On November 11 2013 20:53 NarAliya wrote: I used to have a 100% win rate against Terrans at Platinum/Diamond level until HoTS. I got HoTS only a couple days ago. I won my first 4 placement matches but I lost the last one to a Bio-Mine Terran. Then I got put into Silver (wth?).
Since then, I have faced only Terrans and they all go Bio-Mine and I just lose. I remember that thread: "Where have all the Terrans gone?". Well they are back and they are coming out of the woodwork like demons from the Bible, Widow Mines and everything -_-
How do I overcome this?
I must say I was never interested in heavy macro play. I play an aggressive style of Zerg opting to bust by 7:30 or do 2 base timing pushes. But now, although I am rusty since I last played in January, anytime I try to bust I lose a good portion of my force to WM. By the time I realize what is going on I am way behind - he typically arrives at my base several minutes later with 3-2 and an impossible number of Bio.
Please help.
You could try to play some kind of roach hydra comp and overwhelm Terran at around 12 minutes with a massive dps burst when you hit 2-2 with roach speed and both Hydra upgrades. This composition will work even in master, but be careful vs drops.
It requires less micro than ling bling muta or ling roaches vs WM. You also need a few speed overseers to kill the mines.
Now how to I overcome WM if I want to bust (almost 90% of the time) before Lair finishes? Do I just send 1 ling up to test the ground or what? What if he has WM behind the Supply Depot/Barracks at the top of the ramp? Macro'ing to Roach/Hydra is easy enough, but I'm really not interested in waiting to make an attack all the way at 12 minutes. I like dealing damage as early as possible without leaving me very behind.
Sometimes you gotta play the race. If you wanna be aggresive early, zerg is not your cup of tea.
I like dealing damage as early as possible without leaving me very behind.
Not gonna happen if you fail your attack vs WM unless T is very bad. You could play some roach bane, but that's pretty much it, either bane bust or roach bane ling attack.
On November 11 2013 20:55 NoNonsense wrote: There are many feasible compositions for ZvP.
Roach ling - commonly used to hold off all kinds of 2 base all ins. Hydra ling - can be used to be aggresive towards a stargate opener. Will have to tech switch to muta/hive during your attack. Roach hydra corrupter/viper - standard composition to deal with stargate-> collo. Will need to attack as soon as you are maxed with viper or corrupter to deal with collosus. Can transition into broodlords once you have traded since hive is already available. Ling infestor into Ultra + some hydras - Good composition, but your opening is quite different and susceptible to 2 base all ins if you cannot defend well. Creep spread and queen transfuses is essential. Have to attack as soon as Ultras spawn so that the immortal count doesnt go too high. Muta ling - Normally as a surprise tech switch after being able to trade with the protoss army. Muta/ling/corrupter - Double spire upgrades, using corrupter to zone out the inevitable chrono-ed double stargate pheonixes. Swarmhost/hydra or corrupter/viper/infestor/queens - Ultimate composition in certain maps that has limited pathways. Greatly helped by static D and creep spread.
That's all my personal opinion though. Hope it helps
On November 11 2013 23:18 wijixx wrote: hi guys!! which is the actual standars openings un ZvZ? Im diamond, and won almost 75% terrans and toss, but loss 75% zerg, i think my bos are wrong... Scout timings? what may I to look for?
Drone up as much as you can, but make sure you know what's going on.
You should be looking for if the zerg expanded, when they expanded, and how much gas they have mined. 15 hatch 16 extractor 16 pool will likely be a ling flood, so be sure to get your bane nest down on time. Some maps you can wall off, and I highly recommend doing that. Make sure to use a spine in the wall so you can open/close when you need. Masters zerg. msg me if you have any other questions.
Okay. Im nowhere any decent of a player. But I got a problem vs Mass Air Toss. I just can't find a way of beating it. I understand I should not let a toss get into Toss on 4 bases, but Im not really capable to kill them.
I end up vs voidray+tempest mostly. I tried mass corrupter, but they dont do anything vs the voidrays :/. Mass fungal didnt work out either because of feedbacks are so easy to cast.
Mass static defense, with a lot of corruptors, some vipers and some SH. You just pull the voidrays into your spores (10 + spores) everytime p attacks and then you finish him with the corruptors-sh composition. It makes for very boring games but it's very strong.
I normally favour a muta opener in ZvP however I am really struggling against DT opener into archon/zealot allin. I sometimes try to mass spine and basetrade or delay for time and try take it on but eventually the archon count becomes too high. Should I simply abandon muta play if I scout this and if so, what is the correct composition to deal with +2 archon/zealot?
can someone tell me how to deal with 6 unscouted early banshees?
No, srsly, after the mech upgrade buff, is muta ling bane still viable vs T? Would, at least in the wood leagues I play in, it be better to make SH vs T a standard goal? What are the alternatives? Playing around with burroaches (you read it here first), then roach/hydra/viper? Or, if gas supplies allow, ultras and mutas?
I am also considering going back to okko build, a simplified 12 min max roach into hydra if necessary build.
can someone tell me how to deal with 6 unscouted early banshees?
No, srsly, after the mech upgrade buff, is muta ling bane still viable vs T? Would, at least in the wood leagues I play in, it be better to make SH vs T a standard goal? What are the alternatives? Playing around with burroaches (you read it here first), then roach/hydra/viper? Or, if gas supplies allow, ultras and mutas?
I am also considering going back to okko build, a simplified 12 min max roach into hydra if necessary build.
If some could help me, I'd be grateful. Cheers.
for 1 always scout terran if u see this I go for quick 4 base mass muta with 4 overseers. muta counters all air unit and go sh against ground mech. if its mech heavy like thor and siege tank with banshees. Mass sh with about 12 corruptors and roaches to deny run byes is the best way to deal with it. then go into viper bl corruptor sh and its pretty much gg after that.
I am so bad at scouting ZvZ ling floods. I am a gold league zerg and attempt to do a standard ling muta opening each game. Here is my BO
send 1st overlord to scout natural and natural mineral line 2nd overlord outside front of their natural for spotting ling flood 15 - Pool 16 - Hatch 15 - Queen 17 - Zergling Pair for scouting all-in (how many drones/gas) 21 - Overlord 21 - Queen Speed at 100 gas Spine and Bane Nest at 50 gas Lair at 100 gas
Just before the lair is when the lings flood into my natural.
I feel like pretty much everyone gets speed/bane nest but the difficult thing for me to scout is whether or not he is transferring drones to his natural expansion or actually building them planning on going to lair. I feel like I COULD get two overlords near his hatcheries and bounce them in or out, but should a ling scout be enough if I just run the two lings I build at 17 supply around his main? That is what I typically do and they seem to die after a while but they can either start droning then or flood lings?
Do you think my issue is more about my scouting or possibly my defense? I get a spine and am able to wall off my ramp with my queens, but I never know when I can go back to injecting with my queens and each time I do go back to injecting I seem to get re-all-in'd with zerglings or out droned and behind.
Tips for getting to lair every game and not being too far behind?
On November 12 2013 23:57 VurnHat wrote: I am so bad at scouting ZvZ ling floods. I am a gold league zerg and attempt to do a standard ling muta opening each game. Here is my BO
send 1st overlord to scout natural and natural mineral line 2nd overlord outside front of their natural for spotting ling flood 15 - Pool 16 - Hatch 15 - Queen 17 - Zergling Pair for scouting all-in (how many drones/gas) 21 - Overlord 21 - Queen Speed at 100 gas Spine and Bane Nest at 50 gas Lair at 100 gas
Just before the lair is when the lings flood into my natural.
I feel like pretty much everyone gets speed/bane nest but the difficult thing for me to scout is whether or not he is transferring drones to his natural expansion or actually building them planning on going to lair. I feel like I COULD get two overlords near his hatcheries and bounce them in or out, but should a ling scout be enough if I just run the two lings I build at 17 supply around his main? That is what I typically do and they seem to die after a while but they can either start droning then or flood lings?
Do you think my issue is more about my scouting or possibly my defense? I get a spine and am able to wall off my ramp with my queens, but I never know when I can go back to injecting with my queens and each time I do go back to injecting I seem to get re-all-in'd with zerglings or out droned and behind.
Tips for getting to lair every game and not being too far behind?
Your build order seems relatively fine although I think it's better to get an OV before you get the queen cause it seems you get supply blocked a little. It's also a game reading/scouting issue. Scout as soon as your lings are out and keep vision of the front of his natural. Usually they'll hide their lings in their base so when speed is 3/4 done for you, just send another ling in his base and try to get up in his main. You should have a few lings laying around when your bane nest finishes, just use 50 gas to make banes if you're unsure of what's coming.
15 - Pool 16 - Hatch 16 - Gas 15 - Overlord 15 - Queen 17 - Two pairs of Lings. Scout with one and keep one at home Queen at nat ASAP 24 - Overlord Speed at 100 gas Spine and Bane Nest at 50 gas (If unsure make two banes with 1st 50 gas) Lair at 100 gas
Bold is what I added/changed in your build
The build order for a ling flood usually has a slightly delayed natural compared to 15 Pool 16 Hatch so you can just check that to get an idea of what's going on. Also don't be afraid to make around 6 banes as soon as you see what's coming and try to channel the flood by putting down evo chambers. A telling sign is if the other Z pushes your OV at his nat with his queen. If you defend this without losing too many drones (5 or less), you're ahead.
On November 12 2013 23:57 VurnHat wrote: I am so bad at scouting ZvZ ling floods. I am a gold league zerg and attempt to do a standard ling muta opening each game. Here is my BO
send 1st overlord to scout natural and natural mineral line 2nd overlord outside front of their natural for spotting ling flood 15 - Pool 16 - Hatch 15 - Queen 17 - Zergling Pair for scouting all-in (how many drones/gas) 21 - Overlord 21 - Queen Speed at 100 gas Spine and Bane Nest at 50 gas Lair at 100 gas
Just before the lair is when the lings flood into my natural.
I feel like pretty much everyone gets speed/bane nest but the difficult thing for me to scout is whether or not he is transferring drones to his natural expansion or actually building them planning on going to lair. I feel like I COULD get two overlords near his hatcheries and bounce them in or out, but should a ling scout be enough if I just run the two lings I build at 17 supply around his main? That is what I typically do and they seem to die after a while but they can either start droning then or flood lings?
Do you think my issue is more about my scouting or possibly my defense? I get a spine and am able to wall off my ramp with my queens, but I never know when I can go back to injecting with my queens and each time I do go back to injecting I seem to get re-all-in'd with zerglings or out droned and behind.
Tips for getting to lair every game and not being too far behind?
Your build order seems relatively fine although I think it's better to get an OV before you get the queen cause it seems you get supply blocked a little. It's also a game reading/scouting issue. Scout as soon as your lings are out and keep vision of the front of his natural. Usually they'll hide their lings in their base so when speed is 3/4 done for you, just send another ling in his base and try to get up in his main. You should have a few lings laying around when your bane nest finishes, just use 50 gas to make banes if you're unsure of what's coming.
15 - Pool 16 - Hatch 16 - Gas 15 - Overlord 15 - Queen 17 - Two pairs of Lings. Scout with one and keep one at home Queen at nat ASAP 24 - Overlord Speed at 100 gas Spine and Bane Nest at 50 gas (If unsure make two banes with 1st 50 gas) Lair at 100 gas
Bold is what I added/changed in your build
The build order for a ling flood usually has a slightly delayed natural compared to 15 Pool 16 Hatch so you can just check that to get an idea of what's going on. Also don't be afraid to make around 6 banes as soon as you see what's coming and try to channel the flood by putting down evo chambers. A telling sign is if the other Z pushes your OV at his nat with his queen. If you defend this without losing too many drones (5 or less), you're ahead.
Thanks for the advice, the evo chamber idea is great for channeling the lings for my bane connections. I have avoided baneling defense for this reason but it seems the only way to defend without having absurdly good larva spotting.
Of course I build a 15 overlord after my 16 hatchery, so the build is the exact same as yours but I prefer to get my 2nd queen asap rather than waiting for my natural expansion to pop. I'm thinking that was a miscommunication because I've never seen anyone ever wait to build their 2nd queen at their natural unless they already have lings in their base and need the minerals for lings. I hope I'm right on that.
I'm just going to build an extra pair of lings to leave at home and build two banes and two evo's so that any ling flood has to run through a thin "door" with lings there to catch and block while the spine hits and then if he doesn't pull back BOOM bane hit gg.
15 - Hatch 16 - Pool 17 - Overlord 19 - 2x Queen 2x Queen after initial Queens finish 5:45 - 3rd 6:00 - 2x gas
Scout with overlord outside his natural expo and I get into main seeing 1 rax 1 factory and 4 more rax going down
At this point I was planning on going 6:45 2x Evo into +1/+1 into lair into speed into bane nest yada yada yada
Should I cancel my +1/+1 upgrade befoer speed plan? Can I still get upgrades, then speed before lair and defend an 8:30 stim push with lings that will get speed halfway through delayed fight and 4 Queens with creep spread?
If so, could I even get lair (along with upgrades before lair) before speed?
On November 12 2013 23:57 VurnHat wrote: I am so bad at scouting ZvZ ling floods. I am a gold league zerg and attempt to do a standard ling muta opening each game. Here is my BO
send 1st overlord to scout natural and natural mineral line 2nd overlord outside front of their natural for spotting ling flood 15 - Pool 16 - Hatch 15 - Queen 17 - Zergling Pair for scouting all-in (how many drones/gas) 21 - Overlord 21 - Queen Speed at 100 gas Spine and Bane Nest at 50 gas Lair at 100 gas
Just before the lair is when the lings flood into my natural.
I feel like pretty much everyone gets speed/bane nest but the difficult thing for me to scout is whether or not he is transferring drones to his natural expansion or actually building them planning on going to lair. I feel like I COULD get two overlords near his hatcheries and bounce them in or out, but should a ling scout be enough if I just run the two lings I build at 17 supply around his main? That is what I typically do and they seem to die after a while but they can either start droning then or flood lings?
Do you think my issue is more about my scouting or possibly my defense? I get a spine and am able to wall off my ramp with my queens, but I never know when I can go back to injecting with my queens and each time I do go back to injecting I seem to get re-all-in'd with zerglings or out droned and behind.
Tips for getting to lair every game and not being too far behind?
Your build order seems relatively fine although I think it's better to get an OV before you get the queen cause it seems you get supply blocked a little. It's also a game reading/scouting issue. Scout as soon as your lings are out and keep vision of the front of his natural. Usually they'll hide their lings in their base so when speed is 3/4 done for you, just send another ling in his base and try to get up in his main. You should have a few lings laying around when your bane nest finishes, just use 50 gas to make banes if you're unsure of what's coming.
15 - Pool 16 - Hatch 16 - Gas 15 - Overlord 15 - Queen 17 - Two pairs of Lings. Scout with one and keep one at home Queen at nat ASAP 24 - Overlord Speed at 100 gas Spine and Bane Nest at 50 gas (If unsure make two banes with 1st 50 gas) Lair at 100 gas
Bold is what I added/changed in your build
The build order for a ling flood usually has a slightly delayed natural compared to 15 Pool 16 Hatch so you can just check that to get an idea of what's going on. Also don't be afraid to make around 6 banes as soon as you see what's coming and try to channel the flood by putting down evo chambers. A telling sign is if the other Z pushes your OV at his nat with his queen. If you defend this without losing too many drones (5 or less), you're ahead.
Thanks for the advice, the evo chamber idea is great for channeling the lings for my bane connections. I have avoided baneling defense for this reason but it seems the only way to defend without having absurdly good larva spotting.
Of course I build a 15 overlord after my 16 hatchery, so the build is the exact same as yours but I prefer to get my 2nd queen asap rather than waiting for my natural expansion to pop. I'm thinking that was a miscommunication because I've never seen anyone ever wait to build their 2nd queen at their natural unless they already have lings in their base and need the minerals for lings. I hope I'm right on that.
I'm just going to build an extra pair of lings to leave at home and build two banes and two evo's so that any ling flood has to run through a thin "door" with lings there to catch and block while the spine hits and then if he doesn't pull back BOOM bane hit gg.
Watch the mini-map, you definitely shouldn't be throwing down evos blind on a muta build or you're going to start getting run over in midgame. You have your two "oh shit" banelings, and everything else is reactionary based on counting drones or what runs under your overlords.
On November 12 2013 23:57 VurnHat wrote: I am so bad at scouting ZvZ ling floods. I am a gold league zerg and attempt to do a standard ling muta opening each game. Here is my BO
send 1st overlord to scout natural and natural mineral line 2nd overlord outside front of their natural for spotting ling flood 15 - Pool 16 - Hatch 15 - Queen 17 - Zergling Pair for scouting all-in (how many drones/gas) 21 - Overlord 21 - Queen Speed at 100 gas Spine and Bane Nest at 50 gas Lair at 100 gas
Just before the lair is when the lings flood into my natural.
I feel like pretty much everyone gets speed/bane nest but the difficult thing for me to scout is whether or not he is transferring drones to his natural expansion or actually building them planning on going to lair. I feel like I COULD get two overlords near his hatcheries and bounce them in or out, but should a ling scout be enough if I just run the two lings I build at 17 supply around his main? That is what I typically do and they seem to die after a while but they can either start droning then or flood lings?
Do you think my issue is more about my scouting or possibly my defense? I get a spine and am able to wall off my ramp with my queens, but I never know when I can go back to injecting with my queens and each time I do go back to injecting I seem to get re-all-in'd with zerglings or out droned and behind.
Tips for getting to lair every game and not being too far behind?
Your build order seems relatively fine although I think it's better to get an OV before you get the queen cause it seems you get supply blocked a little. It's also a game reading/scouting issue. Scout as soon as your lings are out and keep vision of the front of his natural. Usually they'll hide their lings in their base so when speed is 3/4 done for you, just send another ling in his base and try to get up in his main. You should have a few lings laying around when your bane nest finishes, just use 50 gas to make banes if you're unsure of what's coming.
15 - Pool 16 - Hatch 16 - Gas 15 - Overlord 15 - Queen 17 - Two pairs of Lings. Scout with one and keep one at home Queen at nat ASAP 24 - Overlord Speed at 100 gas Spine and Bane Nest at 50 gas (If unsure make two banes with 1st 50 gas) Lair at 100 gas
Bold is what I added/changed in your build
The build order for a ling flood usually has a slightly delayed natural compared to 15 Pool 16 Hatch so you can just check that to get an idea of what's going on. Also don't be afraid to make around 6 banes as soon as you see what's coming and try to channel the flood by putting down evo chambers. A telling sign is if the other Z pushes your OV at his nat with his queen. If you defend this without losing too many drones (5 or less), you're ahead.
Thanks for the advice, the evo chamber idea is great for channeling the lings for my bane connections. I have avoided baneling defense for this reason but it seems the only way to defend without having absurdly good larva spotting.
Of course I build a 15 overlord after my 16 hatchery, so the build is the exact same as yours but I prefer to get my 2nd queen asap rather than waiting for my natural expansion to pop. I'm thinking that was a miscommunication because I've never seen anyone ever wait to build their 2nd queen at their natural unless they already have lings in their base and need the minerals for lings. I hope I'm right on that.
I'm just going to build an extra pair of lings to leave at home and build two banes and two evo's so that any ling flood has to run through a thin "door" with lings there to catch and block while the spine hits and then if he doesn't pull back BOOM bane hit gg.
Watch the mini-map, you definitely shouldn't be throwing down evos blind on a muta build or you're going to start getting run over in midgame. You have your two "oh shit" banelings, and everything else is reactionary based on counting drones or what runs under your overlords.
Yeah I think I understand. I will have 2 blind banelings made as soon as my bane nest pops, a spine and a ramp to queen block for immediate defense. If I miscount drones and I'm surprised to find a large pack of lings running out the front door then I'll funnel them with evo chambers on the top of my 'big natural' (get it?) ramp.
I seem to make scouting mistakes like not seeing the lings with my frist overlord and them running along the side of the map. I know I should probably focus more on spotting with that first overlord infront of his natural but what kind of drone counting to you really explicitly do. Do you really count every drone? Do you 'eyeball' the mineral line quick and say its about 1-2 drones from 16 saturation? What sort of stuff do you read into because I seem to have a hard time with the trick of moving drones from the main to the expo and me not noticing, thinking he is droning his natural, then BAM speedlings up my ramp!
Is the only answer having two overlords (one near each hatch) that continually pops in and out of the bases? I feel like this is more APM I might not be able to handle as well as less overlords along the path between bases so I wont see the lings as easily. I am leaning toward not doing this, focusing on having more overlords between the bases so that I can defend with my emergency banes and reactionary evo chambers like I should be able to anyway. If i do the hover near the bases with two overlords thing I feel like I'll lose alot to macro mistakes or mistakes not seeing the lings coming as easily as if I just had more overlords along the path between us.
On November 12 2013 23:57 VurnHat wrote: I am so bad at scouting ZvZ ling floods. I am a gold league zerg and attempt to do a standard ling muta opening each game. Here is my BO
send 1st overlord to scout natural and natural mineral line 2nd overlord outside front of their natural for spotting ling flood 15 - Pool 16 - Hatch 15 - Queen 17 - Zergling Pair for scouting all-in (how many drones/gas) 21 - Overlord 21 - Queen Speed at 100 gas Spine and Bane Nest at 50 gas Lair at 100 gas
Just before the lair is when the lings flood into my natural.
I feel like pretty much everyone gets speed/bane nest but the difficult thing for me to scout is whether or not he is transferring drones to his natural expansion or actually building them planning on going to lair. I feel like I COULD get two overlords near his hatcheries and bounce them in or out, but should a ling scout be enough if I just run the two lings I build at 17 supply around his main? That is what I typically do and they seem to die after a while but they can either start droning then or flood lings?
Do you think my issue is more about my scouting or possibly my defense? I get a spine and am able to wall off my ramp with my queens, but I never know when I can go back to injecting with my queens and each time I do go back to injecting I seem to get re-all-in'd with zerglings or out droned and behind.
Tips for getting to lair every game and not being too far behind?
Your build order seems relatively fine although I think it's better to get an OV before you get the queen cause it seems you get supply blocked a little. It's also a game reading/scouting issue. Scout as soon as your lings are out and keep vision of the front of his natural. Usually they'll hide their lings in their base so when speed is 3/4 done for you, just send another ling in his base and try to get up in his main. You should have a few lings laying around when your bane nest finishes, just use 50 gas to make banes if you're unsure of what's coming.
15 - Pool 16 - Hatch 16 - Gas 15 - Overlord 15 - Queen 17 - Two pairs of Lings. Scout with one and keep one at home Queen at nat ASAP 24 - Overlord Speed at 100 gas Spine and Bane Nest at 50 gas (If unsure make two banes with 1st 50 gas) Lair at 100 gas
Bold is what I added/changed in your build
The build order for a ling flood usually has a slightly delayed natural compared to 15 Pool 16 Hatch so you can just check that to get an idea of what's going on. Also don't be afraid to make around 6 banes as soon as you see what's coming and try to channel the flood by putting down evo chambers. A telling sign is if the other Z pushes your OV at his nat with his queen. If you defend this without losing too many drones (5 or less), you're ahead.
Thanks for the advice, the evo chamber idea is great for channeling the lings for my bane connections. I have avoided baneling defense for this reason but it seems the only way to defend without having absurdly good larva spotting.
Of course I build a 15 overlord after my 16 hatchery, so the build is the exact same as yours but I prefer to get my 2nd queen asap rather than waiting for my natural expansion to pop. I'm thinking that was a miscommunication because I've never seen anyone ever wait to build their 2nd queen at their natural unless they already have lings in their base and need the minerals for lings. I hope I'm right on that.
I'm just going to build an extra pair of lings to leave at home and build two banes and two evo's so that any ling flood has to run through a thin "door" with lings there to catch and block while the spine hits and then if he doesn't pull back BOOM bane hit gg.
Right, my build is wrong, you build the main queen then transfer it to the nat and build a second one in the main. That is correct. Anyway, don't be afraid of making extra queens, especially if you spot a ling flood. 3 queens allow you to inject without opening the door to the main.
On November 13 2013 19:18 Maphack wrote: Hello. I am silver player and I'm horribly slow in terms of macro, and just playing don't seem to help much. Any exercises which will help me improve?
hi maphack, I am higher level but i have the same problems as you. What i have done is: Write my buildorders down on supply level untill the 10 min mark. Opened a custom game and praticed my builds vs very easy AI or none at all. Then i printed my buildorder out and made comments at certain timings... like 6:00 overlord scout main.
This improved my play a lot. Why => your practicing your macro. You are optimizing your buildorder When practicing you can compare and reflect with your past.. what goes better .. what went wrong.
On November 13 2013 19:18 Maphack wrote: Hello. I am silver player and I'm horribly slow in terms of macro, and just playing don't seem to help much. Any exercises which will help me improve?
hi maphack, I am higher level but i have the same problems as you. What i have done is: Write my buildorders down on supply level untill the 10 min mark. Opened a custom game and praticed my builds vs very easy AI or none at all. Then i printed my buildorder out and made comments at certain timings... like 6:00 overlord scout main.
This improved my play a lot. Why => your practicing your macro. You are optimizing your buildorder When practicing you can compare and reflect with your past.. what goes better .. what went wrong.
Actually, I have no problem with earlygame building(and don't stick to any build order as well), the problem is lategame macro. I can easily have lair, +1/+1 and 100/100 at 15 minutes, which is horribly slow. Sometimes I don't expand when needed(and lose because of that), sometimes, like my last game, I don't produce army when need(lost because of attacking protoss 3rd too late, he held it and won), and lots of mistakes like this. Don't actually know what to do with this.
What is the general gas timing for Zerg, in every match up ? I know it is all depend on your build order but I just want a general plan/rule so I can adapt when thing go wrong and I mess up my bo( which is always happend to me since I am in lower league)
for example / in zvp take double gas at 6.00 add 3&4th when you saturate your 3rd, somethings like this in every mu