I've looked at most, if not all, of the major mods that combine SC1 and SC2 units. For the most part they do so in a different way making them incompatible with each other.
I've had a quick look at Starbow and quite aside from all the duplicated abilities which don't inherit the original key (something Blizzard themselves still can't get right) there is the problem of units being transferred to a new command card but not being given a new ID. Shifting the Hydra Den now conflicts with the Spore Crawler for instance. Mass Recall moves yet more units around (the Queen to the larva card), again not changing the ID, causing different conflicts; SC2:BW shared a lot of the same setup if memory serves.
With SC2, the campaign maps, the campaign remake, Subjection, OneGoal, Starbow and countless custom maps all shuffling the same units around the short version is that it is too much work to maintain; and it would involve a separate hotkey file for each game (and in TheCore multiply that number by 24 per keyboard).
The short and blunt version is that map makers could make 90% of this work unnecessary (but then keeping in a blunt vein, Blizzard don't care about hotkeys so it's really hard to argue that anyone else should).
Sixtus, I'm working with the team that makes Starbow. Can you help them make 90% of the work unnecessary?
Sure, I'm actually part way through writing a guide on this topic. It will be good to have a guinea pig.
On January 15 2014 21:31 SixtusTheFifth wrote: I've looked at most, if not all, of the major mods that combine SC1 and SC2 units. For the most part they do so in a different way making them incompatible with each other.
I've had a quick look at Starbow and quite aside from all the duplicated abilities which don't inherit the original key (something Blizzard themselves still can't get right) there is the problem of units being transferred to a new command card but not being given a new ID. Shifting the Hydra Den now conflicts with the Spore Crawler for instance. Mass Recall moves yet more units around (the Queen to the larva card), again not changing the ID, causing different conflicts; SC2:BW shared a lot of the same setup if memory serves.
With SC2, the campaign maps, the campaign remake, Subjection, OneGoal, Starbow and countless custom maps all shuffling the same units around the short version is that it is too much work to maintain; and it would involve a separate hotkey file for each game (and in TheCore multiply that number by 24 per keyboard).
The short and blunt version is that map makers could make 90% of this work unnecessary (but then keeping in a blunt vein, Blizzard don't care about hotkeys so it's really hard to argue that anyone else should). Ah, thanks for the explanation. I played around a bit with SC2BW and it seems like you could make it work using the hotkey alternates for things that are different ie hatch tech hydra den: add an alternate. Not totally sure though.
Update on Starbow Compatibility:
Protoss and Terran Layouts are 99% complete. Unfortunately there are still a couple issues with Starbow that need to be fixed in order to complete these, so we'll be moving on to the Zerg and Random layouts.
This is TheCore 1.1
Not only will this update bring compatibility with Starbow, but also all the changes of 1.1 (Patch Notes Coming shortly). Before we officially release 1.1 there will be a 2 week long beta test so that you all can help us clean things up and add in your final suggestions before 1.1 gets locked in. I want to remind everyone that we have moved to a much slower and more deliberate update model. This means if you do not speak up now about your suggestions, the next chance you will get to do so will likely be September 2014.
So if you've made changes to TheCore 1.0 and you think they could be beneficial to everyone, please share them now so we can begin to discuss what will be included in patch 1.1.
I use PRM and a few changes I made are: - select idle workers to B - cancel to space bar
Maybe it's just my personal preferences but I find these are more efficient than default core
I use ZRL and love the functionality of the extra keys you get to the right.
I have (period) bound to Select All Army Units, and Spacebar to Go to most recent alert.
I love and use heavilly the creep spread method with Ctrl and Ctrl Shift to create 2 different lanes in which i spread 2 different lanes of creep each with 2-4 tumors, giving me 4 distinct routes of creep tumors, it gets the map all purply real fast and i hope it does not change.
TheCore 1.1 We're definitely looking at the creep spread with cameras. Switching between ctrl and ctrl shift is sub-optimal if we can avoid it. Utilizing period instead of having 2 cancel keys is up there on the list as well. spacebar is too slow to use for the stock version, there are much faster keys. idle worker may get a priority boost as well, esp for T and P. Looking at 7(6) right now.
New Project Working on text editing for improved graphics. Come and give your advice or lend a hand.
Guys, I'm brand new to this. Wanted to get back into playing SC2 regularly and I recalled having to stretch for quite a few things when I was trying to play previously. Yet more frustrating was the fact that the camera hotkeys were ridiculously far away from the standard home position on the left side: I never used them!
I'm trying out the spells and such in the hotkey trainer, but I can't really follow the logic about why certain spells were bound in certain areas: is there any particular grouping so that I can remember where they're bound more quickly?
It seems to me, after a first review, that the majority of the "I got this unit to use this ability" spells are bound to I (using PRM)...yet a large number of other spells are bound to ' or / seemingly arbitrarily...
Links to explanations or just "you're an idiot, go here" are appreciated.
It would take so long to explain everything. But I'm down to answer one question at a time.
#1 upgrades are usually the same key as making the unit, or the same key as activating the ability. So upgrade storm is the same key as cast storm
On January 25 2014 09:23 JaKaTaK wrote: It would take so long to explain everything. But I'm down to answer one question at a time.
#1 upgrades are usually the same key as making the unit, or the same key as activating the ability. So upgrade storm is the same key as cast storm
Welp, I'm down with trying to help out. I'll try to figure it out on my own and create a nice (basic) graphic to explain (for protoss). If that works out, we can try to replicate the process for the other ones.
just started today, it's hellish but I like the ideas behind it I think once i get used to it it will be great  thanks to JaKaTaK for all the great tutorial videos too! no mouse acceleration feels amazing
On January 26 2014 06:56 Quakecomm wrote:just started today, it's hellish but I like the ideas behind it I think once i get used to it it will be great  thanks to JaKaTaK for all the great tutorial videos too! no mouse acceleration feels amazing lol hi Quakecomm
I've been using TheCore since it came out, it's definitely worth it
Hi everyone I would like to pop in here quickly to let you all know of a new development:
Team Jmove
Team Jmove isn't just for users of TheCore (although most of us are), anyone is welcome to join. The only requirement is that you don't act like an asshole, or put more accurately:
The goal of team Jmove is to have as much fun as possible playing Sc2, without impeding on the fun of others.
You might be a serious player in search of people to train 1v1s with, or an arcade only player. Maybe you just like to play team games. Maybe you just want to have that sweet Jmove Tag and logo of TheCore in game. Whatever your style is you are welcome to hang out with us and have a good time.
For the time being there is a 100 member limit and we're accepting everyone interested in joining on a first come first served basis
To be invited you have to be online at the same time as an officer (unfortunately thats just the way it works). So go to TheJaKaChaT group (not the chat channel but the group) when you're online and we'll invite you. If this doesn't work out, just PM me and we can set up a time.
EU Server is officially up and running for Jmove, but we don't currently have any EU players, so if you want to get things started on EU, PM me and we can meet to set it up. I'll be on the lookout for officers to run things in EU if there is enough interest.
Also, if you want to email me my email address is thejakatak@gmail.com.
(P-R-M) I have the following problem: I have like a... french US querty keyboard or something. All the keys in the important spot, between the P-L-M line and the Backspace-Enter-Shift seem different from BOTH what they look like ingame on SC2 and the symbol shown on the core website. It makes it extremely confusing to understand what key does what.
This one is similar to my keyboard: + Show Spoiler +
I'd like to use the core, but even if I wanted to remap each key one by one, I can't guess wich key was intended to do what. I'm just in the ''it's hard'' phase harder than some: Any suggestions on how to adapt the core ?
Edit: I have found this video How to get your keyboard to be supported for The Core wich answers pretty well my concern. Il try providing that file.
DnCL, you have a 105-ISO keyboard, popular in Europe. The images for TheCore are of a 104-ANSI keyboard, used throughout the rest of the world. The only major difference is that your backslash/pipe key is by your left shift and that your enter is larger and you have an extra key by your enter.
None of these changes should affect TheCore in any way (at least they don't for my ZRM).
Some keys are definitly changed. I'm trying to track them down: For example, I've found that the (Warp in Structure) key was bound to (that button under Escape). I know it's supposed to be (on the left of Enter), but all keys around there already bound... So I have to remap this key too, and it goes on...
Edit: I'm willing to do provide the file he speaks about in the video. I have done the first step to get my profile with my different keys, but where can I get an example of that Keyboard.ini he has at 3:24 to get the format right ?