On January 14 2012 04:00 Nos- wrote: Unbelievable ranked game just now. I'm all for playing support, but when the carry you're trying to support doesn't know how to last hit and random uses his skills, there's really not much I can do. Add to that the fact that our Yi died a total of 26 fucking times and a Morgana that constantly screams at you for not being able to kill anything (I'M FUCKING SORAKA WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME) while himself is losing terribly. Ended the game with 0/5/21 and a sour taste in my mouth T.T
So boring losing a game when playing good as a support
We have a free baron because Kog and Sion are bottom (and everyone else on their team is built hyper tanky). Team does dragon instead, then baron. We get baron, but 4 of us die when they reach us just after it is done. We lose.
GUYS GUYS I just got out of elo heaven (3digitss), where everyone doesn't know how to do a thing, amumu is god tier, and playing udyr is instant win.
I'm back in 4-digit now though D:
I'm last pick, 4th pick instalocks Sona and calls AD carry. -_- Seriously if you want to play stupid shit like this at least duo queue with a friend to support you...
On January 17 2012 05:32 BobMcJohnson wrote: I'm last pick, 4th pick instalocks Sona and calls AD carry. -_- Seriously if you want to play stupid shit like this at least duo queue with a friend to support you...
The Hozz AD Sona was a really good AD sona player :O She's actually pretty good as an AD carry lol
Fuck Nidalee. I'm never playing a game of LoL with her as an enemy again. So fucking OP. As the same level Xin Zhao, I use all my abilities (including ultimate) on her. She uses her little hop to escape then throws her fucking spear at me and does more damage in one hit than I did with all my shit. No matter what I did to gank her she just used her jump to kite over cliffs and died about 2 times in the whole game. Even when their team was sitting right on a ward and we knew they were coming, they would still gank and kill us because of their OP bullshit. And the spear move has such a ridiculously wide hit range. I had used everything I had to try kill nid, then she jumps into the bushes, and even though I am zigzagging like a maniac trying to avoid her javelin she still hits me and does about 500 damage despite me having 2 magic resist items. What a fucking BS character. Impossible to catch, can jump over every cliff, and has an ability that 2 or 3 shots any hero with a range that can kill you even when you're behind your tower.
1400s is elo hell simply due the sheer number of disconnects and leavers I'm getting. I dropped from 1550~ to 1350 in 4 days because at least half my games have disconnects and leavers.Today, for example, I've played 3 games so far; 2 of them had d/cs on my team. WTF riot
Ouchies dropped waaay down elo to 997 the last two days after not playing Ranked for 3 weeks. Damn crazy game lol now I remember why I stopped playing it....people are so angry and I can see why with all the leavers/discs/trolls running around that elo and everyone I mean EVERYONE seems to have their nerves frayed to the wire coming IN to the game so any little thing can set off a shit fest.
9 game loss streak and this is pretty much how most of them have went:
Bad team comp -> me trying to save team comp by picking role that I am not as good at-> 40% chance team still fucks up team comp anyway-> at least 1 feeder/leaver/rager/troll-> me doing meh to awesome in my lane -> start to get owned when team fights come because team as a whole is retarded and I honestly am not good enough to carry when behind like that -> Loss with me gathering just a bit more rage inside me..
100 hp Renek Tabi vs Vayne. 4 dodges in a row. The fuck.
On January 18 2012 08:05 Alaric wrote: 100 hp Renek Tabi vs Vayne. 4 dodges in a row. The fuck. RNG is the best thing ever created. I love laning against GP/Trynd and waiting to get crit for a quarter of my health.
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And now while I'm getting my typical decent game of the day, my ISP chooses to fuck me over and cuts my connection for 20+ minutes for a router update that took like one minute... but had to be restarted over and over, same thing to get the network back. Whenever there's some problem with it, it's always disproportionate, never middle road. And now the server's unavailable and I don't even know if I got credited a loss or a leave. Fuck. That.
Man fuck lee sin. No matter how much i get fed, no matter how much i gank and fuck up the other jungler, the game is always unquestionably and irreversibly lost by the 30th minute mark. Dumb cursed champ.
On January 18 2012 13:47 Cloud wrote: Man fuck lee sin. No matter how much i get fed, no matter how much i gank and fuck up the other jungler, the game is always unquestionably and irreversibly lost by the 30th minute mark. Dumb cursed champ.
I never really play Lee Sin, but maybe you'd be better off if you gank lots and just don't take any of the kills. Gives you laner more gold and the ability to snowball quickly without your help.
I know when I play Shaco I have a significantly better win percentage when I go 0/0/9 as apposed to 9/0/0 for example.
On January 18 2012 14:18 iCanada wrote:Show nested quote +On January 18 2012 13:47 Cloud wrote: Man fuck lee sin. No matter how much i get fed, no matter how much i gank and fuck up the other jungler, the game is always unquestionably and irreversibly lost by the 30th minute mark. Dumb cursed champ. I never really play Lee Sin, but maybe you'd be better off if you gank lots and just don't take any of the kills. Gives you laner more gold and the ability to snowball quickly without your help. I know when I play Shaco I have a significantly better win percentage when I go 0/0/9 as apposed to 9/0/0 for example. Last game with him i gave cait double kill and top first blood. Was 0/1/3 and soon after 4/1/3
Bot was 2-9 (fucking cait soraka lane no less) and singed top 1-3, not to mention both like 50 cs behind before teamfights even started and mid was doing fine but viktor so useless in teamfights i dunno wtf that champ does.
On January 18 2012 13:47 Cloud wrote: Man fuck lee sin. No matter how much i get fed, no matter how much i gank and fuck up the other jungler, the game is always unquestionably and irreversibly lost by the 30th minute mark. Dumb cursed champ.
Gotta admit, I've got 0 idea on how to jungle, but the few times I jungled as Lee Sin it was hilarious reading the all chat from the other team.
Game starts, enemy invades my jungle, team does not care, i steal blue, but have to run from their top + jungle for some time after that. Top gets 2 level advantage. 3 minutes later ALL 3 lanes are yelling for a gank, even though i am underleveled and a little behind. 13minutes into the game i am 1-0-6 and our support is telling everyone that we lost the game, because our jungle is so shitty and never ganks anything.
And like 5minutes before the game ended, our botlane was laughing hardcore at me because i had 2k something health with riven, and they told me my build was shitty because no atmogs. Just have to learn to /ignore all faster.
First game tonight. Jarvan very adamant on ganking. Gets a lucky crit. Fucks up the lane. Great start with that masteries reminder.
need some therapy. had some very hard games where I did suprisingly well. one with singed top against riven. I had perfect timing with everything and could grab tabi and dorans shield real quick which lead into zoening her and sending her back a several times. the other was malz vs brand where I got camped by rammus during the early game. still managed to survive and keep up with the farm which lead to a insanely positive score. lost both games though. need to get my elo back
Well, Sivir trying to trade starting at level 1. Against Graves Soraka. When supported by Janna. WW trying to gank when I said wards are up. Malzahar playing so aggressive he's easily ganked. Renekton flaming and on tilt since he got camped and fb'd by Udyr/LS.
Ranked doesn't start so well for me.
2nd game as Nasus against Blitz top. He feeds, gets zoned, from early levels, without any help from their jungler. When I get 3 man ganked without warning and obviously killed since Blitz's fed, and then my lane's lost with a tower almost dead, Kog with free reign over bot, and Kassadin somehow feeding himelf off of Yi and Nasus during every single teamfight. The only winning lane loses because of that, and then we're screwed. Nasus fed Blitz. ...
2 out of 3 games today we have a leaver before the 5mins mark, looking to be a great day in elo hell
game 4, my score 3-1, team score 4-29...