person back and when they really get angry they start to tell me about how it's the other guy's fault as if they were talking in allchat. They both complain about how the other one did everything wrong earlier in the day, basically saying how they fucked up their lane and that's why we are losing.
I do the same thing I do in every game, I say "who cares, dont argue, lets just get it done and if we are angry later we will talk" and they would rather waste time blaming each other than call the guy back. One of them ragequits and goes back to her room to sleep at 10pm. how am i supposed to carry when now i only have 2 people on my team? At least it's still a 2v1
Carry real hard, call the guy back yourself (unless he has no idea who you are)
So I started playing some ranked games on the worst server in the world, the SEA server. While I used to insult people who talk about ELO Hell in game, largely in part due to the fact that most people who whine about ELO hell are bad players, I really understand that concept now. I'm 18-17 in ranked solo queue, at least 3 of my games had a dude permanently leave in it, 2 of the games had trolls (clowns you AFKed in base because they couldn't take a little constructive criticism), and at least 5 games with people who had a 0-5++ score. 3 games ago I got a 13-0 score with Jungle Master Yi. Although I won that game, I was appalled by the fact that I single-handedly carried that whole game, the end score was 15-2, with my team mates only getting 2 kills despite me constantly ganking for them.
first game of day, our ad jungle sion afks, top morde feeds 3kills before 7mins then come bot and feeds some more, our mid galio goes ad...and feeds more and we lose in under 11mins...
I really loathe playing jungle sometimes...
When I gank 3 times for an ally and they still lose and proceed to blame me, then there is a problem. And my ganks were never fail ganks I can assure you that.
If you are playing bad, then shut the fuck up. Not to mention trying to shift blame.
Oh yeah, I also find it funny that during late game, if the person with the best K/D ratio fucks up, then it is never his fault.
On January 30 2012 01:27 lisward wrote: So I started playing some ranked games on the worst server in the world, the SEA server. While I used to insult people who talk about ELO Hell in game, largely in part due to the fact that most people who whine about ELO hell are bad players, I really understand that concept now. I'm 18-17 in ranked solo queue, at least 3 of my games had a dude permanently leave in it, 2 of the games had trolls (clowns you AFKed in base because they couldn't take a little constructive criticism), and at least 5 games with people who had a 0-5++ score. 3 games ago I got a 13-0 score with Jungle Master Yi. Although I won that game, I was appalled by the fact that I single-handedly carried that whole game, the end score was 15-2, with my team mates only getting 2 kills despite me constantly ganking for them.
I wish SEA was run by riot instead of garena :/
Wow. I just played dominion again after some time and went bot. Destroyed their Ahri bot, their Shaco was bot too, for like 5 minutes. I 1v2'd them, doublekilled them after they tried a shitty dive, took their bot tower.
Normally, your team would be able to take EVERYTHING in a 3v4. But not this team. They fed morde 3 doublekills and a bunch of assists. They lost all towers, and when the enemy four-man ganked me on their bot tower, my team didn't even manage to cap even ONE of our next-to-the-base towers. They refused to split up whenever I told them to (and in the beginning I actually did try to be nice about it), and whenever someone decided to split, it was always exactly at the moment when we should have grouped up.
I finished the game with more than twice the points the next "best" player on my team had. (1600 to 780)
Today, I think I have finally lost the little faith in humanity that I still had.
posted mid game: me and noc total 20-6, our top/bot total 3-26....
after game:
lol I won it!!!!
total score me and noc 32-6 total score bot/top 5-29
next game: go start 6-0 before 11mins top with 2 successful ganks on mid and 2 kills on their jungler while counter jungling him, still lose bot/mid/jungle...
Today I lost a game to unichan. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ And I fucked up hardcore too. Which means I'm bad. Fuck you unichan, I had a perfect sivir record.
lol im playing support, accidentally take a whopping total of 1 farm... AD goes batshit about it, refuses to lane, leaves our lane and goes to steal our jungler's creeps, actually attempts to gank and yells at top for not responding to gank. even enemy team goes the fuck is wrong with MF... our jungler gets fucked, their vayne gets pretty much free farm... conclusion? AD Carries are babies, not even cute ones. spoiled ones
On January 30 2012 10:23 CeriseCherries wrote: lol im playing support, accidentally take a whopping total of 1 farm... AD goes batshit about it, refuses to lane, leaves our lane and goes to steal our jungler's creeps, actually attempts to gank and yells at top for not responding to gank. even enemy team goes the fuck is wrong with MF... our jungler gets fucked, their vayne gets pretty much free farm... conclusion? AD Carries are babies, not even cute ones. spoiled ones A lot of cool and naturally talented people like my older brother are so good at LoL, but the only reason why they are turned off is the immature community. It sounds like DotA/LoL would thrive more if people were not such brats or egomaniacs.
And people who trash talk but do poorly.
And I do not know if you encountered this, but at on LAN Party, we played a standard LoL game. Some people did better than others, some fed, some carried but there is one thing they all had in common, they all think that they contributed most to the game. In one case, I have a buddy who went 3/11/4 in one game and said "Oh, they focused me and my team could take the turrets."
Seriously, LoL is a team game, not a "LOOK AT ME MOM!!!" game
playing a game and we are down. o there team tower dives me 5 man dives me at 2 mid tower i ult them (as cass) and kill the ad then die then the rest of my team closes in and cleans them up. then my laptop dies because the charger is semi-broken and only charges when it is placed right. i restart and the game ends when i am 15 % loaded. it didnt even give me warning just our battery is low insta shut down. QQ
I've been doing really well lately, up 200 elo in the past few days. But when I get forced into AD bot it seems like theres nothing I can do. I feel like I have a really strong grasp of all the other roles and how to play them well, but oh my god I can not play AD bot for the life of me.
I wish I could ban a role instead of a champion, as weird as that sounds >.>
If you're good at something but can't take shit from people you don't really deserve to succeed in that area tbh.
Quadra kill on Cassiopiea. Go 11-3, still lose game. Our duo bot lane was Vayne and support Ashe who didn't know what the meaning of ward was and they just fed over and over. I even camped bot lane so they didn't lose it for a while.....I did everything I could.
I'm not cut out to play this game and have reached my peak since my W/L ratio hasn't changed significantly in like a year. This saddens me greatly.
Just realized how shit I'm at this game. I don't have a clue about jungling. Was jungling yi vs a jungle shaco and ended up feeding him. Even as a laner, I have bad cs. And I can't blame lag for it, since I should be able to CS decently even with the latency if I concentrate.
On January 30 2012 14:31 Perplex wrote: I've been doing really well lately, up 200 elo in the past few days. But when I get forced into AD bot it seems like theres nothing I can do. I feel like I have a really strong grasp of all the other roles and how to play them well, but oh my god I can not play AD bot for the life of me.
I wish I could ban a role instead of a champion, as weird as that sounds >.>
Aka I can't play AD bot but I'm not going to play support.
On January 30 2012 01:27 lisward wrote: 3 games ago I got a 13-0 score with Jungle Master Yi. Although I won that game, I was appalled by the fact that I single-handedly carried that whole game, the end score was 15-2, with my team mates only getting 2 kills despite me constantly ganking for them.
Sometimes I really don't get you guys. I know this thread is about whining. And really I shouldn't take it too objectiv. But still, you gank successfully, which is most of the time with the help of the laners right, you didn't kill them all alone. But more importantly, your whole team only died TWICE in the entire game, which is actually amazing. Meaning they barely died to ganks from the enemy jungler and your ganks were successful. Basically the dream of all junglers. How can you possible rage at that?
On January 30 2012 18:50 cascades wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 14:31 Perplex wrote: I've been doing really well lately, up 200 elo in the past few days. But when I get forced into AD bot it seems like theres nothing I can do. I feel like I have a really strong grasp of all the other roles and how to play them well, but oh my god I can not play AD bot for the life of me.
I wish I could ban a role instead of a champion, as weird as that sounds >.> Aka I can't play AD bot but I'm not going to play support.
Or maybe the support role have been picked before... well, just an absurd idea
Playing normals with a friend, getting into a game which looks like fun at first, group is decently rounded, jungle missing. So i think to myself, yeah, it's a normal, time to try stuff out and pick jungle alistair. I am in violet team and start with blue. All goes decently well, i get level 3 by killing my golems and head to my red, as i hear the beautiful sound of First blood, i check and see the bottom tower under attack by a champ with 50% life. I check whether their jungler did a level 2 gank, he didn't. Still level 1 on tabs. So my mind starts to think how in the hell xin succeeded in dying so fast without even coming close to kill malphite. It's malphite, not GP or sth like that. Then, xin writes "/all report alistair fail jungle". I Prepare to answer but instead the whole game starts to talk russian. I play on EU West and apparently 3 of my mates are russian, at least two of the enemies are as well. Now, the game does not go so well, the lanes are all losing, my ganks are not good enough. But the russians won't resign. Games goes on until 35 minutes mark, we lose sth like 15/40. The russian chat goes on the whole game.
But okay, at least i can report them for their flame. 2 Games later, we play with the exact same 3 russians. WTF?!? This time, they Pick Leona, Trynd and GP. we ask where they want to go and get no anwer. I have no idea what to do with this comp and pick ryze, to hae at least a hero i can destroy the enemy with, no matter what they do. My friend panics even more and picks tristana, not having played ad-carry more then 5 times in his lol career. Game starts, trynd yells at me "i mid!". at this time, i ignore all three of them get down to trist and we start to get raped. Trist and me donate our bodies and walltets twice, as well as the tower, then i start to freefarm bot, getting more stronk! At the end, the three russians combined die 45 times. Leona is level 9 by the time i am 18 and has 0/15/3 stats. We start surrender votes that get downvotet 2/3 all the time and the game goes 45 minutes long.
I just went down from 1537 rating to 1286 in ranked just because my team are all so bad, so bad, so bad, so bad, so bad. I've lost like 20 games loss in a row, in 3 days.
Like I'm 2-0 on my lane, but top there is a 0-6 cho gath feeding a Sion. I've even played a game as sona sup, we were winning 17-3 overall, then we lost. That's how it is.
I don't understand why but it seems late night, everybody plays like shit, and I'm always playing late night.
I tried to play Nocturne and lost quite a lot too I must say.