On April 03 2011 10:28 Moonwrath wrote: Why don't they just take the camera filming Day9 and Wheat and point it at the fucking screen showing the Idra Huk match and have them cast it that way?
This is the best suggestion I've heard all day. Not even joking.
Because for it to be on the screen they have to have an obs in the game and then they have the same problems as before unless you are suggesting they plant a camera looking over idras shoulder. along with day9 shouting in his ear.
That's exactly what I mean. I'd rather see that honestly.
lol... "excuse me Idra, your playing in a tournament for thousands of dollars, but can we just plant this camera right over your shoulder and shout in your ear? Cheers thanks.."
Like someone suggested earlier, that doesn't have to be how it works. You can set up a camera on a tripod pointed at his screen (from the side or something) and Day9 could still be sitting at his casting desk and just cast from the feed of that camera. Obviously it would look like shit, but it's not like the LQ stream quality is good anyway.
For this match only, I wish the worst for HuK. Destroyyyyyy him Gretorp! Gogogo. First time I watched Gretorp's stream was the first time I saw a real competitive FPV of a SC2 player. I immediately had a man crush of that clickity clacking Gretorp.
On April 03 2011 10:46 Noremack.cm wrote: I have to say MLG coverage is so poor, no interaction with the audience, old replays from yesterday being streamed while other live games are being played... etc the list goes on. I think every other big live event in the last several months puts MLG to shame.
They had an unexpected network crisis that prevented them from casting live games. They should've started this replay casting process a lot faster but I guess they thought they could fix the network issue. 4-5 hours later...
On April 03 2011 10:37 DennizR wrote: Seriously, leave the LR thread, don't watch twitter, update the stream page and don't press on the live-blog and you're done. There WILL be spoilers in a LR thread, everyone does not read all the comments and someone will come along and spoil stuff.
Quoting myself since people still complain here. What are you even doing in the thread if you don't want to get spoiled? LR threads are for LR:ing.
I am sorry but everyone complaining about the spoiles here are being stupid.
This is a LIVE REPORT THREAD, where there just so happens to be reports of all the live games happening now, if for any reason you are not or cannot see these live games expect them to be spoiled here.
It is advisable that you close this thread and continue watching the stream.