Does anybody else know the so called "noob friends"? Those that started LoL way before you, are lvl 30 since ages but still play like a new lvl 10 player and don't seem to improve in any way.
Someday you find yourself more or less "forced" to play a ranked game with them since they have a winning streak (at their normal solo queue level) and feel like gods not understanding why you hiddenly try to avoid playing ranked games with them.
So, you eventually invite them into your 2nd tier ranked team after the other members agree and the 5 are matched up against enemies that aren't really good but get unbelievably fed by the solo top "noob friend".
The next game he doesn't feed but is like 60 cs behind at 20 minutes.
The third game he jungles (which was his "very best" role he promised) and loses objective + jungle + map control from the beginning while being counterjungled and thus underfarmed and in the end simply useless.
After 3 fast losses we switch to normal game draft mode, but it gets even worse since the opponents in our normal games are usually stronger than those in ranked games (our normal ELO seems to be a little higher than our ranked).
We have two enemy Shyvanas (one of them was only lvl 22...) in the following normal games that rape him as Jungle Udyr and Jungle Skarner even harder.
The awkward silence in TS3 is only interrupted by his steady raging and flaming and when I talk to him personally later in another channel he just doesn't get what went wrong and is completely frustrated and asks me if I had a clue and some suggestions.
When I politely tell him what of the many things he could have done better he starts raging again and comes up with some cheap excuses. I suggest him to spam more normal games in solo queue because I think he won't learn anything from being destroyed without having even the slightest chance.
Not that me and the other 3 played flawlessly, but you definitely notice when there is a player in a team that is far behind in game sense and personal skill level.
The sad thing is - and that's why I QQ - that I knew it was coming this way. I knew also that he wouldn't really get what went wrong and will still continue failing horribly vs. higher level players with his random rune pages (the ones that have a little bit of every single stat, you know?) just like all the random players lost in solo queue that are stuck somewhere.
I solo queue it up and carry my teamates in a great game. Despite the trollish efforts of our afk uydr, we won.
I look at the results page. +5 elo. Loss forgivin for the other team....
A shaco walks into a bar and asks, "Where's the counter?"
Russian Federation798 Posts
A gem from today, our gragas who completely fed enemy talon has this to say to our AD carry. I end up going 3-1 today but that is 25 elo for 3 hours of hard work. Probably going to loose it all tomorrow anyway. I feel like guys like this are in every other game.
+ Show Spoiler +Deanel: yes and because of noobs like u Quidos: stop cry Quidos: pff.. C4D4V3R: STFU C4D4V3R: **** HEAD C4D4V3R: IF C4D4V3R: THUIS Quidos: kid Deanel: cannot stop when he feed and the he is angry to mee lol C4D4V3R: MOETEHR FUKIGN PECE OF SHTUI Quidos: ; C4D4V3R: CLIENT C4D4V3R: COUKLD C4D4V3R: GHVE C4D4V3R: FUKIGN FUNKCIONAL C4D4V3R: IGNORE C4D4V3R: LIET C4D4V3R: YOU WOUL BY IN IT C4D4V3R: DOTN EVEN DOUNT IN THAT Deanel: he is mad... C4D4V3R: STFU C4D4V3R: FUKIGN CIOC SUKING PIG C4D4V3R: USELSE SHUITY EATER C4D4V3R: LOOK AT YOU FAGOT C4D4V3R: FUKINIG C4D4V3R: NO HP C4D4V3R: NO ARMOR C4D4V3R: THING C4D4V3R: HOW C4D4V3R: U FUKIGN C4D4V3R: EXPEC C4D4V3R: FUKIGN C4D4V3R: COMPETE C4D4V3R: SHTI EATEIN PIGFACE KID Deanel: haha u are kid sjowtime1: wow
lol got a ziggs who lost lane to an ap yi and missed 7/8 ults
got another ziggs who demanded top vs. sion, said he couldnt farm, stood still and afk'ed at turret while sion freefarmed. when jungler came to gank, he didnt move out and was just like "sorry need to farm"... yea at your turret fuck you mr. 50 farm by 25 minutes... sion roamed everyfuckignwhere
got another ziggs who never called any mias, never said anything other than bash me (jungler) for my lack of successful ganks... oh and when i came to gank, 2 times i go in and he goes "lol oops i wasnt watching"
Skarner, y u no build MR against a fed Ryze (3700 HP is nothing against Cass/Ryze when all you've got is 98 MR... ), and y u ult friggin' Warwick? He dives in, grabs the wolf, and ignore our superior poke through Ziggs to take care of Ryze's banshee's. I beat GP top handily as Pantheon but I couldn't fight Ryze. That could have been won with two more good teamfights, but he basically gave Baron to the other team, then an ace, hence a loss.
On February 06 2012 04:00 lisward wrote: A shaco walks into a bar and asks, "Where's the counter?"
gragas points at the lee sin feeling for something he dropped :o
On February 05 2012 13:41 Shikyo wrote: I queue normal with nasus -> 1v2 solo top -> i say to our jungler gank top nonstop -> he ganks it once, I get doublekill, then he never ganks again -> we lose 2 turrets top while jax feeds other lanes -> "I CANT BABYSIT YOU ALL THE TIME" even though they have 2 people top which basically means their "jungler" is babysitting top all the time as hes standing on the lane the whole time
How retarded can you be? How difficult is it to understand that as jungler in 1v2 you do NOTHING but gank top until they crush the lane?
that's not what you do at all
you let top lane pick someone who can farm 1v2 and hold the turret easily like chogath, mordekaiser, or yorick and then camp bot and take every single buff and dragon while destroying their carry's cs through your constant pressure
God damnit, why is ranked such a magnet for idiots, douchebags, knowitalls and total retards? I mean, you'd think either Riot or the person playing would have the common sense to think 'Hey, this is a game where everyone's rating is on the line! Maybe I should have AT LEAST ONE CHAMPION FOR EACH POSITION BEFORE WRECKING THE GAME!' How refreshing it would be to be able to get into a Ranked queue and be confident that when the last pick doesnt answer you when you ask what position he wants to be, HE ACTUALLY HAS A (450 IP) SUPPORT CHARACTER, instead of instalocking nocturne when we have no need for a melee fighter! And Im so sick of fucking 'I'm probably the best player to grace League of Legends, my word is law and nothing is my fault' people. We had a guy who said he would go Mid but went jungle malphite instead, then said 'guard jungle'. I as galio and my carry rush bot, thinking 3 people can leash and guard. Blue buff gets invaded, and our teammates keep poking their head into the bushes and getting hit. Malphite QQ's that he cant gank for the rest of the game now, but he steals their blue buff anyway and when he does gank bot, he does it terribly and they get away. The rest of the game he got about 2 kills and did nothing but whine about how bad my galio play was, and telling me to never play galio again (It was one bad game, which was worstened because Mal was such a shit ganker. Galio is an excellent support and zoner) and criticize everyone whenever they made a tiny mistake. He then said he was reporting us... for what, i dont know. The sad thing was I actually respected him for most of the game because of his facade of wisdom and skill. After the game was over I realised he was just a shit player who liked to act like he was a pro.
i'm 4th pick and have to mid, their mid is cass. i picked ryze vs her since i usually do well vs cass as ryze. i play passive before 7 mins and just farm when i can while getting denied a little, and not trying to fight her. at 7 mins i ask our jungle yorick for blue, he says nothing and smites it whereas cass got her blue from. at level 6 i call for a gank since cass has been literally at my tower for most of the game, yorick decides not to come and i'm getting denied at my tower so i make the mistake of staying and letting her flash ult and 100 to 0 me, i was oom and couldnt fight back, tried to flash out but died from dots. cass has around 20%ish health from tower, yorick realized i just got dived (he was at red) and he ghosted in to try and 1v1 cass while she was backing, she just turned and raped him since he was half health too, giving her double buff just as her blue ran out. i got denied for the rest of the game but didn't die, at one point i got lucky and traded kills with her, which killed her double buff but she just got a new blue from jungler. at this point my team has pretty much given up as they're all getting shit on and bitching at me for picking ryze (at champ select i was told not to pick ryze since cass "counters" ryze, i asked who to pick if not ryze and they didn't say anything). just kept bitching at me nonstop in team chat and /all, mostly about ryze pick.
final scores: me 2/2, jungle yorick 0/7, top GP 1/5
god i love solo queue
im so fucking sad and shit. fuck i went 1-8 in ranked games over 2 days or something now and i cant win any of my games mid My main role is AP carry and i cant carry ANYTHING I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY IM SO BAD NOW FUCK THIS GAME
Oh my only win was when i played support WTF IM ONLY LOSING ELO NOW
A month ago I was 1397, my all time high. I just wanted that one win. ONE.
Now, over a painful month I've been shown just how awful matchmaking is. Every team that beats me is ~50-100 elo higher than mine, every other game is a leaver, a d/c, or some ass that feeds top and quits. Every game is a surrender at 20, my teammates are just outright bad. At first it was ok, I thought I'd just have to play better. No. Not even. Now I'm down at 1200 again, and dreading my next game. I'm back in the bracket where winning a match is a coinflip on which team rages at each other harder. If I could give my disgust with the people that play solo queue form and send it to Riot in a box I would, just so they could see what the shit that plays this game makes people feel like.
On another note, I hate The Tribunal. It's supposed to be really good, but what good (in a game like LoL where elo is on the line) is a system that only (and seldom) punishes offenders after the fact rather than prevent bad situations from occurring in the first place?
tribunal isn't too bad. i'm already seeing cases with Ziggs in them, so I think they have really lowered the turnaround. Do you participate? or just expect people to get banned by others?
Why do people insist on me playing support, then leaving me to roam, while I play solo bot with support?
I do The Tribunal, but my point is that punishing people after the fact in a system where people lose points and not refunding the elo loss from a lost game when someone is punished makes far less sense than having some sort of way to prevent people from being gimped with a leaver/afk/disconect/rager/shit tier player in the first place.
How does the therapy part of this thread work?
On February 07 2012 07:42 0123456789 wrote: How does the therapy part of this thread work?
well. you complain about dumb shit that people do, and read about how everybody else has to play with idiots too, and then it makes you feel better because you're not alone and you blow off the steam and stuff.
Typing to get your thoughts straight/out in the open helps, believe me.
I queue with my friend's friend who's 1700 ELO. I'm thinking this is going to be AWESOME.
Picks AD Orianna bot. Tower dives twice at level 1. Feeds Vayne of all people 2 kills.
What I really fail to understand is this phenomenon:
You or someone else picks a slightly nontraditional champ/position, someone considered UP, or maybe even accidently afks and gets random.
Kids immediately begin to flame, OMG TROLL, and lock in jungle leblanc and nocturne support or other absolutely terrible ridiculous picks. Game starts and they don't even try and feed 0-5 in 15 minutes throwing the game and leading to a sure loss.
Like what the fuck are these kids thinking? I got this shit back when I would pick Viktor mid when he was hated on, every time I end up like 8-0 while these haters threw away the game ragepicking. I go to take a piss and get randomed Shen. Not a problem, I play Shen a ton and clean up with him....but no, everyone else on my team is having a fucking aneurysm and picking heimerdinger eve duo top lane with revive. Game ends with me 6-3 and obviously them all feeding obscenely .
If you think its a 100% sure loss to have Viktor mid then dodge or just shut the fuck up and play....don't waste 20 minutes of my time feeding as jungle veigar.