![[image loading]](http://godulous.com:9001/playhem/countdown/dragoncella2.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/gSyo7.png)
Spoiler-free replay pack: http://gosu.ws/ng87c
Results: + Show Spoiler + Dragon < Calm Before the Storm > Cella Dragon < Dual Sight > Cella Dragon < Day Break > Cella Dragon < Cloud Kingdom > Cella
This week of Playhem's showmatch series brings SlayerSCella vs Dragon! Don't forget to tune in to what's sure to be an epic series and let us know who you'd like to see next week :D
Date: Sunday February 5th
Time: 5:00pm PST // 8:00pm EST
Prizes: 1st - $100 2nd - $50
Casters: Robin & Frodan
Streams: PlayhemTV
Poll: Who do you think will win?Dragon (473) 53% Cella (291) 33% Too close to call (124) 14% 888 total votes Your vote: Who do you think will win? (Vote): Cella (Vote): Dragon (Vote): Too close to call
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Two comical personalities competing vs each other, this'll be fun to watch.
There has to be some pre match interview or in between games trash talk! It'd be such a waste to have these two just play and not talk/sing/dance too
I agree. They both need to be on skype or something or you're gonna be wasting so much potential.
Will the match be archived in any way? Ima be at a super bowl party, but really wanted to see this..
Dragon vs Cella showmatch >>>>>>>>>> Super Bowl
gogo dragon cheers cheers <3
I really hope we see at least one troll game that night. Although straight-up would be awesome too.
I can't wait gonna be so awesome
To be honest, I think Cella has a good chance of taking this, being close to the bottom of Code A level. Does anyone know of Dragon's actual skill level? Like what level is he playing at on the KR ladder, and has he played in any tournies or such where he may have beaten or lost to anyone notable?
I coulda been a contendah...
Dragon will win this easily, though, considering Cella has been playing a lot of LoL as of late.
I think putting this on during the superbowl will definitely effect the viewer count, but still looks good
Who needs million dollar commercials and the Superbowl.
On February 04 2012 15:31 cruxXenocide wrote: I think putting this on during the superbowl will definitely effect the viewer count, but still looks good
Yeah the superbowl should reschedule! there will be lots of people watching this 
but wow, didn't even know the superbowl was sunday o.o didn't hear about it at all
Assuming there will be VODs? I can't watch because it will be one in the morning for me
Cella manages to fall asleep during streaming and his viewer count skyrockets! Anything is possible when you are Cella.