On August 03 2010 16:58 IdrA wrote: getting the racial imbalance fixed?
You're doing it wrong.
No he's not, every single one of his points are valid, they are all valid arguments that cant be defended except saying thats just the way it is
and blizzard does watch top players, and if they see top players struggling to in-superior players, and their arguments are valid, then something will happen to that matchup
Nah, I think what a better way to do it would be to switch to T and rape all of the top Z players. If all of the top Z players switch to T, blizzard will have to do something. Can't have a competitive game where 1/3 of the game is not viable for competitive play (I guess you technically can, but Blizz doesnt want that).
On August 03 2010 17:29 roymarthyup wrote: idra should switch to protoss. wasnt idra toss at the start of the beta then went to zerg. back then zerg had hydras with more hp, and better roaches. now zerg is horrible. queens are a unit for zerg that sucks and its their macro mechanic. gotta blow your brains out with spawn larva every 40 seconds.
idra would probably kick twice as much butt if he started using protoss. toss doesnt have to worry about lanky queens or stupid creep. toss doesnt have to worry about sucking vs terran or zerg either.
zerg needs another unit. zerg needs something. its so lacking compared to other races in diversity
when a toss is against you, what can he do??? void rays, mass t1 zeal/stalker/sentry, immortals, collossi, pheonix, dark templar, psi storm. all of those options are viable
when a zerg is against you, what can he do?? banelings, zerglings, roaches, hydras, or mutalisks.... lol...
idra sucked as protoss when protoss was OP, zerg fits his style much more
Game 1: Idra goes muta ling against blue flame upgraded Hellions and Thors. Maybe if his mutas weren't out of position he might have have taken out all the hellions and his slings might have been able to clean up the thors.
Game 2: Idra goes roaches, silver gets an an early medivac, loads up a tank and rines and abuses the LT natural cliff. Idra pretty much is helpless and loses his natural hat.
Idra should just play terran, his mechanics are already better than everyone else's, might as well add the the "Terran advantage" to that and win everything.
I think what IdrA is trying to get across, is that he doesn't want to switch races, like many of us Z players. However, that doesn't make it any less frustrating to have to deal with these clear imbalances. The match up overall is a constant uphill battle trying to pass an opponent that literally starts out ahead of you.
ZvT on LT is a complete joke. No question there. As for game 1, IdrA saw hellions and factories. He had two choice based on 2 possibilities; make mutas in prep for hellion/tank or make roach in prep for thor/hellion. He flipped the coin and went with muta in hopes for better scouting and to harass. Unfortunately, the coin landed tails and IdrA got screwed for it. Terran units, I'm sorry Day9, flat out counter zerg units based on composition. The word "counter" might not apply as much for T units vs Z, but the opposite definitely applies. You don't see lings taking out blue flame hellions or hydras killing tanks. But all too often we see things like hellion and reapers defeating roaches simply because the roach is a slow clunky unit and can't effectively fill its role as a "counter" to units designed to destroy light.
However, I'm definitely not for nerfing terran. I think terran is an example of what a well developed race should look and feel like. Zerg feels unfinished, incomplete, and poorly thought out. An example of this is the decision to actually remove lurker for baneling. Granted, I like baneling, and it has a great role in many different situations. However, I don't believe this justified removing the lurker. The lurker would have been a great defensive or harass unit even alongside the baneling. Both have their optimal situation. By removing this unit Blizzard is limiting the choice that zerg had. Need a siege unit vs tanks or colossi? Lurker is probably a solid bet. Need a siege unit vs bio? Baneling would prove to be much more effective against the fast moving bio ball. Instead of seeing this, Blizzard opted to remove lurker with the reasoning of "their roles overlap" which is really not true. They both filled the role of ground siege, but were more effective vs different types of units. Now zerg only has the choice of baneling which is easily dealt with by adding in some splash through tanks / colossi or "meat" to soak baneling damage such as thor. For once banelings are used, they are gone, unlike the lurker.
Overall, zerg simply needs to be brought up to terrans level in terms of choice, unique units, strategies, and defense. I'm strongly of the opinion that zerg early game is complete garbage right now with two incredibly strong strats to make their life miserable; fast to mass reaper / pylon block + cannon wall. Neither of which can be dealt with reasonably by even he most competent zerg players. Please note my choice of words, I'm not saying its impossible to defend, I'm saying that the amount of effort expect of the zerg to defend versus the effort and mineral cost put forward by the offensive player is simply not reasonable.
What I would like see done to zerg:
1. Increase roach speed or range. If roaches are supposed to protect you from hellion and reaper, make it so they can actually fill that role. Right now with their garbage speed and attack range, all the units that roaches are supposed to do well against simply eat them alive with kiting. Roach is a waste of supply and minerals unless you are tier 2 and have completed the speed upgrade.
2. For the love of all that is holy reintroduce the lurker. This unit has much needed versatility that the baneling simply cannot offer. However, baneling speed allows for banelings to still be more useful vs fast moving light units such as a stimmed bioball. I don't care how often it is said by Blizzard or anyone else, banelings and lurkers DO NOT overlap. And no, you don't need defilers to make lurkers useful. Yeah, I'm talking to you Dustin Browder!
3. My last suggestion is sadly aimed towards terran as I can think of no reasonable way to change zerg that would not make them ridiculous vs protoss. Terran can effectively destroy most ground with siege tanks, and most air with thor during the early to mid game. Yes yes, ultra and broodlord are both strong vs tanks/thor but I'm not talking that late into the game. My only suggestion is that one of these needs to be toned down. Tanks need to overkill, or thor needs to go back to its previous incarnation when it didn't single handedly remove all light air units from the game. There is simply too much splash damage in this game right now for zerg to be even remotely effective outside of it's macro'd up and "zergy" form. Your units are too precious early to mid game to have them wiped away so quickly through aoe.
are we able to sign up for a later qualifier cup or is it full or invite only? i would like to know so i can try myself in some tournament and measure myself up against some other players and see how i match up atm
On August 04 2010 05:52 Megalisk wrote: Idra should just play terran, his mechanics are already better than everyone else's, might as well add the the "Terran advantage" to that and win everything.
He will if they don't nerf Terran. I think he said he will switch in a few interviews and he already practices a little as Terran.
On August 04 2010 09:22 dragon_rom wrote: are we able to sign up for a later qualifier cup or is it full or invite only? i would like to know so i can try myself in some tournament and measure myself up against some other players and see how i match up atm
Yes you can sign up for a later qualifier cup. None of the qualifier cups are invite only.
We also have open cups that will be every Wednesday that are open to anyone but those do not qualify you for IEM.
Cliff that overlooks the natural expansions should be smaller, so spines can hit the entire cliff, seems unfair the medivacs can drop a seige tank in seige mode before zerg can get ovi speed and ovi transport to repel it
On August 04 2010 09:38 diesirae wrote: I would love to know what Idra could have done in game 2 to prevent the loss of that hatchery.
This is where ignorant Terran players respond: "But OMG ur units r so fast! Exploit lack of Terran mobility nub!"
Fast drop tech. Who plays LT not expecting to be cliffed vs Terran?
Zerg should just open 4 queen + drop tech just incase he goes banshee too!! This is not a feasible suggestion, but you're getting close to the heart of the problem, keep digging
On August 02 2010 12:47 IdrA wrote: of course he plays terran hes a nobody with no skill in the top 4 of a tournament, what else would he play
I used to play teams with Silver, he's not a nobody. We held top 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 positions in WC3 and it's expansion for months after release before we quit back for school in those days. He also has made top 1v1 ladder in wc3. He didn't start doing tournaments until SC2.
On August 02 2010 12:47 IdrA wrote: of course he plays terran hes a nobody with no skill in the top 4 of a tournament, what else would he play
I used to play teams with Silver, he's not a nobody. We held top 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 positions in WC3 and it's expansion for months after release before we quit back for school in those days. He also has made top 1v1 ladder in wc3. He didn't start doing tournaments until SC2.
So you're saying that someone who was very good at WC3, can start playing SC2 and beat a player who has been professional in SCBW for how many years, professional in SC2, and 2-0 him?
On August 02 2010 12:47 IdrA wrote: of course he plays terran hes a nobody with no skill in the top 4 of a tournament, what else would he play
I used to play teams with Silver, he's not a nobody. We held top 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 positions in WC3 and it's expansion for months after release before we quit back for school in those days. He also has made top 1v1 ladder in wc3. He didn't start doing tournaments until SC2.
correct me if i'm wrong but i'm fairly sure top of a ladder(american one nonetheless) doesn't exactly make you a somebody even in wc3 itself.
On August 02 2010 12:47 IdrA wrote: of course he plays terran hes a nobody with no skill in the top 4 of a tournament, what else would he play
I used to play teams with Silver, he's not a nobody. We held top 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 positions in WC3 and it's expansion for months after release before we quit back for school in those days. He also has made top 1v1 ladder in wc3. He didn't start doing tournaments until SC2.
So you're saying that someone who was very good at WC3, can start playing SC2 and beat a player who has been professional in SCBW for how many years, professional in SC2, and 2-0 him?
Does this sound right?
Sounds like exactly what happened. If it was TLO that won the game in place of Silver it wouldn't be because terran is overpowered, but that TLO is a brilliant player. You know, Silver might just be a very good Starcraft 2 player with a Warcraft 3 background. He beat HuK as well and while haters gonna hate, HuK is definitely up there.
The dates on your website are different than that given in this thread, for example the website claims the Open Cup #2 is on the 11th, while this thread claims it's on the 8th, which is it?
On August 04 2010 09:38 diesirae wrote: I would love to know what Idra could have done in game 2 to prevent the loss of that hatchery.
This is where ignorant Terran players respond: "But OMG ur units r so fast! Exploit lack of Terran mobility nub!"
Fast drop tech. Who plays LT not expecting to be cliffed vs Terran?
Totally forgot you should piss away 400 gas rushing a lair and the two drop techs while leaving yourself vulnerable to a hellion/infantry push. And since it's so easy to scout what they're doing, it should have been common sense. Man you're so right. I wish I had your psychic ability (or maphack).