On June 18 2013 00:45 itsdaniel wrote: i dont even care if its blizzard or twitch...im on 100mbit powerlines @ eu and it lags like hell even on 480p....so fuck you blizzard & twitch....
Weird... I get the same problem with any MLG stream yet get absolutely no lag on DH with 720+.
I actually get no lag on 720p+ but get terrible lag at 480p.
I'm pretty sure at 720p+ you're getting the stream direct from Dreamhack and it's amazing Swedish internet infastructure. Any lower quality goes through Twitch.
On June 18 2013 00:45 itsdaniel wrote: i dont even care if its blizzard or twitch...im on 100mbit powerlines @ eu and it lags like hell even on 480p....so fuck you blizzard & twitch....
i wont even watch this lagging BS @ 360p .....thank you HI-TEK
On June 18 2013 00:39 Provocateur wrote: [quote] Fritz.
You know what, I have the best German name of all time.
Except it's Bier in german :3
In that case it would be 'oddly flavored water' instead of beer. 'MERICA aint got no proper beer!
Don't be retarded, the American Microbrew community is leading a world renaissance in beer drinking, especially in IPAs, porters, and stouts.
However, I agree that Bud light is awful yellow-water nonsense, but Bud light is owned and produced by InBev, who was created and is based where? Oh right, Belgium. So you could say that Belgian beer is 'oddly flavored water' by the same logic, as long as you completely ignore trappists and abbeys the same way you're ignoring microbrews.
On June 18 2013 00:43 packrat386 wrote: Taeja vs TLO 0 - 0 Game 1 Map is Star station
TLO is at the top left Taeja is at the bot right
0:00 nothing silly yet it seems
1:00 dat lag...
2:00 CC first for taeja, hatch first for TLO nothing silly still
3:00 taeja getting a rax and gas afterwards, spawning pool finishing up for tlo
4:00 tlo getting into queens and lings, taeja getting a fastish fact
5:00 3rd CC comes down for taeja TLO still just building queens and drones fact goes on the reactor starport off of one gas for taeja
6:00 tlo opening with 6 queens tlo taking 2 gas at his nat tlo taking a 3rd hatch at the 10:00 third base hellions coming out to try to push back creep for taeja queens push them back lingspeed and 2x evo for tlo
7:00 creep spread is going quite well for tlo taeja with 4 hellions outside the front taeja getting 2 ebays
8:00 banshee is now out for taeja and hes looking to clear out the rest of the creep creep is now out to the third and moving toward the 4th queens doing a good job protecting banshee fights the queens and loses in the main -_-
9:00 tlo manages to kill a few creep tumors tlo getting out a couple of tanks and is dropping his 3rd CC 3rd cc is immediately surrounded by lings
10:00 hellions run into the third and roast a LOT of the drones lings kill them but he has lost a lot. viking is scouting around looking for stray OLs
11:00 lings run in and take down a ton of scvs at the third of taeja centrifugal hooks on the way and the spire is out for tlo
12:00 another ling runby doesn't accomplish much due to the bunker taeja losing his viking to mutas 2-2 on the way for taeja, as well as vehicle plating
13:00 only 1 tank has been made but now switching to widow mines mutas swing into the main of taeja and kill a few scvs tlo opts to fight the mines and marines for a bit before leaving takes almost no losses
14:00 hive is on the way and the 4th is established for tlo lings and blings coming accorss the map toward the 3rd of taeja taeja going for a large drop but it gets scouted the mutas are killing several scvs in the third after killing a missile turret.