On January 24 2013 19:24 Undead1993 wrote: well to be honest i expected to last this series for at least 1 hour a little bit disappointed but happy that bomber did it
Gumiho tilted too hard, it's too bad, I was really looking forward to Gumiho vs Bomber
On January 24 2013 19:17 TheBB wrote: Huk should hope Bomber wins this. Gumiho is the only player in this group he has a decent chance at beating I think.
he doesnt have a decent chance against anyone in this goup
On January 24 2013 19:24 Chrian wrote: Wow, that game couldnt have been easier for Bomber. Perfect counter play.
Normally, when you start viking just slightly after your opponent starting banshees, it is good. Then when they attack with single hellion/marines vs your reactored hellions, it just doesn't get any better.
On January 24 2013 19:23 kafkaesque wrote: How the Huk did Huk take a game off of Sniper? Just tuning in an I'm puzzled.
Showed 2 gas at the natural, cancelled the gasses once the overlord died and 7 warpgate, 1 gateway rushed him. Sniper almost held, then tried to kill Huk's army and lost all his roaches to FF.
On January 24 2013 19:26 Pandain wrote: All I want is to see Gumiho v. Sniper and Huk advance
But Bomber's due for a GSL championship(or good chance for it), so I guess I'll allow him this chance to shine in the last WoL GSL.
inb4 bomber reaches finals without dropping a single game, proceeds to lose in the most onesided gsl finals of all time to MVPsniper, who reached the finals with as many losses as possible