On February 12 2011 05:37 Pervect wrote: Well the schedule in the OP says Tyler's group doesn't start until 4pm EST, which is 24 minutes from now. Plus, Tyler and Grubby aren't even online on the EU server right now.
So GLHF #1 casted 2 games of ret, which took about 15 minutes, and will now have a pause of 45 minutes?
Well I'm done, will start watching from ro32 or ro16
On February 12 2011 05:35 Odoakar wrote: I'm not liking this tournament so far
I don't know why, maybe I got spoiled by GSL and MLG. The wait between games seems too long, we saw 2 games of ret, and now 'Grubby vs Tyler next' is standing there forever. And casters are not that good.
Group stages are always havoc, even at events like MLG and IEM. Once the competition whittles down it should be amazing.
On February 12 2011 05:18 dapierow wrote: ROFL guy saying is-int the casting great...
Do you disagree? I think that they're doing a pretty damn good job.
When they're not nagging they just sit there and seem totally clueless about what's going on.
- Ret makes roaches and tons of zerglings - "Naugrim is actually ahead in drone count, how did that happen?" - "Ret is making a lot of zerlings." ... - "I wouldn't be surprised if Ret actually walked across the map now"
^-- said after Ret is already on the way. And also: well DUH! Obviously he's going to attack.
And then, at the attack:
- "Looks like Ret is pushing through, but at what cost?"
Well... at cost of all of Naugrims drones and his entire army I suppose. Damn I miss the casting archon !
martijn is the only caster i hate. The way he says absolute nonsense with absolute certainty is just unbearable.
Hmm, seriously, people that cant find games: Just open all the streams, mute them when you're not watching them, and tab through to find a match every now and then. Works great, you get to see more matches and less waiting. :D Heck, turn on some low sound and listen to 5 different languages in one evening and see if you understand anything. :D i'm having way fun with german one since I did like 5 years of german before university so fun seeing what I understand.