Contrary to popular belief Stephano is not from the States, any mindless spam asserting otherwise after this time (19:48 KST/ 5:48 AM EST/ 10:48 GMT) will meet a moderator response. We have enough confusing spam posting in LR threads these days. Lets try to keep the love for everyone's favourite French zerg reasonable.
And as always: - No player bashing. - No caster bashing. - No balance whining.
On December 12 2011 19:59 Grettin wrote: Please MC, try to play your best without all those all-in shitty tactics. They won't work against player like Stephano..
On December 12 2011 19:59 Grettin wrote: Please MC, try to play your best without all those all-in shitty tactics. They won't work against player like Stephano..
On December 12 2011 19:42 hugman wrote: I'm laughing at IdrA's comments right now "Stephano will not continue to have success on the same level" <-- yeah right
IdrA´s predictions on other players are always so way off its disgusting and mostly arrogant. He was the one calling nestea bad and fruitdealer good back in season 3, we know how that turned out. He was the one calling tester strong, we know how that turned out. He was calling marineking a cheesy noob. Sure. He was the one calling zenio bad, then going ahead losing every single series against him. Now its stephano that is making him look like an arrogant little kid.
IdrA is way too arrogant, i think he would play alot better if he would start to respect other players game more.
Idra is an idiot. He has this mindset that there is only one way to play zerg. Wich is get 80 drones and defend every atack with the least amount of units. He doesn't like any zerg style that involves atacking before you are on 10 bases. Why is stephano better then Idra?
BECAUSE HE CAN PLAY ANY FUCKING STYLE. I remember demuslim saying that stehpano is impossible to play against because he can muta ling bling/ling infestors ulta/bl/ roach all ins. You don't know what to fucking prepare for and the best thing is that he can play all these styles on a very high level. Against Idra you can just 14 CC and play really greedy. Against stephano? You have no idea what to expect. Stephano is a much better player then Idra.
My personal opinion, but Stephano is also mechanically far superior to Idra. He is faster and his max army control is much better.
Stephano is not mechanically far superior to Idra at all. But i would agree tht his max army control is better.
I feel like his decision making and crisis management is better. It's like he possesses a lot more mental strength.
So...Stephano has been training in oGs house for a week now, near HerO (to his right) and MC (behind him :D). So they probably played each other a lot.
On December 12 2011 19:42 hugman wrote: I'm laughing at IdrA's comments right now "Stephano will not continue to have success on the same level" <-- yeah right
IdrA´s predictions on other players are always so way off its disgusting and mostly arrogant. He was the one calling nestea bad and fruitdealer good back in season 3, we know how that turned out. He was the one calling tester strong, we know how that turned out. He was calling marineking a cheesy noob. Sure. He was the one calling zenio bad, then going ahead losing every single series against him. Now its stephano that is making him look like an arrogant little kid.
IdrA is way too arrogant, i think he would play alot better if he would start to respect other players game more.
This. So true
Idra always says better players than him are bad, especially zergs. I guess he knows his fan will take that as a fact an then argue in his favor on forums, it's a strategy :D (at least I hope it's a strategy, Idra looks pretty smart when he's not trolling and crying imba or whatever, so I don't know why he would be that delusional about other player's skill)
Well, to be fair, Idra says that Stephano is really good. He just says tht once his style is figured out he won't dominate as much.
Which is totally wrong because Stephano plays much more styles than Idra himself. He popularized the mass upgraded lings, but he had success with a lot of other builds.
If you don't think that Stephano plays fundamentally different than most top class zergs you're lost.
No one else plays like him, coupled with the fact that he's good, of course he's going to be very successful.
On December 12 2011 19:57 softan wrote: I'm having trouble understanding why so many toss go nexus first as well. It can only be described as cheese. It's so risky. At least 1gate expand if you want to expand really early. Hero has such a solid late game, he doesn't need that early lead to win.
If you 1 gate expand and the terran 1 rax gasless expands, you are behind.
On December 12 2011 19:57 Moralez wrote: guys any predictions on what all in mc will use ? i bet 7gate blink all in
It is a bit disappointing to see him fall back on these somewhat gimmicky strategies, even the casters were hyping up his improved macro and mechanics at the start of the cast. If he can prove he can win consistently against the best in the world with it, it might be okay, but not always satisfying as a fan.
I'm still cheering for Stephano, but I really fucking hate his attitude. He's only in it for the money and apparently doesn't care about the game at all. That's not an attitude that deserves success, but he's so naturally talented at this game. Stephano reminds me of Brock Lesnar's WWE run. He could have been the greatest of all time, but decides to leave...