On April 14 2011 05:35 -BW-Map_God wrote: uNtrue_ United States. April 10 2011 12:38. Posts 108 PM Profile Report Quote #
On April 10 2011 08:49 -BW-Map_God wrote: Forcing randoms to pick a race instead of going random again if there is a drop or something seems a bit unfair as it loses whatever slight/short random edge they might have.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On April 14 2011 08:49 uNtrue_ wrote:
It's unfair? There is nothing stopping him from disconnecting on purpose and try to get the race he is good at in the remake. The random player gets a second chance to get the race he wants. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
That would be pretty bad mannered and sort of cheating, I don't know of anyone that plays random who would do something BM like that. That is basically what the non-random player would be doing if there was a drop after the random was scouted and the random had to remake as that race in the next game. I wouldn't think anyone would do that but then your suggesting it as a strategy so maybe some people would.
Either way I'd stick with saying its unfair.
Haha. All my life I've had this mindset that people are naturally evil, and my real life and virtual life experiences have only strengthened that thought.
Anyway, it could be someone's strategy or a way to just slip by the rules, but it is always best to get these rules set in stone so no one abuses it. Also, thanks to the Random Race tournament I think by gosucrew, since that's actually where I stole the rule from when one of my opponents DC'd in the beginning of the game.
The official player list for the tournament is:
Official RO 128 Player List:
+ Show Spoiler +MGExcellent.244 Oobios.714 Hallster.615 Sojourner.334 uvdevolt.827 renewal.548 Menace.107 SniXSniPe.701 Leeto.783 diophant.528 Cthuhlu.??? DontUFeelFAT.714 Harry.557 Zapdos.210 Croyd.723 Phosgene.430 bathtub.889 xiExO.531 jaMble.382 brutality.489 lowry.587 Axel.545 Cheeseblock.550 allthreenvan.287 TriMaster.242 Horsepire.799 Macht.279 Snazero.965 binski.565 Nero.556 Incursion.958 Koji.794 kelorek.383 evilnerd.445 Sakz.121 Bbizzle.880 Invictus.401 Outplayed.922 Tanman.235 xLordLeeSLRx.375 marvin.435 epIC.673 ribeye.167 JayRem.536 Viiper.??? Maestro.388 Blitz.917 Dino.700 MaMe.961 Bockser.584 kingkiller.423 Ecca.772 tkMekhami.710 Ihatebirds.191 MILEYPSIRUS.774 EonShiKeno.573 Keo.321 jslocum.564 Drakke.951 SilverJohnny.197 masterbeef 697 Deadpool.622 Krenium.329 Jung.299 Bradfordlove.103 Morbid.473 Silverback.347 Slai.730 PhearedPhool.841 Zickink.591 Monkies.720 bovinator.141 SoulCarnival.252 Psilocin.298 thebeowulf.922 vilehawk.429 Witt.??? tkVim.317 ZpuX.302 montippytoes.921 pooka.822 Moman.193 Lance.659 Echoic.485 tkOhmboy.876 SilentCf.881 Benjamin.886 TurtleReflxs peter.677 Preeminence.889 Remake.874 Usurper.715 Wook 830 CrayonBox.685 Liamsieg.??? Slabmaster.893 Lark.111 Sixto.790 Shnooker.231 Sieg.777 Filththenwah.245 Joshua.1884 Makaveli.413 StatiK.134 AuRora.943 - Those player's names who are in bold have not yet paid. We MUST receive payment by today at the very LATEST or you will not be included in the online bracket. If you have an issue with payment, contact an admin immediately.
- Those player's names who are underlined have not provided their character code. Please send this to an admin immediately.
We'll be sending out an e-mail with instructions and the full online-qualifier bracket this evening or early tomorrow.
Also, for those who wish to attend, TeSPA will be hosting a LAN party on the UT campus for the online qualifiers. We'll be doing our officiating together there and most likely watching NASL together afterward. Anyone is welcome to come play with us. We'll also have TVs and console stations set up and a number of unlocked ethernet ports for non-UT students. If you are planning on bringing a desktop (or laptop for non-UT students), you need to bring a short ethernet cable. You can check out the newly created Facebook event for the LAN Party here.
Hey, just a quick update on the brackets. We had a little bit of a delay allowing people to submit their payments in the last minute. When I wake up, I'll finalize it and send you guys an email along with the brackets.
sounds good! Can't to see who I'll be playing against!
hey is anyone coming from san antonio? i might need a ride ^^
When do we see brackets for our first opponent?
On April 18 2011 08:52 SniXSniPe wrote: When do we see brackets for our first opponent?
The brackets are being put together now. Hopefully, we'll have them released sometime within the next couple of days. We will post them here as soon as we have it ready. The full player list of those who advanced from yesterday's qualifiers is below.
Players in the RO64 + Show Spoiler + Allthreenvan.287 AuRora.943 Axel.545 Benjamin.886 binski.565 Blitz.917 Bovinator.141 Brutality.489 Cheeseblock.550 CrayonBox.685 Diophant.528 DontUFeelFAT.714 Drakke.951 Eonshikeno.573 Evilnerd.445 HaBeFaSt.495 Harry.557 Horsepire.799 Incursion.958 Invictus.401 Jamble.382 Jslocum.564 Keo.321 Krenium.329 Leeto.783 Lowry.587 Macht.279 Maestro.388 Makaveli.413 Mame.961 marvin.435 Masterbeef.697 Menace.107 Mgexcellent.244 Moman.193 Montippytoes.921 Nero.556 Oobios.714 Outplayed.922 Peter.677 Phosgene.430 Pooka.822 Preeminence.889 Renewal.548 Ribeye.167 silentCf.881 Silverback.347 Sixto.790 slai.730 snazero.965 SniXsnipe.701 sojourner.334 Statik.134 Tanman.235 tkmekhami.710 tkohmboy.876 tkvim.317 trimaster.242 uvdebolt.827 Viiper.113 vileHawk.429 Witt.365 xiexo.531 Zpux.302
University Affiliation Statistics: + Show Spoiler +Austin Community College: 1 High School Student: 7 Rice University: 3 Texas A&M: 5 University of Houston: 5 University of North Texas: 1 UT Austin: 29 UT Arlington: 1 UT Dallas: 1 UT San Antonio: 2 Unaffiliated: 9 In the mean time, if you're feeling especially festive, download one of our official tournament wallpapers [url blocked]. 
I don't see this anywhere: do we have to bring our own monitors as well? Or do we just have to bring the desktop, input devices and cords?
5 from University of Houston???
Slai, Exo, TriMaster, me, and who?? We all don't know either :o
On April 19 2011 07:51 Ohmboy wrote: I don't see this anywhere: do we have to bring our own monitors as well? Or do we just have to bring the desktop, input devices and cords?
If you don't being your own monitor you will gave to count on borrowing from somebody. We highly recommend you bring your own.
On March 22 2011 15:06 `Zapdos wrote: It's funny how you guys updated the map pool, and then blizzard changes the ladder maps, will this affect the map pool or is your decision final?
I lied. I think the MLG changes don't affect the backdoor rocks that much. I don't think either map really has an outstanding balance issue. I'm going to go ahead and leave it as the MLG Shakuras.
Brackets and an email will be coming soon in the next few days (can't determine when because I have to make this email as comprehensive as possible). Look forward to it and I hope to see you all on Saturday.
On April 19 2011 09:20 SniXSniPe wrote: 5 from University of Houston???
Slai, Exo, TriMaster, me, and who?? We all don't know either :o
According to the registration sheet, tkVim is also from UH. O.o
question, where exactly do I go to spectate the tournament on saturday. I know it's at the university, but for someone that doesn't go there, where exactly should I drive to?
Here are the brackets:
Emails with details on the parking, tournament, and other info will be given out soon.
... my opponent is ZpuX. I'm so excited.
On April 20 2011 09:24 Sully907 wrote: question, where exactly do I go to spectate the tournament on saturday. I know it's at the university, but for someone that doesn't go there, where exactly should I drive to?
We will be sending out a spectator information e-mail tonight that will be cross posted here. Parking and venue information (specific rooms at the university of Texas at Austin) will be included. Thanks for your patience.
Hey, i was wondering, are the quarterfinals, semifinals, and final going to be a bo3 as well? seems kinda short for a single elimination tournament
Who is the other student from University of North Texas??