On January 25 2012 05:18 mordek wrote:Show nested quote +On January 25 2012 05:15 Spaackle wrote: A Shyvana and a Warwick on my team decide that they will jungle together. Both of them. -__- At least they were making use of their summoners haha. I asked what the other two in my game were doing and go no response. The Morde gives first blood to Taric 30 seconds later lol Was it a normal game with an opposing jungler? Double jungle might work in a bot game if solo lanes aren't retarded.
It was a normal game with an opposing jungler, but they decided to do the exact same route at the same time. And neither of them took smite. They didn't gank once during the entire game. The rest of our team was at least lvl 10 by the time they got to 6.
On January 25 2012 04:14 Keniji wrote: I really don't mind when someone is feeding a bit or losing, I mean happens. To everyone.
But people who go AfK because they think we lost sometimes even when it's actially really close. It's not even rage, but just frustrating. (especially when you play support and make the AD carry 4-0-2 and he is the one who goes AFK)
There was this GP today who got pissed when our kassadin fed their mid 5 times(we were like 3/7). He was like gg surrender. I was playing jax and replied -'lets try it for a bit we aren't that behind'' GP -'' its fucking lost. By I'm afk''. I go - '' hey gp what's the differnce between you and kassadin then?'' apparently that comment stuck home cuz he actually came back and played again. We tryharded it out and won eventually. I got 2 quadras - fed jax so good :D
game 5, we have an Kass already but last pick wants to LB so now we have 2 ap mids fighting with each other, on top of that our Kog'maw doesn't say a word all game and goes top lane where our Irelia is, leaving our support bot 1v2 against Cait/Soraka, kog walks into rumble top giving him 4 free kills before the 6min mark then proceeds to rage at the team before quitting.
Down 65elo today and not even one real game yet...
-200elo in under 24hours...
Clarity/heal Soraka spent an entire 40 minute game telling me how bad CV was. Meanwhile, we never got dragon, and the enemy Udyr stole our blue buff on respawn the entire game. "Mana and heals are good on Soraka noob". IDK how you can even run out of mana on Soraka.
On January 25 2012 04:16 Keniji wrote:
She might have fed, but what exactly is so wrong with the build?
Well maybe its just me, I generally find ppl, even vaynes, do terrible when they build so much attack speed and no dmg (she got her first BF sword at about 30 mins -_-)
Personally on vayne I go Dorans, boots, Black Cleaver (Dmg and speed), Zeal, Vampric Sceptre, Phantom/Bloodthirster depending on if I need the lifesteal more then finish the other, IE, Banshees vail and maybe a frozen mallet for more surviveability.
Where as on Siv I'd go Dorans, boots, IE, Zeal, Sceptre.
On January 25 2012 05:18 Shikyo wrote:
PD on vayne is really good to rush and no probs with the build otherwise either, imo.
The soraka judging by the KDA seems to be a noob so if the opposing botlane was good its really difficult to do anything with Vayne if your support is a noob
I think you're flaming the wrong person there
Possibly - Just generally I see ppl do those types of builds and fail terribly and this was no exception. Her and soraka were premade. Her build may not be bad, but her play was terrible, bad farm, bad harrassment, bad engagement, I told them two or three times "Im omw to bot, just sit at ur tower and dont take damage" They then proceeded to try to push out and die -_- Or have little to no hp so when I did come in the fights were very close and shouldnt of been.
Weird...Just looked at my Elo last season (when I went 21-29) and it was 1089. This season Im 108-102 with 1074 elo lol. fml.
On January 25 2012 07:22 KovuTalli wrote:Show nested quote +On January 25 2012 04:16 Keniji wrote:
She might have fed, but what exactly is so wrong with the build? Well maybe its just me, I generally find ppl, even vaynes, do terrible when they build so much attack speed and no dmg (she got her first BF sword at about 30 mins -_-) Personally on vayne I go Dorans, boots, Black Cleaver (Dmg and speed), Zeal, Vampric Sceptre, Phantom/Bloodthirster depending on if I need the lifesteal more then finish the other, IE, Banshees vail and maybe a frozen mallet for more surviveability. Where as on Siv I'd go Dorans, boots, IE, Zeal, Sceptre.
her build looks fine
What is it with people? I play mids and open like 5-0 6-0, doing great, lanes about even, then for the entire game nobody builds any survivability whatsoever....Rageblades,IE, BT, everyone has phantom dancers, Last whisper.....by 30 minutes in we cant teamfight at all because the entire team implodes trying to get past their fatass volibear and shyvanna with 14 warmogs.
Always better to get survivability on melee if your ap and ad are doing fine, you cant output any dps when you're dead, and its not like leblanc can stack armor for you.
Going from 10-1 and 22-5 to 19-6-5 and 40-55 b/c of a leaver >.> qq
game 6, we need ap mid for last pick, he grabs teemo vs sion, proceeds to go 1-6 before 10mins then runs around spamming lolololololoolloloollo
game 7, our support goes LB, not the worse choice but the entire team rages on him about it, everyone is fighting with each other all game while feeding
-250elo in little over 24hours
I think it might be time to give up on LoL. I've been stuck around 85+ W/L in normals for probably around a year now with no hope of ever climbing out. A couple weeks ago I set a new record with 91, and over the last 2 days I've plummeted to 82. The last couple games I had no control over either which is even more frustrating. A couple games I lost my lane or didn't help enough, but the last couple...we're talking a jungle Jarvan who was level 5 without ganking or doing anything when everyone else wa 11. A botlane Sion/Vayne who had a combined 35 cs between them while their AD carry had more than triple at 15 min. Their ww camped mid so I couldn't do anything to Malz as Kassadin wtihout getting 2x suppression ult-->dead.
And honestly, if I thought it was blind pick normals being the issue, I've tried draft. Nope, the same entitled assholes you get in ranked. Don't want to play support last pick? Random a champion and pretend you're trying so you won't get reported even after you told us you were going to troll.
This QQ isn't so much about 'EVERYONE ELSE IS BAD BUT I AM GOOD SO WHY DO I LOsE WAAAAH,' it's more about, 'I suck so fucking hard I can't carry these games no matter what I do. Even on my so-called 'best' champions.'
I am thoroughly depressed with this game. I promised myself I wouldn't touch ranked again until I broke 100+ W/L normals...guess I'm going to be 1400 until season 3.
On January 25 2012 16:06 WaveofShadow wrote: I think it might be time to give up on LoL. I've been stuck around 85+ W/L in normals for probably around a year now with no hope of ever climbing out. A couple weeks ago I set a new record with 91, and over the last 2 days I've plummeted to 82. The last couple games I had no control over either which is even more frustrating. A couple games I lost my lane or didn't help enough, but the last couple...we're talking a jungle Jarvan who was level 5 without ganking or doing anything when everyone else wa 11. A botlane Sion/Vayne who had a combined 35 cs between them while their AD carry had more than triple at 15 min. Their ww camped mid so I couldn't do anything to Malz as Kassadin wtihout getting 2x suppression ult-->dead.
And honestly, if I thought it was blind pick normals being the issue, I've tried draft. Nope, the same entitled assholes you get in ranked. Don't want to play support last pick? Random a champion and pretend you're trying so you won't get reported even after you told us you were going to troll.
This QQ isn't so much about 'EVERYONE ELSE IS BAD BUT I AM GOOD SO WHY DO I LOsE WAAAAH,' it's more about, 'I suck so fucking hard I can't carry these games no matter what I do. Even on my so-called 'best' champions.'
I am thoroughly depressed with this game. I promised myself I wouldn't touch ranked again until I broke 100+ W/L normals...guess I'm going to be 1400 until season 3.
To be honest, I don't see why you care so much about your score in normals. I have constantly fluctuated from about 50+ W/L in normals to my current -7 W/L in normals. You should be playing normals only to have fun :D. Although its pretty terrible when almost the same things happen in ranked, then you have to be tryhard ._.
On January 25 2012 16:06 WaveofShadow wrote: I think it might be time to give up on LoL. I've been stuck around 85+ W/L in normals for probably around a year now with no hope of ever climbing out. A couple weeks ago I set a new record with 91, and over the last 2 days I've plummeted to 82. The last couple games I had no control over either which is even more frustrating. A couple games I lost my lane or didn't help enough, but the last couple...we're talking a jungle Jarvan who was level 5 without ganking or doing anything when everyone else wa 11. A botlane Sion/Vayne who had a combined 35 cs between them while their AD carry had more than triple at 15 min. Their ww camped mid so I couldn't do anything to Malz as Kassadin wtihout getting 2x suppression ult-->dead.
And honestly, if I thought it was blind pick normals being the issue, I've tried draft. Nope, the same entitled assholes you get in ranked. Don't want to play support last pick? Random a champion and pretend you're trying so you won't get reported even after you told us you were going to troll.
This QQ isn't so much about 'EVERYONE ELSE IS BAD BUT I AM GOOD SO WHY DO I LOsE WAAAAH,' it's more about, 'I suck so fucking hard I can't carry these games no matter what I do. Even on my so-called 'best' champions.'
I am thoroughly depressed with this game. I promised myself I wouldn't touch ranked again until I broke 100+ W/L normals...guess I'm going to be 1400 until season 3.
Seems like you just need to take a break for a week or two and let things chill out. Then once you get some motivation to play and rank up again, give it a go and see how you do over the course of a couple days. Try not to let little things stress you out either. I'm fairly new to LoL but I played HoN and was in a similar situation to you(was in the "ELO Hell" of that game). I took a break for a couple weeks, relaxed, watched some tv, went to the gym, played a different game, etc. Came back, ended up grinding up about 500 rating(1200-->1700) because I was actually motivated to do it and it was fun.
On January 25 2012 16:18 Ziken wrote:Show nested quote +On January 25 2012 16:06 WaveofShadow wrote: I think it might be time to give up on LoL. I've been stuck around 85+ W/L in normals for probably around a year now with no hope of ever climbing out. A couple weeks ago I set a new record with 91, and over the last 2 days I've plummeted to 82. The last couple games I had no control over either which is even more frustrating. A couple games I lost my lane or didn't help enough, but the last couple...we're talking a jungle Jarvan who was level 5 without ganking or doing anything when everyone else wa 11. A botlane Sion/Vayne who had a combined 35 cs between them while their AD carry had more than triple at 15 min. Their ww camped mid so I couldn't do anything to Malz as Kassadin wtihout getting 2x suppression ult-->dead.
And honestly, if I thought it was blind pick normals being the issue, I've tried draft. Nope, the same entitled assholes you get in ranked. Don't want to play support last pick? Random a champion and pretend you're trying so you won't get reported even after you told us you were going to troll.
This QQ isn't so much about 'EVERYONE ELSE IS BAD BUT I AM GOOD SO WHY DO I LOsE WAAAAH,' it's more about, 'I suck so fucking hard I can't carry these games no matter what I do. Even on my so-called 'best' champions.'
I am thoroughly depressed with this game. I promised myself I wouldn't touch ranked again until I broke 100+ W/L normals...guess I'm going to be 1400 until season 3. To be honest, I don't see why you care so much about your score in normals. I have constantly fluctuated from about 50+ W/L in normals to my current -7 W/L in normals. You should be playing normals only to have fun :D. Although its pretty terrible when almost the same things happen in ranked, then you have to be tryhard ._.
My reasoning is, if I can't win games or carry in non-tryhard fuckaround normals, how can I hope to do so in ranked? Yeah I may have to force myself onto a break. I sure as hell won't be 'easily' grinding my way up +500 elo anytime soon though.
On January 25 2012 16:25 WaveofShadow wrote:Show nested quote +On January 25 2012 16:18 Ziken wrote:On January 25 2012 16:06 WaveofShadow wrote: I think it might be time to give up on LoL. I've been stuck around 85+ W/L in normals for probably around a year now with no hope of ever climbing out. A couple weeks ago I set a new record with 91, and over the last 2 days I've plummeted to 82. The last couple games I had no control over either which is even more frustrating. A couple games I lost my lane or didn't help enough, but the last couple...we're talking a jungle Jarvan who was level 5 without ganking or doing anything when everyone else wa 11. A botlane Sion/Vayne who had a combined 35 cs between them while their AD carry had more than triple at 15 min. Their ww camped mid so I couldn't do anything to Malz as Kassadin wtihout getting 2x suppression ult-->dead.
And honestly, if I thought it was blind pick normals being the issue, I've tried draft. Nope, the same entitled assholes you get in ranked. Don't want to play support last pick? Random a champion and pretend you're trying so you won't get reported even after you told us you were going to troll.
This QQ isn't so much about 'EVERYONE ELSE IS BAD BUT I AM GOOD SO WHY DO I LOsE WAAAAH,' it's more about, 'I suck so fucking hard I can't carry these games no matter what I do. Even on my so-called 'best' champions.'
I am thoroughly depressed with this game. I promised myself I wouldn't touch ranked again until I broke 100+ W/L normals...guess I'm going to be 1400 until season 3. To be honest, I don't see why you care so much about your score in normals. I have constantly fluctuated from about 50+ W/L in normals to my current -7 W/L in normals. You should be playing normals only to have fun :D. Although its pretty terrible when almost the same things happen in ranked, then you have to be tryhard ._. My reasoning is, if I can't win games or carry in non-tryhard fuckaround normals, how can I hope to do so in ranked? Yeah I may have to force myself onto a break. I sure as hell won't be 'easily' grinding my way up +500 elo anytime soon though. Normals have ELO too. Your normal ELO may be exceptionally high, making it harder to carry as effectively. If you start playing ranked then you might find the initial games much easier than normals.
I can't carry these people, floated around 1350-1400 for about 50games and now over the last day and a half dropped to 1200, it's not enough to win my lane and help another lane win theirs anymore we still end up losing the team fights with people getting caught alone or out of position making it a 4v5 or worse, even games where we have massive leads end up as loses with people being overly aggressive. Almost makes me wanna go back to dota where I can just be like "okay won my lane, hyper carry time 1v5, too easy!"
I seriously can't play this game anymore, have gone from 1500 to sub 1300 in the past two days, even if i duo with a friend and do ad+support bot, we always dominate our lane hardcore, but nope, mid goes 0/6 v a cass top goes 0/4 against shy and our jungler ends the game 0/14/0
But hey, ELO Hell doesn't exist riiiiiiight?
![[image loading]](http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g52/Lord__Link/LoLjoke.png)
5-man cheese inc. Except they instantly ran and baited my retarded ass team to their mid turret which promptly got a 4-0 exchange. No MR on anyone despite 5x AP heroes and constant tower diving despite us being way behind in kills. We still should have won due to their comp but Kayle declares "we lose, intentional feed" and just runs headlong over and over.
Had a lot of fun reading this thread. Now first time needing somewhere to rage this much. >_<
On January 25 2012 19:48 Skithiryx wrote: I seriously can't play this game anymore, have gone from 1500 to sub 1300 in the past two days, even if i duo with a friend and do ad+support bot, we always dominate our lane hardcore, but nope, mid goes 0/6 v a cass top goes 0/4 against shy and our jungler ends the game 0/14/0
But hey, ELO Hell doesn't exist riiiiiiight?
And the next one right after? First pick goes afk so no bans, then randoms TF and says he'll jungle starting longsword+hpot going ap TF, our top lane goes afk for 10 minutes then comes back and feeds lee sin 7 kills.