On October 07 2013 04:24 HazMat wrote: I found it funny Riot's excuse for not implementing this was "it won't work due to coding not allowing you to have more than 1 champ on a team" or some shit.
More like it's likely a pain in the dick to recode all of the fringe cases like Syndras using each others' balls and shit and getting wrong kill credit. I'm sure the way Riot has coded stuff, multiple same-team champions will fuck with all kinds of things.
And what's wrong with that? It doesn't have to be a serious game mode. Dominion isn't huehue.
Nothing necessarily, but you're not the only person who matters. There are tons of people who take Dominion very seriously as well as ARAMS. RIot has to cater to their entire playerbase, and letting bugs and shit run rampant like that (or devoting the time to fixing all of the edge cases) probably isn't worth it for them.
Guarantee more people would be interested in this than Dominion. Probably won't happen ever though, Riot just isn't very good at rolling out features. Still waiting for Magma chamber lol.
On October 07 2013 04:24 HazMat wrote: I found it funny Riot's excuse for not implementing this was "it won't work due to coding not allowing you to have more than 1 champ on a team" or some shit.
More like it's likely a pain in the dick to recode all of the fringe cases like Syndras using each others' balls and shit and getting wrong kill credit. I'm sure the way Riot has coded stuff, multiple same-team champions will fuck with all kinds of things.
And what's wrong with that? It doesn't have to be a serious game mode. Dominion isn't huehue.
Nothing necessarily, but you're not the only person who matters. There are tons of people who take Dominion very seriously as well as ARAMS. RIot has to cater to their entire playerbase, and letting bugs and shit run rampant like that (or devoting the time to fixing all of the edge cases) probably isn't worth it for them.
Guarantee more people would be interested in this than Dominion. Probably won't happen ever though, Riot just isn't very good at rolling out features. Still waiting for Magma chamber lol.
On October 07 2013 04:24 HazMat wrote: I found it funny Riot's excuse for not implementing this was "it won't work due to coding not allowing you to have more than 1 champ on a team" or some shit.
More like it's likely a pain in the dick to recode all of the fringe cases like Syndras using each others' balls and shit and getting wrong kill credit. I'm sure the way Riot has coded stuff, multiple same-team champions will fuck with all kinds of things.
And what's wrong with that? It doesn't have to be a serious game mode. Dominion isn't huehue.
Nothing necessarily, but you're not the only person who matters. There are tons of people who take Dominion very seriously as well as ARAMS. RIot has to cater to their entire playerbase, and letting bugs and shit run rampant like that (or devoting the time to fixing all of the edge cases) probably isn't worth it for them.
Guarantee more people would be interested in this than Dominion. Probably won't happen ever though, Riot just isn't very good at rolling out features. Still waiting for Magma chamber lol.
On October 07 2013 04:24 HazMat wrote: I found it funny Riot's excuse for not implementing this was "it won't work due to coding not allowing you to have more than 1 champ on a team" or some shit.
More like it's likely a pain in the dick to recode all of the fringe cases like Syndras using each others' balls and shit and getting wrong kill credit. I'm sure the way Riot has coded stuff, multiple same-team champions will fuck with all kinds of things.
And what's wrong with that? It doesn't have to be a serious game mode. Dominion isn't huehue.
Nothing necessarily, but you're not the only person who matters. There are tons of people who take Dominion very seriously as well as ARAMS. RIot has to cater to their entire playerbase, and letting bugs and shit run rampant like that (or devoting the time to fixing all of the edge cases) probably isn't worth it for them.
Guarantee more people would be interested in this than Dominion. Probably won't happen ever though, Riot just isn't very good at rolling out features. Still waiting for Magma chamber lol.
The same exact thing happened when someone released a mod that allowed you to host 6v6 TT matches. Popular, hugely fun, but Riot removed it because, well, they have reasons I suppose. =|
On October 07 2013 08:29 Zaphod Beeblebrox wrote: Quickly - Make a list of all the champions we need to see full games of...
Blitzcrack - Hooks gallore. Janna - Everyone goes everywhere Poppy - for ultimate confusion game. Karthus - EVERYBODY DIES Teemo - Cause everybody likes to see Teemo die... A lot Le Blanc - Mind melting from trying too keep track of them all. Lux - Double rainbow? try 10 rainbows at the same time. Heimerdinger - Turret defence, the LoL edition. Kog maw - Getting shelled. Cho gath - Nom nom nom. Kennen - Perfect storm. Soraka - EVEYBODY LIVES.
EDIT: Oh my, the most brilliant one: Anivia... Just, Anivia.
how do you not have lee sin?...
Shaco - whoever goes out of stealth first dies, fake shacos everywhere, also nunu's ABSOLUTE ZERO FIVE 8D
On October 07 2013 08:29 Zaphod Beeblebrox wrote: Quickly - Make a list of all the champions we need to see full games of...
Blitzcrack - Hooks gallore. Janna - Everyone goes everywhere Poppy - for ultimate confusion game. Karthus - EVERYBODY DIES Teemo - Cause everybody likes to see Teemo die... A lot Le Blanc - Mind melting from trying too keep track of them all. Lux - Double rainbow? try 10 rainbows at the same time. Heimerdinger - Turret defence, the LoL edition. Kog maw - Getting shelled. Cho gath - Nom nom nom. Kennen - Perfect storm. Soraka - EVEYBODY LIVES.
EDIT: Oh my, the most brilliant one: Anivia... Just, Anivia.
how do you not have lee sin?...
Shaco - whoever goes out of stealth first dies, fake shacos everywhere, also nunu's ABSOLUTE ZERO FIVE 8D
I just played a 10 man shaco, the lvl 6 was hilarious. Legions of clowns doing battle in a forest of jack in the boxes
On October 07 2013 08:29 Zaphod Beeblebrox wrote: Quickly - Make a list of all the champions we need to see full games of...
Blitzcrack - Hooks gallore. Janna - Everyone goes everywhere Poppy - for ultimate confusion game. Karthus - EVERYBODY DIES Teemo - Cause everybody likes to see Teemo die... A lot Le Blanc - Mind melting from trying too keep track of them all. Lux - Double rainbow? try 10 rainbows at the same time. Heimerdinger - Turret defence, the LoL edition. Kog maw - Getting shelled. Cho gath - Nom nom nom. Kennen - Perfect storm. Soraka - EVEYBODY LIVES.
EDIT: Oh my, the most brilliant one: Anivia... Just, Anivia.
On October 06 2013 23:40 Osmoses wrote: Can't read taiwanese but Im guessing that's some variation of "bite the pillow, I'm going in dry"?
Looks like it's teeth whitening advertisement.
LOL oh god
It's a toothpaste commercial. What is this going in dry business all of a sudden
... Then why are the containers censored?
Maybe it's easy to see how it used to be Darkie's toothpaste. They had to change the name because it was so racist. They made the face slightly less racist (before it was a black and white blackface character) and changed the 'k' to 'l'. I always get a kick out of seeing that brand.
I'd love to see 10x Zilean. Suicide bombings and revives galore Better yet, have 10x Lux and they all spam /laugh. I know a certain someone on this board who would like that... Edit: Just played my first game like this. I fucking love it.
This is the weirdest game i've ever played. Look at Ashe: 68 minutes, 0 kills. Look at the enemy: Late game ezreal, corki and vayne. I don't even know how we won this game.
This is the weirdest game i've ever played. Look at Ashe: 68 minutes, 0 kills. Look at the enemy: Late game ezreal, corki and vayne. I don't even know how we won this game.