![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/UytpyJ1.png)
Swarm Host - powerfull siege unit, that becomes available at same time as Infestor, costs 200 minerals and 100 gas, takes up 3 supply and have exactly same amount of HP and armor as Siege Tank: 160 HP and 1 starting armor. They are classified as "Biological - Armored", Locusts are "Biological - Light".
Their DPS is 12x2 damage per 0.8 seconds, which gives 30 DPS from two Locusts. To deal damage Locusts must reach enemy so they can shoot at 3 range. On creep they can move 40% faster, which means their speed grows from 1.88 to 2.65. Well, in many cases main point of Locusts is not about dealing damage. It's more about fearing enemy and holding some territory and tank damage for other Zerg units. I want to discuss them more intensively, how to better kill them, how to better use them, what mistakes should be avoided and how. Here you will see some tips how to use Swarm Hosts, some facts about their control and great games with Swarm Host (SH) usage, epic moments with some Zerg unit compositions, including SH.
Reminder. I can't guarantee that some of these tips/strategies may be effective or work well. It's all about experimenting with it and trying to vary your gameplay. This is just basic and fundamental guide about Swarm Hosts, that I want to bring to you and discuss about these great Swarmy units with you.
- Always check when SH have glowing eggs on their backs. It means that they can create tons of Locust at any second from player's order or just with autocast. It's especially important when Locusts have lifetime upgrade. If it was researched, there will be no 10-second window between death of Locusts and spawn of new ones.
- Swarm Host eggs will start glow 2 seconds before Locusts will be created. Then 1-2 more seconds those Eggs will "jump" from backs of SHs to ground, so in result you have 3-4 ingame seconds to react quickly and retreat with your forces, if Locusts were spawned near you forces.
- Swarm Hosts are not Siege Tanks of the Swarm. Races are different. Same rule may be accepted to each unit, including Swarm Hosts. They need different way of unit controlling, which is absolutely not similar to Siege Tank control.
As I said, Swarm Hosts require different style of unit controlling. You can't leave them in place and rely on their Locusts. - Swarm Hosts will support you only if you will support them. No matter how many Swarm Hosts you have, it's very easy to kill them: bring air, blink into defenceless SHs, drop something or just outdamage Locusts and kill Swarm Hosts. With only Swarm Hosts you can not win, never. Here is a good demostration of this.
- Sometimes you can try to release Locusts less often and just walk more with Swarm Hosts themselfs. Why? Because speed of Swarm Hosts is always slighty higher than speed of Locusts, off creep and on creep. Lets compare:
- Swarm Host speed off creep - 2.25, Locust speed off creep - 1.88
- Swarm Host speed on creep - 2.95, Locust speed on creep - 2.65 - So to slighty increase your mobility, you can "transport" Locusts in your Swarm Hosts rather than sending them to enemy from big distances and then walk with Swarm Hosts nearby.
- There may be situations when Locusts can deal ZERO damage to enemy. For example enemy got many AOE-weaponry, like Colossies, Siege Tanks, Widow Mines or just always healable Marines & Marauders. As I said above, SHs will support you only if you will support them. Add Zerglings & Banelings and you can break any Siege line: Zerglings tanking damage, Locusts getting some time to reach enemy tanks and deal some damage, or vice-versa - Locusts tanking damage and Zerglings on enormous speed will be able to reach enemy tanks.
Locust's weapon range is 3. If you will control your army a bit, you can fight with enemy with melee units and Locusts, staying at back side. Or with Hydralisks/Roaches, leaving Locusts at the front side. Try to use Burrow or Hold mode to optimize Locust and army movement. More about it you can read below in this article.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/iVSP0ne.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/OEjU0uj.png)
When relocating Swarm Hosts, sometimes you will have some Swarm Hosts, that are walking with Locusts to enemy. To avoid this, try to use Hold mode command on your Swarm Hosts. So when SHs are on Hold mode, Locusts will just surround them, without "grabbing" some Swarm Hosts into death march.
Sometimes due to attack priority Locusts will attack wrong targets. For example on enemy base, after first shot from Stalker or Siege Tank, located on other side of building or base, Locusts will try to attack in response, and because they have low range, they will need to walk around buildings to reach their target, meaning that they will waste their time.
When fighting with enemy on his base, you may notice that Locusts are attacking wrong targets. You want them to destroy everything on their path like a true Swarm, but instead they begin walk through the maze of enemy base, to reach single Siege Tank which has started to attack Locusts from other side of base. If you want Locusts to attack all enemy targets on their path, give them order to Hold mode and they will attack all targets nearby instead of trying to reach enemy Tanks and wasting their lifetime.
It may help for you when enemy is retreating with Workers using "Mineral Walk" move (so workers can retreat through your Locusts without stucking at them). Of course Locusts will not attack workers, because somewhere nearby always will be single Stalker, Siege Tank or just static defence, which will make Locusts forget about workers (due to attack priority) and start attack (or just try) that single Stalker/Tank/defence. Use Hold mode on Locusts here and they will stay at place and fire at all retreating Workers.
You can manually target specific building, but after it's destroyed, Locusts will react again to attackers, thats why Hold-mode may save some of your clicks.
When you are combining Swarm Hosts with other units, for example Hydralisks & Roaches, in some cases you'll need to retreat with core army back to Swarm Hosts and attack enemy with new Locusts, that must be at front side due to their short range. Try to use Hold mode command so Locusts will surround your army and walk around it, or Burrow command so Locusts will walk quicker to their rally point without movement conflicts with your other units.
You should try to avoid situation when Locusts are spawned at different intervals, so they come to enemy in fewer numbers and die more quickly. Here are some ways to sync Locust spawn from different Swarm Hosts (already burrowed and newly created ones).
- Turn off auto-spawn and wait untill all Swarm Hosts will be ready to spawn locusts.
Tip. You can toggle autocast via hotkeys too, not only by right-clicking on icon. Hold ALT and press hotkey of ability that you want to toggle. For example Locust spawn ability is on Z, then press ALT+Z and you will turn off auto-cast for Locust spawn. Press again to turn on auto-cast again. - Burrow newly arrived Swarm Hosts 2-3 seconds before already burrowed ones will spawn Locusts. You can understand when to burrow newly arrived SHs by looking at glowing eggs on already burrowed Swarm Hosts.
- Easiest way to sync Locust spawn from all Swarm Host is just unburrow all of them, wait untill every SH will be ready to spawn Locusts and then burrow all them.
- Because Terran can slowly move half of his Siege Tanks under defence of other deployed tanks, Terrans can slowly come closer to Swarm Hosts. Try to make 2 waves of Locusts spawn or make a constant Locust spawn without big time rooms for Terran, allowing him to relocate his Siege Tanks. It can make every Locust wave weaker, but at same time Terran have more risk to lose undeployed Siege Tanks.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/IL9c02A.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/WV2FQS0.png)
Sometimes some of your Swarm Hosts will want to be a Locust, walking with their minions and trying to do something. But on serious note, it can be a problem for you, because you can lose that single Swarm Host. Solution is simply - just use Set Rally Point more often. Also if you don't have Grid hotkey scheme, highly recommend you to rebind "Set Rally Point" hotkey to something which is easier and more comfort to reach for your fingers.
This trick does not works with Swarm Hosts, that are morphing at the moment. It's because morphing Swarm Hosts and burrowed Swarm Hosts have same rally-point command, even with different hotkeys those two commands (Rally point for Locusts and Rally point for Swarm Hosts) are still considered as one command.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ClUfZUd.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/MvCOitN.png)
Do you want one of Creeper's features from campaign? The one to spread creep when burrowed. Well, you already have it in multiplayer. Just research speed upgrade for Overlords, turn them to spread creep and make them follow your Swarm Hosts. That very simple trick allows your Locusts leave Swarm Hosts 40% faster. Also if you got one Queen which is walking across the battlefield, you will be able to place some creep tumors immediately.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3HisB6r.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/wX6O43y.png)
On G-Star Invitational one of the most famous korean players - Leenock did a nice demonstration of SH strengh in combination with some other Zerg units. Highly recommend you to view these videos below. These games are very old, but you still can try and experiment with these gameplay styles.
Similar to Broodlord & Infestor combination, Swarm Host & Infestor may be a strong unit combination too with some good and bad sides against Broodlord/Infestor. SH/Infestor combination is immune to Vikings, but weaker vs Siege Tanks. Plus it is available a lot earlier - both units can be built after Infestation Pit is built.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1FeGP9h.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/t6zV5eU.png)
ZERG vs PROTOSS. Swarm Host and Infestors can be more strong if you add Queens. They can support your Infestors with creep, shutdown Fungal'ed Observers and heal Infestors, if someone of them is very close to death. But the main power of that combo is stun effect of Fungal Growth. Enemies can't kite your Locusts or leave them, also Blink Stalkers can't blink away or blink closer, if your reaction will be good.
ZERG vs TERRAN. Swarmfestors is a similar combo to Broodfestor one. It's weaker against Siege Tanks, but immune to Vikings. Fungal stuns enemies, so Locusts can reach them, Fungal also can prevent Siege Tanks from deploying.
ZERG vs ZERG. In some past ZvZ games you may notice less Mutalisk-wars due to Spore Crawler buff against biological air units. This risky build with Nydus, Queens, Infestors and Swarm Hosts can counter enemy Zerg with Zerglings/Banelings/Mutalisks. Infestors can fungal Mutalisks, Queen can heal eachother and kill Mutalisks, and Locusts cover Queens/Infestors against Zerglings. Demonstration of that risky build you can see in this video
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/K5S0Ak6.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/bU2G0RR.png)
Try to use Nydus and Overlord drops with Swarm Hosts. It requires some good control and sometimes good multitask, but in my humble opinion, Locusts attacking your base in different places can be very nervous and strong, if not react quickly. It can be similar to sending some Dark Templars to each of enemy base, and if enemy don't have detectors on one of these bases, he can lose a lot workers against DTs. TLO did epic SH-drop against Strelok (Mech Terran in that game). It may be similar to Broodlords just because you can release Locusts at one ground level, then grab Swarm Hosts and drop them somewhere at other place and release Locusts again. As you'll see it feels faster than Nyduses at different locations. TLO vs Strelok
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/RUWTjHI.png)
In some ZvP games Zergs love to create Nydus-outpost near enemy base. Nydus allows you to quickly transport Swarm Hosts from base to hot-spot, Queens supporting with heal, provide anti-air (7 range which is bigger than Hydralisk attack range, costs only minerals) and creep, Spores giving additional anti-air defence (400HP, fast reburrow, cheap, 7 anti-air range), and Swarm Hosts sending more and more Locusts into enemy base. Akilon Wastes is a good example of how Zerg can pressure with Locusts one of 3 enemy bases.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Dony95o.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/RUWTjHI.png)
2 Base Swarm Host contain (vs. Protoss)
This strategy aims to quickly build up a force of Swarm Hosts and set up a contain on the Protoss opponent before they can get a suitable counter. The Swarm Hosts are supported by a variety of units to protect them and push into the Protoss base. The goal is to contain the Protoss opponent which lets the Zerg player expand freely, as well as possibly deny the Protoss a 3rd base and/or end the game.
- 13 Spawning Pool
- 15 Hatchery
- @ 100% Hatchery, Queen (1)
- @ 100% Queen (1), Queen (2)
- @ 22 Extractor (1)
- @ 100
, Lair
- @ 100
, Metabolic Boost
- @ 100% Lair, Infestation Pit
- @ 100% Infestation Pit, Enduring Locusts upgrade
- Queen (3) (4), Nydus Worm
- Queen (5) (6)
This build has a specific execution. The Nydus Worm exit should be placed such that it blocks the closest 3rd base of the Protoss. This is so that you deny a 3rd base as well as setting up a contain.
You should queue the following into the Nydus Worm:
- 4 Queens
- at least 4 Drones
- all of your Swarm Hosts
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/RUWTjHI.png)
Highly recommend you to view another great game with TLO vs WhiteRA. Zerg is dead here, but still this game may be a very good presentation how powerful may be Swarm Hosts and Nyduses.
- Try to make drops while Swarm Hosts pressuring enemy base with Locusts. Probably enemy will react to Locusts, rather than to your drop, because Locusts can constantly damage him, while drop may be one-timed. Video
- In this game Zerg did good drop with Overlords and at same time attacked enemy base with some Swarm Hosts.
- Here Zerg with mass Nyduses, Queens and Swarm Hosts destroys three (!) enemy bases in some minutes! This game may be a very good demonstration of how Zergs are better at basetrading than other races.
- This match demonstrates why you should never leave your Swarm Hosts alone and support them. If Zerg added some Banelings or other AOE stuff, he would be able to hold mass-Marines and Hellbats.
- Swarm Host Ovie-Drops sometimes may be a very strong and dangerous. In this thread Chrono shows how it can distract enemy. Drop SH, release Locusts, enemy coming here to fight with drop, but SH were evacuated with Overlords. Do it at difference places while attacking at the front side. Believe me, it may be very stressfull and irritating.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/kAj49p4.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/gkdMGj7.png)
As alternative to Swarm Host & Infestor combination, Ling-Bane-Host combination can be good too. It has some weakness and strengh too.
It's better against drops and heavy-bio play, because Zerglings are fast. And it can allow to better defend Swarm Hosts in some situations. It can be stronger against Siege Tank lines, because Zerglings, Baneling and Locusts - all of them can be a good meatshield to their "swarm brothers". You can tank with Locusts and then run with Zergling-Baneling, or vice-versa. So it's just alternative to SH-Infestor playstyle, that has it own advatanges and weak sides, like no Fungals or anti-air, but better meatshield for Locusts or faster ground army.
Maybe you will find this unit composition easier for you or harder than Infestors, but you can try to experiment with it. Here is a good video with defensive power demonstration of Zergs, using Swarm Hosts and Zergling/Banelings.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Di7N3NS.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XiwYbP6.png)
Lets compare Swarm Hosts and Siege Tanks. I did some experiments with different placement of Swarm Hosts and Siege Tanks.
First test. Group of 12 Swarm Hosts spawning Locusts with rally point at 12 clumped Siege Tanks. Siege Tanks are able to kill all locusts without any damage from Locusts.
Second test. Spread Siege Mushrooms around Siege Tanks, so Locusts will spawn more spreaded and splitted. It gives better result, because Locusts taking less splash damage and this time they can reach Siege Tanks and do some damage and sometimes kill one of Tanks.
Third test. This time Siege Tanks are spreaded too. It gives better result for Swarm Hosts, but not that better for Siege Tanks. Many of Siege Tanks starting fire at Locusts a bit later, meaning that Locusts can reach Siege Tanks with less damage taken.
Well, in most cases, Swarm Hosts can not do any damage to Siege Tanks, especially when it's not a flat landscape. Well, Vipers can bring back domination over Siege Tanks - blind some of them or abduct, so Locusts can reach them and kill more effectively.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/6NhcJMA.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7mxSZAC.png)
Widow Mines are very good against Locusts, especially if they're placed in Siege Tank radius. Two shots from Mines can kill big group of Locusts. The problem for Terran side can occur, if Locusts are splitted or Zerg player splitted them, so only 2-3 locusts will take damage and then all other Locusts will go to Terran. Against that Terran can try to place Widow Mines inside a range of deployed Siege Tank, so those 2-3 Locusts will not be able to drain Widow Mine charges at all.
Well, if Zerg brings Overseer, Locusts can damage or kill some Widow Mines at front side. Also if Zerg will split Swarm Hosts (Around tanks or split into 2-3 groups) so Locusts will not move in a small ball, and only then Widow Mines can become less effective.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ZY74i9K.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/L9KYfMT.png)
Try to start with Mutalisks, do some harass and then switch to Swarm Hosts. Why it can be effective? It can force enemy into some scenarios, that can be effective for you:
- First, enemy will know that you started make Mutalisks, and he will waste a lot minerals on placing anti-air turrets on every base. But you will not play Mutalisks heavily, just 5-10 of them.
- Second, it can force Protoss opponent to make Stargate and Phoenixes, when you're switching into heavy ground forces, like Queens-SH, or Hydra-SH.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/NRtWkEn.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ilVRNR9.png)
Corruptors + Overseers + Swarm Hosts - one of the most dangerous unit combinations for Protoss. Corruptors can clear all air units, except Void Rays, or Colossies with Observers, when Locusts can support them on ground against Stalkers. Add Abducts, and Protoss will have a lot more problems. Pull enemy Colossies closer to you, and oneshot them with your Locusts and Corruptors. Also you should know, that Locusts can attack enemy units during Abduct process!
With speed-upgraded Zerglings, Hydralisks and Roaches it's possible to raid Protoss bases while Swarm Hosts pressuring somewhere too. You also can try to make a trap for Protoss deathball. Try to attack with half of your army and surround it with Locusts from other side. Good demonstration of these maneuvers you can see here. Another nice game features nice synergy between Hydralisks, Corruptors and Swarm hosts.
In this match Broodlords and Swarm Hosts become a very swarmy and strong deathball at Zerg side. One of the reasons is that from Infestation Pit to Greater Spire you need to one step - upgrade to Hive and get access to many powerfull features like Vipers and Broodlords.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/pWBzYoD.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/4uQpGhh.png)
Queens, Vipers and Swarm Hosts - this deadly unit combination can be a nightmare for Protoss. You don't spend gas on Hydralisks, spending it on more Swarm Hosts and Vipers.
Queens can heal Vipers, other Queens and Swarm Hosts, and tank some damage when attacking enemy air or ground units. Queens alse provide you mass-creep around, speeding up Locusts by 40% (up to 2.65 speed on creep) and allowing to relocate Swarm Hosts quicker at 2.95 speed. Queens also have 1 more range against air, than Hydralisks, meaning that they can snipe Observers from ground a bit more effective than Hydralisks.
Vipers can Abduct enemy air into Queens, they can also Abduct enemy Observer. Vipers can also cast Blinding cloud on Stalkers, who blinked into your Swarm Host field, forcing them to blink away or walk around, giving you some more seconds untill another wave of Locusts will spawn. Abducting colossies can be effective too. And why it's better than Hydralisk-Vipers? First, as I said, you don't waste gas on Hydralisks, meaning that you will have more Vipers. Second, Locusts are slow, and Abducting enemy units closer to Locusts and flying away at 2.95 speed, so this unit composition can be good too like Hydra-Vipers.
Mass-Queens also can "energy transfuse" Vipers via healing Evolution Chambers. For 50 energy Queen can heal 125 health, same amount of energy can be recovered by Viper for 200 health of building. More about Vipers, what to Consume first and what you can do with Vipers, you can find in separate Viper thread.
In this video Zerg blinds entire Protoss deathball, forcing it to move... closer to Locusts! he can't retreat, because there is Hydroach from one side and mass-Locusts from other side. It was a nice trap.
Another video shows a game against Teran where you can see some usage of Queens, Vipers and Hydralisks, but mostly Swarm Hosts and Vipers were in action. The main idea is going around Abducts, relocating Swarm Hosts, and good anti-air support with mass-creep and healing only for minerals.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XfYnrct.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/phlJ4Au.png)
In lategame with good income and better eco you can add Hydralisks to your Swarm Hosts. Rekatan, top-master league Zerg player, trying to show us in some of his streams, how Swarm Hosts are good and why they don't suck.
In this video Rekatan forced Protoss deathball to attack his defenceless Swarm Hosts, at same time he started attacking that deathball with Queen-Hydroaches from other side, and then at 17th minute we can see similar move again. Protoss deathball went to follow and attack weak Hydroach, when there were Locsts from other side. Protoss needed to retreat again.
You can see, how Swarm Hosts can be good. One time they're supporting a "defenceless" army, other time they're attacking enemy base, and another time they're again forcing Protoss to react.
In this game below you can see another nice game from TLO vs WhiteRA, where Queens, Hydralisks and Swarm Hosts with some Vipers are fighting against Protoss air fleet.
Another good strategy against Protoss goes around Swarm Hosts and Spore Crawlers, no Hydralisks, no Corruptors, no other gas-expensive tech, only Siege Mushrooms and Spores around with creep. Spore Crawlers have big AA-range - 7 (both Hydralisks & Corruptors has 6 weapon range), they are cheap and have 400 HP, plus they are very mobile because of fast rooting time.
Also Spore Crawlers have one of highest DPS of all Zerg anti-air weapons.
- Corruptor DPS - 7.4 (10.6 vs Massive)
- Queen AA-DPS - 9
- Hydralisk DPS - 14.5
- Spore Crawler DPS - 17.4
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/RUWTjHI.png)
Use Spore Crawlers to make Swarm Hosts much harder to detect and thus increase their survivability drastically, making them almost unkillable. Go with only two bases instead of three to hit when Protoss only has units that cannot deal with Locusts well.
The Build
- Pool First
- Hatchery at natural
- 2 Queens total
- ~3:45-4:00 1 gas @ 3:45-4:00, 2 workers
- 1st 100 gas: Lair
- ~5:45 take all gases, full saturation
- next 100 gas: Overlord Speed
- Ling Speed (can be skipped)
- saturate 2 bases, at least 20 drones at the natural
- Infestation Pit when Lair finishes
- Locust Upgrade
- Swarm Hosts
Source and idea author - velvex
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/EtoJgEA.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/2Zlo1h1.png)
You think, Tempest & Colossus deathball is unstopable without Corruptors? You may be wrong. In this video at 2:19:00 Rekatan killed Protoss player with Colossies and Tempests, using Hydralisks, Swarm Hosts and Vipers. He also survived some Warp Prizm drops. Abduct can help very well, even against mass Tempests, that can snipe every Viper every 3.3 seconds.
Many Zergs are struggling with ultra late game ZvP. Protoss armies seem unstoppable with Voidrays, Archons, Tempests, Storm, Colossi and more. However, in ROOTCatZ's own words, late game ZvP greatly favors Zerg so long as the Zerg poises himself properly. Day[9] tries to answer three questions below:
- What tech paths to choose in midgame so that you're properly set up for late game?
- How to defend against a variety of standard attacks with those tech paths?
- How to crush the Protoss late game with viper swarm host?
Another good guide about ZvP in lategame from blade555555 you can find here. This guide will be going over how to engage the late game and what composition Zerg players should be going for. At the end of the guide, he will be putting up a few replays from the Korean server that go in late game showcasing how to engage. Replays
Lets take a look at EGStephano's slow, passive, mudlike, deeply anti-zerg, yet extremely strong ZvP style. Day[9] brings our attention to following questions:
- Why the swarm host, viper, corrupter composition is so strong?
- How to get to that fantastic late game without dying?
- How to embarrass the Zerg race by playing like a passive butthead?
+ Show Spoiler [PART 1] +
+ Show Spoiler [PART 2] +
+ Show Spoiler [PART 3] +
Similar turtle style you can see from Stephano in this game, but Protoss switched later to many Archons with Storms and many Prizm-drops, and Zerg haven't switched his strategy too. That resulted in GG for Zerg, just because no adaptation to enemy switches.
In old ZvZ (HOTS Beta) Stephano vs Mathies we can see, how mass-Spines, Vipers, Infestors and Swarm Hosts may be an unkillable bunker for blue Zerg (Mathies). Vipers can abduct Broodlords to Spores, Infested Terrans or Corruptors, Fungal Growth can stun Corruptors and Hydralisks for Infested Terrans and Locusts. What if blue Zerg did something like drops at back side of Stephano bases?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/2rbAal3.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XPE95GG.png)
+ Show Spoiler [PART 2] +
+ Show Spoiler [PART 3] +
Similar turtle style you can see from Stephano in this game, but Protoss switched later to many Archons with Storms and many Prizm-drops, and Zerg haven't switched his strategy too. That resulted in GG for Zerg, just because no adaptation to enemy switches.
In old ZvZ (HOTS Beta) Stephano vs Mathies we can see, how mass-Spines, Vipers, Infestors and Swarm Hosts may be an unkillable bunker for blue Zerg (Mathies). Vipers can abduct Broodlords to Spores, Infested Terrans or Corruptors, Fungal Growth can stun Corruptors and Hydralisks for Infested Terrans and Locusts. What if blue Zerg did something like drops at back side of Stephano bases?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/2rbAal3.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XPE95GG.png)
Hydralisks, Roaches & Swarm Hosts can make a new trend in ZvZ. As we can see in this match Stephano vs Goswser, Swarm Hosts may be better than Infestors. They are cheaper at vespene, and you don't need a lot of them (SH), just to support your Hydralisks & Roaches and pressure enemy bases. This unit combination also may be strong against Zergs who went Mutalisks. Spores were buffed, Hydralisks can run faster off-creep, and Mutalisks can't do much to Swarm Hosts due to Hydralisks nearby.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/R10irO9.png)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/uxDxXub.png)
Extremely highly recommend you to watch Rekatan's stream and past broadcasts.
He tries to use Swarm Hosts and experiment with them all the time he streams.
Here is also YouTube channel
Check the latest recorded broadcasts from Stephano. He's one of the best at Swarm Host controlling right now
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/fts2r0H.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Di4vnpl.png)
Here are nice or just good replays with good demonstration of Swarm Host usage in different matchups. Also I will add some basic tips, based at every replay.
Blade (Grandmaster League) trying to use Swarm Hosts in different matchups, also here are some tips around his replays:
- You should be active, don't stay at one place for a long time.
- Don't leave them in one spot unless you know you can safely. If you see him moving up throw down a wave of Locusts and run back with Swarn Hosts.
- Don't use only Swarm Hosts. Get a good support for them so they will support you too. Add Zerglings and Corruptors against Stalkers and Colossies. Use Vipers to fight better against Terran mech.
- Try to make transitions with Swarm Hosts. With using Infestation Pit you're one step away from Hive technologies which are Vipers, Ultralisks and Brood Lords.
- Use mass Changeling drops to block enemy movement temporary. Sometimes it can help your Locusts.
You can download Blade's replays with Swarm Host usage in this thread
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/RUWTjHI.png)
Some more videos with nice Swarm Host demonstration and general tips on these videos you can find below:
Hydra Host versus Terran
- Probably one of highest DPS which Zerg can reach - Hydralisks and Locusts. They have lower health amount, but on other side - half of army is renewable again and again, so this meatshield with Locusts can cover Hydralisks greatly.
- Hydralisks can snipe Vikings (vs Vipers) and Medivacs (which healing bio)
- Some hydralisks at base can snipe Medivacs and drops very quickly with spores. Plus Hydras are enoughly fast to follow Medivac-drops and enoughly DPSy to snipe them and dropped Marines
- Nydus Worm at each base fully compensates immobility of Swarm Hosts. With nyduses you can fight with drops even with swarm hosts or other slow units except zerglings
- Always relocate them, get more queens as healers and anti-observer snipers. Queens have biggest anti-air weapon range of all zerg units (7 AA-range for Queens against 6 for Hydras and 6 for Corruptors).
- If you see danger, like Protoss killed your locusts too fast, or trying to catch you with Blink stalkers, then you can retreat via Nydus Worm and heal it with queens to make Worm live a bit longer untill you retreat with all your Swarm Hosts
- Fungals can stun any strong combination of units, including hydralisk-roach, which can do nothing against incoming locust waves. Fungals also allows you to hold enemy units untill you get new wave of Locusts.
- Spine Crawlers and Spores can heavily defend Swarm Hosts from speedling / speedroach / muta runbys
- spread Swarm Hosts so they can't be easily revealed with single fungal
- try to make small amount of mutas or corruptors to snipe overseers. SH+Corruptor is as strong, as in ZvP
- in long SH vs SH battles in ZvZ use Abduct on enemy Swarm Hosts. It will allow your Locusts to snipe enemy Swarm Hosts. Remember that Abduct unburrows enemy unit.
- Abduct enemy Infestors and Overseers into your Spines and Spores, so you will pay energy for killing important enemy units
- Try to use small amount of banes (4 and more) to open path for your Locusts to enemy Swarm Hosts, especially abducted ones.
Watch game from ~ 1:19:00
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/cP2zofL.png)
Post here in comments nice videos, VODs, stream broadcasts and replays with Swarm Hosts usage
and lets descuss how to use them or how to fight against them.
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/cP2zofL.png)
Post here in comments nice videos, VODs, stream broadcasts and replays with Swarm Hosts usage
and lets descuss how to use them or how to fight against them.
