with that fast of a lair sheth should really have sent an overseer to scout the base. also i think against blink stalker you have to have mass roach ling, roach ling infestor, or ling hydra, you can't try to get everything
Socke got great PvZ but it's such an abusive style. Between Turtling protoss, voidray all ins, mass blink stalker abuse, it's heart breaking to watch as zerg.
On July 25 2011 03:37 JelleSlaets wrote: I think I prefer simple show matches between big players over "Nominationals". There is a reason why they are the big names they are. I don't see how 20k people will be following players that do not have the skills to perform at the top level, and the risk of 3-0 washes obviously increases as well.
But, if possible, I would investigate what the cost would be of simply having a big prizepool SCI, if it doesn't hurt too bad it is probably preferable over any spin-offs which don't offer the same quality as the SCI does. Maybe Blizz does make exceptions to the policy since it is pretty much a non-profit thing.
Doesn't he already invite 1 "dark horse" into the tournament?
I get the feeling blink stalkers are turning out to be like the hydras of BW's ZvP. The all-purpose utility unit that you will always get whether or not you want to bust him early or swarm them with superior numbers in the mid/late game.
On July 25 2011 03:39 Nerdslayer wrote: Some people I would love in the next tournament would be a player like BeastyQT, Strelok,Spanishwa,Cruncher,major,Happy
I'd love to see BeastyQT too. I had one game against him on the ladder, was doing a AT 3v3, diamond league, at one time and we were pitched against him. And one of my friends was going all "holy shit man, if that's the real BeastyQT we are sooo boned". I didn't really believed him much at the time We just did our usual timing push and managed to win. Turns out it was actually him, checking the replay he was macroing like crazy and we just caught him at a bad time. 2 minutes later and the match would have been completely different. Been keeping an eye on him ever since and watched him climb up the ladder and being awesome a lot.
On July 25 2011 03:45 Telcontar wrote: Must.... not.... talk.... about..... blink...... stalkers..........
Congrats to Socke though. Good luck in the final.
this was actually a well timed attack. infestors were about to pop out. had there been infestors, blink had been nullified. that said, I am not sure if I would go for hydras before infestors. think he might have been fine if he would have gone for infestors directly.
As nice as the nominaional idea sounds I would also say that the reason why I tune in to SCI instead of IPL or TL Attack right now are the big names and awesome games (btw the casting is also great, esp now with Apollo). So I would prefer to have the "standard" big name SCI's continued.
And with the 4 not well known vs 4 well known format Im arraid that the 4 known player will win easily against the not known. So these games wouldnt be particulary great I assume
On July 25 2011 03:47 Noocta wrote: Socke got great PvZ but it's such an abusive style. Between Turtling protoss, voidray all ins, mass blink stalker abuse, it's heart breaking to watch as zerg.
Is there any Protoss style out there that you wouldn't consider "abusive"? Just out of curiosity.
On July 25 2011 03:48 Telcontar wrote: I get the feeling blink stalkers are turning out to be like the hydras of BW's ZvP. The all-purpose utility unit that you will always get whether or not you want to bust him early or swarm them with superior numbers in the mid/late game.
except in BW ZvP you ended often ended the game with ultras/defilers, whilst using lings, mutas, hydras, lurkers & scourge to get there.
this is just straight blink stalker 4evah
I really do appreciate Socke's skill and he probably outplayed sheth there, but dang I have to say it's a boring style
On July 25 2011 03:47 Noocta wrote: Socke got great PvZ but it's such an abusive style. Between Turtling protoss, voidray all ins, mass blink stalker abuse, it's heart breaking to watch as zerg.
so what do you want protoss to do? you dont want them to turtle and not to attack either? you cannot go for harassment warpprism maniac eco game, its not terran, its protoss. when will ppl learn -,- there is only turtle defense or timings. well, you can dt harass, but i guess you are the first to call it "lame".
On July 25 2011 03:37 JelleSlaets wrote: I think I prefer simple show matches between big players over "Nominationals". There is a reason why they are the big names they are. I don't see how 20k people will be following players that do not have the skills to perform at the top level, and the risk of 3-0 washes obviously increases as well.
But, if possible, I would investigate what the cost would be of simply having a big prizepool SCI, if it doesn't hurt too bad it is probably preferable over any spin-offs which don't offer the same quality as the SCI does. Maybe Blizz does make exceptions to the policy since it is pretty much a non-profit thing.
Doesn't he already invite 1 "dark horse" into the tournament?
There is no rule stating he does, and I don't mind an underdog in a tournament. But in both SCI, those players were out pretty fast, so I don't see how I would be interested to follow a 2 days event with only these players, where the casters would be pointing out things they could have done all the time.
Comparing it to football is perhaps a bit off, but I stay up for the champions league knock out stages, because I want to see Manchester United play Barcelona, Real, Juventus, ... The EU league also has good teams that can play football, but it just isn't as appealing to watch Dinamo Minsk play Nurnberg, because they simply don't have the same reputation and talent.
On July 25 2011 03:47 Noocta wrote: Socke got great PvZ but it's such an abusive style. Between Turtling protoss, voidray all ins, mass blink stalker abuse, it's heart breaking to watch as zerg.
Is there any Protoss style out there that you wouldn't consider "abusive"? Just out of curiosity.