On January 15 2012 13:38 Spaackle wrote: Had a Shen on my team in a normal game who's entire strategy was to use his ulti to teleport to me and steal my kills. i was playing Veigar, so I very politely told him that I needed the kills, and could he please stop stealing them? His reply? "No habla ingles." So I very politely repeated my question in Spanish. He then started raging at me and told me to stop telling him how to play, because he had more kills than me, so he was obviously better.
How does a Shen steal a Veigar's kills? Usually if they're gonna die they do so in 2 seconds.
my teams have yet to win a single lane match up in the last 6-7 games....
On January 15 2012 16:12 NotSorry wrote: my teams have yet to win a single lane match up in the last 6-7 games.... stop playing jungle, it sounds like you suck at it (kidding)
On January 15 2012 11:29 Comprissent wrote: "I lost my lane, it must be my jungler's fault"
why every time
Well it depends. This one game in particular, really irked me badly.
me(vayne) and my blitz just completely roflstomp the bottom lane (sion + vayne), in kills/death, and even in creep score. We didn't even get a single fucking gank from our jungler, and despite being ganked multiple times by their jungler.
Naturally, what ended up happening was it ended up being 4v2 on bot, and without any sustain, me and my blitz ended up getting pushed out of our lane, and losing tower. Guess what our jungler was doing? DOING WRAITHS AND RED.
Seriously, some people shouldn't fucking play jungler.
Stupid lag, always lags in fights and when im turret diving, never not lags in fights.
On January 15 2012 18:03 Attakijing wrote:Show nested quote +On January 15 2012 16:12 NotSorry wrote: my teams have yet to win a single lane match up in the last 6-7 games.... stop playing jungle, it sounds like you suck at it (kidding) nah I've been playing bot, do just fine til a 5-0 jungler and 4-0 mid come down and tower dive me v_v, like literally these games are like 4-20 team scores and I'm like 2-1.
On January 15 2012 15:57 Ryalnos wrote:Show nested quote +On January 15 2012 13:38 Spaackle wrote: Had a Shen on my team in a normal game who's entire strategy was to use his ulti to teleport to me and steal my kills. i was playing Veigar, so I very politely told him that I needed the kills, and could he please stop stealing them? His reply? "No habla ingles." So I very politely repeated my question in Spanish. He then started raging at me and told me to stop telling him how to play, because he had more kills than me, so he was obviously better.
/ignored How does a Shen steal a Veigar's kills? Usually if they're gonna die they do so in 2 seconds.
He was good at it. He'd show up right before I was about to hit him and somehow manage to slip his Q in at just the right time. He was incredibly fed, so his Q did a lot of damage.
It really blows my mind how people have zero clue when the game is actually lost. Some MF came out of lane slightly behind, but then proceeded to feed like 4-5 kills 1v5, forcing us into a bad situation since they got a free baron out of it. She started blaming the laning phase. And then says it doesn't matter anymore, when I'm a Ryze with nearly fully items and they can't even take out one inhibitor with baron. Proceeds to derp again and die 1v5. We lose.
Goes on for another 5 minutes about how this was all the fault of the laning phase. Really? REALLY!??! -_-
Most rage inducing thing for me lately?
Playing against a tanky champion: poke them forever, unload full combo, they just laugh the damage off and walk around.
Playing as a tanky champion: get poked twice, half your health gone, get full combo killed even though you have nothing but defensive items.
My mind cannot comprehend the rage.
Singed is bad, Vladimir is horrendous, Vayne was disconnected till we got to level 7. Anivia fed Ahri like mad, plus she didn't have to build defensively to stay alive thanks to her ult and one-shotting people. Zilean "support" stole cs, never built AP, never ulted someone during a fight, never slowed the skarner trying to engage.
They never grouped up in fights. Never focused the right people nor tried anything to prevent Singed and Skarner to focus Talon and me, the only damage dealers with some cc.
So a 5v4 with a dominating lane and 2 useless enemies turned into a loss. I even had to push bot by myself, putting it naked to the inhib, because they were unable to even defend at a turret and I'd die if I joined them. Then they insisted on camping mid even tho top and bot had less towers. Sigh. Trolls. And that stupid thing that put premades on top so that two baddies can get the first picks and the bans.
what the hell happened why is there a teemo in every game on team and why does he always go like 1-9.....
Jungle Xin ganks botlane and gives ezreal doublebuff at level 2 or 3, says "This is a test,you failed" when we lose our lane (TF TARIC) Proceeds to feed (idk if it was intentional or not) and lose us the game.
I'm under the impression that I finally lost my LoL virginity. Never felt too concerned by the behaviours and streak described in this thread, but the past 2-3 weeks have been nothing but raging/flaming teammates, or soundly feeding into losing us the game single-handedly, mind-bogglingly dumb teammates with no sense of coordination/teamfighting altogether, trolls... I struggle each evening to even get one decent game. Not talking about good, just decent. Out of... I think I play 5-6 per evening. That's starting to become more and more a hassle, I guess I'll take a break but I know that won't change anything if I've got to cope with dumbs when I come back.
To the dumb ass in Texas who left our game because he was afraid that his computer would fry during a thunder storm. Buy a surge protector you cheap ass, and no there is not a 100 percent chance that your computer will die during a thunderstorm its pretty damn unlikely no where near even 1 percent. Also thanks for throwing the game away for us
joy another troll teemo feeding, seriously to the point where I see my team pick teemo and I just want to dodge q and take the -10 and save myself the 20mins.
Teemo Watch (games with teemo on my team) 0-6
After watching Locicero play Ryze i decided to give him a few tries. Really fun hero, and can devastate a team with the proper support, early blues also make him a beast in lane. But when your fucking amumu takes your blue 4 times in a row and then when you try to solo the blue golem Tryndamere comes in and slices it 3 times and runs away with it, I just don't know what to do. Tryndamere thinks he's fucking superman, batman, ironman, green lantern, martian guy, the entire justice league combined into one and charges from our base to theirs, gets 1 kill, and then promptly dies to everyone else. Amumu jungled and wouldn't gank for any reason, alistar leaves the game and graves is left to fend off sona/sivir bot alone with no jungle support. I can't leave lane as Ryze against Veigar. How the fuck you guys manage to play ranked all the way up to ELO 1800+ is beyond me.
United States399 Posts
quoth the 13-death panth on my team, after flaming me for 50 straight minutes about picking jungle alistar
chelios22: i was platinumchelios22: you're a fucking cock sucking Diesel White: kid chelios22: piece of shit Diesel White: abnd yes im calling u kid chelios22: hope you all die in real life chelios22: i dont care chelios22: ive been perma banned chelios22: 3x chelios22: now chelios22: fuck chelios22: if chelios22: i chelios22: im better then youll ever be in your entire life regardless chelios22: of how much you ever play chelios22: cuz im not a fucking retard chelios22: that picks alistar chelios22: jungle chelios22: stupid fucking nigger chelios22: piece of shit
how do i get this guy banned? i already sent in my report
Hai guys. I went from 1300 to triple digit.
I have no idea what these people are thinking. Im first pick. I pick olaf with flash and ignite. Then I see morde and annie picks from my team?