Gaaaaah I hate it so much when your AD carry doesn't know wtf to do as support. Us Soraka Sivir, they Lux Kog'Maw.
Sivir doesn't get shield at lvl 2, gets bursted down with binding/exhaust and proceeds to flame me.
Game after that featured the trolliest of blitzes who liked to die to turrets, dragons, and pretty much anything in the game that does damage...
On January 30 2012 23:11 Doctorbeat wrote: Gaaaaah I hate it so much when your AD carry doesn't know wtf to do as support. Us Soraka Sivir, they Lux Kog'Maw.
Sivir doesn't get shield at lvl 2, gets bursted down with binding/exhaust and proceeds to flame me.
Game after that featured the trolliest of blitzes who liked to die to turrets, dragons, and pretty much anything in the game that does damage...
Yeah, I don't like it when my support is soraka and they think that they can be aggressive vs a really aggressive lane like sivir/taric or something like that.
On January 30 2012 23:33 Zergneedsfood wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 23:11 Doctorbeat wrote: Gaaaaah I hate it so much when your AD carry doesn't know wtf to do as support. Us Soraka Sivir, they Lux Kog'Maw.
Sivir doesn't get shield at lvl 2, gets bursted down with binding/exhaust and proceeds to flame me.
Game after that featured the trolliest of blitzes who liked to die to turrets, dragons, and pretty much anything in the game that does damage... Yeah, I don't like it when my support is soraka and they think that they can be aggressive vs a really aggressive lane like sivir/taric or something like that.
And now matchmaking has proven that karma doesn't exist. Just got teamed up with 2 very BM dutch guys, a kennen who didn't know how to play and then proceeded to blame Soraka, and the Soraka bmed back. I had more farm as a jungler than all my lanes. All my teammates were 0-4 or something similar, i had the only kill of our team in the whole game.
Edit: FML. Just got an Ahri that couldn't lane vs Lux. They had Pantheon jungle...
This guy (Tristana) was AFK half game long, fed 4 kills roaming alone after the 30 minutes mark while we were all asking for him to come, and behold, when we ask for a reasonable report (he was really afk more than half the game and only came for feeding purposes) :
Tryndamere is such a bullshit champion. This skill makes it so I crit every damn time I attack, this skill heals me for a million health, this skill makes you do no damage and also run super slow, this skill makes me spin THROUGH A DAMN WALL, and this skill makes it so you can't kill me ever.
I was playing some normals last night and we got Tryns on the enemy team like 3 games in a row. This is the very definition of "anti-fun" that Riot always talks about.
Go to hell Tryndamere.
On January 31 2012 03:08 Terranasaur wrote: Tryndamere is such a bullshit champion. This skill makes it so I crit every damn time I attack, this skill heals me for a million health, this skill makes you do no damage and also run super slow, this skill makes me spin THROUGH A DAMN WALL, and this skill makes it so you can't kill me ever.
I was playing some normals last night and we got Tryns on the enemy team like 3 games in a row. This is the very definition of "anti-fun" that Riot always talks about.
Go to hell Tryndamere.
? He got nerfed pretty badly. He shouldn't be completely unbeatable in top lane now.
On January 31 2012 03:08 Terranasaur wrote: Tryndamere is such a bullshit champion. This skill makes it so I crit every damn time I attack, this skill heals me for a million health, this skill makes you do no damage and also run super slow, this skill makes me spin THROUGH A DAMN WALL, and this skill makes it so you can't kill me ever.
I was playing some normals last night and we got Tryns on the enemy team like 3 games in a row. This is the very definition of "anti-fun" that Riot always talks about.
Go to hell Tryndamere.
There is a reason there is a Normals Draft Mode now... For moments when you wanna ban champs but not have it be as intense as Ranked
Game starts,screen freezes I dc,load back in after 4 minutes,no health pot in the shop. Game trolled me hardcore.
On January 31 2012 07:46 TheKefka wrote: Game starts,screen freezes I dc,load back in after 4 minutes,no health pot in the shop. Game trolled me hardcore.
this has happened to me a number of times. it also messes up the item portraits so it looks like everyone is buying chain vests or other stupid things like that.
Malph, why do you farm top during a drake stand-off? Malph, why do you farm top when we're defending with an inhib down? Malph, why do you come back by foot and get ambushed 1v5?
Sigh. He did really well as a jungler, but once the laning phase ended he was really out of it.
Dropped 130 elo because people keep throwing games or afk. This shit does not get better at 1700 elo, I'm 1570 now.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/LWIER.jpg)
Shit like this is why I lose games. Give enemy Rammus then fp Yi.
On January 31 2012 08:12 -Valor- wrote: Dropped 130 elo because people keep throwing games or afk. This shit does not get better at 1700 elo, I'm 1570 now. People throw games at every Elo. Half of my losses are people trolling from the onset or throwing after a huge lead.
Enemy team pick Katarina first pick.
Nobody in the team picks a reliant silence or stun.
I'm last pick, having to jungle. I pick Malphite.
Katarina goes against Akali mid. Katarina got fed.
Nobody in the team picks MR.
Team fights => If I can ult Kat => Team don't follow => I die => If I can't ult Kat (but the 4 others of her team) => Team follow => Kat shumpo-ult => We're aced
=> GG
0K, time to be honest. It's a QQ thread, but it's never been said it can't be QQ about you. So: - Alistar Sivir lane against Caitlyn Sona. I do somewhat mild (as in "I played bad but Cait didn't punish me enough so she only had 10 more cs than me and holy shit is Sivir easy to farm with thanks to Q and free mana traps") but the other lanes do well, we're up 7-1 in kills. - I miss several kill opportunities nicely initiated by Ali because I'm not close enough (I guess some would excuse me because Sivir can't stand too close to Cait), or I just miss my Qs on them. I once branded myself as above average regarding skillshots, may be true for Morgana or Viktor, but definitely not for Sivir. Projectile so slow.  - then the teamfights start. And I fuck up my positioning each time, get hit by either WW's ult (admittedly noone ever peeled for me) or Morde's, not only failing to do much damage, but also giving its potential to the enemy team 3 teamfights out of 4. 0K, one of them was me forgetting that Cleanse doesn't work on WW's ult (BAD) and another one is Morde getting his ult back at about the middle of the fight, while we counted on him having used it recently (bad luck). There was a missclick while under GP's ult that gave me no chance to help at all before I got killed. And we lost our lead, then the game, over those 3 fights.
TL;DR: I suck at Sivir and lost my team a game with a good advantage almost all by myself.
Edit: well at least there's worse. First pick Vayne calls top against Riven, brags about 2k Elo, goes 0-5 in 13 minutes to Riven/Amumu, blame his jungler, then insults Malph in French. Yay. Also Malphite killing me by striking a blow during the stun on Sona's ult. Instead of the dancing animation he just hit me as if he wasn't affected, tho he got clearly in the radius, without banshee nor anything. What's that? :/
And that's -100 Elo for me. Didn't take long to experiment that.
Been playing good all day playing normal draft pick. Been trying to get GP but he always gets banned. No problem im good with Kat too. after 8 hours I FINALLY get to pick GP get into the game!..... Internet spikes and i have 3000ms of lag constant. WTF Its a FREAKING BUISNESS LINE!!!!!! Turns out my friend was downloading like close to 200 GP of porn and uploading pirated movies.... He pirated me out of MY PIRATE!!!!!
you should see if your router has any kind of quality of service system (QoS)
I haven't been jungling as much as I used to, but today is the first time in a long time I've had a case of everybody-blame-the-jungler. Didn't matter that they were over extended and got ganked, my fault. Doesn't matter that I counter jungle and kill their GP and take buffs. Doesn't matter that I ping people to warn them for obvious jungler ganks coming. Doesn't matter that i solo dragon several times while their team is out of position. Losing is still clearly my fault. Leona just initiates any chance she gets, regardless of positioning/hp of our team. I usually escape with my life and it's my fault that we lose the fight because, apparently, all I do is "pillar and run."
As much as I enjoy jungling, games like this are the main reason I just stick to solotop/mid now.
I just hate it when I play a couple games of solo queue, play really well, my team then throws away a massive lead and lose three in a row, then I play ranked 5s with friends and just feed top two games in a row which costs us both games.
Playing some normal 5s with some friends, one of our group doesn't usually play with us (he's a fair bit better than the rest of us). I'm jungle Udyr, second time every playing him. I had to go the to bathroom so I right-clicked to blue and and went real quick. I get back and am unscathed but apparently the enemy had 3-man invaded and been repelled by Sion (the guy we don't usually play with) and Malphite, although Sion had to blow flash. I started blue with no leash and am promptly killed by 3 of them (my two teammates just sitting at their respective towers, but whatever). I probably should have gone somewhere else, but nobody had explained what had happened yet.
As I said this is my 2nd time ever playing Udyr so I'm quite thrown off, but do my best to continue jungling. Sion keeps pinging for ganks but as I'm level 3 and the midlane Fizz is level 6 I don't think it's worth it, at one point there was a fight in top river, I died and we killed by their Tryndamere. I'm finding Udyr very mana hungry and I'm behind from losing the first blue, so I take the second one despite Sion being nearby. He rages pretty hard at me and calls me a troll, I explain that I'm not trolling I'm just trying to catch up. I go mid to push minions off the tower, the 5-0 Fizz throws a fish from the bush and one-shots me with his combo, of course that means I'm a feeder and a troll. The game continued in predictably negative fashion, with all of us salty and raging at each other from the negative aura emanating from Sion.
Like fuck, I get that he's somewhat more skilled than us, but give me a break. No reason to be a condescending douchebag to the people you're queuing with. Udyr taking blue instead of a triple Doran's + DFG Sion, obviously I'm trolling...
On January 31 2012 14:02 Alzadar wrote: Playing some normal 5s with some friends, one of our group doesn't usually play with us (he's a fair bit better than the rest of us). I'm jungle Udyr, second time every playing him. I had to go the to bathroom so I right-clicked to blue and and went real quick. I get back and am unscathed but apparently the enemy had 3-man invaded and been repelled by Sion (the guy we don't usually play with) and Malphite, although Sion had to blow flash. I started blue with no leash and am promptly killed by 3 of them (my two teammates just sitting at their respective towers, but whatever). I probably should have gone somewhere else, but nobody had explained what had happened yet.
As I said this is my 2nd time ever playing Udyr so I'm quite thrown off, but do my best to continue jungling. Sion keeps pinging for ganks but as I'm level 3 and the midlane Fizz is level 6 I don't think it's worth it, at one point there was a fight in top river, I died and we killed by their Tryndamere. I'm finding Udyr very mana hungry and I'm behind from losing the first blue, so I take the second one despite Sion being nearby. He rages pretty hard at me and calls me a troll, I explain that I'm not trolling I'm just trying to catch up. I go mid to push minions off the tower, the 5-0 Fizz throws a fish from the bush and one-shots me with his combo, of course that means I'm a feeder and a troll. The game continued in predictably negative fashion, with all of us salty and raging at each other from the negative aura emanating from Sion.
Like fuck, I get that he's somewhat more skilled than us, but give me a break. No reason to be a condescending douchebag to the people you're queuing with. Udyr taking blue instead of a triple Doran's + DFG Sion, obviously I'm trolling...
Triple Doran's + DFG is a standard build on Sion. But yes he should've calmed down as he realized he was playing with people worse than him and they were friends.