Doing the all so hated solo queue again to avoid ELO decay (that really is the ONLY reason I ever try a game or two in the retardic ocean). Felt confident since we were raping with our ranked team. After the following 2 games of solo queue I do know why I hate it so much compared to relaxing 5's play with friends...
Game 1:
I start at red as jungle WW, lvl 2 gank top, force enemy flash, almost killed. Finally get FB when I come again. Mid lane is actually doing good and bot lane doesn't feed at least - could be a win!
Well, I was wrong... at 10 minutes, enemy jungler invades our blue, we see him, I ping like mad "come gank free kill!". Mid responds: "toilet brb" - WTF?! Well, apparently he needs 15 minutes for going to toilet... 4v5 GG.
Game 2:
Starts good, too: our top GP gets FB and crushes the enemy Irelia winning lane 5/1 or something. I dominate bot Graves with Caitlyn and outfarm him by 50 CS in the first 15 minutes. When we destroy tower at 20 it's 160 to 100 for me. Mid lost lane, but didn't feed like mad at least.
However, team fights start and we lose and lose and lose... I wonder how this could be with 7/1 GP and super farmed Cait (I got two kills in addition).
I understand the moment I look at our CS... at 25 minutes, I am the only one in the triple digits - again: WTF?! 7/1 GP with 95 CS, mid with 78, jungler with like 50 CS... their Irelia top that got crushed doubled GP in the meanwhile with somehing like 220, enemy mid 180, enemy jungle Shyvana 250 (!). GG again.
Result: -57 ELO in 2 games and me being fed up with solo queue again.
If it wasn't for ranked 5's teams I would have so given up this fucking game already. My 14 year old sister with her lvl 15 account farms and positions better than those brainless herpderps that luckily win their lane by randomly countering the enemy champ and smashing buttons in the right order.
I hope they will drop even lower with their + 2,3% crit damage, +5 Arpen, +1,9 Mpen, +7,4 MR, +4,5 AD, +0,7 CDR rune books and rot in elo hell. FOR GREAT JUSTICE IT IS!
Thx for listening.
what kind of fucking douche bag do you have to be to brag about winning a 5v3... lol we owned you!!
On January 28 2012 04:10 little fancy wrote:Doing the all so hated solo queue again to avoid ELO decay ( that really is the ONLY reason I ever try a game or two in the retardic ocean). Felt confident since we were raping with our ranked team. After the following 2 games of solo queue I do know why I hate it so much compared to relaxing 5's play with friends... Game 1: I start at red as jungle WW, lvl 2 gank top, force enemy flash, almost killed. Finally get FB when I come again. Mid lane is actually doing good and bot lane doesn't feed at least - could be a win! Well, I was wrong... at 10 minutes, enemy jungler invades our blue, we see him, I ping like mad "come gank free kill!". Mid responds: "toilet brb" - WTF?! Well, apparently he needs 15 minutes for going to toilet... 4v5 GG. Game 2: Starts good, too: our top GP gets FB and crushes the enemy Irelia winning lane 5/1 or something. I dominate bot Graves with Caitlyn and outfarm him by 50 CS in the first 15 minutes. When we destroy tower at 20 it's 160 to 100 for me. Mid lost lane, but didn't feed like mad at least. However, team fights start and we lose and lose and lose... I wonder how this could be with 7/1 GP and super farmed Cait (I got two kills in addition). I understand the moment I look at our CS... at 25 minutes, I am the only one in the triple digits - again: WTF?! 7/1 GP with 95 CS, mid with 78, jungler with like 50 CS... their Irelia top that got crushed doubled GP in the meanwhile with somehing like 220, enemy mid 180, enemy jungle Shyvana 250 (!). GG again. Result: -57 ELO in 2 games and me being fed up with solo queue again. If it wasn't for ranked 5's teams I would have so given up this fucking game already. My 14 year old sister with her lvl 15 account farms and positions better than those brainless herpderps that luckily win their lane by randomly countering the enemy champ and smashing buttons in the right order. I hope they will drop even lower with their + 2,3% crit damage, +5 Arpen, +1,9 Mpen, +7,4 MR, +4,5 AD, +0,7 CDR rune books and rot in elo hell. FOR GREAT JUSTICE IT IS!Thx for listening.  Oh man, I know how you feel in game2, except I ended up carrying.
went top lane WW, out cs wukong on top lane by twice the amount by the 20 minute mark. (i was around 160 farm), and was like 3-1 in lane. I ended the game with 100 cs over any of my temmates with 275 cs.
So we have a Kassadin first pick vs Anivia and I picked Kennen to go top. Good start to team picking.
They pick Mundo and Lee Sin. Alright, Mundo is a viable solo top, and lee sin is broken in jungle, both reasonable picks.
Next we lock jungle Olaf (hes so fucking bad...) and support Shen. I've seen Shen work bot, but its gimmicky imo.
They last pick Soraka/Kog for bot. GL to our bot lane I'm thinking.
Last pick picks fucking Cho Gath... My lord, how fucking retarded are people?
Should have went AD Kennen. M5 too good.
I AM SO BAD at positioning as an AD carry. Wow. Like, I get super fed, because I am okish in lane, but holy shit we lose or almost lose because I fuck up positioning. I once did good, and immediately Penta lol. But that was only 1 teamfight in 1 game. WHY.
(and I don't even get flamed becuase my K/D ratio is good and my team mates don't even notice how much I fuck up)
Try Ashe and run ghost/flash. I'm not even joking.
mid ryze feeds jungle lee 8kills before the 12min mark...maokia still tries to counter jungle and give hims another 4kills...lee 1v4s our team as they go to stop him from doing dragon....
On January 28 2012 04:35 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2012 04:10 little fancy wrote:Doing the all so hated solo queue again to avoid ELO decay ( that really is the ONLY reason I ever try a game or two in the retardic ocean). Felt confident since we were raping with our ranked team. After the following 2 games of solo queue I do know why I hate it so much compared to relaxing 5's play with friends... Game 1: I start at red as jungle WW, lvl 2 gank top, force enemy flash, almost killed. Finally get FB when I come again. Mid lane is actually doing good and bot lane doesn't feed at least - could be a win! Well, I was wrong... at 10 minutes, enemy jungler invades our blue, we see him, I ping like mad "come gank free kill!". Mid responds: "toilet brb" - WTF?! Well, apparently he needs 15 minutes for going to toilet... 4v5 GG. Game 2: Starts good, too: our top GP gets FB and crushes the enemy Irelia winning lane 5/1 or something. I dominate bot Graves with Caitlyn and outfarm him by 50 CS in the first 15 minutes. When we destroy tower at 20 it's 160 to 100 for me. Mid lost lane, but didn't feed like mad at least. However, team fights start and we lose and lose and lose... I wonder how this could be with 7/1 GP and super farmed Cait (I got two kills in addition). I understand the moment I look at our CS... at 25 minutes, I am the only one in the triple digits - again: WTF?! 7/1 GP with 95 CS, mid with 78, jungler with like 50 CS... their Irelia top that got crushed doubled GP in the meanwhile with somehing like 220, enemy mid 180, enemy jungle Shyvana 250 (!). GG again. Result: -57 ELO in 2 games and me being fed up with solo queue again. If it wasn't for ranked 5's teams I would have so given up this fucking game already. My 14 year old sister with her lvl 15 account farms and positions better than those brainless herpderps that luckily win their lane by randomly countering the enemy champ and smashing buttons in the right order. I hope they will drop even lower with their + 2,3% crit damage, +5 Arpen, +1,9 Mpen, +7,4 MR, +4,5 AD, +0,7 CDR rune books and rot in elo hell. FOR GREAT JUSTICE IT IS!Thx for listening.  Oh man, I know how you feel in game2, except I ended up carrying. went top lane WW, out cs wukong on top lane by twice the amount by the 20 minute mark. (i was around 160 farm), and was like 3-1 in lane. I ended the game with 100 cs over any of my temmates with 275 cs.
Wow. 275 CS is a lot with Lanewick. I assume you had a full endgame build which explains why you carried since you probably were an unkillable machine.
G2 was also lost because in those teamfights no one protected me which might be a big problem for AD carries I hear.
I had a quite competent Soraka with me... but she alone won't stop Shyvana + Irelia from sitting in my face while the rest of our team just gets melted since they had some reasonable damage but next to no mitigation because of their horrible farm. Our jungle Alistar died in 2 seconds with his ultimate online lol...
So better play some tanky initiating shit the scared teammates can follow instead of relying on them to provide a good opportunity to do the damages, right?
On January 28 2012 12:30 NotSorry wrote: mid ryze feeds jungle lee 8kills before the 12min mark...maokia still tries to counter jungle and give hims another 4kills...lee 1v4s our team as they go to stop him from doing dragon....
Yes, this. A competent Lee Sin just rapes at my ELO. Doesn't matter what role I play and how much I ward, after lvl 2 FB for the enemy team you read the typical "wow so much damage..." in chat. But instead of getting wards the killed teammate completes his / her gp5 item and continues to get ganked over and over again.
I always felt Lee Sin to be on the much stronger side of all champs and the incoming nerfs might support my impression.
I am gp top vs rumble. Early game trundle ganks and I get an early kill, I end up 3-0-2 in laning phase. Fizz gets a few kills early as well as our mid ap. Vayne/sona down a kill or two to sivir/soraka, but I am thinking this is a won game, since it is something like 8-3 overall kills and we had map control for buffs/etc.
Then, while rumble and I are top, my team loses a 4v4 and dragon. Confused, I check out cs. Fizz has 80 something compared to the 120 of annie. Vayne has 80 something compared to the 130 of sivir. Fizz bought a mejai's.
Low ELO in a nutshell.
Just lost a game I went 3-0-0 at lvl 4 and then 2 of my team mates dc'd/left :< WAAAAAAAA
On January 29 2012 05:03 Zhiroo wrote: Just lost a game I went 3-0-0 at lvl 4 and then 2 of my team mates dc'd/left :< WAAAAAAAA
Was it a GP and Soraka? Because we just had a 10 minute power outage and WTF???
Most retarded shit ever.
I got my first pentakill, but it was while I was leveling my NA account after not touching it since September or something. Feels pretty bad tbh. You don't really feel any accomplishment from killing new players at lvl 8.
and people left in every single game, both in my teams and the enemy teams. bleh.
On January 29 2012 08:57 Amui wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2012 05:03 Zhiroo wrote: Just lost a game I went 3-0-0 at lvl 4 and then 2 of my team mates dc'd/left :< WAAAAAAAA Was it a GP and Soraka? Because we just had a 10 minute power outage and WTF??? Most retarded shit ever.
Nope it was Ryze and Sona.
Queueing in normals to try champs and to get the daily victory at the same time. Trolls, ragequits, dc at every game (two mist full AP comp from my time), refusing to surrender or stuff like that. Retards, too. Been at it for more than 2 hours. Yay people.
Edit: what the hell did I want to type that resulted in "two mist full AP comps"? Oo
trolls and retards in 7 of 9 games today
the fuck is so hard about not trying to 1v2 the enemy ad while your support is warding or backing up when pinged to stop chasing
people still too stupid to ban skarner even at high elo
The stupidity of people just enrages me. I have no delusions about my own ability, I understand I am not that good. I understand if someone has a bad game. If you play terrible then blame me for how shitty you played, I am going to call you out for being an asshole in addition to your shitty play, which I probably would have let slide otherwise.
Just had a game where our mid gave up first blood to the enemy nocturne on his very first gank attempt. our bot lane then fed a few kills, mostly to their AD carry. Then i go to ward the tri-brush which just so happens to have their jungler, mid lane, and support. I die. the rest of the game I get ragged on for facechecking ( which i didn't even go into the brush, just in range to place a ward) and spend the rest of the game blaming every misfortune on me.
I know their is no point in getting worked up over it, but the extremity of their stupidity is blowing my mind.
just went 9-0-1 cass and the team decides to start falling apart. not much else to say.
1700 Why you troll me so hard
7-1-1 as Ezreal but Olaf goes 4-13 and Lee sin 1-5 and derp all game. What am I doing in 1198 ELO LOL? All my games have been feedfests from my allies wtf
The other day i was at a bar with my two roommates and one of them gets a text, says we have to go home. He is interviewing people to be in our apartment and they came earlier than he thought. It takes an hour to get back home and when we are finally there the person has already left.
It's partially one of my roommates' fault and partially the other's. Basically there was a miscommunication. But as things are getting worse they start acting exactly like people losing a game of LoL. They blame each other and get angrier and angrier. They argue about how to call the interviewed person back and when they really get angry they start to tell me about how it's the other guy's fault as if they were talking in allchat. They both complain about how the other one did everything wrong earlier in the day, basically saying how they fucked up their lane and that's why we are losing.
I do the same thing I do in every game, I say "who cares, dont argue, lets just get it done and if we are angry later we will talk" and they would rather waste time blaming each other than call the guy back. One of them ragequits and goes back to her room to sleep at 10pm. how am i supposed to carry when now i only have 2 people on my team?