On August 15 2012 21:05 IRL_Sinister wrote: What happened to Naniwa?
He dropped out --> big drama, read the first 20 pages or look at reddit for further details, but please don't start to argue about it in this thread, thank you.
Isn't this a thread to discuss the happenings of today. Or am I mislead?
On August 15 2012 21:07 sc2holar wrote: on a more serious note, whats the deal with european zergs? is it something in our DNA? Do we have a part of the overmind in our brains?
nahh they arnt used to playing top class terrans, hense they get owned with ease
On August 15 2012 20:19 AgniKai wrote: 박진영 @EGJYP @NaNiwaSC2 i doen't know u are playing tournament and u was a lot of bad words for me and that happen really sorry to you but u lost reason
박진영 @EGJYP @NaNiwaSC2 is not me just u lost why excuse that happen? that happen really sorry but your excuse is really fucking joke
It's obvious that Naniwa wasn't playing any good today. Whether this situation affected Nani only he can tell. What bothers me is that JYP thinks that touching a person is not disturbing especially when they need to focus. I know that Koreans have a different culture where it comes to physical contact with others but it's still quite rude to touch someone like that (especially when you're not close friends) and as far as I know JYP and Nani aren't even friends.
Would Nani have won if the situation never occurred? Most likely not. Did it bother him? Clearly it did. Was JYP at fault here? Yes.
For some people the idea of someone touching you and ruining your focus and tilting you is ridiculous. For others, however, it can do exactly that. It might be a bad excuse but in his mind it did really bother him and really that's what really counts in the end - his own state of mind and peace.
I know your swedish but you should stop making stupid excuses. Naniwa lost and thats it. If a 10second touch influences 4 matches he has a serious problem with his mindset.
How is that excuse? Did you even read what I wrote? I'm talking about whether it's appropriate to touch someone like that during a tournament, not whether if the excuse is a valid one for him losing.
You indirectly said it. Especially in the last part. And now don't start a struggle about the definition of "excuses" because I won't reply to it. -_-
I'm not talking about the value of the excuse because IT'S NOT AN EXCUSE, I'm talking about what the player was feeling and how it relates to the appropriateness of such actions in that situation. Really every time I try to objectively take both sides into account, especially if Nani is at the center (because literally everyone either hates him or loves/likes him), people assume, just from my country, that I am defending Nani's person and actions..
Let's remove names all together and go through my post as such so your mind doesn't get confused.
Player A gets touched by another passerby for a few seconds at a tournament game. Q: Is it appropriate? Some people will say it's fine because it doesn't bother them. Well by that means if someone doesn't mind something then it should be fine, right? It would be if HE WERE THE ONLY PERSON THERE. Everyone reacts differently to such situations. Some won't mind and some will be negatively affected.
If this happened to any player I would be saying the exact same thing, regardless of what happened. When someone touches another person in such a situation, i.e. they are not friends or acquaintances, then they better have a damn good reason for touching you.
Even if Nestea was winning 10-0 in a bo21 and some stranger touched him during a game it would NOT be OK. You never know how that person will react at that given moment.
This is getting ridiculous.. just ignore what happened, Naniwa lost because of his play.
And another person who doesn't even bother to read the post.
Who cares about your post, and anyways it's not JYP's fault for doing it, he apologized and clearly said he didnt know, and he also said that the game was lost no matter what, and I'll trust JYP over you, the game was lost because of Nani's play, even if JYP's move made him tilt, end of the theory crafting over Sweden pro players.
Like I said, 2x already, that Nani lost because he played poorly. My post was about whether what JYP did was appropriate or not, which it obviously wasn't. I don't even know what the fuck you are reading and why you bothered to reply to it without reading or caring about it.
I swear people are reading my post as: Naniwa would have won if JYP didn't touch him. So fucking retarded.
On August 15 2012 21:07 sc2holar wrote: on a more serious note, whats the deal with european zergs? is it something in our DNA? Do we have a part of the overmind in our brains?
nahh they arnt used to playing top class terrans, hense they get owned with ease
And beat top level protoss players. What does that tell us?!?!?!?
On August 15 2012 21:05 IRL_Sinister wrote: What happened to Naniwa?
He dropped out --> big drama, read the first 20 pages or look at reddit for further details, but please don't start to argue about it in this thread, thank you.
Isn't this a thread to discuss the happenings of today. Or am I mislead?
Yes, but this turns to easy into drama... look at the flamewar in this thread._. Better use the LR to talk about the ongoing games?
On August 15 2012 20:19 AgniKai wrote: 박진영 @EGJYP @NaNiwaSC2 i doen't know u are playing tournament and u was a lot of bad words for me and that happen really sorry to you but u lost reason
박진영 @EGJYP @NaNiwaSC2 is not me just u lost why excuse that happen? that happen really sorry but your excuse is really fucking joke
It's obvious that Naniwa wasn't playing any good today. Whether this situation affected Nani only he can tell. What bothers me is that JYP thinks that touching a person is not disturbing especially when they need to focus. I know that Koreans have a different culture where it comes to physical contact with others but it's still quite rude to touch someone like that (especially when you're not close friends) and as far as I know JYP and Nani aren't even friends.
Would Nani have won if the situation never occurred? Most likely not. Did it bother him? Clearly it did. Was JYP at fault here? Yes.
For some people the idea of someone touching you and ruining your focus and tilting you is ridiculous. For others, however, it can do exactly that. It might be a bad excuse but in his mind it did really bother him and really that's what really counts in the end - his own state of mind and peace.
I know your swedish but you should stop making stupid excuses. Naniwa lost and thats it. If a 10second touch influences 4 matches he has a serious problem with his mindset.
How is that excuse? Did you even read what I wrote? I'm talking about whether it's appropriate to touch someone like that during a tournament, not whether if the excuse is a valid one for him losing.
You indirectly said it. Especially in the last part. And now don't start a struggle about the definition of "excuses" because I won't reply to it. -_-
I'm not talking about the value of the excuse because IT'S NOT AN EXCUSE, I'm talking about what the player was feeling and how it relates to the appropriateness of such actions in that situation. Really every time I try to objectively take both sides into account, especially if Nani is at the center (because literally everyone either hates him or loves/likes him), people assume, just from my country, that I am defending Nani's person and actions..
Let's remove names all together and go through my post as such so your mind doesn't get confused.
Player A gets touched by another passerby for a few seconds at a tournament game. Q: Is it appropriate? Some people will say it's fine because it doesn't bother them. Well by that means if someone doesn't mind something then it should be fine, right? It would be if HE WERE THE ONLY PERSON THERE. Everyone reacts differently to such situations. Some won't mind and some will be negatively affected.
If this happened to any player I would be saying the exact same thing, regardless of what happened. When someone touches another person in such a situation, i.e. they are not friends or acquaintances, then they better have a damn good reason for touching you.
Even if Nestea was winning 10-0 in a bo21 and some stranger touched him during a game it would NOT be OK. You never know how that person will react at that given moment.
This is getting ridiculous.. just ignore what happened, Naniwa lost because of his play.
And another person who doesn't even bother to read the post.
Who cares about your post, and anyways it's not JYP's fault for doing it, he apologized and clearly said he didnt know, and he also said that the game was lost no matter what, and I'll trust JYP over you, the game was lost because of Nani's play, even if JYP's move made him tilt, end of the theory crafting over Sweden pro players.
Like I said, 2x already, that Nani lost because he played poorly. My post was about whether what JYP did was appropriate or not, which it obviously wasn't. I don't even know what the fuck you are reading and why you bothered to reply to it without reading or caring about it.
I swear people are reading my post as: Naniwa would have won if JYP didn't touch him. So fucking retarded.
If what you're saying is "you shouldn't bother a player during a tournament match" then you are right, but it's also not very complicated to just right that sentence instead of going on about different scenarios
On August 15 2012 21:07 sc2holar wrote: on a more serious note, whats the deal with european zergs? is it something in our DNA? Do we have a part of the overmind in our brains?
nahh they arnt used to playing top class terrans, hense they get owned with ease
but seems like theyre pretty used to owning top class korean protoss? its pretty crazy how good our ZvP is here in europe.
On August 15 2012 21:07 sc2holar wrote: on a more serious note, whats the deal with european zergs? is it something in our DNA? Do we have a part of the overmind in our brains?
nahh they arnt used to playing top class terrans, hense they get owned with ease
but seems like theyre pretty used to owning top class korean protoss? its pretty crazy how good our ZvP is here in europe.