Today's Matches (in order of broadcast)Round of 8 ZeNEX.Life vs.  ST.Squirtle  SlayerS.CoCa vs.  NsHS.Tassadar  oGs.fOrGG vs.  BBongBBongPrime.WE Semifinals FXO.Sirius vs. (Winner of CoCa/Tassadar) (Winner of fOrGG/BBongBBong) vs (Winner of Life/Squirtle)
SlayerS.CoCa vs. NsHS.Tassadar will be good. Should be the best one today.
Yay so excited! is there a reddit thread? people should not be missing out on this....
Mmm, Brood War music.
Looking forward to the games!
ForGG is awesome, but not the most accomplished BW player to switch over. XD
Not the most accomplished but it can certainly be argued he had the most skill at the time of his switch.
Hatch hatch extractor. Nothing wrong there.
lol fail from squirtle...
On October 25 2011 07:19 KobraKay wrote: lol fail from squirtle...
Not the best cannon rush ever....
that's a lot of zergs lol
Almost up to 2k viewers now. Pretty quick. Think we could be breaking some records today.
Think Life will crush this 6 gate.
Edit: Was wrong. As usual.  That did quite some damage, taking down the third. Squirtle not taking his 3rd yet though.
I suppose it's wrong that I can't concentrate on the 2 good players playing, and just think about ForGG
United Kingdom38149 Posts
Haha, finals day and I can't get the stream to work at all 
go life, make me proud, and I'll repay you by trying to work out why I can't watch ><
Lagging as hell
On October 25 2011 07:23 Asha` wrote:Haha, finals day and I can't get the stream to work at all  go life, make me proud, and I'll repay you by trying to work out why I can't watch ><
He is in good position this game....so start working on the stream problem
Seems like quite a few people are having lag issues, based on stream chat. Apparently 720p works best.
Life engages badly into Squirtle's third. Loses most of roach heavy army.
Warp Prism/Zealot drop does some damage in the main.
Life's economy is still far too strong, overwhelms Squirtle with roaches.
On October 25 2011 07:30 Caesarion wrote: Seems like quite a few people are having lag issues, based on stream chat. Apparently 720p works best.
I just pinged JTV to look at it.
Superior numbers from 3 hatch before pool, won that game even tho squirtle tried hard to defend in the late game!
GG. Life 1-0
United Kingdom3249 Posts
Had to reload the pages a couple of times to make the stream work normally. Just a lot of lag the first couple of times I tried, but it all worked out after that.
I am not sure why, and the evidence is quite anecdotal, but it seems to me as if there is a very sharp divide amongst Korean Protoss players in how they play against Zerg. Quite a few of them, and notably the Startale Protoss, seem to be stuck on a quite outdated 2-base type of strategy with heavy emphasis on a 5-7 Warp Gate push. Whereas there seems to be players like Sage, JYP and others who have a different take on the match up altogether.
Squirtle just never seemed to be quite in that game. Perhaps he would have looked to be in a much better shape had he tried to focus the Corruptors when defending his third. He definitely would have lost more Gateway units, but he had an opportunity to reset the Corruptor count while retaining Colossi. Not entirely sure he would have been able to, but being stuck on such low tech while barely holding his third was not a situation from where he could hope to really recover.