I've decided to stop solo queue ranked altogeather, starting at the next match I actually win. I've been riding an ever increasing wave of loss and I'm just curious as to where it's gonna let off. I'll be sure to let you know what elo matchmaking finally decides to drop me at, till then I'ma tryhard and lose. Peace.
The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 132
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United States405 Posts
I've decided to stop solo queue ranked altogeather, starting at the next match I actually win. I've been riding an ever increasing wave of loss and I'm just curious as to where it's gonna let off. I'll be sure to let you know what elo matchmaking finally decides to drop me at, till then I'ma tryhard and lose. Peace. | ||
United States5710 Posts
Fuck yes I had a negative attitude, cause people like you constantly ruining my games. I could give a fuck if I get reported as long as you do too for trolling the shit outa everyone cause you're acting like a 12yr little e-thug. | ||
United States405 Posts
I go 13/5/11 as Wukong We lose because our Swain didn't get top and afk's after feeding 11 kills. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
Every time I hit 1400, i get the most moronic childish people on my team every time. Haven't managed to stay silver for more than 1 game. | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
Anyway I have to play it. Cho jungle. Instant flame. wtf. We didn't had any other char tanky either. I start blue and when I am at wraiths akali starts pinging top. ALOT. So I finish red and golems and go top. Get her kill. Do wraith and get mid a double kill. While I got the double kill top and bot managed to die straight up. No gank involved. "0 ganks bot. GG". I tried to argue. "Lee didn't gank either, they warded everything and you just died 2v2". As if that would stop them. Well in the end I was 3-1-10. Overall score 13-28. They actually blamed me. "Cho isn't made for jungle" I really feel bad for people who like jungling and have to go through that all the time. | ||
United States2085 Posts
On February 08 2012 02:50 Keniji wrote: I usually don't play jungle. I just don't like it (and I am bad at it). Anyway I have to play it. Cho jungle. Instant flame. wtf. We didn't had any other char tanky either. I start blue and when I am at wraiths akali starts pinging top. ALOT. So I finish red and golems and go top. Get her kill. Do wraith and get mid a double kill. While I got the double kill top and bot managed to die straight up. No gank involved. "0 ganks bot. GG". I tried to argue. "Lee didn't gank either, they warded everything and you just died 2v2". As if that would stop them. Well in the end I was 3-1-10. Overall score 13-28. They actually blamed me. "Cho isn't made for jungle" I really feel bad for people who like jungling and have to go through that all the time. /ignore all is a junglers best friend. | ||
United States6894 Posts
I also hate how people say "report for intentional feeding" when I'm clearly trying, but just having a bad game and endling up something like 2-6, 2-7. | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
On February 08 2012 08:02 BrownBear wrote: I hate how people rag on guys playing support when they go something like 1-6 in a loss, blaming them for the team's failures. ... even when the support is like 1-6-30. So stupid to call someone out on k/d and ignoring assists like a boss. And that's independently from the role. But supports tend to have a bad k/d ignoring the assists. | ||
France45622 Posts
Oh, yeah. And now some dumbass kid going all "I just bought a Ziggs skin I wanna try him" despite being last pick, bitching and everything. We've got no support because somebody wants to play Poppy no matter what, going into a Graves-Poppy lane against Vayne-Soraka. Welp. See you in 20 minutes guys. Well. We could have won that one. Except that Jax built glass cannon, Poppy dived 1v3, Ziggs always got caught before important fights, so I don't think we ever had more than 3 teamfights... of which we won 2. Meh. | ||
United States1817 Posts
Yeah, why don't you fight our brave invisibility like a man. None of this detection crap. | ||
United States20254 Posts
No this rage comes from my wireless internet service that my apartment complex has because Since its run by them I can't do anything about it really. Like 20ish (half those RANKED) games or so since the start of this season have ended with me taking a fucking leave loss because my internet dies randomly and I sit for like 5 mins desperately trying to get it back while I basically go between not being able to move (sometimes I can't even make a desperate attempt to get my ass back to base so people don't get free kills) and disconnecting. Whats retarded is that MY INTERNET IS FINE! Why? Why does LoL deem is necessary to derp out when everything else is running fine? What is happening that I get slapped with leaver warnings because the connection takes a shit for only the game? Sigh and this happens randomly where periods of "oh you want on Lol? Haha won't even connect you to the server!" to "Oh yea its all good......NOT! BAZINGA FUCKER!" come into play. I now basically have to test the stability of the connection to riots server before I can play and even then I can play like 3/4 games in a row perfectly and then BAM disc loss. Fuck | ||
United States535 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
On February 07 2012 21:02 57 Corvette wrote: I don't get it. Every time I hit 1400, i get the most moronic childish people on my team every time. Haven't managed to stay silver for more than 1 game. This happens to me when I get near my goal of 1200 ![]() | ||
Canada10660 Posts
I'm starting to believe in ELO hell man, simple tasks are impossible apparently; Last hitting is hard, building smart is hard, positioning is hard. I went from hyper carrying four games straight ridiculously in my first few ranked games, to just losing everything. No matter what I do every lane gets poooped on so hard. Last game I play I gank every lane successfully at least twice before 20 minute mark, got five dragons. Teamfights didn't really happen, it was more some idiot got caught out of position and died... and then when we would catch them out of position my team just herp derp and run away turning 5v3's into 1v3's. Funniest part? Still my fault we lost game. ![]() Makes me sad man... Nothing quite as soul crushing as seeing your annie fresh off FB from your gank coming back to lane with, wait for it, a Ruby Crystal. -.- | ||
United States60033 Posts
Wake up at 8am, decide to play some lol. do a ranked. get last pick, choose taric. ad carry is vayne. vayne can't last hit, just autoattacks all the time, misses so many last hits. Top lane gp decides to feed akali, finishes game 2-12. Vayne kept goign to the front of the battle and dying. goes 3-9. Look at end game stats. I made more gold as Taric, than everyone on my team, except kennen. HOW DOES A SUPPORT MAKE MORE GOLD THAN REST OF THE TEAM? fucking trash team. Q up for 2nd game. I get first pick/ban. I choose jungle WW. 2nd player on my team chooses renekton. 3rd person chooses shyvanna. 4th person chooses tryndamere. Q DODGE. seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people? why the fuck can't they just fucking not suck so much fucking balls? | ||
Finland951 Posts
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886 Posts
On February 08 2012 20:03 iCanada wrote: Why is it that no matter what I do, all of my lanes always lose? Why is it that every single laner on my team can never last hit? I'm starting to believe in ELO hell man, simple tasks are impossible apparently; Last hitting is hard, building smart is hard, positioning is hard. Positioning and last hitting IS hard to people in low ELO. They would not be in low ELO if they found it easy. And yeah, all the blaming others always for everything sucks balls. I found that playing early evening hours helps a bit. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On February 09 2012 05:57 bmn wrote: Positioning and last hitting IS hard to people in low ELO. They would not be in low ELO if they found it easy. And yeah, all the blaming others always for everything sucks balls. I found that playing early evening hours helps a bit. If low elo players only learned 1 thing, and that was "last hitting", their elo would jump 200 elo, easily. | ||
United States3216 Posts
qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq therapy doesn't work | ||
China26351 Posts
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