Then I queue up for ranked, another Sona + Graves on my team, can't press q to win lane once again, 8-0 Kogmaw at 15 minutes gg.
The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 120
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United States1966 Posts
Then I queue up for ranked, another Sona + Graves on my team, can't press q to win lane once again, 8-0 Kogmaw at 15 minutes gg. | ||
United States436 Posts
went ap, which i can forgive because it's a normal, but didnt land a SINGLE ult, straight up whiffed at least 2 of them.. absolutely useless. you can literally press qweqweqweqweqweqweqweqwewqeweqqwe throughout entire teamfights and help your team. never below 50% mana, always standing around doing nothing every time i play with this guy, so bad. | ||
United States17233 Posts
0/5 by 12 minutes -_- | ||
Canada2562 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
first teamfight my entire team dies instantly and i still get a quadra lose anyway 8) | ||
United States20254 Posts
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631 Posts
If someone starts flaming, which inevitably happens in any game we start losing, then I will usually tell them if they're wrong. Unfortunately it seems responding in any way to a troll or flamer can and will get you banned. Whilst being judged by a panel of my peers would generally be acceptable, I feel like players aren't reading through all the material thoroughly and are just voting ban to get their IP faster. (Hopefully this QQ thread extends to unjust bans as well!) | ||
Russian Federation798 Posts
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Finland951 Posts
a. More damage dealt (even with less creeps slain) b. More pure damage c. 12 deaths less then our AD carry. And the sad part was, that i even tried to protect her the best i could, but she had this thing on rocket jumping next to enemy bruisers to do her damage... did not work. | ||
United Kingdom325 Posts
When will Ad carries learn Attack speed is fucking terrible with no damage. ![]() | ||
United States6722 Posts
second game of the day, 5th pick calls top, 1st pick grabs a top, 5th pick proceeds to grab a top as well goes to top and gives riven and the tower free kills game 3 our jungle Lee dives too hard and goes 0-4 before 7mins then rages at everyone else making the whole team rage at each other game 4 1-7 jax, 6-12 sivir, 3-9 ryze off to a great start today | ||
Germany1849 Posts
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Canada2562 Posts
Stonewall as kayle: TL:DW Kayle has S+ clear speeds, though being faster than udyr by like 5 seconds isn't a big deal. Ganks are fine. Just bad at being counterjungled. So if you're not getting counterjungled you're fine. I thought we just lost cuz top tower went down so fast and bot garen kept getting hit for nothing, and kat kept trading poorly, so bot was always low on life when I had to gank. Even better. Mundo called kayle useless. | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
But people who go AfK because they think we lost sometimes even when it's actially really close. It's not even rage, but just frustrating. (especially when you play support and make the AD carry 4-0-2 and he is the one who goes AFK) | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
On January 24 2012 20:58 KovuTalli wrote: Ahhh What the fuck fuck. This fucking vayne, 600+ wins and she goes dorans, boots, pantom dancer, bf sword, blood thirster "Its good against tanks" STFU VAYNE 35 Min game she has 124cs with a bot lane Soraka. They feed the enemy Kat and Twich 10 kills each. HOW CAN U BE SO BAD? Just Silence the fucking Kat so she cant ult. VAYNE even has exhaust! Y U NO EXHAUST KAT ULT? Vayne and Soraka premade. With exhaust and heal. how do you even... I dont even. When will Ad carries learn Attack speed is fucking terrible with no damage. ![]() She might have fed, but what exactly is so wrong with the build? | ||
United States681 Posts
repeat 10x | ||
United States12704 Posts
How is coop vs. beginner bots so heavyyyyy? XD | ||
United States153 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
On January 24 2012 20:58 KovuTalli wrote: Ahhh What the fuck fuck. This fucking vayne, 600+ wins and she goes dorans, boots, pantom dancer, bf sword, blood thirster "Its good against tanks" STFU VAYNE 35 Min game she has 124cs with a bot lane Soraka. They feed the enemy Kat and Twich 10 kills each. HOW CAN U BE SO BAD? Just Silence the fucking Kat so she cant ult. VAYNE even has exhaust! Y U NO EXHAUST KAT ULT? Vayne and Soraka premade. With exhaust and heal. how do you even... I dont even. When will Ad carries learn Attack speed is fucking terrible with no damage. ![]() PD on vayne is really good to rush and no probs with the build otherwise either, imo. The soraka judging by the KDA seems to be a noob so if the opposing botlane was good its really difficult to do anything with Vayne if your support is a noob I think you're flaming the wrong person there | ||
United States12704 Posts
On January 25 2012 05:15 Spaackle wrote: A Shyvana and a Warwick on my team decide that they will jungle together. Both of them. -__- At least they were making use of their summoners haha. I asked what the other two in my game were doing and go no response. The Morde gives first blood to Taric 30 seconds later lol Was it a normal game with an opposing jungler? Double jungle might work in a bot game if solo lanes aren't retarded. | ||
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