The other team had someone named ezasdeezer on it O.O
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Canada13379 Posts
The other team had someone named ezasdeezer on it O.O | ||
United States2140 Posts
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United States1938 Posts
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United States2140 Posts
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Canada13379 Posts
We got matched with a 5 person premade which isnt the worst but the other three people on our team had clan tags. LG clan. They suicided into the first turret, fed 2 deaths each then proceeded to do the most troll thing I've yet to see in my short LoL career. The rammus on my team rolled all the way to their shop and placed a ward. Then proceeded to dance and upon death, everyone on clan LG would Teleport to the ward and die instantly. They also took revive as their 2nd summoner spell. They would Revive, walk into turrets again then as soon as teleport was off cooldown they would feed then teleport to the ward they placed again. It was the biggest waste of 20 minutes in my life. They also voted against a surrender so me and my new friend all chatted the other team to just push mid and take the turrets to end the game. They graciously agreed. then team LG and the other team started flaming me and the other guy :/ So so so strange. Im not mad so much as I am confused and wish I had those 20 minutes back. | ||
Canada12016 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
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United States2085 Posts
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United States945 Posts
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Russian Federation798 Posts
pretty much ignore each other and farm creeps. Unfortunately a twitch (4th pick after 2nd pick vayne) feeds a total of 5 kills to sivir at the 15 minute mark. A farmed nasus can carry anything lategame, but unfortunately most of the time late game never happens because there is almost always someone in your team who is a complete idiot. I really dont understand these people, if you die once its ok but how the hell do you die again and again the same way without realizing it is completely retarded? Twitch ended the game with 1-14-7, and I dont even think it was intentional, just his IQ < 50. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
o.o "I'm best at Jungle/Top, but I guess I could do support or AP if we really need it. I am terrible at ranged AD though." Everyone else locks in Skarner, GP, Sona and Viktor and then wonder why the Sivir shits on me during the early game. I already told you I suck balls at ranged AD... I still ended up carrying the game because the Sivir had terrible map awareness (who needs to participate in teamfights? lol) and Graves is stupidly good. That and apparently I am good at making people listen to what I want them to do. I literally made every decision for Skarner after I decided he was incompetent. | ||
Son of Gnome
United States777 Posts
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United States13738 Posts
12 minutes later it was 6/9 and we where loseing. I cannot fathom how a team can throw away that lead seriously. If I didn't play cho gath, rush for the fastest warmogs I've ever been able to get, and then have a zilian that could derp his ult on me right before I died I couldn't have bought that game back from the brink. fucking christ though how the hell do you throw away a game like that that fast? | ||
Kyo Yuy
United States1286 Posts
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6170 Posts
Jungle shyvana... go 5-1-4 in 15 minutes. Top lane which consists of Mordekaiser and Singed, go a combined of 2-11. Our bot lane renekton solo loses his tower to a ww solo by 8 minutes despite me having given him a kill in that time span. Our mid kept dying to fucking soraka mid. towerhugged the entire game, when i ganked he just watched me from tower. renek goes afk for 10 minutes, mordekaiser refuses to teamfight, because it was too dangerous to fight as a team (even when we were 4 mid vs. 2) its ok cause its normal, but this was too excpetional amount of dumbfuckery... g2: managed barely to outcarry an enemy 22-3 anivia by going 15-4 annie, but only because tibbers got a tripple kill in a deciding teamfight <3 you tibbers... | ||
United States866 Posts
When the game starts, however, mundo and veigar both run bot, veigar with a dorans blade. Obviously trolling at this point, yay, we lose. Sona goes mid (against morgana), he's a level 20 who's mostly played vbot games and gets destroyed. I go solo top to graves against vlad (with dblade since I assumed I was going to lane with sona), but get a lucky crit and end up destroying him in lane. The malphite in the jungle doesn't really do anything, and bot of course gets killed before minions even spawn. Somehow, I still 1v5 the other team for nearly an hour before we aced them (rofl), then we push mid and are working on the inhibitor before 3 of them are up. Instead of 4v3ing, the three trolls bait me into staying to fight (because normally we would wreck them as long as there are warm bodies between me and their stuns), then all run away crying "noob graves, feeder!" in all chat. So, we basically had the game won somehow, and then the trolls intentionally lost it. Here's a ss of the final score: + Show Spoiler + | ||
United States17233 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
As someone who normally jungles like 90% of the time in ranked, I got sooooo ridiculously tired of bad players jungling with bad junglers without smite because I don't really care if your Fiddlesticks stays at full during his whole clear, you need smite to improve your speed and maintain buff/Dragon/Baron control. So I told this Udyr that if he didn't take smite, i would take it and steal all his buffs all game long. He didn't take smite. Trolololol. If the guy didn't get the hint that smite is important after that, he is beyond hope. While a touch trolly, I think it was for the best. (Yes. I am trying to convince myself.) | ||
Sexico5880 Posts
I mean I'm always thinking that forcing the other top to go back with the lane pushing is already a sizeable advantage for our top, but before i even finish the thought boom he's fucking dead and now I have to babysit him only now their top is even harder to kill. | ||
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