Wow man... wow....
Some teams are more than uncarryable. I just played the best game I ever played. Jungle Udyr against Skarner. Their blue was on my Ahri all game, my blue was on me, I don't even think Skarner Killed his big golem once all game. I successfully ganked every lane atleast twice. The game went 42 minutes, I secured all five Dragons, and both Barons while leading the game in farm.
Our team got wrecked 54-26
My score at the end of the game was 6/2/13 (only one on my team with less than ten deaths... I'ma have nightmares of spamming V+click) with one of my deaths being me suicidal-smite-stealing baron from under the nose of all five of them.
How my team lost all three lanes decisively, I have no idea... I ganked all three of them with like ridiculous efficiency, and pretty much had Skarner like four levels behind every other champ in the game. I just... I dunno how the fuck I could have carried harder.
so I found the secret to getting myself out of elo hell, I have to win all lanes at the same time and get myself to a point of being able to 1v5 faster than my team can fuck up the game beyond repair!
Probably not reasonable to be annoyed over this but oh well Our team fed I fed 2 kills to their kat (she was mid and already fed). As I was Jax after i got my trinity force wriggles mercs and 2 dorans I started raping face I could almost kill their kat 1v1 and the rest of their team sucked ass (well their top was a good player but their annie=free gold). Now at this point it sounds like the normal story of ''oh I played so well but the team sucked blah blah blah ELO hell'' no that's not where the story goes I got by gunblade and then I noticed hang on wtf is sona doing. Sona had built manamune zerks and some other ad carry-ish thing, I wasn't pissed thinking ''well the team sucks so she has to do some damage somehow''. Then Sona and I carry the team after I could rape kat. The other 3 were so bad that a fucking sona had to carry those bastards. No fuck off they shouldn't get the win for that fuck those guys they fed and were awful sona and I (less for me cause jax's scaling is fucking bullshit if he can get there) should get 2.5 wins each. Fuck those guys.
Argh. I just wanted to finish the evening off with Irelia, my hope of getting better at solotop. But its a normal blind pick with my friends. So i ask nicely whether someone else could jungle and luckily for me, our best player with 1600 ELO takes nocturne. Yay. The rest of the team builds nicely as well, up to the loading screen. We get Trynd, Teemo, Orianna, Ryze and some other dude i can't remember. Yeah, no jungler on their part. Of course, i get Orianna and Teemo top. So, my lane is already fucked, if i cannot establish a commanding lead early on because of a good gank. And, lucky me, nocturne should be perfect for that job, one level 2 gank with red and they are dead.
Then i wait. and wait. When i am level 5 they have zoned me under my turret so long, that i am at 20% health, 1 stupid mistake and they get the diving kill being really low. Of course, now Nocturne shows up and clears the lane, killing them both, then disappears back into the voice. I get back to lane and we repeat the same game, i have no money for not being able to lasthit very much and the second they show up, i have to retreat under my turret. after some pokeing, they dive me, i die, he collects the rewards. I know he laughed his ass off. And when i asked him where exactly he was the whole time before, he just said i didn't say that i am in trouble. Yeah, like he didn#T know. Argh.
another good morning, I start out the game 8-1 with nearly double the 2nd cs in the game, I win top/mid and jungle from top, bot feeds about 15kills to bot/jungle/mid but whatever I'm Irelia and still winning 1v3s easily. Well my bad I don't have enough to end the game so it drags on to later everyone caps at 18 and start to catch up on items, our bot lane decide to try and bd top inhib while all 5 of enemy are mia, obviously they get caught, enemy gets free baron and soon after our nexus
game 2, we don't have a jungler instead we have 2 tops, and they end up feeding a solo top nid about 15kills between them tower diving her and failing repeatedly
and people say there isn't an elo hell...
Man the 1500's. Everyone acts like a scumbag. If they're winning the other team is getting owned and their own team is a worthless sack of potatoes getting carried by The Almighty. If they're losing it's time to turn the game into a tabloid talk show where everyone but The Victim is a troll and feeding on purpose.
I get a soraka on our team that bitches complains and is generally an ass all game to our jungler, ends 0/4/3 because she kept getting caught even after retreat pings.
I queue up again and get the same fucktard on my team. * Dodge *
Next game I get a ryze who goes 4/9 against a sunfire annie, ashe who manages to lose hard in a 2v1 lane and doesn't know how turn off frost shot while attacking minions, and a lee sin that didn't hit a single Q. We lost to a jungle eve, roam shen, tank annie, graves and Irellia top (who was counterpicked with GP!)
Sometimes i hate playing support in ranked.
finally get a good streak going and get 2 4v5s in a row, and a game we were dominating then our ap carry went afk for 7mins to eat during what time the other team got a free baron/dragon/2blues/2reds/5towers and a few kills...
i carry early game as ww jungle
bot lane feeds nunu and volibear (WTF?) as sivir GP mid procedes to afk for a bit and then we just get buttfucked
i tell bot repeatedly to fucking back up and stop diving them when they're just feeding over and over
our sivir ends 2-14, gp ends 8-14, those kills largely being from picking off people i tried to weaken in teamfights
i was 6-1 at one point, until bot decided that they were done with this game
Yayyy start game 6-1 in team score, jungler successfully ganks top twice, bot once for double kill, top gets another kill by self, then we trade junglers (our lee gets jumped, dies, but our corki takes kill, gets double buff)...
Somehow in the next 10 minutes, our ryze manages to die a whopping 6 times and having a grand fucking total of 1 assist. Fighting essentially 4v5 (WORTHLESS ryze) = 
They take barron, push, ryze dies, we hold them. Ryze dies again, lose inhib. They regroup, and push again. Ryze dies again.
Final score for ryze: 0-9-1, final team scores 23-25.
Thank you for carrying the other team <3 jk. fuck you
No problem during 2 hours on PvP.net. Launch a ranked. Game found. Immediatly "couldn't contact Maestro, game will close". Yay dodge penalty.
Edit: good fight near baron, we ace them, lose one, do Baron, then push and kill 2 towers+inhib in exchange for my life. When retreating, Nidalee stays to clear their wolves, gets caught, the team fights 4v5 and obviously loses, only GP and I (arrived when they started dying, from respawn) survive, we lose mid inhib. They still have one inhib down, and top's pushing. GP still has baron. What do? Swain rushes in instead of stalling until they have to clear either lanes, right near the 2nd tower (ie. at a jungle corner) giving them a huge positioning advantage, he gets blown up, nobody can peel Irelia because of the way he engaged, Sivir has free reign, we get aced and lose.
Why, WHY would you be so dumb and engage when our lanes are pushing? We'd only have had to defend mid, and they would have had to react to either top or bot. Who would dive 1v5 with them all full health in that situation? People are so stupid.
I think I had a grand total of one real game without trolls today. Highlights of other games include: someone picks jungle Blitz, someone says "gg jungle Blitz we lose" and locks in support MF and feeds someone picks top lane Vlad, someone says "gg too much AP we lose" and locks in AD Cassiopeia and feeds can't remember the third but it was a good one as well.
like, if you're going to troll to the point that it's a guaranteed loss, then why not just dodge?
2 junglers....2ap mids....no top....no support...
next game: top jax 0-4 vs malph, mid cassio 1-5 vs lb, jungle voli 1-6, support tf (stacked armor...) 0-8....
jungle ap janna.....just fucking kill me already....
Warmogs miss fortune...
Rofl poor shikyo. I dunno I found this really funny >_<
There's already a QQ thread. It even has your name on it. Stop it.
I keep getting trolled in ranked -_-
Past 10 games: been trolled six times, afkers twice, griefed once. Won once.
I even offered to support as 5th pick and my team doesn't pick an ad; they go like triple AP with the worst udyr ever as jungle.
Another game pick #2 says pick #5 only plays annie and if he doesn't get annie he'll troll the shit out of the game. Pick #5 never says anything, I go top akali as 3rd pick against a nice squishy team (with lee banned too!). Fourth goes mid, which ofc is a recipe for disaster as #5 insta locks annie. Who gets shafted? Me. Annie goes top and we share farm (I still outfarm the enemy carries somehow...but we lose anyway because bot+mid+jungle feed)
Another game this alistar griefs and feeds because he can't play support and 1st pick went mid. Ofc, he never mentioned anything in chat.until he had like 7 deaths at the 10 minute mark.
Kill their jungle GP 5 times as Riven and set him fucking back to the stone age.
Because he's GP he manages to get assists and kills with his broken ass skillset.
The other team wins.
Next game:
Didn't wanna have anything to do with top or jungle.
Get stuck with top.
He firstbloods me because he crits me twice.
Kills me again because after I die scumbag malph jungler pushes lane and GP freezes lane, Jarv comes in and fucks me.
GP kills me again because I wanted to get one cs out of the damn lane.
Die again, can't remember how.
Team rages at me, tells me to afk.
Internet cuts out.
I'm not gonna play anymore ranked today.
I had a pantheon today who decided to build full tank and jumped into the enemy team in the jungle. In the middle of all of them. Then since 3 of my teammates were arranged they all followed him. 4v5 fight ensues. I was at fountain buying. Just out of nowhere they all leave base and get themselves killed. What... the fuck? We had an inhib down. The enemy team had more farm though so they did deserve the win.
There was this game where I didn't gank top. Yeah my bad on that  Another game I did horribly as jungle fiddlesticks D: executed by blue golem lizards. The worse possible thing that could ever happen. We still won.
sorry gotta let this out.
first game of day, 3 ap carries, no jungle, no support....