I mean, with Bio you can outplay them a lot. With mech, what do you do ?
I'm really unsure if you're genuinly interested in mech or just bashing his post with points that so many people have made in the past (which most, as the beta have gone on have shown untrue). Tanks do not suck in TvP, they only really suck against immortals and archons which you get tanks/hellbats to deal with, or even thors depending on what style you're going for. You're making such blanket statements when to me it seems you've never even tried to learn the style here or your own mech style. .
I felt the same way
I would just ignore a post that say:
"Dude you do everything wrong but I have nothing to support this statement!"
I mean, I have played several times against Mario and I think that if you invest a bit of time and get your scouting right this style can be beaten, but that goes for everything... What I can guarantee is that when you face this for the first time you will hate Terran a lot!
On March 24 2013 02:18 ThePianoDentist wrote: hi, if they go air, do you engage the thors special anti-air mode for any of the possible compositions you face?
On March 24 2013 04:47 Thyriaen wrote: Hi there, i just checked out the EU version of the game and i enjoyed it alot. But i think it would be nice to have a public-friendly darft mode ( where everyone can pick their own units - in a draft manner ). Because darfting with a captain isnt always the best option when you are playing with random ppl. Darft mode is still a very nice addition the the monobattles and shoud be further supported.
Thats why i recommend adding a draft mode ( or editing one of them ) in the following manner ( equally to random draft in dota2 ): The order of picks is preset bind to players - players are picking one by one in a draft manner.
Thanks for this cool mod and i hope you are continuing to support ur mod
hey mario. im ur big fan since beta.. u did awsome opening and ur understanding against 3 races are fantastic . please keep it on to teach us terren strategy . and i hope that u could not only teach us tvp. but tvz and tvt with mech play.. i love mech play and i knew that u r the man that do it since beta. and i do kept all ur rep that shared and hopefully u can keep on sharing ur rep to all of us that love mech .. . Tbh, i cant wait to see your TvZ guide ...Mario, U r Awsome man.~!!
do you have a replay pack somewhere as im really struggling with how to engage a maxed protoss 3/3/3 carriers with high templar. even with pdds before the fight my stuff just seems to melt.
also when your opponent does a proxy stargate 3 gate-allin how do you handle it with your opener and also how do you transition, it would be nice to see a replay of that, as i can hold it with your opener but then im stuck in my main for ages and i also find it hard to transition to mech after making so many marines, should I try and use more widow mines for defence rather than relying on marines?
That's a link to his thread with some great mech replays, and I'm sure you don't need me to tell you how awesome they are.
But Mario, dude your brilliant. Keep up the good work! Been glued to your Youtube channel, and feel like I may be able to break into top masters soon because of it.
On March 25 2013 18:58 Snoodles wrote: Question: For thors vs void rays, is it better to use explosive payload or just the regular attacks?
In practice it should be high-impact payload for strictly thors versus void rays. However, it may be more useful to to have the thors on explosive if the void rays will be clumping up at all. Regardless, the void rays are going to destroy the thors.
On March 25 2013 18:58 Snoodles wrote: Question: For thors vs void rays, is it better to use explosive payload or just the regular attacks?
In practice it should be high-impact payload for strictly thors versus void rays. However, it may be more useful to to have the thors on explosive if the void rays will be clumping up at all. Regardless, the void rays are going to destroy the thors.
The key fighting Voidrays is:
You need to kill them as fast as possible. Nothing else really matters, because the longer Voidrays stay alive, the less is your chance winning the battle.
So, how do we get rid of them as fast as possible?
The answer is splash + finisher. For splash, you need explosive playload of Thors, Mines, or Ravens. Possibly combination of those options.
As finisher, use Vikings and/or high impact payload of Thors.
Thors alone will not cut it unless you have really large number of them. The best way is getting Raven/Viking fleet as a support to your ground army.
Just wanted to thank you for this thread and your replay pack I m going to try your style tonight as soon as im home (work -_-). I ve always been a bit bored of bio and this has sealed the deal: tonight im going Mech <3
A quick question: When and how many medivacs will you make to heal your hellbats (apart from the 1st one for harass if you go down that route)?
Ill probably have loads more after trying and loosing and watching your replays etc.
Hey, thanks for the guide and the replay pack in the other thread. Really fun style.
I'm just wondering what you are thinking about micro wise in your big engages with tank/hellbat/widow mine? In the replay pack, I saw you had your whole army on just one hotkey, and from what I saw, it looks like you siege up first, then attack with hellbats as you tab through to widow mines and try to bury them right against the front of the enemies army? Is that right, is there anything else you are trying to do when you are in large fights?
Seems like as long as your hellbats are in the enemies range, the widow mines won't get attacked unless they are targeted, so you can really get in close to burrow.
Are you doing anything specific versus specific ground units? Like trying to get close to immortals or archons, or are widow mines too random to really get any control out of?
On March 26 2013 01:43 frankfasthands wrote: Hey, thanks for the guide and the replay pack in the other thread. Really fun style.
I'm just wondering what you are thinking about micro wise in your big engages with tank/hellbat/widow mine? In the replay pack, I saw you had your whole army on just one hotkey, and from what I saw, it looks like you siege up first, then attack with hellbats as you tab through to widow mines and try to bury them right against the front of the enemies army? Is that right, is there anything else you are trying to do when you are in large fights?
Seems like as long as your hellbats are in the enemies range, the widow mines won't get attacked unless they are targeted, so you can really get in close to burrow.
Are you doing anything specific versus specific ground units? Like trying to get close to immortals or archons, or are widow mines too random to really get any control out of?
On March 26 2013 04:11 Douillos wrote: Well, im getting owned hard by mass immortals... Ghosts are they way to go i guess?
When I go for mech in TvP I always try and keep 2 ghosts with my army to EMP the immortals, once the immortal's shields are down they melt away a lot faster.
Really nice, I played some games after watching some of your vods. I won most of my games, only one game was less than 30 minutes, (all TvP) where it was close spawns and I decided to do a 1/1 upgrade all in.
I dont mind bio, maybe im bad but, I dont feel good when the game lasts past 25 minutes in a TvP whilst im bio. So gratz and thank you. HotS kicking ass.