On November 27 2010 06:06 Panzera wrote: Madfrog has over 3000 games played on his battle.net account, I think he has enough pratice imo. yea lol working 12 hours a day my ass. Madfrog said in one of his interviews that to get better you have to avoid watching reps and think for yourself- i guess that's where his complete lack of understanding of how SC2 works comes from^_^
That game was ridiculous lol.... Tyler better pull this out in game 3 though LOL
Shoutcraft is awesome. Got me pumped during that game. Less game knowledge but not annoying like husky.
On November 27 2010 06:09 Oxascand wrote: ActionJesus vs Tyler with TotalBiscuit commentating is increadibly entertaining.
Who would have though...
Ya I did not think he would be good, but he just explains what's going on without much detail in an exciting way and it is entertaining. We don't always need to hear the strategies we are all familiar with.
ActionJesus winning GSL4?
That game was freaking INZAAANE.
Holy Jesus. SoOoOoO much action!
TotalBiscuit is pretty fucking good.
ActionJesus is gonna be e-famous after this event - lol pulling out a transition after a 7-pool, so frickin awsome
Where can I get the ActionJesus vods?!
On November 27 2010 06:09 Ezze wrote: I am in tears. This caster + this game is too much I can't stop laughing. fuckan amazin
ohhhh my...Jesus is pulling serious magic here
Thank god it was totalbiscuit casting this series. Screw the TSL toss games with voidray colossus, that was the best ZvP of the month hands down.
triple changeling drops to distract tyler from noticing the backdoor..
and then multiple pronged attacks to snipe nexus.
this guy has multiple aces up his sleeves
btw the Total Biscuit stream is hilarious.
Is PvZ Nonys worst MU? He played astonishingly bad (by his standards) against Daboo last night and now this.
On November 27 2010 06:06 zerious wrote: sorry, but this guy commentating Nony's game is freaking terrible
Why so zerious?
Fuck i missed that Game....
On November 27 2010 06:10 Oscatron wrote: wow the guy casting the tyler /action game is annoyying as hell
No he is awesome. Definitely on par with Day9 imo.