The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 134
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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United States17234 Posts
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United States3216 Posts
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Ivory Coast6262 Posts
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Argentina160 Posts
Why do people smurf and complain about low skills? That is expected, you are the one out of place. | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
On February 10 2012 18:11 patochaos wrote: well smurfing is low, so yes. Why do people smurf and complain about low skills? That is expected, you are the one out of place. Level 29. 8 30s in the game. Okay. | ||
Singapore1674 Posts
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France45622 Posts
"First blood". Sion pushed, tried to fight, bam GP comes in, kills. I ambush him and kill him, but Nidalee manages to clean up with a random spear. Whatever, at least GP'll be behind, I killed him and got a one level advantage too. And it's Ahri vs Fiddlesticks mid, he souldn't need any help, right? Nope. He manages to get outpushed by Fiddle. Well, 0K, I'll just steal GP's red. He comes, I smite to finish my job and use the buff to kill him. Bot pings a miss very late. We can pincer Fiddle with Ahri if I go the other way round then... ah, no. Fiddlesticks rushing me with his ult while Ahri is still level 5 and managed to get pushed again despite having the bigger wave while I was doing enemy red. And that was just the start. Lucky bounces on Fiddle's crow to hit a buff, fears always pulling me in his direction (never away, I verified), Sion splitting and rushing into them without communication nor anything and getting us killed to try and save his sorry ass or clean up the kills he didn't even managed to get, Soraka rushing soul shroud without buying any wards past the first 3, Ahri getting instakilled by Fiddle, Sion trying to fight the Nidalee he fed instead of farming/pushing... Sigh. I guess I'll ask someone to duo with me until I get back in an Elo where people actually try to make use of that thingy called brain. | ||
France45622 Posts
Fuck you, playing Wukong in ranked because he's free, jungling him, and having no idea how to do so. Fuck you, picking Kennen because we need an AD carry and having no fucking idea how it is supposed to work and why. Fuck you, dumbass Sona rushing locket without using it and buying wards you never ever put down on the map. Fuck you all, stupid morons from solo queue. I want to play at a level where people actually are capable of some degree of thought and no that by pressing enter you can communicate with your team. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
-.- Dat tilt mang... dat tilt. AT one point I lost a lane as Riven against Nasus, finishing the game a stellar 0/7/7. Soooo bad, doesn't even make sense. | ||
United States817 Posts
edit: Wriggles Wukong best support. Proc many minions ^_^ | ||
United States20254 Posts
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United States1817 Posts
On February 10 2012 14:47 0123456789 wrote: Today I fell into the negative emotions.I got trolled 2 games straight the day before, and my day started off getting trolled again. The first time I got trolled, I got trolled by someone I knew. So I wasn't mad, I was just word trolling him, and amusing myself when he had to justify himself in all chat about how mad I was. Then the next game, I let negative emotions affect me. When I'm online and the league of trolls, my emotions never reach extremes. Something about the screen and external stimulation kills your emotions. It's just mildly happy, mildly annoyed. Usually I'm indifferent to trolls, but today I was a little tired and I was pretty annoyed. Every league of legends player unless I know them, I envision as a 13 year old fat boy troll, actually I envision like 95% of online people this way, and when fat 13 year old trolls annoy me, I tell them they fucking suck. In real life, you would never let 13 year old middle school kids trolling you ever affect you. And since you can't see people online and their expressions, or what they're doing, people take that as rage. Like all of a sudden, because you pressed the caps lock button, it's vastly different from not pressing the caps lock? I haven't yelled in real life since I was 5 or raised my voice. Getting angry is retarded. But back to the point, I let the 13 year old trolls affect me. I've been tired for a few days now because of school, lack of sleep, stress, etc, and it's making it hard to control emotions. And I let myself get negative emotions. I told everyone they fucking suck, and it affected my ability to play. Negative emotions affect your ability to play, and you concentrate on telling people they suck, rather than playing, and you can't play. And can't carry. And if you don't control your emotions, you end up getting angry irl. Anyways, I went for a run, so I'm fine now to clear my head so I'm not stuck in these negative emotions, and I cleared this shit fast right after I got these feelings. Well done. I occasionally realize how dumb I am being when I actually stay angry about losing. Funny how perspective makes the game that much more fun. | ||
6170 Posts
master yi doesnt gank, doesnt hold lane, surge smite jungler, complains that i feasted as cho (lol i didnt even feast); complained that our top sucked, our mid sucked, our bot sucked, despite ashe going 3-1 in lane phase and me going 2-1. Mid kennen kept getting ganked, but master yi didnt do shit. complains at end its over and afks. then talks shit after game.. then we have a fight in my jungle at level 2 over red. our bot comes. their bot comes. their mid comes. i come, their shaco comes. annnnnd our ziggs walks half way to red, decides fuck that, takes wraiths and goes back to lane. WHAT THE FUCK? we lose 3 there, my red, the red that we had stolen earlier, the blue that I had already gotten, and our support forgot he had heal. then my AD carry demands i "no gank" because "i dont want lane to push at all" despite the fact he was trapped under turret with turret falling below 1/4 health. mid ziggs continued a phenomenon of profesionallism by ganking bot and dieing before he got there. | ||
United States1317 Posts
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Australia2725 Posts
After like 5 mins of this and trying to figure out what to do as my Jungle Shaco (do I cover the trolls or help my mid lane who's getting crushed? had given up at this point anyway) Alistar finally gives up and goes top to support Wukong. Sona goes mid to support Le Blanc, leaving bot lane empty... Finished the game with Alistar reporting me for not covering bot when they left. :S | ||
United States693 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
On February 11 2012 09:48 iCanada wrote: I really should take a break. Went from winning 12 of my first 13 games (putting my top ELO at 1567) to losing a solid twelve straight, dropping me to an unfortunate 1033. wat that's entirely not possible if your first 10 games are placement matches, and you win 9 of them, at 40 elo a pop, you get a net gain of 8*40 elo or 320 elo, which puts you at ~1520. you win your next 2 to make it 12 of 13, each of those at 20 elo for 1567ish. you lose your next 8 at -20 each or -160 for 1400 elo. you lose 4 more at -15 each for 1340ish. there's literally no way you could have gotten to 1033 on just 12 losses. even if the placement matches are 20 games so you get 40 a pop, your net would have just been -2*40 or 1120. x_x | ||
Australia969 Posts I was 12/5/11 as well so I am quite annoyed | ||
United States2687 Posts
Sad times... oh well, I feel much better now for venting. | ||
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